字幕表 動画を再生する
Hello everybody Welcome to Tokyo Creative Play today we're gonna be discussing what we're currently watching an anime that I've been watching recently.
皆さんこんにちは!Tokyo Creative Playにようこそ!今日は最近見ているアニメについて話し合います。
Things that we've all been watching on the Tv or the internet which is where most people seem to watch stuff these days.
So today we're just gonna be sharing with you guys what kind of shows we've been watching lately.
I think mainly it's going to be japanese shows we're gonna be sharing with you guys and it can be movies, tv shows, even Youtubers, a variety shows, that kind of thing.
So I spent quite a bit of time watching shows, not a huge amount, but if there's a show that I'm interested in I will binge the whole thing rather than make it last because I'm really, really picky with what I watch and I think I've seen enough in my lifetime to give recommendations.
A lot of people ask if I watch what youtube channels I watch and I really don't watch a whole lot of Youtube.
Most of my influences as a Youtuber have come from british tv.
I've been watching a lot of things on netflix but I have to download a lot of them off itunes, particularly some of the more creative japanese films I'll be talking about in a minute just because they're just not on netflix, but like before I go to bed I watched some Youtube and then maybe during lunch or dinner I watched one episode of something on netflix that's it.
I would shows every day after work and before work.
I pretty much what shows, I love the time.
it makes sense watching tv in general.
I usually only do it right after I post a video, then I take one day off and I usually spend that whole day like binging netflix.
Okay, so the shows that I'm gonna be talking about aren't exactly the most new.
So the first one I'm gonna be talking about is The Naked Director, a netflix original called Naked Director.
ということで、最初に紹介するのは、「The Naked Director」というnetflixオリジナルの作品です。
It was a pretty big deal I think last year I'm not sure if this was marketed enough overseas, but this is something that a lot of people here became obsessed with and I like binge the whole series.
I really liked it, it's intense, don't watch it with kids around very nsfw there is some hard core sex scenes in here.
It's like a lot of sex, a lot of body parts because the story follows a real background story of a director.
He starts to kind of change it into like this art form that slowly becomes to the stereotypical weird japanese pornography that you may have stumbled across or heard about from a friend.
But I really liked it because it felt very different to a lot of other japanese tv shows and media that I had seen.
The acting was really good.
The acting was really enjoyable and it felt quite genuine and I was really interested in the characters and their backstories and just the story was excellent.
I really enjoyed it.
I can't say that you'll appreciate pornography after watching this, but it's gonna be something that will be eye opening.
There's a show on netflix and BBC called ideology, which literally means duty and the Soma and it's, I've been wanting to watch it for ages but I didn't know if it was gonna be good or not.
I find typically things drama set in Japan on the best things to watch.
The quality is not good.
But giving Haji was amazing.
I highly recommend watching it.
It's basically about a guy whose brother is in the accuser and he kills someone in the UK and then he comes over to the UK to investigate.
But basically there's a good drama that plays out between Tokyo and London in a really compelling way.
I don't think you'll be disappointed.
It's very original and it's one of the first things I've ever seen where the narrative is set across London and and Tokyo.
So naturally I guess I feel a bit of an affinity with it.
So the first thing that I've been watching quite recently is this Youtube channel called peaceful cooking.
Like this dude is so zen, it's like something that I wish that I could do more in my life or like I just feel, you know, as the name suggests peaceful, he usually makes two different versions of the same video.
One where it's completely silent and it's just a S M.
完全に無音で、S Mだけになっているもの。
R of him making like tea or something and the other has like music and is more you know like the usual youtube videos sometimes it's really nice to just wind down and watch someone use very pretty cups and fancy equipment to make something simple to eat or drink.
I follow a bunch of korean home cafes as well where they make really pretty drinks that look really hard to drink, but it's just fun watching them make something so beautiful.
So if you're into a smr or you just like, I don't know cooking content in general I think to check out peaceful cooking it's peaceful.
もしあなたがsmrに興味があったり、一般的な料理コンテンツが好きなら、peaceful cookingをチェックすると平和だと思います。
So part of what I'm watching is you can so can you get, can you guys guess what europe can means?
