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  • We have been given the scientific knowledge the technical ability and the materials to

  • pursue the exploration of the universe, to ignore this great resources would be a corruption

  • of a god given ability.

  • It's estimated that about 650 million people watched the first moon landing in 1969 - nearly

  • a quarter of the world's population.

  • As the world watched those powerful Saturn V rocket engines burst into life, they witnessed

  • plumes of sooty exhaust billow from its 5 shuddering nozzles as it pushed itself off

  • the ground, burning through a colossal volume of kerosene to lift the rocket's massive

  • 3 million kilogram weight off the ground.

  • Soon the first stage shut off and separated, allowing the second stage to roar into life.

  • This time powered by a different fuel, liquid hydrogen.

  • A fuel capable of providing better performance, but it occupied too much space.

  • Liquid hydrogen is considerably less dense than kerosene, so needs to be combined in

  • a much higher ratio with liquid oxygen.

  • For every litre of liquid oxygen burned in the Saturn V first stage, it required 0.64

  • litres of kerosene, while its second stage needed 3.25 litres of liquid hydrogen for

  • every litre of oxygen.

  • NASA engineers couldn't feasibly make the Saturn V first stage fuel tanks any larger,

  • so liquid hydrogen was not an option.

  • The science of rocket fuel is a fascinating and complicated field.

  • Combining not just physics, chemistry, and engineering, but also logistics.

  • That's the challenge facing Space X as it develops the next generation of heavy lift

  • rockets, designed to take us not just to the Moon, but further, to Mars.

  • Starship's Raptor engines will not use kerosene or liquid hydrogen.

  • It will use methane.

  • A fuel that was considered frequently over the past century of rocket fuel research,

  • with a few honourable mentions in John D Clarks' seminal book, “Ignition!”, but it has

  • never seen widespread use.

  • So, why is SpaceX using it now?

  • Putting people on the moon in the 1960s was one of the greatest technological challenges

  • we'd ever faced, but getting humans to Mars is a considerably more difficult task, especially

  • when you factor in the enormous challenge of keeping humans there - of creating and

  • sustaining a human settlement on the red planet.

  • How do you reduce the cost of launches?

  • How do you make the oxygen needed to stay alive, how do you provide water for growing

  • food and for drinking, and how do you make the fuel to power a return trip to Earth?

  • Kerosene and Hydrogen are not perfect.

  • Kerosene is extracted from crude oil via fractional distillation and is made up of a mixture of

  • long-chain hydrocarbons, reaching up to around 20 carbons in length.

  • The longer the hydrocarbon, the harder it is for it to burn completely in oxygen, as

  • they require more oxygen per gram of fuel to be completely oxidised into carbon dioxide

  • and water.

  • And so, even in its refined form, kerosene often burns incompletely, decomposing instead

  • into smaller, reactive radicals.

  • The result is coking - the production of sooty carbon particulates that we saw in the Saturn

  • Vs launch.

  • This soot can easily clog up the intricate mechanism of a rocket engine, which is a problem

  • for SpaceX and its goal to make its engines reusable with minimal maintenance.

  • Especially on Mars, where the facilities to fix these issues will not be available.

  • Liquid hydrogen, of course, doesn't have this problem, and it has the advantage of

  • burning more efficiently than kerosene.

  • We can quantify this efficiency with specific impulse.

  • Specific impulse describes how efficiently a fuel can convert its mass into thrust.

  • To understand this let's first look at total impulse, which describes the thrust force

  • generated over the entire burn period of the engine.

  • We can graph this rather easily, by plotting the thrust the engine is providing in each

  • second of its flight, that may look something like this.

  • The total impulse is found by finding the area under this graph, which gives us the

  • total energy the rocket released.

  • This is a useful metric in itself, but specific impulse is better, because not all propellants

  • are born equal.

  • Two different fuel and oxidiser combinations could provide the same total impulse, but

  • we need to consider the weight of the fuel and oxidisers themselves, after all, the initial

  • weight of rockets is always dominated by the weight of their own fuel.

  • To find the average specific impulse we divide the total impulse by total propellant weight

  • the rocket expelled.

  • [4]

  • Going by this metric, a liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen fuel mixture is by far the best.

  • (Table from [1]) Hydrogen has a much higher specific impulse

  • than kerosene [1] - around 390 seconds, against kerosenes's 285 seconds.

  • However, as mentioned earlier, Hydrogen is much less dense than kerosene.

  • Requiring much larger fuel tanks.

