字幕表 動画を再生する
When we think about alien civilizations we tend to look into the vastness of space,
to far away planets. But there is another
広大な宇宙や遠い惑星に 目を向けがちだ
incredibly vast dimension that we might be giving too little thought to: time.
だが、驚くほど広大なもう一つの次元には ほとんど考えが及んでいない
Could it be that over the last hundreds of millions of years,
other civilizations existed on earth? Indigenous technological species that
過去数億年にわたり 地球に別の文明が存在していたのでは?
rose and died out? And that they or their artifacts are buried beneath
土着の、技術を持つ種が台頭し そして滅んだのでは?
our feet? What does science have to say about this and what are the implications for us?
その種と、それらの遺物が 私たちの足元に埋まっているのでは?
Life on earth has existed for 4 billion years, mostly as single celled organisms
この疑問に科学はどう答えるだろう? そして、私たちに何を示唆するだろう?
until some 540 million years ago the Cambrian explosion heralded the age of animals. A huge
地球上の生命は 40億年前から存在し
time window for our indigenous aliens. Where would we look for them and what could we hope to find?
ほとんどの期間は単細胞生物として過ごしたが 5.4億年前のカンブリア爆発で動物の時代が訪れた
Sadly we have only one civilization to look at: Ourselves.
土着の知的生命体にとって 巨大な猶予が存在する
Anatomically modern humans emerged around 300,000 years ago and probably lived in small
どこを探せば見つかるか そして何を見ることになるのか?
groups of hunter gatherers, slowly spreading around the world. Progress was slow and our
lifestyle did not change much, although there may have been local bursts of complexity.
Until about 10,000 years ago, when the agricultural revolution changed
解剖学的にみて現生人類の出現は 約30万年前で
our lifestyle forever, enabling massive population growth and technological progress.
おそらく狩猟採集の小集団で生活し 緩やかに世界に広がっていった
Rather than just animals with culture and tools that would have been invisible from space,
進歩は遅く、生活様式の変化も乏しかったが 局所的な高度化はあったかも
we changed the face of the planet, cleared forests and
約1万年前、農業革命が 私たちの生活様式を一変させ
constructed cities and temples for our gods at breathtaking speeds and scales.
大規模な人口増加と 技術的進歩が可能となった
Until about 300 years ago, we became an industrial species and yet again
単なる「文化や道具をもった動物」でなく 宇宙から見た地球の外見まで変えてみせた
our numbers grew exponentially as did our impact on the planet.
驚異的な速さとスケールで 森林を切り拓き、都市と神殿をつくりあげたのだ
We could say that our 300,000 year long history has three phases:
300年ほど前 私たちは産業を営む種となると
We were hunter gatherers for 97%, farmers for 2.9% and industrialists for 0.1% of our history.
またもや人口が飛躍的に増加し 地球への影響も大きくなった
And yet we are super new on earth.
人類30万年の歴史は 3段階に分けられるだろう
On geological timescales, even the sturdiest things lose their durability. The oldest large
97%は狩猟採集民として 2.9%は農耕民として
scale surface is in the Negev Desert, a meager 1.8 million years old. Everything older has been
crushed to dust or turned over and it is either below the ground, or covered by ice or ocean.
そもそも人類自体が 地球では新顔だ
Our age, the Anthropocene will be a layer only a few centimeters thick in a few million years.
地質学的なタイムスケールでは 最も頑丈な物質さえ永続性を失う
If there were aliens before us and they too went through these three phases,
地表に最も長く存続しているのはネゲヴ砂漠で 180万年に過ぎない
what would remain of them? What can we learn about indegnous aliens by looking at ourselves?
より古いものは粉砕されたり分解されたりで 地下にあるか、氷や海に覆われている
Hunter & Gatherer Aliens
私たちの時代、人新世は数百万年後には たった数cmの地層となるだろう
We actually know that in the last few million years, there were hunter gatherers aliens.
人類以前に知的生命体が存在し この3段階を経たなら何が残るだろう
Our ancestors like Homo Erectus and cousins like the Neanderthals or Denisovans and probably many
未知の知的生命体について 人類自身から何が示唆されるだろう
more that we haven't found yet or are lost to time forever. They left fragments of their bodies,
of weapons and tools and even art. Considering how long they existed and how little remains of them,
ここ数百万年の間に 狩猟採集型の知的生命体は実在した
although they lived not that far from our present it is easy to think there have been others.
私たちの祖先、ホモ・エレクトスや 近縁のネアンデルタール人やデニソワ人
Intelligent animals like us that could talk and use tools and fire, that had culture and art. For
そして他にも未発見・発見不能の存在が おそらく多数いたのだ
the last two million years, most hominins lived as hunter-gatherers – so if these aliens never moved
彼らは肉体の一部、武器や道具 あるいは芸術さえも残した
up higher on the tech tree, hundreds of different species and cultures could have existed without
わりと近年まで、長く存続したのに 彼らの痕跡が少ないことを考慮すると
leaving any traces. Their artifacts lost to biological and then geological processes.