私が見ているのはyou can so can you getの部分なのですが、皆さんはeurope canが何を意味するか分かりますか?
The europe gang is europe means that relaxing and losing.
And the camp is camp so that it's actually anime.
It's about high school, they love out the door.
And the camping five Jk appears in the show.
They are part of the it's a crab activity basically.
And then they are living nearby the Mount fuji.
So a lot of the scenes up here in the show this animal is very very beautiful.
It's like nearby the mountain lake, it's quite chill so it's nothing like drama happening.
It's more like the just and you're watching them doing the camping and then doing a lot of the activities together.
I think the next season it's going to be start 2021 january season two will be up.
This is so moving straight on from that, I'm going to go to one of my favorite things to watch every year, which is what and I the butts again, there's this comedy group in Japan called Hockey Night Sky.
これはとてもストレートに動くので、私が毎年見ているお気に入りのものの1つ、それは何かというと、またまたI the buttsですが、日本にHockey Night Skyというお笑いグループがあるんです。
Every new year's they come together and they film this 24 hour special.
It only went for about six hours on TV, but they filmed for 24 hours of this bucks a game and you might have seen it.
They kind of get challenged to not laugh.
If they do laugh, they people come in and hit them in the butt with a rubber baton Or a baton, the baton of conducting thing and a baton is a police.
I don't know they get hit with a stick, it's so much fun.
I mean some jokes, it's like whatever, but most of them are just so hilarious actually for the 2021 they had a scene like the naked director.
It all links up.
If you get engaged in japanese media, sometimes it crosses over and it's a really great moment.
The second recommendation is an anime that everyone has already heard of by now and the reason I'm sharing it is because a lot of people were bothering me to catch up with it, which I finally have and that's broken no hero academia.
There's a lot of people like kind of half and half in my friend circle, some people who have dropped it already, some people that haven't started yet.
And so if any of you have not watched volcano Hero Academia it's a really great superhero anime anime anime, High Enemy and it kind of brings the kid back in you.
It's a great shown in that.
I would just recommend to anyone who wants to start getting into a series right now but since we're all on quarantine I guess right now is the best time to do it.
I believe it's already four seasons in at least.
That's the last one that I watched.
Another thing I've been watching or rewatching is Black Mirror.
I've always been a fan of Black Mirror.
It's written by charlie Brooker who used to do one of my favorite tv shows screen white and you can find all of it on Youtube because it's all still there though.
私の好きなテレビ番組「screen white」を担当していたチャーリー・ブルッカーが書いたもので、Youtubeで全部見ることができます。
Black Mirror I feel it's got worse over the years probably from pressure above from netflix given that they Fund it now.
If you look at the earlier seasons series 123 just some of the most amazing anthology series.
It's just some of the most amazing episodes like I've rewatched the national anthem the first ever episode the other day and it's just brilliant.
Now I've been trying to borrow inspiration from Black Mirror for some things that I'm currently writing and so you can't go wrong with Black Mirror unless it's the one with Miley Cyrus in which was just so boring so rubbish.
The next thing I want to share is something that I'm really excited to talk about.
I've been pushing my high Q agenda to everyone in the office and I think everyone is sick of me talking about it.
But I just finished rewatching the whole of high Q and specifically season four of hiking to the top.
でも、ハイキューを全部見終わって、特にシーズン4のhiking to the topを見終わったところです。
If you haven't watched high Q and you really enjoy shows or anime, I don't know, it's all about com rather tree.
Is that what you say if you like?
You know people who love each other and teamwork and uh, we are not commas and everything if you like that kind of show that will make you love all the characters like that, your baby's or your sons or whatever.
Like if you like that kind of thing and you haven't watched like you, why?
Why haven't you watched like, sorry, I'm very aggressive.
I just love them so much.
I feel like they are also precious.
It's one of those shows where you can't dislike any character because yeah, you can shoot anybody with anybody.
So next show I'm watching all summer, not grantee.
So all summer.
No branch is Japanese variety show.
