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MAN: 765lbs, this makes you right up there
with some of the heaviest women in the world.
CHARITY: I would rather die than live this
COMM: Charity Pierce is believed to be the
heaviest woman in the world. Housebound, her extreme size has put her life on hold, and
now she's desperate for help. She fears time is running out to save her life and marry
fiancee Tony, who is 17 years her junior.
TONY: I'm scared of losing her, if she doesn't
get this help.
COMM: Charity has weighed over 500lbs since
her early teens, doctors have urged her to diet and exercise, but an accident in the
year 2000 severely hampered her mobility, and hurt her pride when a lymphedema developed.
CHARITY: I just got embarrassed of going outside
because of course everybody would look at me.
COMM: Charity now longs for a gastric bypass
surgery which will stem her insatiable appetite. But the operation can only be performed safely,
if she loses 200lbs herself.
COMM: To help shed some pounds off, Charity
is trying to exercise more, and is on a diet restricting her to just 1,200 calories a day,
compared to her previous intake of 10,000.
CHARITY: We'd make Chinese, or we'd make chips
and dip, tacos, ice cream for lunch. We'd have like anything.
COMM: For eighteen-year-old daughter Charly,
growing up was very different to other kids.
CHARLY: Everyone else was doing like other
stuff and I was at home taking care of my mom. I guess it's just kind of what's normal
to me.
COMM: And Charity's condition has had a serious
effect on their relationship.
CHARLY: I used to be really close to my mom
and now I'm just not at all, like it's constant fighting are arguing, because I'm getting
to the point where I've done it for so long that it gets really easily to be frustrated
and we just fight a lot.
COMM: The couple dream of tying the knot soon,
but Charity's mobility issues have overshadowed the wedding plans.
CHARITY: I want a big wedding, I want to be
able to fit into a dress, if I wanted to get married in my living room I'd already be married.
COMM: Whilst she and Tony discuss venues Charity
tasks Charly with hunting for the perfect wedding dress at David's Bridal, where she
feeds back her findings on video.
02:49 CHARITY: I like this dress, it's my dream
dress, it's really beautiful.
02:52 CHARLY: It seems like you, something you'd
wear. I like that one, I also like the middle one too. Those are the two that I thought
you'd like the most.
03:00 COMM: Charity knows her wish will only come
true, if she reach her target weight. Her physician osteopath Ben Miller, is coming
to check her progress by weighing her for the first time in four months.
BEN: She needs to be able to prove that she
can lose weight on her own. Are you ready for this Charity?
03:19 CHARITY: Yes. Ready to see.
03:22 BEN: 765lbs. This makes you probably right
up there with some of the heaviest women in the world.
03:32 COMM: For Charity the news of only losing
22lbs after four weeks of crash dieting is devastating. But Dr. Miller hopes the blow
might motivate her.
CHARITY: I don't wanna be like this, I would
rather die than live this way.
CHARITY: I really thought my weight would
have been down a lot more than that, as hard as I've worked.
BEN: Is this gonna be the straw that broke
the camel's back? Or is this going to be the motivation you need to work harder to continue
ail all the good change that you've made in your lifestyle already?
CHARITY: I'm not giving up, It's gonna take
me longer obviously but I'm not giving up.
CHARITY: Whatever it takes to get there right?
BEN: I think that's the attitude to have.
COMM: It appears the lesson has paid off,
and Charity looks forward to the future with a positive outlook.
CHARITY: I think anybody can be turned around
with help. I think anybody has a chance with help. Whether it's losing weight, quitting
smoking, quitting drinking, quitting drugs. I think anybody has a chance, with help.