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  • Hi I'm John Green, this is Crash Course European History.

  • And today it's time to find out what else besides money was behind the competition between

  • Spain and England as they fought it out on the seas and across the globe after 1550.

  • That's right, today we get to talk about religion.

  • As you may know, the Internet is terrible at engaging in nuanced and thoughtful conversations

  • about religion.

  • But if you think like our contemporary religious discourse is bad, just wait until you get

  • a load of 16th century Europe.

  • INTRO Okay, so over the centuries the Catholic church

  • had developed a powerful structure under the papal monarchy.

  • Its courts, religious law, local priests, and a huge bureaucracy of religious officials

  • enforced its domination.

  • And Catholic ideas of the time backed up social and political inequality: for example, Church

  • teachings described monarchs and noble people as closer to God than ordinary people.

  • It also had ideas about how the universe worked and sought to repress those whose ideas were

  • different, as we'll discuss further when we turn our attention to the Scientific Revolution.

  • But in general, Catholic domination of so many aspects of life produced so much resistance

  • beginning in the early 16th century that European Christianity eventually split into two, and

  • then split into like 17,000 competing subgroups.

  • It all starts with Martin Luther—a bright young German man whose father wanted him to

  • become a lawyer, as so many fathers do.

  • So Martin Luther went to law school.

  • But his real concern, even after getting his law degree, was salvation, so he became a

  • devout monk.

  • Still though, he was agitated, worried about salvation generally and specifically about

  • Church teachings that faith and good works were needed to achieve salvation.

  • For Luther, doing good works seemed a bit like bribery; like wasn't full faith in

  • God the important thing?

  • This kind of thinking meant that Luther was on his way to heresythat is, beliefs that

  • went against the principles of the Catholic faith.

  • And the heresy of-for instance-denying the pope's authority could get you burned at

  • the stake, as John Hus was in 1415.

  • Now many of Luther's objections to Church teachings were highly theological, concerning

  • beliefs about, say, whether the word repent in the Bible can be said to refer to the sacrament

  • of penance.

  • But one of Luther's objections was not nearly that obscure, and was much more relevant to

  • ordinary people.

  • Let's go to the Thought Bubble.

  • Okay so in Catholic doctrine there was a state after death

  • called Purgatory, a kind of holding place for souls that are not pure enough to ascend

  • to heaven but not bad enough to go to hell.

  • Souls in purgatory can be purified by prayers from the living, and also purified by tortuous

  • afterlife punishment.

  • And in 1517, the pope issued a special indulgence to raise money to continue building the splendid

  • St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.

  • Purchasing one of these indulgences was said to release a soul from purgatory--so if you

  • had a deceased friend or family member whose sins might not have been totally cleansed

  • through their faith and good works, you could buy an indulgence and get them a

  • ticket to heaven.

  • Now this may sound to you like a naked attempt to use people's worry and grief as a cash

  • grab.

  • And Luther agreed.

  • Like, one monk who sold indulgences literally said, quoteDon't you hear the voices

  • of your dead parents and other relatives crying out,

  • 'Have mercy on us, for we suffer great punishment and pain.

  • From this, you could release us with a few alms.

  • Why do you treat us so cruelly and leave us to suffer in the flames, when it only takes

  • so little to save us?”

  • I'm not here to criticize any particular religion but that is a smidge manipulative

  • It wasn't only Luther who took offense to this practice.

  • Merchants and artisans also noted that it seemed a lot like blackmail.

  • Many citydwellers objected to their hard-earned money going to support the aristocratic children

  • of the wealthy who held high positions in the clergy and lived in luxury without ever

  • having to, you know, earn money.

  • Thanks, Thought Bubble.

  • So for Luther, salvation wasn't something you bought, either by good works or by purchasing

  • indulgences.

  • Instead he believed in salvation by faith alone and so one should seek to fortify one's

  • faith.

  • In 1517, Luther, then in his early thirties, composedNinety-Five Thesesexpressing

  • questions and differing opinions on these and many other theological issues, perhaps

  • posting them to the door of the chapel of Wittenberg.

  • But in whatever form, his ideas spread.

  • Soon, papal documents and books of canon law were being burned by students during protests

  • as earnest young Christian humanists vented their anger.

  • And Luther's initial questioning of the Church rapidly became rejection: “For we

  • claim the papacy not to be the holy Church,” Luther stated, “nor any part of it, and

  • we are unable to cooperate with it.”

  • This rejection of the Church as it operated in the early sixteenth century came to be

  • called the Reformation.