No branchは日本のバラエティ番組です。
I think it lasts quite a long time because the show has been airing.
Yeah, around 20 years or more maybe.
And then this show is about a lot of the trend trend news such as tapioca tapioca or some of the new shops recently Japanese show also shifted to post from their own house.
They do a lot of daily body food, they're introducing the ups, they share the Disney tips as well, which is very fun.
And I've also been rewatching a lot of thrillers, particularly from the late eighties.
I watched fatal attraction, Cape fear and misery recently, all completely unrelated but misery really stood out was the first time I've watched that Stephen King novel turned into an incredible film starring Kathy bates and James, caan Kathy Bates plays the scariest character I think I've seen in a film in years and it's just stayed with me the last few weeks.
Alright, so recently I've been getting into rewatching like older japanese horror movies.
If you guys know me, you know that the only kind of movies I watch are horror and I've seen basically all of them.
So you can watch these on youtube.
I don't know if there are english subtitles available though.
That could be a problem.
Alright, number four on the list is chuck, sheen hurry.
The english name is one missed call.
英語名はone miss call。
This is probably one of like the first japanese horror movies I ever watched.
I don't know if it ever got popular overseas, but it's one of those horror movies that all japanese people have seen.
So if you watch it and you've got, japanese friends and you talk about it with them.
You guys can probably have like a fun conversation about it.
So it's one of the standards that you should watch.
Number three is tech etiquette.
Now the acting in this movie isn't amazing and like the movie itself as a whole isn't like overly impressive.
But the like concept of the monster in the movie is so creepy that I feel like it deserves a watch just for that.
Like I really think about this movie a lot when I'm walking down the street at night time, I feel like that's a good horror movie when you find yourself thinking about it like in real life, number two, you guys have probably seen before, but maybe you've only seen the american version and if that's true, I highly recommend that you watch, do you own the grudge?
The original japanese one.
It's really creepy and really, really well done overall.
It's a really good movie.
And finally again, another movie you've probably seen the american version for, but maybe not the Japanese want the ring.
It's called bingu in Japanese is probably the best japanese horror movie ever made.
It's such a creepy and just like well made movie.
So if you haven't seen bingu, the original japanese version.
Do check out the last one that I'm going to talk about is the stars.
I don't know if you guys have watched it ahead of it.
I believe it's on netflix.
I don't know how to make it sound like it's not for fairies and like it's, it's high school, but they're all animals and there's the predators and the prey kind of thing.
There's the herbivores and the meat eaters, but the meat eaters don't eat meat.
They eat like all vegetarian and vegan options.
Oh wait, no.
There is a weird chicken egg thing.
There's a whole egg thing, it's kind of about a predator that falls for someone who is a prey style animal, but they're in high school and it's all crazy.
I'm not into too much anyway, but I still really enjoyed it.
I find I find that's really good.
So the last thing that I actually rewatched a few weeks ago was called Pro Murder.
それで最後に、実は数週間前に再放送したのが「Pro Murder」という作品なんです。
Now this is an anime movie made by studio trigger, which I am a personal huge fan of a lot of things that they make.
It's a world about how there's this group of people called the burnish and they are discriminated against.
And so from there, everything unfolds of them trying to fight for their right to live in harmony with the humans.
And also it's very aesthetic.
If you guys like studio trigger, I definitely recommend premier, even like purely for the aesthetic spot.
The story itself is also really good too.
I watched Black Rain.
The Ridley scott film set in Osaka again with Michael Douglas been watching those Michael Douglas films it seems, but I've been borrowing influences in terms of cinematography from Black Rain because it's set in Osaka and it's kind of got this amazing neon lit kind of you to it, they made it look really gritty and cool.
Okay, the next thing I want to talk about is also something that I'm kind of passionate about.
Its terrace house.
I'm not special.
I'm just like everybody else who likes terrace house.
I kind of started watching the show in a very like casual manner and then now I'm so invested where I'm like every week I'm like, what's going to happen?
Who's gonna come in, who's gonna leave and walkable from LA.
And the premise is just basically six people, three guys, three girls living in the house.
