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  • The past is a vast and mysterious land that begins at the big bang and ends in the present,


  • expanding with each passing moment.

    ビッグバンから現在に至るまで 瞬間ごとに拡大している

  • It is the home of everything that came before, the key to understanding our present.


  • Here we find the most amazing creatures to ever roam our planet, hundreds of millions


  • of species so diverse that our imagination cannot do them justice.


  • Unfortunately the past carefully guards its secrets.

    何億種という多様さで 私たちの想像力では正当に評価できない

  • While there are a lot of things about the past we know, there are way more things we


  • know we don't know.

    過去への知見は多くあるが 未解明の事項のほうがはるかに多く

  • And worse, there are probably even more things we don't even know that we don't know

    しかも、未解明と気づきすらしていない 「未知の未知」は、さらに多いかもしれない

  • about.


  • Think of the wonder of life: We now recognize about 1.5 million eukaryotic species but there

    現在、約150万種の真核生物が 確認されているが

  • may be as many as 10 million alive today.


  • And although we are adding some 15,000 new species to our collective knowledge each year,

    また年間15000もの新種が リストに追加されているが

  • the vast majority of life on earth is still undiscovered.


  • This is just what is around today.


  • An estimated four billion species emerged on our planet in past eons.

    過去の長い年月に、この惑星に出現した種は 推定40億種にものぼる

  • But at least 99% of them died out, way before humans spoke the first words.

    しかし、人類が最初に話すよりずっと前に その99%以上が絶滅してしまった

  • The vast majority of all the different species that ever existed are so utterly deleted that

    過去に存在した種の大部分は まったく痕跡を残してないため

  • they have become part of theunknown unknownpart of the past, lost to us forever.

    過去の「未知の未知」の一部となり 永久に知る機会は訪れない

  • Or are they?


  • Could we use science and imagination to glimpse a shadow of the unreachable past?

    科学と想像力を駆使し、埋もれた過去の 影を覗き見る事は不可能だろうか

  • Let us start with what we DO know.


  • To learn about creatures of the past we need fossils, any sort of remains preserved from


  • past geological agesbones or shells, impressions or imprints, things preserved

    過去の地質時代から保存されてきた 骨、貝殻、痕跡、刻印、琥珀内の物質などだ

  • in amber.

    全ての化石の総体を 「化石記録」とよぶ

  • The totality of all fossils on earth is called the fossil record and it is the most important


  • window on the past we'll ever have.

    動物の死骸が化石化するには 多数の条件が必要だ

  • For a dead animal to fossilize a number of things must go just right: The right environment,


  • timing and conditions.


  • And then the fossil needs to survive for millions or hundreds of millions of years and then

    地表に戻り、自然に溶ける前に 発見される必要がある

  • get back to the surfaceand then be discovered before natural processes dissolve it.

    人類が化石を所有し、知見を得ていることは 一種の奇跡なのだ

  • So it is kind of a miracle that we have what we have and know what we know.

    恐竜を例にとろう 過去1億6500年で最も繁栄した動物だし

  • Take the dinosaurs since they were one of the largest and most successful groups of


  • animals for some 165 million yearsand are also a lot of fun to animate.


  • What were they really like and what are we missing?

    この200年で、1000種類以上の恐竜についての 何万個もの化石が発見された

  • In the last 200 years we've found tens of thousands of fossils from over 1000 dinosaur

    近年、毎年50の新種が発見される 黄金時代を迎えており

  • species..


  • Lately we've entered a golden era of discovery and about 50 new dinosaur species are discovered


  • each year, expanding what we know and what we know that we don't know about them, which

    しかし同時に、永遠に失われた過去について 意識させられる

  • is amazing.

    想像してほしい 過去5000万年に生きた全ての動物のうち

  • But it also makes us aware of all the things lost to the past forever.

    ランダムな1000種、10000個体を選び 化石化したとする

  • Imagine if we took all the animals that lived in the last 50 million years and randomly

    取りこぼされた生物のなかには 驚くほど奇妙なものも存在した

  • chose 10000 individuals from 1000 species to fossilize.

