字幕表 動画を再生する
Our home is burning. Rapid climate change is destabilizing our world.
It seems our emissions will not fall quickly enough to avoid runaway warming and we may
soon hit tipping points that will lead to the collapse of ecosystems and our civilization.
While scientists, activists and much of the younger generation urge action,
it appears most politicians are not committed to do anything meaningful
while the fossil fuel industry still works actively against change. It seems humanity
科学者、活動家、多数の若者が 行動を促すものの
can’t overcome its greed and obsession with short term profit and personal gain to save itself.
ほとんどの政治家は 意味ある活動に取り組まず
And so for many the future looks grim and hopeless. Young people feel particularly
化石燃料産業は依然として 変化を強く拒んでいる
anxious and depressed. Instead of looking ahead to a lifetime of opportunity they
人類は短期的・個人的な利益への欲望と執着を 克服できない
wonder if they will even have a future or if they should bring kids into this world.
It’s an age of doom and hopelessness and giving up seems the only sensible thing to do.
多くの人は 未来が厳しく絶望的にみえる
But that’s not true. You are not doomed. Humanity is not doomed.
Despite the seriousness of the situation, for years positive trends have accumulated and there
想像するのは未来の展望ではなく そもそも「未来があるのか」や
is finally some good news and a clear path towards our collective climate goals. Welcome to our Ted
talk, please watch this video to the end – check out our detailed sources afterwards to learn more.
今は破滅と絶望の時代であり 諦めることだけが賢明な行動に見える
Ok! Let’s start with the scariest things.
Canceling the Apocalypse
あなたの破滅も 人類の破滅も確定していないのだ
Some of the most widely shared stories about Climate Change are that it is an existential
深刻な状況の一方 ポジティブな動向も長期的に蓄積されており
threat – the end of human civilization and maybe even our own extinction event. And
気候の共通目標への好材料と 明確な道筋がついに整ってきた
that it is basically unavoidable now. But what does science actually say?
ようこそTedトークへ 最後までお付き合いを
As of 2022 the global average temperature
has risen 1.2 degrees celsius compared to preindustrial times.
Limiting warming to 1.5 degrees was the most ambitious goal of the Paris agreement
but we are not likely to meet it. Already with the warming we have today, hot places will get hotter,
気候変動を人類存亡の危機とする捉え方が 広く共有されている
wet places wetter and the risk and strength of extreme weather events increase significantly.
Warming beyond 2 degrees makes all of these extremes more extreme, extreme weather events
もはや終末は不可避とされるが 科学者の見解はどうだろう?
more common with more ecosystems under major pressure. Some will not survive.
2022年現在、世界の平均気温は 産業革命以前に比べて1.2℃上昇している
At 3 degrees significant parts of earth, especially in developing countries,
1.5℃までに抑えるのが パリ協定での最大目標だったが
might become unable to feed their populations. Heat waves will become a major global issue.
Large scale natural systems will break down. The scale and frequency of hurricanes,
すでに現時点の温暖化で 暑い地域はより暑く
fires and droughts will further increase and cause trillions in damage. Poor regions and subsistence
湿潤な地域はより湿潤となり 異常気象のリスクと程度は有意に増加している
farmers will be hit the hardest. Hundreds of millions of people will need to leave their homes.
2℃を超える温暖化は 現状をさらに悪化させる
In the 4-8 degree range the apocalypse begins – the hothouse earth, where things change
異常気象はより一般的になり 生態系への圧力も強まって
so quickly, that it may become unable to support our large human population
and billions may perish, leaving the rest on a hostile alien planet.
3℃上昇するとかなりの地域 特に途上国で
A decade ago, for lack of action and perspective, many scientists assumed a 4+ degree world was our
future and a lot of public communication focused on exactly this future path.
Luckily, it's much less likely that this version of the apocalypse will come to pass.
If current climate policies stagnate, we’re likely to end up with warming 3 °C by 2100.
ハリケーン、山火事、干ばつの 規模と頻度がさらに増加し
Which is scary and tragic and far from acceptable. But this is actually good news – how? In the last
decade, we have seen enough progress that most scientists now think that we have likely avoided
apocalyptic climate change. Although substantial risk still remains, we can pretty confidently say
that humanity isn’t going anywhere. Civilization might have to change, but it will endure.
