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  • There's no ocean spray harvested 100 billion cranberries in six weeks after a viral video retailers struggled to keep the cran raspberry juice on shelves, and ocean spray was heading into their busiest season.


  • Starting in mid september farmers prepare its 100 acres of dogs for the wet harvest.


  • When it's time to harvest, they add water to the bog, causing cranberries to float on the vine.


  • A cranberry harvesting machine knocks the berries off their vines.


  • Then farmers use a boom to corral the berries into a pump, which takes them into a truck for washing.


  • Finally, they go to the manufacturing plant, where they're turned into the products.


There's no ocean spray harvested 100 billion cranberries in six weeks after a viral video retailers struggled to keep the cran raspberry juice on shelves, and ocean spray was heading into their busiest season.


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