    例えばキリンは茶色い模様のある黄色い動物で 馬とカモシカの子どものようであり

  • Think about all the things that would be missed, or that seem too weird to be true.


  • Like the Giraffe, a yellow animal with brown patterns that looks like a horse and an antelope


  • had a baby, with a long neck and two tiny hairy horns.

    奇妙な形態の生物は、極端なニッチに適合し 不合理な形態へと進化したものだ

  • How manydinosaur giraffeswere there?


  • Animals so weird and selected for ecological niches so specific that evolution molded their

    種を永遠に見失ってしまった理由の多くは 単に生息環境によるものだ

  • bodies very absurdly - today they might seem made up to us..

    例えば緑豊かなジャングルでは 動物の死体が土に埋もれにくく、化石化しづらい

  • We know a lot of species are lost forever just because of the environment they lived

    大小様々な無数の腐肉食動物が 死体を速やかに分解し

  • in.

    土壌は骨が溶けるほどの 酸性であることが多い

  • For example, lush jungles basically prevent fossilization as the chances that an animal

    だから恐竜の化石は ジャングルからはまず出土しない

  • will be buried here is minimal.

    現在、既知の種の50%は 陸地面積の2%に過ぎない熱帯雨林に集中している

  • Countless scavengers of all sizes break down freshly deceased animals extremely quickly

    数百万年前、恐竜が地球を闊歩していたころ ジャングルはもっと広範囲を覆っていた

  • and the soil is often so acidic that bones are dissolved.

    だから琥珀に閉じ込められた 小動物や昆虫を除けば

  • And so fossils of dinosaurs from jungles are practically nonexistent.

    何百万という種が 何の痕跡も残さず絶滅していっただろう

  • Today half of all known species live in the few remaining rainforests that only cover


  • 2% of earth's landmass.


  • Millions of years ago when dinosaurs roamed earth, jungles covered much more of the planet.


  • So besides some insects and other small animals trapped in amber, there should be millions


  • of species that emerged and vanished, without leaving any trace.


  • Trapped deep inside the unknown, unknown.


  • But just in general biology trips us up.


  • Look at your body.


  • It's mainly squishy, gooey, soft stuff.

    つまり骨や殻の無い動物は ほとんど化石記録から消えてしまっているのだ

  • Which does not preserve well.

    現在のミミズ、クラゲ、ナメクジなどの 驚異的な多様性を見ると

  • What remains the longest are the crystalized parts of your bones and so most dinosaur fossils

    失われた種については ただ推測するしかない

  • are bones or teethusually fragments, not entire skeletons.

    ありがたいことに、骨の無い種の多くは 途方もなく多様な貝殻を残しており

  • This means that almost all boneless or shell-less animals are practically wiped from the fossil

    驚くほど多くのことを教えてくれる 最低限の手がかりとなる

  • record.

    それでも、この5億年の間に存在しえた 骨のない種を考えるには

  • If we take a look at the stunning diversity of weird animals like worms, jellyfish and

    想像力の限りを尽くしても 不十分だ

  • slugs alive today we can only speculate what we are missing.

    骨に基づく生物の再構築も 簡単ではないが

  • Although thankfully many mostly soft and gooey species also left us an incredible diversity

    ここ数年で、恐竜の実際の姿を 再構築する手法に大きな変化があった

  • of shells that tell us an amazing amount about our past, so at least we have that.

    以前のイラストの多くは 骨ばった最小限のデザインで

  • Still when we think about all the boneless species that may have existed in the last

    歯をむき出しにして 獰猛さと危険さを表現していた

  • half billion years even our best attempt at imagining them falls short.

    面白半分に、現在の動物を骨格に基づき 同様に描いてみると

  • But it's not like reimagining something based on its bones is straightforward and so the


  • way we envisage what dinosaurs actually looked like has changed a lot in the last few years.

    悪夢から飛び出したモンスターのような ゾウ、ハクチョウ、ヒヒ

  • In the past many illustrations had a bony, minimalistic look, with a toothy grin to signify

    現在の動物と同様、もっと軟部組織が多い恐竜を イメージすべきだ

  • fierceness and danger.