Which begs the question: What has changed over the last ten years and is this really good news?
温室状態の地球は 物事の変化が激しく
## The Invisible Shift
人口を養いきれなくなって 数十億人が滅び
You probably know this story: The last decade has been an immense
生存者は一変した過酷な地球に 取り残されるかも
failure for climate policies around the world.
Instead of passing comprehensive, binding bills that would meaningfully reduce emissions
多くの科学者は 4℃以上増加する未来を想定し
we mostly did: nothing. A lost decade with one negative record after another. And this story
多くの意識啓発は まさにこの未来に焦点をあてていた
is true and it is one reason why so many people are giving up. But it is not the whole picture.
幸運にも このような終末の可能性は低くなっている
Despite the lack of climate policies and ongoing
lobbying and misinformation campaigns from the fossil fuel industries,
there was a lot of progress. Let us go back 20 years to see why today is so different:
これは恐ろしく、悲劇的で 受け入れられないが
Between 2000 and 2010, greenhouse gas emissions had grown by 24%,
いいニュースでもある ―なぜか?
three times as much as the increase in the previous decade. Subsidies for fossil fuels
この10年で、多くの科学者が 終末的な気候変動は回避されたという立場になった
aimed at promoting economic growth, caused a colossal increase in their consumption.
For emerging countries like China and India coal was the cheapest fuel for growth
while rich countries showed little interest in changing their ways.
文明は変化を強いられるが 滅びはしない
In 2010, many people expected these trends to continue. Instead of decreasing fossil
ここで疑問が生じる この10年での変化とは?それは本当に吉報なのか?
fuel use its consumption would rise. The next decade turned out to be very different though.
First of all, coal burning in emerging countries like India has been slowed down or leveled off,
like in China. And it has plummeted in rich countries like the UK and US.
Since 2015 three-quarters of planned coal plants have been canceled and 44 countries
have committed to stop building them. Ten years ago that would have seemed like wishful thinking,
but today we can say with confidence: Coal is dying. It is just not competitive anymore.
「悪化の報告が相次ぐ 失われた10年だった」
Because technologies we thought would remain expensive matured rapidly instead. Renewable
この内容は正しいし 多くにとって諦める根拠だ
electricity has shown explosive progress. In a mere decade wind energy got three times cheaper.
Solar electricity is now ten times cheaper! Cheaper than coal or any other fossil-fuel burning
気候政策の欠如や 化石燃料産業によるロビー活動と情報攪乱の一方
power plant, despite the massive subsidies and global infrastructure propping up fossil fuels.
25 times more solar and nearly 5 times more wind electricity is produced today compared with ten
現状の変化を見るため 20年前に戻ろう
years ago, which is of course not nearly enough. One of the biggest obstacles is the variability
of their power output. Renewables need a lot of energy storage to be a reliable power source,
like expensive batteries. Amazingly battery prices have decreased by 97% in the past 30 years,
60% in the last decade alone – which will serve all kinds of green technology like electric cars.
経済成長のための 化石燃料への補助金が
You might say, well that’s great but didn’t Kurzgesagt’s last climate video
say that while wind and solar are nice, we need nothing less than a fundamental transition of
中国やインド等の新興国には 石炭は最も安価な燃料で
our global industrial system? Yes but luckily the shift goes beyond just the energy sector.
Throughout the economy people are working on improving current technology to lower emissions.
We’re rapidly replacing old incandescent light bulbs with LEDs that are ten times more efficient.
In 2020 about 7 out of 10 new cars in Norway were electric
or hybrid – In 2021 it was already 8 out of 10. And the list goes on,
まず、インドなど新興国での石炭利用は 中国のように安定または低下しており
from electric heating and better insulation to ships traveling at half speed to save fuel.
Wherever you look you find scientists,
2015年以降、石炭発電所の計画の3/4が中止となり 44ヵ国が新設を見送った
engineers and entrepreneurs trying to solve some aspect of climate change.
Enormous amounts of human ingenuity are being brought to bear on this problem
with more and more people deciding to prioritize preventing rapid climate change. Solutions for
low-carbon production of cement, electronics and steel, and innovations like artificial meat and
carbon capture are in the works. The more of these technologies we deploy; the cheaper new
and better technology gets. The cheaper they get, the more people use them. And so on.