Um apparently not scripted.
It's what the interest is and it's not necessarily about dating or love or whatever.
Like they build friendships and all and it's just interesting to see how people live and more.
So for me, I just want to listen to more japanese things and that kind of digest the language a little bit and yeah, I would say my favorite season is a local state.
I think that's the reason why everyone else is so invested in it.
So like if you want to hop onto the bandwagon now, you have a reason, you can just bring me and be like, oh, this person on youtube asked me to watch it.
So yeah, cheer sauce.
I want to share the, this drama, I'm not sure if you guys watch, but I always scream and then I'll tell Natasha look, this is, which is awesome.
Angela Osan means means uncle, oh dude, love is love, right?
This show is not built to the max level, but it's really, really cute too watch there, the some level of focus on the real awesome around 15 year old and then the middle class of sand, which is like 30 year old and the young 20 year old, awesome 50 year old assange and the 20 year old really loved this.
So this 20 year old son is good looking.
This happy year old son is oh my gosh, it's oh my gosh, kind of level, it's really, really cool and then this 50 year old Austin.
So you cannot say it's like handsome, good looking, but he's really charming.
So it's, is not, he doesn't like man, he hasn't realized he likes men yet.
He's never tried before.
Very nice.
Everything is like, wow, I don't see you again.
So every time every, after I watch this show, I said Natasha, please watch so much because I want to talk to someone about this show, but there's no one.
So if someone is watching this show, please let me know, please hear me, let's talk about that.
So besides Japanese stuff.
I actually find myself watching more of like American or British television here in Japan right now.
I'm watching 13 reasons why they came out with the fourth season, I think they're on now, which is crazy and it's okay, like it's good, the actors are really amazing and they always do a really good job with it, but I feel like it kind of went downhill as the seasons went on.
今、13 reasons why を見ているんだけど、確か4シーズン目まで出ていて、めちゃくちゃ面白いんだけど、いいんだよ、役者が本当に素晴らしくて、いつも本当にいい仕事をしてくれるんだけど、シーズンが進むにつれて、なんだか下降している気がする。
The first one was certainly the best one.
I'm about halfway through season four right now and it's okay but I'm not overly impressed and I've also watched some really cool artistic japanese films, shoplifters, Tokyo Sonata, like someone in love, check those out.
The synopsis of all three films are too complex to describe but watch them particularly like someone in Love Stay with Me for a long time because when the key events in that film happens off screen in a really bizarre way that makes you wonder if it's brilliant, it's genius or if it's dreadful and I'm still not sure.
3作品のあらすじは複雑すぎて説明できませんが、特に『Love Stay with Me』の誰かのように長い時間見てください。その映画の中で重要な出来事が本当に奇妙な方法で画面の外に起こると、それが素晴らしいのか天才なのか恐ろしいのか、私はまだよくわかりません。
Another thing that I recommend is also, this is a documentary called Tokyo Idol and it's on netflix and this is a documentary that kind of goes over the stigmatism of idol culture in Japan, ironically that documentary kind of introduced me to some idol groups even though it was meant to steer me away from it.
But it's kind of cool to see like Otaku who's kind of talking about, well Idol Otaku is like people really obsessed with idol culture just seeing their obsession with it and why they're obsessed with.
So it's a cool documentary.
I would recommend it.
So those are some of the Japanese shows that we've been watching lately, but hopefully you guys will enjoy some of the things I've shared in this video for today.
I hope you can find something new.
If you have some recommendations on like animate, please leave it in the comments down below.
Have enough to watch them.
And also if you guys haven't seen it yet, we did another video where we rated certain japanese foods and cuisines.
So if you want to check that out, please follow the card above.
Thank you guys so much for watching.
Thank you so much for joining us again and we'll see you again soon as always.
Thanks for watching T.
Play and we'll see you again here next time to do it all over again.
Bye for now.
Bye bye bye bye bye for now.
Hey there, welcome back tonight.
It's just a blended took one noise had drank too much coffee when you've had too much.
It just causes problems.
It's okay.
You can just list them off and watch that one.
Watch that one.
A good job though.