  • Hydrogen also has an exceptionally low boiling point at minus 252.8 degrees celsius - and

  • so the tanks need to be heavily insulated to avoid expansion of the liquid hydrogen,

  • but thermodynamic equilibrium is a war of attrition that will the universe will always

  • win, and so it also requires boil off valves to release gaseous hydrogen to prevent an

  • explosion.

  • This all adds mass and complexity to the rocket.

  • Hydrogen also degrades and weakens metals in a process known as hydrogen embrittlement.

  • This is a massive issue for SpaceX's reusability design ethos.

  • Combining two parameters, the density and the specific heat of combustion, we can get

  • an idea of the difference between these 3 fuels.

  • If we want to release 100 Megajoules of energy from each of these three fuels, we would need

  • 11.9 liters of hydrogen, 2.2 liters of kerosene, or 5.5 liters of methane.

  • Methane is much closer to kerosene than hydrogen.

  • Allowing fuel tanks to be smaller than liquid hydrogen fuel tanks, but not small enough

  • to offer much performance benefits over kerosene.

  • When the necessary design changes are made to switch from kerosene to liquid methane,

  • like increasing the fuel tank volume, the increase in specific impulse is all but negated.

  • This is why Methane hasn't seen use yet.

  • Methane simply sits in an awkward middle ground between the two most popular fuels.

  • It provides better performance than kerosene, but not as good as hydrogen.

  • And it's easier to store than hydrogen, but not as easy as kerosene.

  • Its benefits are only now becoming useful as SpaceX works to unlock the magic of reusable

  • rockets.[2].

  • Methane is a single-carbon hydrocarbon, so unlike the long-chain molecules found in kerosene,

  • it produces significantly less soot when burnt, leading to less damage to the engine over

  • time.

  • Its boiling point is actually higher than liquid oxygens.

  • Allowing much of the necessary infrastructure to liquify and use oxygen to be also used

  • for liquid methane.

  • Important when working with limited infrastructure on Mars.

  • But, most importantly, the real reason methane has suddenly become very attractive to SpaceX

  • is that it can be synthesised from the carbon dioxide rich atmosphere of Mars.

  • Mars' atmosphere is almost entirely carbon dioxide.

  • 95% of the Martian atmosphere is CO2, with the remaining 5% being made up from gases

  • like nitrogen, argon and a trace amount of oxygen.

  • Whilst this carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere may be a disadvantage when it comes to establishing

  • a city on Mars, it provides huge advantages when it comes to creating rocket fuel.

  • We have come to see carbon dioxide as a waste gas - something produced as a by-product of

  • combustion, instead of as a raw material, but it has the enormous potential to act as

  • a feedstock for the production of methane.

  • Over 100 years ago, a chemist called Paul Sabatier came up with a process of converting

  • carbon dioxide into methane by passing it through a catalyst, usually Nickel, with hydrogen

  • gas at an elevated temperature and pressure.

  • The reaction takes one mole of carbon dioxide and reacts it with four moles of hydrogen

  • to produce one mole of methane and two of water.

  • When combined with our electrolysis process, this produces one mole of methane to two moles

  • of oxygen.

  • The ratio of moles - the stoichiometry - is going to be important soon.

  • But the first question is, how do you get your chemical reagents on Mars?

  • Well for this, we need In Situ Resource Utilisation.

  • Getting carbon dioxide is a relatively easy task.

  • With an atmosphere made up from 95% CO2, extracting a pure sample of the compound is straightforward

  • enough, but we do need to get rid of that other 5% and condense the carbon dioxide.

  • Currently, cryofreezing is the most viable option, carbon dioxide has the highest freezing

  • point of the gases present in Mars' atmosphere.

  • So, in a process that is essentially the opposite of distillation, we can cool the air to separate

  • the carbon dioxide, which will freeze into a solid while the other gases remain as gas.

  • This also naturally compresses the gas.

  • Then, when we need to use it in our sabatier reactor it can be simply warmed up to create

  • a high pressure stream of gaseous CO2. [3].

  • However, getting the necessary hydrogen is much more difficult.

  • The first option is to import it directly from Earth, but given how much is required,

  • and the difficulty storing it for long periods, this isn't a great option.

  • So, long term, we will want to extract it from resources available on Mars.

  • Water is contained within Martian soil, but, most significantly, it's found in the form

  • of ice in the polar regions of the planet.

  • If we can find an efficient way of mining the water, we can then convert it into oxygen

  • and hydrogen using an electric current, and then the hydrogen can be combined with carbon

  • dioxide to produce methane.

