字幕表 動画を再生する
A war has been going on for billions of years that breeds well armed monsters, who struggle with
other monsters for survival. Having no particular interest in us, most of them are relatively
武装した怪物が生まれては 生存をかけて戦っている
harmless, as our immune systems deal with their weapons easily. But there are exceptions.
人類に特段の関心はなく ほとんどは比較的無害だ
Naegleria fowleri is an amoeba that has not only developed a
免疫系が彼らの武器を 簡単に処理できる
deadly taste for human brains but is also a match for our defences and stars in dramatic
headlines. What happens when this monster enters your body?
Naegleria fowleri というアメーバは 人間の脳を食べて死に至らせ、免疫系にも対応する
Naegleria fowleri is an amoeba, a microbe with a nucleus, one of the smallest lifeforms on earth.
It is a voracious hunter of bacteria and other critters that it devours whole and rips into
この怪物が体内に侵入したら 何がおきるのか?
pieces. Like many amoebea it is able to transform into different stages that help it survive,
Naegleria fowleri はアメーバだ
but most of the time Naegleria fowleri is in its trophozoite stage,
核を持つ微生物であり 地球上で最小の生物の一つだ
during which it looks like a squishy blob with tiny arms and hunts, divides and thrives.
アメーバは、細菌や他の生物を丸のみして細断する 獰猛なハンターだ
Its natural home is in fresh water: ponds, rivers, lakes and hot springs. But unfortunately
他のアメーバと同様、Naegleria fowleri は 生存のために変形できる
it also feels happy in pipes, swimming pools, fountains or spas when they are not properly
ほとんどの場合、Naegleria fowleri は栄養体で
treated. The warmer the water, the more it thrives and multiplies. So in the summer, when humans seek
to cool off and enjoy themselves, the chances are highest that both species will interact.
Because this makes it hard to avoid, millions of people regularly have contact with the amoeba,
本来の生息場所は淡水で 池、川、湖、温水などだが
especially in warmer climates, and many people even seem to have antibodies against it.
残念ながら、居心地のいい場所には パイプ、プール、噴水、温泉などもある
And this is mostly ok, you can even swallow it without consequences.
Things turn bad when people dive or swim in water contaminated with the amoeba and water splashes
水温が高いほど 盛んに繁殖していく
high up into their noses. In a single drop of lake water there are millions of viruses,
bacteria and amoebea and that isn't really a big deal. But Naegleria fowleri is different. Let
アメーバと遭遇する可能性が 最大になるのだ
us zoom into the nose of an unsuspecting victim enjoying a great summer day and see what happens.
First of all, the amoeba doesn't really want to be inside your nose
特に温暖な地域では数百万人が 定期的に接触しており
as it is not really looking for trouble, it just wants to eat a few bacteria.
Instead it is greeted by your natural defenses. Unfortunately for humans, Naegleria fowleri
まあ概ね問題はなく 感染せずに飲み込むことすら可能だ
happens to be exceptionally good at generally flying under the radar of your immune system.
アメーバに汚染された水を泳いだり潜ったりして 水が鼻の高さまでくると、事態は悪化する
For example, the inside of your nose is covered by mucosa, a slime filled with chemicals that
湖の水一滴には何百万という ウイルス、細菌、アメーバがいるが
kill or stun possible invaders or alert immune cells. But Naegleria fowleri is not particularly
bothered by them and instead calmly checks out the scenery, mildly annoyed about the whole ordeal.
だが Naegleria fowleri は違う
Now, if you are unlucky, the tiny critter stumbles over something
夏の一日を楽しむ無防備な犠牲者の鼻を拡大し 何が起きるか見てみよう
that actually sparks its interest: Nerve cells.
第一に、アメーバは望んで あなたの鼻に入ったのではない
Your nose is filled with a large network of olfactory nerve cells
細菌を少し食べたいだけで トラブルは求めていないのに
that pick up molecules from the outside and transmit their information to your olfactory bulb,
the center of smell in your brain. To do their job these cells talk to each other by
困ったことに、Naegleria fowleri はなぜか 免疫系のレーダーを潜り抜けるのが非常にうまい
releasing various messenger chemicals and recognizing them via specific receptors.
例えば鼻の内側は 粘膜に覆われ
One of the most important of these chemicals is acetylcholine.
含まれる化学物質は侵入者を殺すか気絶させ 免疫細胞へ警告する
Through sheer evolutionary bad luck, Naegleria fowleri happens to
だが Naegleria fowleri は特に困らない
have receptors that recognize acetylcholine.
落ち着いて景色を眺めつつ この試練に少しイラつく程度だ
And it seems to attract them irresistibly, a little like moths that are attracted by light.