  • Luther began to take on the entire Church establishment.

  • In European Catholicism at the time, priests were the authority; THEY read the Bible and

  • then told you what it said.

  • But Luther argued that priests like all people were themselves sinners, and that the only

  • true authority was the Bible; it was, he argued, the word of God that provided the relationship

  • with God, not the word of priests.

  • He believed that the hierarchy of priests, and bishops, and cardinals, and the Pope was

  • inherently corrupt, and that such corrupt individuals could hardly serve as intermediaries

  • with the divine.

  • Sola scriptura, only the Bible or scripture, was his motto alongside the keys to salvation:

  • sola gratia and sola fide, only grace and only faith.

  • The idea of sola scriptura led to a wide-ranging revolution, especially by boosting reading

  • and individual study.

  • Because suddenly, it was important not just for scholars to learn to read, but for everyone,

  • because the written word of God was the way to God.

  • Now at first, authorities didn't see cause for alarm, although early in 1521 the Pope

  • did excommunicate Luther.

  • Several months later, Luther was summoned before representatives of the Holy Roman Empire

  • at the Diet of Worms, which is overwhelmingly the easiest history term to remember because

  • they literally called it the diet of worms.

  • Leading the assembly in the town of Worms, Germany was Holy Roman Emperor Charles V.

  • Oh!

  • Did the globe open?

  • Weird.

  • I don't get it?

  • I don't get it, it's just a can of mixed nuts what does this have to do with the diet

  • of worms?

  • Oh!

  • Stan.

  • Gah.

  • Very frightening.

  • I have a diet...of worms.

  • That's good stuff, Stan.

  • Right but back to Charles V.

  • At the time, Charles was nineteen and ruler of Spain, the Low Countries and Duchy of Burgundy.

  • Also, the entire Habsburg Empire, Italy, and all the Spanish possessions in the Western

  • Hemisphere and Southeast Asia, which--if you've ever met or been a 19-year-old, you'll know

  • is a lot of responsibility for someone who can't legally drink wine in America.

  • Although on the otherhand he does look like he is 50 in this stained glass window of the

  • Diet of Worms.

  • Charles' rulership of the Holy Roman Empire was gained- through the votes of electors,

  • who had selected him from other royal or noble contenders.

  • Among them was the elector of Saxony, Frederick the Wise, whom Charles had bribed for his

  • vote.

  • Frederick was religious, but not a fan of the papacy.

  • And many aristocrats saw Charles as threatening world domination because, you know, he was

  • dominating a lot of the world.

  • So when called to account by such a massively powerful ruler, everyone expected that an

  • insignificant monk like Martin Luther would completely fold and admit his errors.

  • But he did not: “I can do no otherhe supposedly said of maintaining his new beliefs.

  • The Holy Roman Emperor declared him an outlaw to be captured.

  • But German princes took his side, and Frederick the Wise hid and protected Luther.

  • Why?

  • Well that remains one of the unanswered questions of history--maybe it was because Frederick

  • was concerned about papal abuses, maybe because Frederick felt Luther couldn't get a fair

  • trial, and maybe because he felt that Luther and the reform movements he was leading would

  • limit Charles's power.

  • Regardless, after Frederick's death, his brother and successor continued to protect

  • Luther and his followers, helping in 1530 to organize the Schmalkaldic League of Protestant

  • Princes to protect the Lutherans, which, I mean, as names go is no Diet of Worms.

  • On the other hand, if Marvel is looking for a new superhero franchise how bout the Schmalkaldic

  • League of Protestant Princes?

  • Early in the 1520s, Luther wrote tracts outlining his beliefs in greater detail.

  • He also translated the New Testament of the Bible into German--that is, the local language

  • or vernacular instead of elite Latin.

  • And thanks to the printing press, two hundred thousand copies were printed in the 1520s

  • and early 1530s and many more of his other writings went into print.

  • The Reformation went from being local to being German to being a European-wide movement in

  • large part thanks to the printing press.

  • Meanwhile, many German princes took up theLutheranchallenge to the Holy Roman

  • Emperor.

  • If Charles was against reform, many princes would be for it as a way of restraining the

  • Holy Roman Emperor's power.

  • Luther summoned them to defend German values against the corruption found in Rome.

  • And because of that, Luther is sometimes called the source or father of German nationalism.

  • And then, in 1525, peasants and other village folk across southern Germany began protesting--eventually

  • including an estimated 100,000 rioters who sacked castles as well as religious centers.