We can see the impact already:
The domestic CO2 output of rich countries is falling without a major recession.
Since the year 2000, the EU as a whole shows a 21% decrease, Italy 28%, the UK 35%, Denmark 43%.
But the best news may be that emissions are no longer necessarily coupled with economic growth.
化石燃料には世界的なインフラと 巨額の補助金があるのにだ
In the past this was an inconvenient truth – to get richer, you had to emit more. Which
10年前と比べ、太陽光発電は25倍 風力発電は5倍近く行われているが
led to fierce arguments between developing and developed countries about the fairness
of reducing emissions while their populations were still poor. But in the last decade we have
最大の障害の一つは その出力のバラつきだ
seen that it IS possible to increase prosperity without increasing emissions. Emissions in the
再生可能エネルギーの信頼獲得には バッテリーのような高価な貯蔵先が必要だ
Czech Republic dropped 13% while their GDP grew by 27%! France reduced their CO2 emissions by 14%
驚くべきことに バッテリーの価格低下は過去30年で97%
while increasing GDP by 15%! Romania saw an 8% decrease and 35% growth! And even the
largest economy on earth - the USA - decreased emissions by 4% while growing their GDP by 26%!
電気自動車など 全てのグリーンテクノロジーに有用だ
Some of you may call this a numbers trick. That rich countries are just exporting emissions to
素晴らしいことだが Kurzgesagtの前回の気候動画の主張は
poorer nations by moving the dirty parts of their economies like manufacturing. But even
「風力や太陽光は重要だが 産業システムの根本的な転換が最重要」では?
when we account for all of our imported goods, the numbers still look positive! It’s no longer
その通りだが 幸運にも躍進はエネルギー部門だけではない
a matter of having to choose between prosperity and the climate as it seemed to be a decade ago.
経済全体で 人々は排出削減への技術改善に取り組んだ
Developing countries will profit from that because as rich countries pay for
古い白熱電球を、効率10倍のLEDへと 急速に置き換えている
the expensive development of green technologies, they can adopt them more cheaply. They can skip
2020年、ノルウェイでは新車の10台中7台が 電気自動車かハイブリッド車だった
most of the high emission phase that today's rich countries went through.
We are at the point where not decarbonizing is a bad business decision.
改善リストは、電気暖房や断熱材の改善から 速度を半分にして燃料を節約する船まで続く
And we haven’t even really talked about solutions like carbon capture.
In 2000 it didn't really exist. In 2022 that technology does exist and costs around $600 to
remove one ton of CO2 from the atmosphere. As investment pours in and the technology matures
急速な気候変動の抑制を 人々が重視するほどに
and begins to scale, it is likely that these costs will plummet over the next few decades.
人類の膨大な創意工夫が 問題解決に活用される
So everything's fine then? Well let us not get carried away here - all of these processes are
セメント、電子機器、鉄鋼の 低炭素での生産方法や
great but not nearly fast enough. We are still doing way too little and technology will not
magically solve everything. We need to use fewer resources and use them longer, design
これら技術を導入するほど 優れた新技術の価格が下がる
consumer goods that are repairable and durable and decrease our energy requirements. We need
much better infrastructure, agriculture and cities. It will still be hard work,
especially to get the right policies passed and enacted.
大きな不況もなく 富裕国のCO2排出量は減少している
But for the first time ever,
there are a few trendlines pointing solidly in the right direction.
イタリアで28%、イギリスで35% デンマークで43%も減少している
And now imagine – If all of this was achieved without proper financial and political support
更に良い知らせは排出が 成長と連動しなくなったことにある
and despite fossil fuel lobbying – just think what humanity can do
when climate change finally gets the political attention and funding it needs.
So is it ok to feel hopeful again? The situation is still dire and serious,
そのため国の間で激論が交わされた 排出削減は貧困国の停滞を意味し
so what is the point of focusing on this side of the story?
The Trap of Hopelessness
この10年で経済成長は 排出を増やさなくても可能だとわかった
Climate change can feel overwhelming and make your future seem bleak. The sadness
チェコ共和国は13%の排出削減を達成しつつ GDPは27%成長した
and hopelessness that many people feel is real and very destructive because it causes apathy.
フランスは14%排出を削減した一方 GDPは15%成長し
Apathy that is only serving the fossil fuel industry that is still delaying
change however it can. In a sense they have weaponized hopelessness.