  • Remember when we said the molar ratios would be important.

  • Here's why.

  • That 2:1 molar ratio of oxygen to methane, gives us a mass ratio of 4:1 of oxygen to

  • methane.

  • The propellant mixture employed by SpaceX's raptor engine uses a 3.4 : 1 ratio, so this

  • whole process gives us an excess of oxygen, which can be put towards the life support

  • systems in your Martian city [3].

  • A win win.

  • But extracting large quantities of water from Mars, either from ice in the polar regions

  • or from the small quantities of liquid water in the soil, would not be easy, and the technology

  • to do this on a large scale doesn't exist yet.

  • Over the short term, if we brought our own hydrogen to Mars, we end up with a 1:1 mole

  • ratio of oxygen and methane, which isn't enough to burn our methane completely.

  • So, if we are going this route, we need a way to produce additional oxygen.

  • The best way is to use another process which would benefit from Mars' carbon dioxide

  • rich atmosphere - the Reverse Water Gas Shift reaction (RWGS).

  • This looks very similar to the Sabatier process, and involves the reaction of carbon dioxide

  • with hydrogen, but instead of producing methane and water, it produces carbon monoxide and

  • water.

  • The water that's formed in this reaction can then be electrolysed, and the hydrogen

  • recycled back into the reactor Again, when the equations of the processes

  • are combined, it gives us the 2 : 1 molar ratio between oxygen and methane that's

  • needed for the propellant mixture.

  • This gives us options if mining water on Mars proves difficult.

  • But the additional advantage of this approach is that these two reactions - Sabatier and

  • Reverse Water Gas Shift - can be done in the same reactor, as demonstrated by Pioneer Astronautics

  • in 2005 [3].

  • This combination of these two reactions has an enormous thermal advantage.

  • Because the Sabatier reaction is exothermic - it releases heat energy - and the Reverse

  • Water Gas Shift reaction is endothermic - it absorbs heat - it leads to an overall reduction

  • of 37% in heat generation, improving the efficiency of the whole process [3].

  • But despite how long the Sabatier reaction has been around, the research into optimising

  • the process is only a couple of decades old.

  • For most of its life, the Sabatier reaction has been used to remove carbon dioxide from

  • hydrogen in the production of ammonia, as it damages the catalysts used in the process

  • of making ammonia, but in the last twenty years, scientists have begun to realise its

  • potential in helping mitigate the effects of climate change.

  • Instead of letting the carbon dioxide formed from burning fossil fuels into the atmosphere,

  • what if we could collect it, and turn it back into fuel using the Sabatier process [7]?

  • This would require a method of not only efficiently capturing carbon dioxide from the air, but

  • a method of creating hydrogen.

  • These processes are currently expensive, but work is being done to reduce the cost in both

  • energy and money.

  • This could create a realistic economy for carbon capture to help mitigate climate change,

  • but we are a long way off from it being cheap enough.

  • If the technology advances, it could offer a method of storing renewable energy over

  • extremely long periods of time as methane.

  • There are already a handful of Power to Gas plants and projects in operation, like the

  • Audi e-gas plant in Germany [3], but it has not yet reached wide-scale use.

  • In December of last year, Elon Musk tweeted that SpaceX is funding programmes into carbon

  • capture and storage, adding that the research would also be important for SpaceX's Mars

  • missions.

  • It's not yet clear exactly what they are developing, but it will likely be very similar

  • to the Power to Gas projects already in development, based on the century-old Sabatier reaction.

  • People often criticise NASA and other space initiatives as a waste of time, why work on

  • scientific research to help us live in space or on other planets when we have so many issues

  • that need research here on earth, but it's clear for anyone paying attention.

  • Working on difficult problems to make Mars habitable, will directly lead to helping solve

  • the greatest problem facing Earth today.

  • This problem needs all hands on deck.

  • We need as many talented engineers and scientists working on climate change as possible.

  • That's part of the mission of this channel, to inspire the next generation of engineers,

  • which is why I work with Brilliant.

  • Where I can inspire, Brilliant can educate.

  • Brilliant has created the perfect learning platform for science and mathematics.

  • Focusing on interactivity that helps you truly understand complicated subjects, and continually

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  • If you are looking for something else to watch right now you could watch our last video on

  • the insane engineering of the javelin missile, or you could watch Real Science's recent

  • video on the insane biology of the Harpy Eagle.

We have been given the scientific knowledge the technical ability and the materials to


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Why SpaceX is Using a New Fuel

  • 15 3
    王杰 に公開 2022 年 05 月 28 日