    お腹や胸は太く、皮膚はたるみ、 唇、歯茎などの奇妙な軟部組織があり

  • But if we draw today's animals in a similar way, based on their skeletons, just for the

    現在の種のような明確な特徴がある恐竜を 想像しよう

  • fun of it, we get the most bizarre creatures.


  • Elephants, swans and baboons that look like monsters right out of nightmares.


  • So similar to animals today, we should imagine dinosaurs with much more soft tissue, fat

    類似の特徴を持つ 現代の動物が実に役立つ

  • bellies or chests, weird soft parts like skin flaps, lips and gums and just more pronounced


  • features that would make them seem like much more pleasant fellows.


  • Some soft features actually leave distinctive traces on bones that we can look for in the

    羽の跡が保存されている極めて珍しい化石と 現代の技術から

  • skeletons of extinct animals, which is where today's animals with similar features are


  • really helpful.

    小さなシノサウロプテリクスには 縞模様の尾があり

  • It's a similar story with color.

    同じく小さなアンキオルニス・ハクスレイは 白黒の2色で頭の周りには豪華な赤い羽根があった

  • Because we know what the feathers of living birds look like, modern technology combined

    しかし、古代の絶滅種の大半については 依然として色の手がかりは無い

  • with the exceedingly rare fossils with preserved remains of fuzzy feathers give us a glimpse

    しかし、現代の恐竜である鳥類の色は既知で 驚くべき多様性を見いだせる

  • of the real colors of extinct dinosaurs.


  • We know that tiny Sinosauropteryx had a striped tail and its tiny dino buddy Anchiornis huxleyi

    仲間集めや威嚇のために 強烈な配色となった恐竜もいただろう

  • was white and black with gorgeous red feathers around its head.

    印象的な装飾や カラフルなくちばし

  • Still, for the vast majority of really any ancient extinct species we have no real clue

    縞模様や柄の入った恐竜も いたかもしれない

  • what color they were.

    同様に、恐竜の習性についても 知見は限られているが

  • But we know what modern dinosaurs, birds, look like and here we find the most amazing

    繰り返しになるが 現存する動物から結論を導きうる

  • variety.

    例えばライオンのような食物連鎖の頂点でも 寝転び、抱きあい、舐めあい、遊んで時間を過ごす

  • So some dinosaurs will have tried to blend into the background, while others might have


  • fielded aggressive color schemes to attract mates or to appear dangerous.

    T.rexの頭蓋骨が発見されたとき、 強大な歯は地上最強の噛みつきを想像させ

  • Some might have had impressive decorations or colorful beaks.


  • Some may have been striped or patterned.

    しかし最新のスキャン技術で、T.rexは過去の恐竜より 脳/身体の比率が大きいことがわかった

  • Similarly we don't know that much about dinosaur behaviour, although once again we

    おそらく非常に鋭い聴覚、視覚、嗅覚を持っていて 愚かな動物ではなかったように思われる

  • can draw conclusions from existing animals.

    空腹時以外は、遊んだり異性にアピールしたりする 愛すべき存在だったのかもしれない

  • For example even apex predators like lions spend a lot of their time lying around and

    同様に、角や盾を持つセラトプシドは”戦士”と みなされたが、おそらくそれ以上の存在だった

  • cuddling and licking each other and playing.

    現代の動物の習性や 複雑なダンスで求愛する種の存在を踏まえると

  • Why would dinosaurs be so different?

    彼らの盾は驚くほどカラフルで 今日の鳥のようにダンスで求愛していたのかも

  • When we first found the skull of T. rex with its mighty teeth and probably the strongest

    実際の恐竜たちは どれほど素晴らしい存在だったろう

  • bite of any land animal ever, we imagined a fierce and stupid beast.

    彼らを直に体験できないことは どれほどの損失だろう

  • But modern scanning technology has revealed that T.rex had a larger brain-to-body ratio

    「彼らを十分に知れない」という損失に加え さらに悲劇的なのは

  • than some earlier giant meat-eaters.

    痕跡すら残さず消えてしまった 不合理で美しい存在たちだ

  • And it probably had very sharp hearing, vision and sense of smell and was in all likelihood


  • not a stupid animal.