  • The princes and nobility crushed them--they could get behind religious reform, but not

  • mass soci al change.

  • And Luther agreed, slamming the rioters in Against the Rioting Peasants, soon reprinted

  • with the new sensationalist title-- Against the Murderous, Thieving Hordes of Peasants.

  • So, you know, Luther favored some reform, but not, like, equal rights for peasants reform.

  • All the while, the reform movement spreadand as it did, it developed offspring.

  • Already in 1519, Ulrich Zwingli, a Swiss priest, began preaching reform in Zurich.

  • He supported Luther's main criticisms of the papacy, but he disagreed on the Eucharist,

  • or communion, a ritual in which worshipers eat bread and drink wine.

  • Or don't.

  • Depending on your perspective.

  • Catholic doctrine held that through the miracle of transubstantiation, the bread and wine

  • literally became the body and blood of Jesus Christ; Luther argued for something called

  • consubstantiation, in which the bread and wine are still bread and wine, yet also the

  • body and blood of Christ.

  • And Zwingli believed Communion only to be a symbolic ritual, in which the bread and

  • wine were just bread and wine.

  • I know this will seem to many of you like an extremely obscure theological argument

  • that can't possibly have been important, but it was--these theological questions were

  • not just a matter of life and death; they were a matter of eternal life and death.

  • Zwingli's preachings eventually turned some of his followers to a more radical interpretation

  • of Christianity.

  • These people were called Anabaptists, they held that faith was a matter of individual

  • thought and free will.

  • So only a thinking adult could knowingly participate in Christian faith enough to accept Jesus

  • as lord and savior.

  • Sp they argued that baptism, a cleansing ritual that had long been performed on infants, should

  • only be available to adults who've chosen to accept Jesus as savior.

  • [[TV: Luther Married]] And as reformers increased in number and variety, Luther did something

  • else that was really shocking: in 1525, he got married, even though Catholic clergy were

  • supposed to be celibate.

  • Luther preached that God made two sexes to procreate and that the clergy's celibacy

  • was against the divine plan.

  • So he married Katharina von Bora, a literate young woman who had been in a convent since

  • the age of five, and this was controversial even among his supporters.

  • One of Luther's best friends and admirers lamented that by marrying, Lutherrevels

  • and compromises his good reputation precisely at a time when Germany stands in need of his

  • spirit and authority.”

  • But Luther wrote a lot about marriage, and sermonized about it too for the princes, nobility,

  • and his growing number of followers.

  • One of theselecturesrefers to the story of Adam and Eve as written about in

  • the book of Genesis in the Bible: “Moreover this designation [woman] carries with it a

  • wonderful and pleasing description of marriage, in which, as the jurist says, the wife shines

  • by reason of her husband's rays.”

  • Whatever the husband has, this the wife has and possesses in its entirety.

  • . . .the result is that the husband differs from the wife in no respect than in sex...”

  • This certainly wasn't equality as we now understand it, what with the wife shining

  • by reason of her husband's rays, but the notion of equity of marital property was heresy

  • piled on top of the heresy of clergy marrying.

  • [[TV: An Appropriate Battle]] All of this led to the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V deciding

  • to put down the pesky Protestant princes of the Schmalkaldic League once and for all in

  • 1546 and 1547 and he almost did so.

  • He had vast resources at his disposal, including tough soldiers from the Spanish armies, who

  • defeated the League and captured some leading Protestant princes.

  • And Catholicism appeared to be making a comeback.

  • But then in 1552, the League suddenly took to the field again, roundly defeating the

  • imperial forces.

  • [[TV: Peace of Augsburg]] In 1555, the Peace of Augsburg decreed that whoever ruled would

  • determine the religion of his territory.

  • [[TV Window]] And so communities became Catholic or Protestant based on the religion of their

  • prince.

  • Phew.

  • We really dodged a religious war bullet--nope no.

  • The Reformation story was not over.

  • Luther had called Church corruption a “horrid abominationand its defendersexcrements

  • and vermin”; and those who now entered this titanic religious struggle in other parts

  • of Europe were just as vehement, even though following different plots.

  • The finer points of theology continued to divide people, as did the politics of religion

  • and overseas empire.

  • In short, more bloodshed to follow.

  • We'll take that up next time.

  • Thanks for watching.

Hi I'm John Green, this is Crash Course European History.


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The Protestant Reformation: Crash Course European History #6

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    香蕉先生 に公開 2022 年 06 月 03 日