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  • lucy, you got some.

    lucy, you got some.

  • Splaining to do Welcome to watch mojo and today we'll be counting down our picks for the top 10 tv examples of the Mandela effect beam me up, jesus for this list, we'll be going over some of the notable examples of collective false memories related to tv shows to be clear, we won't be including cartoons as those have a list of their own.


  • If there's something about a tv show you could have sworn was different share your conspiracies in the comments.


  • Mhm Number 10 I pity the Fool the 18 this eighties classic has a surprising number of Mandela effects attached to it, murdock here and crazy be a opinion the phone while it was tempting to discuss howling mad murdock being misremembered as mad dog Murdoch or the confusion around the team's van color?

  • We're going with the catchphrase that never was Mr T starred in the show as B A Baracus, that's what a little boy named Joey bring them out.

    私たちは、Mr.TがB A Baracusとしてショーに主演し、Joeyという名の小さな男の子が彼らを連れ出すという、ありもしないキャッチフレーズを考えているんです。

  • Many seem to recall the character using the phrase I pity the fool and while Mr T himself is known for this catchphrase, he never used it in arguably his most famous role.

    多くの人は、このキャラクターが「I pity the fool」という言葉を使っていたことを思い出すようだが、Mr T自身はこのキャッチフレーズで知られているものの、間違いなく彼の最も有名な役でこの言葉を使ったことはないだろう。

  • I'm calling for a vote, I say we take a vote on this case, do you pity the Fools who remember this wrongly or are you one of us them?


  • No, I don't hate balboa, but I pity the fool.


  • Number nine Hi ho Silver, the Lone ranger.

    9位 ハイホー・シルバー、ローン・レンジャー。

  • The lone ranger.


  • While the lone ranger may have been before the time of most of our viewers and most of us to the general facts about it have pervaded pop culture away.


  • A masked ranger fights for right with his native american friend tonto and he says hi ho Silver when he rides his horse.


  • Except that cat phrase may not be the same as most remember it.


  • What he's actually saying is hi yo Silver, the difference is subtle, which is probably why so many misremember it plus hi ho seems way more common than hi yo.


  • Just ask the seven dwarves number eight Sex in the city.


  • Sex and the City.


  • I need a favor.


  • Ou do actually.


  • It's for the city of new york, the famous tv series and later films about a group of women in their often sexual escapades in new york.

    これは、ニューヨークを舞台に、女性たちがしばしば性的な逃避行を繰り広げる有名なテレビシリーズとその後の映画「The City of New York」のためのものです。

  • Sex and the city has caused some confusion.


  • There are some who will swear that it's title used to be sex in the city rather than and for the most likely explanation is that people tend to slur the word and to just end like when people say Ben and jerry's, do you want to make apple trainees and watch sex in the city at my place.


  • However, there are still people who insist that they have seen the title printed to read as sex in the city.

    しかし、「SEX IN THE CITYと読めるように印刷されたタイトルを見たことがある」と主張する人もまだいる。

  • No, you don't talk to me that way we'd write it off as bad eyesight from a night with Carrie and the girls.


  • If there weren't so many eyes involved.


  • Number seven judy's gavel.

    ナンバー7 ジュディーズ・ガーベル

  • Judge judy.


  • Judge Judith Sheindlin presided over her reality tv show based courtroom for over two decades.

    Judith Sheindlin判事は、20年以上にわたってリアリティ番組をベースにした法廷を仕切ってきました。

  • Well I don't have it.


  • You want to get it for me?


  • That's not an answer.


  • I believe I can, I believe I can be a staple of daytime television.


  • Judge judy was watched or at least famous among millions of people.


  • But one aspect of her show that reality seems to have ruled against is her use of a gavel.


  • My sister has never done anything.


  • Did you watch this?


  • I don't want to use it while it is true that judy occasionally used one early on during her shows run and in some promotional photos by and large throughout her shows time on tv, she didn't use one.


  • So has someone altered reality?


  • Now here's an ad about a fat people disease you have or do people just associate a gavel with judges and therefore one of the most famous judges will leave it up to the jury to determine guilt or innocence.


  • Number six holy relevant phrase, batman batman, let's get one thing clear.

    6位 聖なる関連フレーズ、バットマンバットマン、1つだけはっきりさせましょう。

  • Burt Ward's, Robin does have a catchphrase where he says holy insert relevant yet bizarre in or out of context phrase here, you're not misremembering that Holy haberdashery that can't be regulation prison uniform, can it?


  • One half of the Caped crusaders somehow managed to turn the oddest part of his and batman's adventures into an exclamation, Holy cinema sculpt but one thing all these ridiculous outbursts have in common is that Robin almost never says batman at the end.


  • He does rarely.


  • Yes, but not usually Holy bargain basements batman.

    はい、しかし、通常はありません 聖なるお買い得な地下室のバットマン。

  • When other people do the gag, it's understandable why they add the batman, it makes it clear they're doing a reference.


  • Yet if somehow memories or the world have been changed, We know who we call to solve the case.


  • Holy Conspiracy is a tricky one.


  • All right, Careful.


  • # five Foncier's jacket.