    私たちの感慨など無視して時間は進み 過去は刻一刻と拡大していく

  • So maybe T.rex was a cuddly fellow that spent a lot of time playing around or impressing

    現存する野生動物のほとんども おそらく化石を残さず永遠に消えてしまうだろう

  • potential mates when it was not hungry.


  • Likewise, while their horns and shields might have made ceratopsids appear to be natural

    絶滅を加速させるのではなく、 生命の守護者となり保全していくのだ

  • born fighters, they were probably much more than that.

    可能なら自然界で、不可能なら博物館や映像の中 そして私たちの心の中で

  • Based on the behaviour of modern animals and the complex dances some have to go through

    人類の想像力は素晴らしく 「未知の未知」に思いを馳せることは魅力的だが

  • to mate, maybe their shields were amazingly colorful, maybe it danced for its mates like


  • many birds do today.

    私たちが現在生きている場所では あるがままの生命を経験できているのだ

  • How intensely amazing these creatures must have been.

    今年はさらに、恐竜を体験できる エキサイティングな方法があります

  • And what a loss it is to us that we don't get to experience them first hand.

    12,022年度の人類紀元カレンダー 累代編です

  • What an even greater loss that there is so much we will never know about them and even

    今回も通常のカレンダーに1万年を加算して 人類の時代を表現し、あらゆる文化をとりこみました

  • more tragic, all the absurd and beautiful beings that disappeared without a trace.

    しかし今年は人類以外にも範囲を広げ 顕生代の忘れ去られた動植物―

  • But such is lifetime marches on without any concern for our feelings and the past

    巨大な鎧をまとった魚、大鎌を持ったトカゲ 巨大なナマケモノなど12の精巧なページで紹介します

  • expands with every moment that passes.

    小惑星の衝突、火山噴火、海の凍結などを乗り越え 多細胞生物の命が5億年以上も紡がれている様子を 目撃してください

  • Most wild animals alive today will in all likelihood not leave fossils behind and also


  • just disappear forever.

    結局のところ、人生は切り拓いていくもので 私たちはそれを祝福したいのです

  • We can do something about that thoughinstead of accelerating the extinction we are witnessing

    ピカピカの、高品質の限定版を 完売するまでは購入できますが

  • we could become the guardians of life and preserve it where we find it.


  • If possible in the wild, if not then in museums, movies and in our minds.

    このチャンネルの活動を支持するため あなたの心の空洞を埋めるため あるいはただ美しいものを見るため、

  • Because as amazing as our imagination is, and as fascinating to think about the animals

    例年どおり、カレンダーとあなたのお気に入りの品を 同梱しての出荷も行っています

  • that are part of the unknown unknownit is even better to witness them in the present.

    毎年カレンダーを購入してくれる サポーターの皆さま、本当にありがとうございます

  • The land that we actually inhabit, where we get to experience life as it happens.

    あなたのおかげで動画を作成でき 無料で公開できています

  • There is one more exciting way to experience Dinosaurs though this year: The 12,022 Human

    12,022年が皆様にとって 幸せな年になりますように

  • Era Calendar: Eons Edition.

  • As always, we're adding 10,000 years to the regular calendar to represent the Human

  • Era and include all cultures around the world.

  • But this year we're expanding the scope beyond humanity to showcase forgotten animals

  • and plants from all across the Phanerozoic Eon, like giant armoured fish, scythe lizards

  • or giant sloths, on 12 elaborate pages.

  • Witness how multicellular life has persisted for over half a billion years, surviving asteroid

  • impacts, volcanoes and frozen oceans.

  • And of course, pandemics.

  • In the end life, uh, finds a wayand we want to celebrate that!

  • You can get the very shiny, high-quality, limited Edition now until we sell out and

  • then never again.

  • To support what we do on this channel, to fill the void in your soul or just to have

  • something beautiful to look at.

  • As every year, we also have bundles and special calendar deals with some of your favorite

  • products.

  • Thank you so much to all of the thousands of birbs who get the calendar every year,

  • you enable us to create videos and to publish them for free, for everyone.

  • We wish you a happy year 12,022.

The past is a vast and mysterious land that begins at the big bang and ends in the present,



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