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Thunder, Thunder Thunder.
Welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 fan made trailers of all time.
It's really important that I talk to you.
My name is Diana Prince for this list.
このリストでは、Diana Princeと名乗ります。
We'll be looking at the best fake trailers for movies made by fans.
Which of these fan trailers do you think most deserves to be real?
Let us know in the comments number 10 Batman versus Superman.
The long awaited showdown between dc comics icons, Batman and Superman was greeted by a pretty mixed reaction among audiences.
Most of the world doesn't share your opinion.
Mr Wayne.
Two years before its release, a fan made a two minute trailer.
That's arguably more exciting than the actual movie using footage from the other then recent films starring it's casts such as State of Play.
Now you see me and margin call it creates a trailer that cares about characters, not just special effects.
I was thinking about what you said to me at the end of the day, I'm not doing more good than hard, but there's also plenty of thrilling action courtesy of both batman and superman.
Even if it's taken from their previous adventures, whoever made this trailer is our hero for life.
Thank you for what for believing in me, number nine Metroid.
A big problem with movie adaptations of video games is that they underestimate their audience, resulting in lackluster movies in the right hands.
A Metroid movie could be the next great sci fi tale.
This fan trailer from Youtuber Blood runs clear.
Doesn't go into a lot of depth, but it does establish an attack by an outside force and Bounty Hunter Salmon Iran being commissioned to help fight against it, Power suit and all I had a life once now.
All I have is a mission plans for a Metroid movie.
Go back to 2003 and while further word on one has been few and far between this trailer has us holding out hope we never stood a chance.
Number eight john carter Sometimes a movie's poor performance is more a reflection of how it was marketed than its actual quality.
ナンバーエイト ジョン・カーター 映画の出来が悪いのは、実際の出来よりも、どのようにマーケティングされたかを反映している場合があります。
Captain john carter Virginia take john carter.
キャプテン・ジョン・カーター ヴァージニア・テイク・ジョン・カーター
Disney's film about the Edgar rice Burroughs character which could have launched their next big franchise.
This trailer, made by Youtube account, john carter files weaves together footage from official john carter trailers to establish who john carter is, show what's at stake and present lots of exciting action.
Youtubeアカウント、john carter filesが制作したこの予告編は、john carterの公式予告編の映像を織り交ぜて、john carterの人物像、何が問題になっているのか、エキサイティングなアクションをたくさん紹介しています。
It's not that the previous trailers were bad, but they just needed some reworking you are ugly, but you are beautiful.
これまでの予告編が悪かったわけではなく、「you are ugly, but you are beautiful」のように手直しが必要だったのです。
You will fight for us.
We can't say for certain how well john carter would have performed with this as the final trailer, but it couldn't have been much worse.
Disney had the right ingredients, just maybe not the right recipe when I saw you, I believed it was a sign that something new can come into this world.
Number seven bioshock, A movie version of the bioshock video game series was slated for release in 2010, only to end up shelved until netflix's 2022 announcement of their own adaptation.
第7位 バイオショック 2010年に公開が予定されていたゲームソフト「バイオショック」シリーズの映画化ですが、2022年にネットフリックスが自社での映画化を発表するまでお蔵入りになっていました。
This fan trailer created by Youtuber, Mark Marky dramatically raised expectations for any potential adaptations.
YoutuberのMark Markyが作成したこのファントレーラーは、映画化に対する期待を飛躍的に高めてくれた。
As a choice.
I chose, a plane crashes into the atlantic ocean and the survivors find themselves in rapture.
An underwater city founded by the mysterious Andrew Ryan with a heart pounding score and striking visuals from films like City of Lost Children and Dark City.
This trailer contains equal parts mystery and tension I would not be bound by.
It also honors the spirit of the original series while appealing to those unfamiliar with it won't hurt you.
Number six he man and the masters of the universe, he man was one of the most popular toy and tv characters of the 19 eighties masters of the universe with his incredible physique and foes like Skeletor.
第6位 「宇宙の覇者」、「宇宙の覇者」は、80年代後半に人気を博したキャラクターで、その驚異的な体格とスケルトンのような敵で、玩具やテレビで人気を博した。
There are so many possibilities for a he man movie.
While a modern big screen adaptation of Masters of the universe has been in the works for years, hopefully better than the 1987 version.
None of them have gotten off the ground.