We are now in phase 4 in the public debate about rapid climate change action:
Phase 1 was: Climate Change is not real.
Phase 2 was: Climate Change is real but not caused by humans.
Phase 3 was: Climate Change may be caused by humans but it’s not that bad.
Phase 4 is: Climate Change is no longer avoidable. We are doomed and it doesn’t matter what we do.
If we want the world to change, we first need to believe that change is possible. And we have
an abundance of evidence that it is. Changes to our industrial system are gaining momentum,
technology gets better and cheaper, climate change has become a key issue in most free elections.
As more and more younger people move into influential positions,
they prioritize climate change and work on new solutions. In 2022 most governments not
only acknowledge it but set their own net zero goals – in democratic and autocratic countries.
The results of years of fighting a steep uphill battle are now clearly visible. The
pressure needs to keep increasing, to make sure that the promises made today are actually kept!
我々は脱炭素しないという決定が 非合理であるという地点にいる
Climate doomerism is the equivalent of giving up even though you can still prevent not just the
炭素回収のような解決策については まだ十分に議論されていない
worst case but also mitigate most of the bad things, make changes in time to adapt better
and prevent the poorest from suffering. That is why hopelessness and apathy are so dangerous.
If the last, in many ways wasted decade, has shown anything,
then it’s that progress is being made and that dire scenarios are just predictions – not our
投資が行われ技術が成熟して 規模が拡大すると
sealed fate. As of 2022, based on current global policies, we will end up in a 3 degrees world.
Now it is our job to yet again prove the predictions wrong – despite how serious and
urgent things are. To turn that 3 degrees into a 2 degrees and then see where we can go from there.
For that we need hope. And we hope we gave you that today, at least a little. That you feel
that things are serious but also that you have a future. That you can have kids without dooming
我々の行動はまだ少なく 技術も魔法のようにはいかない
them or the world. That taking action today is worth it. And that despite powerful industries
doing everything to delay it, society is changing. If you need a more concrete roadmap of what you
修理可能で長持ちする製品を作り 使用エネルギーを削減する必要がある
can do personally – we are working on a follow up video to talk about that in greater detail.
またインフラ、農業、街づくりを 改善する必要もある
Doomerism, inactivity and weaponized hopelessness
特に適切な政策を成立させるのは 相変わらず難題だが
are the only trump cards left for the powers that don’t want change. Don’t let them win.
いつくかの傾向は 正しい方向を示し始めた
We are still excited about the future. And we think one of the best things
思い出してほしい これらは適切な財政及び政治的支援もなく
you can do to keep your optimism and curiosity up is to learn new things.
If you don’t know where to start, our friends from Brilliant.org have got you covered.
考えてほしい、気候変動が政治的注目と 資金を得たとき何ができるかを
Brilliant makes math and science accessible and fun with a hands-on approach.
More than 60 interactive courses like „The joy of problem solving“ or
„Scientific thinking“ give you the tools to crack problems in math, science and computer science
that are all designed to get your intuition going and give you plenty of aha-experience.
Lessons will surprise you with storytelling, code-writing tasks and
気候変動に圧倒され 未来は暗いと思うことがある
interactive challenges – basically using whatever keeps you interested and entertained. All the
人々の悲しみや絶望感は切実かつ破壊的で 無関心へとつながる
content is interactive: instead of just reading and listening to explanations, you drag and drop,
manipulate shapes and diagrams, make selections and answer questions.
This way you learn something almost without you noticing it. And tiny step by step you’ll
build up your long-term understanding of science and get closer to your STEM goals.
To start looking at the world of science from a different perspective, go to Brilliant.org
第1段階は 「気候変動は事実ではない」
SlashNutshell and sign up for free. And there’s an extra perk for kurzgesagt viewers:
第2段階は「気候変動は事実だ しかし人類が原因ではない」
the first 200 people to use the link get 20% off their annual membership,
第3段階は「気候変動は人類が原因だ しかしさほど悪いことではない」
which unlocks all of Brilliant’s courses in math, science, and computer science.
第4段階は 「気候変動は避けられない」
At kurzgesagt we love to create things that seem impossible at
first – Brilliant can help you acquire the skills to do that.
もし世界を変えたいと望むなら まず変化が可能だと信じる必要があり