So as your olfactory nerve cells do their job, using plenty of acetylcholine to talk to the
この微生物は 興味をかきたてるものに出会う
brain, Naegleria fowleri enters your tissue. It seems to follow the chemical signals upstream.
Neutrophils, crazy suicide warriors begin to attack the amoebae. Individually they have no
鼻は嗅覚神経細胞の 巨大ネットワークで満ち
chance against them as the invaders are large and pretty buff fighters, used to dealing with tough
外界の分子を拾い、その情報を 脳内の嗅覚中枢である嗅球に伝える
enemies. So the defenders swarm the intruders and kill them either by vomiting chemicals
神経細胞は任務遂行のために 様々な伝達物質を出し
that punch holes into them or by literally ripping parts of them off and devouring them.
But the Naegleria fowleri train is still on track and while the Neutrophil attacks slow them down,
特に重要な伝達物質が アセチルコリンだ
they continue to follow the olfactory nerves to their final destination:
Your brain.
Naegleria fowleri は偶然にも アセチルコリン受容体を持っており
This process can take between one and nine days
その伝達物質に強く惹きつけられる 光に蛾が集まるように
and you'll probably not notice anything during that time.
嗅覚神経細胞が働くとき 脳への伝達に多量のアセチルコリンが使われ
Until the amoebae reach the olfactory bulb, the center of smell and entrance to your brain. Your
Naegleria fowleri が 組織に侵入するのだ
brain cells are nothing more than helpless victims and they all release that wonderful acetylcholine.
Naegleria fowleri initiates a massacre and releases an onslaught of various attack molecules.
狂気の特攻隊員である好中球が 攻撃を始める
Some of them are basically little bombs that rip holes into your cells on contact
so their pieces can be eagerly consumed. But Naegleria fowleri
アメーバは大型の戦士で 強敵との戦いに馴れているので
is now multiplying - and it's also becoming really creepy. In a feeding frenzy it can
好中球はアメーバに群がり 身体に穴をあける化学物質を吐いたり
develop up to a dozen suckers called food cups, that look like giant eerie mouths. The amoebae
身体の一部を切り取って 食い荒らしたりして殺す
engage your brain cells, suck them in and rip large “bites” out of them while they
だがアメーバの進路に変更はなく 好中球の攻撃でもたついても
are still alive. Now things escalate quickly and the disease that will kill you sets in.
嗅覚神経に沿って 目的地に向かい続ける
Alerted by the massacre, millions of immune cells, Neutrophils,
Eosinophils and microglias invade the infected tissue. Which is a problem:
このプロセスには1~9日かかり その間はたぶん、何も気づかない
your immune system is dangerous and not exactly a careful fighter. It's like
しかしそれも嗅覚の中枢であり 脳の入り口である嗅球にたどり着くまでの話だ
burning down a forest to kill the wolves inside it. A really bad idea in the brain.
They waste no time and attack the amoeba, using all the weapons available to them,
魅力的なアセチルコリンを わざわざ放出している
from chemicals to trying to eat them alive. Neutrophils explode themselves
Naegleria fowleri は大虐殺を始め 様々な攻撃分子を猛烈に放出する
to erect barriers spiked with deadly chemicals. A fierce battle ensues.
分子の一部は、接触した細胞に穴を空ける小型爆弾で 破片にむしゃぶりつける
Naegleria fowleri can actually fight back, itself attacking and killing many immune cells.
ここで、このアメーバは増殖を始め いよいよバケモノじみていく
The immune system now throws everything it has at the invader but in vain. The complement system,
食欲が暴走し、巨大で不気味な 口のような吸盤が1ダースほど作られる
tiny protein bombs that can kill intruders on their own, are easily disabled. Antibodies,
アメーバはあなたの生きた脳にとりつき 吸い込み、嚙みちぎっていく
usually one of your superweapons, are just destroyed or swallowed. A high fever that
事態は急速にエスカレートし 死に至る病が発症する
usually slows enemies down does nothing, as the amoeba actually thrives in the heat.
大虐殺を受け、好中球、好酸球、ミクログリアが 何百万と感染組織に侵入する
All the while the amoebae continue to multiply, fight and devour your brain cells.
問題は、免疫系は本来危険なもので 慎重には戦わないことだ
A disastrous chain reaction is taking place.
森の中の狼を殺すのに 森を焼き払うようなもので
One major thing your immune cells do when they fight is to cause inflammation. Which
directs large amounts of fluid from your bloodstream into the site of an infection.