At worst they would leave absolutely nothing to be found after thousands of years.
私たちのような、言葉を話し、道具や火を扱い 文化や芸術を持つ知的な動物
But what about fossils? We talked about how unlikely the process of fossilization is in more
この200万年 ほとんどのヒト科は狩猟採集民だった
detail in our dinosaur video, but in a nutshell, per hundred thousand years of earth's history
we only get a handful of good fossils. So we might easily just miss fossils of such people – but even
何百もの異なる種や文化が 痕跡を残さずに存在し得たのだ
if we had any, we would not necessarily be able to identify them as hunter gatherers.
彼らの遺物は生物学的 そして地質学的プロセスにより失われたのだ
Agricultural and Empire Aliens
最悪の場合 数千年で痕跡が完全に消失する
Looking at humans again, agricultural societies left much more to be dug up and found,
because they used more sophisticated tools made from sturdier materials and had to feed millions,
化石化の望みの薄さは 恐竜の動画で詳細に扱ったが
leaving many more artifacts. Farming allowed them to specialize and develop tech
ザックリいうと、良質な化石は 10万年で一握り程度しか得られないのだ
from writing to navigation, architecture and government. Over thousands of years city
states became kingdoms and empires, some existing for millennia before they fell.
化石を見つけても 狩猟採集民と特定できるとは限らない
Many of the buildings or monuments they constructed are still around
and traces of them will exist for a few thousand more years. Some only as outlines in the ground,
人類に再び着目すると 農耕社会では発掘可能な痕跡が多く残される
but still recognizable to future archaeologists. The pyramids are piles of limestone so massive
彼らはより頑丈で洗練された道具を用い 何百万人も養ったため、多くの遺物を残したのだ
that they will probably be around for hundreds of thousands of years. And because of the
農耕は専門分化を可能とし 文字、航海術、農耕、政治の技術を発展させた
greater numbers of humans that lived during our farm and empire period, we can expect way more
何千年もかけ 都市国家は王国や帝国になり
fossils and artifacts to be detectable, maybe for a few million years before they vanish.
滅びるまでに 数千年も存続したものもある
So we can say with confidence that no such indigenous alien civilization existed in the
last few million years because otherwise we would have found something that they left.
This still leaves a window of hundreds of millions of years, back to the emergence of complex life,
一部は輪郭だけになるが 未来の考古学者にはわかるだろう
where we would not be able to tell. If there were alien pre industrial societies and empires on the
ピラミッドは石灰岩の山であり その巨大さから何十万年も存続しそうだ
level of the ancient Romans or Chinese, they would have likely disappeared without a trace. Their
また、より多くの人口が 農耕時代や帝国時代を生きたため
tools, even advanced metals, would have rotted away. If they dug up canals, cleared forests and
はるかに多くの化石や遺物が残るだろうし 消滅までに数百万年を要するかも
built cities, their traces would be very hard to distinguish from nature. Maybe there once was an
だから、ここ数百万年では 土着の知的生命体による文明はなかったと断言できそうだ
empire of cephalopods occupying impressive cities in swamps and lakes, made from wood and stone.
存在したなら 痕跡が見つかるはず
Their engineers flooding land to build wet cities, their poets reciting poems in a language of
colors. Maybe they never industrialized – maybe their society was too stable or not inventive
カンブリア爆発が起点なら 文明の有無は知り得ないのだ
enough or they never got a chance. A single event like an asteroid, an epidemic or an ice age
もし古代のローマや中国レベルの農耕社会と帝国を 知的生命体が築いても
could just have deleted their civilization, ground up their temples as their soft bodies
rotted away. Sadly we don't have the tiniest amount of evidence for any such civilization.
彼らの道具は、高度な金属でさえ 朽ち果てているはずだ
After a few million years at best, their achievements would have dissolved into nothing.
運河を掘り、森林を拓き 都市を築いたとしても
Industrial Indigenous Aliens
その痕跡はもはや 自然物と見分けがつかない
What about industrial civilizations, like humanity today? Imagine humans
沼や池で素晴らしい都市を築いた タコの帝国があったかも
died out suddenly, through a pandemic or cosmic rays or something like that. What would remain?
Our impact on the planet is orders of magnitude greater than that of our ancestors.
エンジニアは浸水により湿った都市を築き 詩人は色をつむぎ詩を詠んだ
The fossil record will show a great extinction of wildlife
and an explosion of fossils from human associated animals, like rats, cows, pigs and chickens.
