字幕表 動画を再生する
Uber Eats provides several ways to contact them
in case anything happens with an order.
Most issues with Uber Eats
can be solved within their help center.
To get there, go to the account tab
at the bottom of your screen in the app.
Tap "Help."
Choose the option that most closely relates to your issue.
Then see if any of the FAQs
answer your question or solve the issue.
If you need to contact Uber Eats directly
for a more unique or serious issue,
you can also contact Uber Eats by phone or email.
If you'd like to speak with them over the phone,
dial 800-253-9377.
If you'd rather communicate via email,
then send a message to eats@uber.com.
Remember, never send out sensitive information
like your password or credit card number via email.
An Uber Eats representative should never ask you
for those details over email messages.