    # 5位 フォンシェルのジャケット。

  • Happy days Arthur The Fonz Fonz Morelli is a pop culture icon and of course everyone knows his deal.

    Happy days Arthur The Fonz Fonz Morelliはポップカルチャーのアイコンであり、もちろん誰もが彼の取引を知っています。

  • He's your typical greaser with slicked back hair, a black leather jacket and he says, hey, but many find themselves doing a double take when they look at his jacket now it's not black, but rather dark brown boy, you must think I'm pretty stupid, granted it's a darker color.


  • So that may account for the discrepancy in people's memories, they might also be conflating the Fonz look with other famous greaser characters like Danny zuko from grease.


  • No matter his wardrobe though, the Fonz is still the Fonz, I like to warm up a little bit.


  • Okay, so I'm gonna be right back as soon as I finish warming up.


  • Okay, just number four, Yeah, Science bitch.


  • Breaking Bad as one of the most acclaimed and popular tv shows of the 21st century so far, Breaking Bad has inspired plenty of catchphrases and memes I am not in danger.

    ブレイキング・バッド」は、21世紀のテレビ番組の中で最も高い評価を受け、人気を博している番組の一つです。「ブレイキング・バッド」は、多くのキャッチフレーズやミームを生み出しました。「I am not in danger.

  • Skyler, I am the Danger jesse Pinkman is famous phrase Yes, Science bitch is actually only one of the latter, although many mistaken for being a catchphrase of his two Yeah, bitch magnets.


  • Oh, while jesse is indeed famous for favoring the derogatory word for a female canine.


  • He doesn't use it along with his famous line about Science instead, he says, So you do have a plan.

    サイエンスの有名なセリフと一緒に使うのではなく、So you do have a plan.と言うのです。

  • Yeah, Mr White's Yes.


  • Science a famous meme macro has combined jesse's actual catchphrase with this scene, so it's no wonder people got this one mixed up.


  • Number three, lucy, you got some Splainin to do.

    3つ目 ルーシー 納得のいく説明をしてくれ

  • I love lucy, I love lucy is one of the most influential tv shows of the 20th century.

    I love lucy, I love lucyは、20世紀で最も影響力のあるテレビ番組の一つです。

  • It basically codified a lot of the tropes of sitcoms and was watched by millions.


  • Ricky Ricky, I want to talk to you about something lucy's husband, Ricky is well known for saying the phrase Lucy you got some Splainin to do whenever his wife got up to her usual shenanigans.


  • So what is all this lucy explain?


  • However, while he does say Splaine and variations thereof in the show, he never says this phrase exactly, he better do some explaining before I match up some face guacamole.


  • There are plenty of parodies of the show which used this misquoted catchphrase but surely with how widely viewed the show was, There would be more consensus about it.


  • Can someone explain this to us now, please don't make me explain it to you again.


  • # two, a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

    # その2 近所の天気もいい。

  • Mr Rogers neighborhood.


  • This one hits right in the childhood.


  • Mr fred Rogers entertained generations of Children on his program.


  • Mr Rogers neighborhood.


  • He would begin every show by singing the song, Won't you Be my neighbor?

    彼は毎回、ショーの冒頭で「Won't you Be my neighbor?

  • However, the lyrics of that song are not what most people remember them as.


  • It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood, a beautiful day for a neighbor.


  • The song does not begin with the line, It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, but rather this neighborhood not the this is arguably a completely different meaning for the song.

    この曲は、It's a beautiful day in the neighborhoodというセリフで始まるのではなく、this neighborhood not the thisは、間違いなく全く別の意味を持つ曲である。

  • It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood, a beautiful day for a neighbor and it's rather odd that not only parodies of the song got it wrong, but also the title of the biopic from a few years ago and the sign in Roger's own hometown.


  • Are we living in a world of make believe.


  • Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and bring the bell to get notified about our latest videos, you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.


  • If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.


  • Number one beam me up scotty star trek beaming up notified Transporter room.

    ナンバーワン ビーム・ミー・アップ・スコッティ スター・トレック ビーム・アップ・ノーティファイド トランスポーター・ルーム。

  • The star trek franchise has a whole quadrant full of things.


  • People never picked up on like Picard fiddling with a crystal on his desk a lot, but much more shocking is the fact that the phrase beam me up scotty is never said once in the entire original Star trek series or on screen at all for that matter, prepare to beam me aboard on my signal.


  • There are a few times where characters come close, but this exact phrase, despite its fame, is entirely a fan invention.


  • Although James Doohan scotty's actor did write an autobiography with this title, Leave Me Aboard.

    スコッティの俳優ジェームズ・ドゥーハンは、このタイトルで『Leave Me Aboard』という自伝を書いたが。

  • Energized.


  • Could there have been some sort of transporter accident?


  • We all know how pesky those can be.


  • Do you agree with our picks?


  • Check out this other recent clip from Watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.

    Watch Mojoのこの他の最新クリップをチェックし、私たちの最新のビデオについて通知されるようにベルを鳴らして購読してください。

  • Yeah.


lucy, you got some.

lucy, you got some.

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