ただちに免疫系は攻撃を始める 化学兵器から直接の捕食まで、あらゆる手段でだ
So as the battle rages on without a clear winner, more and more fluid enters the brain.
好中球は自爆し 致死的な化学兵器を含むバリアを張る
At this point the human will feel symptoms that quickly escalate.
It all begins pretty vaguely, a headache, fever,
Naegleria fowleri も反撃でき 多くの免疫細胞を攻撃し死滅させる
nausea and vomiting. As the battle spreads rapidly through the brain serious symptoms appear,
免疫系は全てを侵略者にぶつけるが 無駄に終わる
from confusion, inability to concentrate to fatigue, seizures and hallucinations.
侵入者を殺せる小さなタンパク爆弾 「補体系」も容易に無効化される
The brain swells up massively but can't expand due to the bones surrounding it. So it compresses and
超兵器のはずの抗体も ただ壊されるか飲み込まれる
disables the brainstem that controls things like breathing. Usually within a week the patient dies.
Up to 97% of patients infected by the amoeba share this fate. In almost all cases,
by the time an infection by Naegleria fowleri is recognized the disastrous battle for the brain
その間もアメーバは増殖し、戦い続け あなたの脳を食い荒らしていく
is already so far along that there is almost nothing to be done. Not only do we currently
not have effective treatments, there are also an abundance of open questions about how an amoeba
戦闘モードの免疫細胞は 炎症を生じさせる
that usually enjoys its life in open water, is able to overcome our immune system so effectively.
その結果、血管から大量の体液が 感染部位に流れ込む
So how worried do you need to be about this horrifying killer amoeba? Well, not very. While
決着が遅れるほど さらに体液が脳に流れ込んでいくのだ
the Naegleria fowleri is clearly extremely deadly and the infection truly horrible, there have only
ここで人間は 症状の急激な悪化を感じる
been a few hundred cases in the last few decades. You are way more likely to drown in a pool than
まずは漠然とした症状の 頭痛、発熱、吐き気、嘔吐から始まり
to get infected. Not only does the amoeba need to be flushed high up your nose, it also needs
脳内の戦闘が激化すると 症状も深刻化する
to get a good grip and it also has to make its way through the first lines of your defences.
Ultimately Naegleria fowleri is neither evil nor a huge public health risk. But every year
脳は強く膨張するが 頭蓋に囲まれ広がれないため
some unlucky people have to deal with it. We still have so much to learn about it and until we find a
呼吸などを制御する脳幹が 圧迫され機能しなくなる
way to treat it, Naegleria fowleri will continue to be this vague and horrifying thing, hunting
通常、1週間以内に 患者は死亡する
in puddles and lakes and sometimes pools. Usually for bacteria. And very occasionally, for people.
このアメーバの感染者の97%が 同じ運命をたどる
- Oh hey, who are you?
ほぼ全てのケースで 感染に気付くころには
It is me, your existential dread!
すでに脳内は苛烈な戦闘中で 手遅れなことがほとんどだ
- Uhm, ok.
I'm here to make you question your own existence and everything you hold dear in life!
- Could you not please.
淡水で生活するアメーバが 人間の免疫系に見事に対処できる理由についてだ
Tooooooo late, just look at all these amazing posters FULL of humbling visualisations like the
では、この恐るべき殺人アメーバを どれだけ警戒すべきか?
scale of the universe. LOOK! How huge it is and how small you are! Look at the education edition,
how it dives deep into the history of evolution or all these other scientific fields to make you feel
Naegleria fowleri は明らかに極めて致死的だし 感染は真の恐怖だが
bad for all the stuff you don't know! Or look at this one, IT GLOWS IN THE DARK!
- But Dread, these do make me feel good actually! They do fill me with excitement
プールで感染するより 溺れる可能性の方が高い
and awe about how amazing our universe is and I love learning! And look how pretty they are!
Nooooooooo, I can't persist in the presence of awe. Graglgrglglg.
しっかり掴まり 防御の第一線を通過する必要もある
If you too want to overcome your existential dread, make your life beautiful and also support
結局、Naegleria fowleri は 悪魔でも公衆衛生上の巨大リスクでもない
Kurzgesagt so we can put thousands of hours into our videos and release them for free,
ただ毎年、不幸な人々が 相手をさせられている
you can get these and many many more amazing posters or shirts or
so many more things in our shop. We put as much care into our products as into our videos,
trying to find something clever or a new angle that will challenge your perspective while still
Naegleria fowleri は水たまりや池 たまにプールにいる脅威の怪物のままだ
teaching you the core aspects. It's the best way to support what we do on this channel.
基本的には細菌への脅威だが 極めて稀に、人間に牙をむくのだ