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facebook pay is an in app payment service which allows you to purchase products for merchants on facebook marketplace, facebook shop instagram and participating online commerce stores with facebook pay, you can also send and receive money from friends and family on facebook and messenger.
facebook payは、facebookマーケットプレイス、facebookショップ、instagram、オンラインコマース加盟店の商品をfacebook payで購入できるアプリ内決済サービスで、facebookやメッセンジャーで友人や家族と送金・受け取りも可能です。
Without any feeds for this video.
We'll be using all mobile apps for iphone though.
The process is the same for the web browser, Tap the three bars at the bottom of the screen and then select facebook pay on this page.
Webブラウザの場合も手順は同じで、画面下部の3つのバーをタップし、「facebook pay on this page」を選択してください。
You'll see options for sending or requesting money from friends, your payment methods and your payment history.
If you've never used facebook pay before, you'll be prompted to add a payment method here.
facebook payを利用したことがない場合、ここで支払い方法を追加するよう促されます。
You can select which type of payment method you'd like to add for this video.
We'll add a credit or debit card.
Once you add your information and save, you will now see your card added under payment methods.
Mm hmm.
To add facebook pay on instagram, go to your profile, Then tap the three bars at the top of the screen.
instagramでfacebook payを追加するには、自分のプロフィールに移動し、画面上部の3つのバーをタップします。
Good orders and payments.
Then select payment settings.
You'll be prompted to add a payment method.
Under payment methods.
Mm Here you can select which type of payment method you'd like to add.
Mm ここで、追加する支払い方法の種類を選択できます。
We will add a credit card or debit card.
Once you add your information and save, you will now see your card added under payment methods to use facebook pay as a payment method in marketplace.
情報を追加して保存すると、支払い方法のところにカードが追加され、マーケットプレイスでfacebook payを支払い方法として利用することができるようになります。
Look for seller profiles with the buy now button to find these profiles, tap marketplace, tap the search bar and type facebook pay plus the item you're searching for.
購入ボタンがある出品者のプロフィールを探すには、マーケットプレイスをタップし、検索バーをタップして、facebook pay plusと検索する項目を入力します。
Once you find what you're looking for and are satisfied with the item tap by now.
Once you've entered your shipping address and the order details look good tap pay now to complete your order to purchase goods from facebook shop Top the three bars then tap shop.
Some merchants on this page will direct you to their website while others will allow you to purchase directly from facebook seller profiles which allow you to use facebook pay will have a Buy Now button and two blue arrows tapped by.
このページに掲載されている販売店の中には、販売店のウェブサイトへ直接アクセスできるところと、facebookペイを利用できる販売店のプロフィールには、Buy Nowボタンと2つの青い矢印が表示されているところがあります。
Now once you've entered your shipping address and the order details look good tap pay now to complete your order to purchase goods from instagram, select the shop tab at the bottom of the screen seller profiles which allow you to use facebook pay will have a buy now button and two arrows just like facebook shop.
And the process is exactly the same.
Mm To send and request money from friends and family On facebook top the three buttons at the bottom of the screen.
Mm 友達や家族にお金を送ったり、請求したりする場合 facebookでは、画面下部の3つのボタンをクリックします。
Then select facebook pay under send or request money, select the person you want to request or send money to.
次に、「送金・リクエスト」の「facebook pay」を選択し、送金・リクエストする相手を選択します。
Mm hmm after you type in the amount and reason you can either tap the request or send button.
Once you confirm your payment information, confirm, request or confirm payment facebook doesn't keep money in the app like other money transfer services.
支払い情報を確認したら、確認、リクエスト、支払い確認 facebookは、他の送金サービスのようにアプリ内にお金を保管しません。
So any money that you send or receive will come and go directly from your bank account.
Unlike facebook, which only allows you to send and request money from your facebook.
Friends, messenger allows you to send money to anyone you're chatting with.
Only request and send money to people you trust.
Open the Messenger app and find the person you want to request or send money to tap the plus icon.
You can either type in an amount or you can use the plus or minus signs to adjust the amount.
Once done, you can either tap, request or pay once you confirm your payment information, confirm, request or confirm payment.