This fan trailer gives us a good taste of the project's potential.
It establishes the divide between good and evil and gives us a glimpse at our hero and villain, the animation might be dated, but the editing and score helped to hold our interest.
Youtuber mars Lei maker of this trailer may have the Power after all.
この予告編を作ったYoutuberのmars Leiは、やはり「力」を持っているのかもしれない。
Number five Justice League retro trailer, this Justice League trailer from Youtuber A list Productions is a wonderful homage to the superhero films and tv shows of decades past.
第5位 ジャスティス・リーグのレトロな予告編、YoutuberのA list Productionsによるこのジャスティス・リーグの予告編は、過去数十年のスーパーヒーロー映画やテレビ番組への素晴らしいオマージュとなっています。
I lex luthor, the greatest criminal mind of the modern era, discovered a way to destroy Superman, I like him already, blending footage from the older superman and batman films as well as the Wonder Woman and Flash tv series.
It fills you with both excitement and nostalgia.
There's only one person I know of that likes to work that fast.
This trailer shows the beloved superhero team fighting against iconic dc baddies, lex luthor and the joker with standout moments for everyone.
I just like the sound superhero movies have come a long way since the seventies and eighties but this trailer shows how much greatness has always existed in the genre.
Number four The Warriors, The Warriors is one of the best action movies of the seventies so there's not much demand for a remake.
Can you dig it?
Can you dig it?
However, if one were made, we hope it'll be like this trailer from Youtuber Ram.
This trailer honors the original film with its many gangs running through the city but gives it a modern gloss that doesn't distract from the tension plus in true Warrior spirit there's plenty of bottle clinking and molotov cocktails.
We're more than satisfied with the Warriors we already have but this trailer reminds us why some remakes are worth making come out to play Number three, The Legend of Zelda given how badly other beloved video game franchises have been butchered by their movie adaptations.
It's probably a blessing in disguise that there's no Zelda movie.
I've been waiting for you link.
But this trailer is enough to make us believe it's so good that many thought it was real website.
I G N posted it as an april Fool's prank, much to the chagrin of fans.
I G N がエイプリルフールのいたずらで投稿し、ファンを悔しがらせた。
The trailer looks like a legitimate fantasy adventure full of intriguing mythology, great action and a compelling storyline.
The hero of time.
We're still a little upset about being duped but we can still appreciate this trailer as the great work of art it is with proper utilization of my superior skills.
I see no reason why we couldn't easily dispense with Gannon.
Number two Thundercats, Another 80s cartoon franchise that has yet to receive the movie treatment is Thundercats.
第2位 サンダーキャッツ 80年代のアニメで、まだ映画化されていない作品に「サンダーキャッツ」があります。
While an adaptation is in the works as of early 2022 we still think this van trailer sets a pretty high bar made by Youtuber wormy thi This trailer cleverly puts Thundercats style makeup on famous actors like vin Diesel brad pitt and Hugh Jackman and integrates action from some of their previous films.
2022年初頭の時点で映画化が決定しているが、このバンの予告編はYoutuberのwormy thiが作ったかなり高いハードルを設定していると思う。この予告編は、ヴィン・ディーゼル、ブラッド・ピット、ヒュー・ジャックマンなどの有名俳優にサンダーキャッツ風のメイクを施し、彼らの過去作のアクションを統合して巧みに表現している。
Let no man forget how menacing we are.
We are lions.
There's no mistaking it for a real trailer, but it still manages to delight Our Inner Child.
本物の予告編と見間違うことはないのですが、それでも「Our Inner Child」を喜ばせることに成功しています。
There's more than one way to make a Thundercats movie.
But this trailer gets it right before we continue.
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Number one Green Lantern when it comes to superhero movies, The Green Lancer movie has a pretty poor reputation.
I'm good.
I'm good, totally good.
How poor its Star Ryan Reynolds made fun of it in the second Deadpool movie.
A great Green Lantern movie is still possible, but this fan trailer makes us long for what could have been created by Youtuber Jaren pits This trailer casts Nathan fillion in the Green Lantern suit.
We follow Hal Jordan as he finds a ring and learns of his awesome destiny in the Green Lantern Corps, none can escape it.
You will unite or you will fall.
This trailer is epic from beginning to end and makes great use of footage from films like serenity and Planet of the Apes.
Can someone get this creator a job at a movie studio job?
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