原因は社会の安定感か、不十分な発明性か 単に機会に恵まれなかったのかも
Like the structures of our ancestors, skyscrapers and streets and harddrives will basically crumble
そして小惑星や疫病、氷河期といった 単発の出来事でも文明は消滅し
into nothingness in a few millennia. But because there were so many humans everywhere,
柔らかな身体は朽ち果て 寺院もすり潰されうる
for a few million years after our sudden end, there would be clear hints of our existence.
だが残念ながら、そのような文明について かすかな証拠すらない
The byproducts of our industrial lifestyle might
せいぜい数百万年後には 彼らの実績は無に帰してしまうだろう
actually give us away for some hundreds of millions of years .
We use massive amounts of artificial fertilizer which redirects earth's flow of nitrogen that
現在の人類のような 産業文明はどうだろう
is being deposited in the soil. Mining metals and rare Earth elements leaves long term scars
パンデミックや宇宙線などで 人類が突如として滅亡した場合を想像しよう
and depletes natural resources. We saturate our oceans with plastics that find their way
to the ocean floor and may persist for hundreds of millions of years.
私たちが地球に与える影響は 祖先よりも桁外れに大きい
There are radioactive elements and their decay, unnatural accumulations of elements that do not
exist outside labs or weapons. And of course, in our short industrial history we have changed the
ラット、牛、豚、鶏といった 人類に関わる動物化石の爆発的な増加がわかるだろう
proportion of CO2 in the air by burning massive amounts of fossil fuels, increasing the acidity
of the oceans and so on. We may already have left a mark in the geological record.
高層ビルや道路、ハードディスクは 基本的に数千年で崩れ、無に帰すだろう
So far we have found no traces of an industrial alien civilization.
No layers of weird chemicals or displaced elements. No radioactive layer to indicate
突然の絶滅から数百万年は 人類の存在を示唆するものがあるはずだ
that once great nations waged nuclear war. We do see mass extinctions and
私たちの産業的なライフスタイルの副産物は 数億年にわたり痕跡を残すかもしれない
massive shifts in the fossil records but no evidence that they did not occur naturally.
And ironically we've hit upon an interesting problem here: If industrial societies stress the
地球の窒素循環の流れを変え 土壌に蓄積させていく
ecosystem enough to cause their own extinction, they won't be around that long. But if they become
金属やレアアースの採掘は長期の傷跡を残し 天然資源を枯渇させる
sustainable their imprint on the geological record may be tiny. If past industrial civilizations were
海をプラスチックで満たし それが海底に到達すると
sustainable before they died out, we may have little to no chance of ever knowing about them.
In any case, over hundreds of millions of years these signatures may become
very subtle and get overlooked or interpreted as natural. Even if an industrialized alien society
研究所や兵器以外ではありえない 不自然な集積がある
existed 200 million years ago and lasted for 100,000 years, 300 times longer than
そしてもちろん 短い産業史のなかで
industrial humanity, it still might be easy to miss it in the geological record.
私たちは大量の化石燃料を燃やして 大気中のCO2濃度を変え
In any case, all of this is speculation. In the end we should not use our imagination to
trick ourselves into thinking we know anything about our blind spots. Just assuming a thing
すでに地質学的な記録に 痕跡を残しているのかもしれない
happened because we don't have evidence against it is a trap we should avoid.
今のところ、知的生命体による 産業文明の痕跡は見つかっていない
So for now, if we look at the vastness of time it seems as
奇妙な化学物質の層や 元素が収集された層もない
devoid of aliens as the vastness of space. Maybe we are alone in this universe and always were.
大国による核戦争を示唆するような 放射性物質の層もない
Maybe we'll find traces of others eventually, we don't know. But there is one important takeaway:
化石記録から大量絶滅や 大規模移動が示唆されるが
The continuation of our civilization is not guaranteed and if we are not careful,
we may disappear forever. Let's hope that in a few million years,
皮肉なことに ここで興味深い問題に直面した
there won't be another civilization studying our layer in the fossil record.
もし産業社会が、自滅を招くほど 生態系に負荷をかけるなら
It's frustrating to know there are so many things in our past we can't access.
At least you can avoid that annoying feeling when it comes to other stuff you are interested in,
もし持続可能な社会であれば 地質学的記録への痕跡はごく小さいかも
like your favorite TV shows or movies. You can make this possible by going to
過去の産業文明が 持続可能だったなら
NordVPN.com/kurzgesagt. NordVPNs service lets you change your virtual location by choosing from over
彼らを知るチャンスは ほとんど無いかもしれない
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これらの痕跡はごく微妙なものとなり 見過ごされたり、自然の範囲内と解釈され得る
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人類の300倍にあたる 10万年を存続したとして
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彼らの地質学的記録は 容易に見落されるかもしれない
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