字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント It's time for the confluence of two great things in Japan: Spring Break and Sakura! 桜の開花で始まった春休み We've got lots of fun things lined up for this break, and it all culminates in grand sakura fashion 満開の桜の下 楽しい時間を過ごします Get ready to see Japan's Sakura Spring Break on this Life in Japan! 桜満開の春休みを 一緒に楽しみましょう! [Life in Japan Theme Song] 東京のお花見スポットには 上野公園などがありますが There are many great places to see Sakura in the Tokyo area, but the tickets are limited and many places like Ueno are all sold out. 今年は予約制の 新宿御苑の券が手に入りました Not to fear— we got tickets for Shinjuku Park, and are going there to meet up with a new friend and check it out. 変わった木! That's a weird tree over there! アナが男の子みたい Look at Anna posing the boys... Oh my goodness! アナが撮影中です Anna's getting some shots over here. ジャスティン博士と一緒です So today we have Dr Justin with us! Hi guys! あなたもユーチューバー? Tell me, you have a YouTube channel? "Dr. Justine in Japan" だよ Yeah, I have a YouTube channel, Dr Justin in Japan 沖縄の動画を配信しながら メンタルヘルスの研究をしている And I do videos about Okinawa, in southern Japan. 今日は楽しみだよ! I swim with fish and also do research on mental health and Japan. こちらこそ! I love joining your family today! This is so exciting. 行こう! Well it's so fun to have you with us. Thanks for joining us! 沖縄とは違うけどね! Let's do this! Let's do this! 何してるの? It doesn't look like Okinawa but it's still fun! 行こう! What is happening here?! 園内を探索します There we go! 曇り空ですが 色とりどりの花です With the introductions done, it was time to explore the park. とても綺麗な光景ですが Even though the skies were gray, the park was full of beautiful sakura trees of all types in bloom. 新宿御苑は 子供の遊び場が少ないので It was one beautiful landscape after another, but it comes at a price, 子供は遊び足りないかもしれません because if you visit Shinjuku park with kids, beware: there's no playgrounds to entertain the kids 景色を楽しみたい人に おすすめです and even playing in the fields is prohibited except in one designated area. 沖縄のお土産だよ But if beautiful scenes are your thing, you'll find it at Shinjuku Park. これは海から取れた物 These are two very very famous things in Okinawa, 海ブドウ? These are from the ocean — they're very sweet and tasty 沖縄で人気のお菓子 Sea Grapes?! You eat them just like that. 沖縄風だよ! And this is a famous dessert there that you guys can try. 楽しい時間でしたが そろそろ帰宅します So these are very Okinawan style. Oh! Cool, thank you! 電車はまだ無料だね And with a fun souvenir in hand, the kids let us know it was time to head home. 足を痛めたから 杖を持ってる You getting a free ride, Dude? He hurt his feet 桜は特別です But he has a walking stick. Yeah? 我が家の近所の夜桜は 言葉で表せない美しさです For me, there' nothing quite like Sakura 翌日 富士山に出掛けました But at night, in the neighborhoods around where we live, ルースの友人のヨシコが キャンプに招待してくれました it becomes something magical that words just can't quite describe. 桜はしばらくお預けです The next day, we piled into the car and made our way into the mountains. 富士山は霧に包まれていました Ruth's friend Yoshiko invited us out to Odakyu Forest on Lake Yamanaka for a night in a cabin, 今夜泊まるキャビンです so we temporarily left the Sakura behind for an adventure near Mt Fuji. どんな家かな? Wether would we actually see Mt Fuji or not was still a bit dubious. 入れない? ベランダで寝る? There we go— we see the cabin in the woods, our place for tonight. そこで寝ようか? Let's see, what do we have here? How do we open it? - 壊さないで - 開いた! Oh no! We can't stay inside? We'll have to stay out on the porch, huh? すごいね! We'll just have to sleep out here, huh? 学校と同じ Don't break it! I did it! そう? Yea! She did it! 中はどうかな? It's just like the school one. 私はこの端! Oh is it? OK let's see. What do we have, guys? This is it. みんなで寝るの! I claim this corner! You claim the corner? - 荷物はまだある? - 運んだ Everybody sleeps right here! 本当? OK, should we bring our stuff up? I already did. And I'm done. 静かに!見える? You did?! 鹿がいる! OK everyone! Super quiet! Look, what do you see out there? 見える? すごいね! A deer! There's deer! すごいね! Do you see it out there? Oh my goodness! アメリカを思い出すね How awesome is that?! It reminds me of America. 写真撮れそう? I know, it is kind of like America, huh? すごい! Can you get a shot of it you think? Oh my goodness, how crazy! かっこいい! Wow, so cool! 荷解きの後 食料の買い出しに行きました After getting settled in, we did a quick trip to the grocery store before it was time of the main event of the night. 懐中電灯がいる? Wow, do we need a flashlight on so we can see?! Well, I don't need one. 大丈夫 Ooooooo 見て下さい!美味しそう! Ooo, look at this! Glory be! 今夜はバーベキューです! Tonight it's barbecue! 食事の感謝のお祈りをしたら ご馳走の時間です! We said a prayer of thanks together and then the feast began! No one would go hungry tonight! いただきます! OK, time to eat! 夕食後 サプライズがありました After dinner, there was another surprise waiting. 着いたね サラ 寝る時間? Oh, here we go, huh Sarah!? Is it finally bedtime now, honey? まだ No. Yes?! ジョシュアは寝れるね No, I don't want to... Joshua's bed is all ready. まだ疲れてないよ I don't want to go in there, because I'm not tired. そう?すぐ寝ちゃうよ You're not tired yet? One minute later, he's asleep. ぐっすり寝てね Yes you are, you are ready for bed, Fred. 早起きは最高です Here we go. There's nothing like getting out early 早起きは三文の得です You gotta get those early morning shots. That's the way you gotta do it. 昨日は雲が掛かっていましたが Well, yesterday the clouds came down just to this point, and you couldn't see anything above it 今朝は正反対です But today... it is exactly the opposite. 湖面に雲が掛かっていて 山は綺麗に見えます The clouds are just hovering over the lake now, and you can see everything above it 麓では何も見えませんでした But when I was down in there you could see anything at all. キャビンはあの辺です We're staying just over here. 最高でした Alright, that's beautiful. It's time to get back and deliver some coffee to the crew. コーヒーを調達します Japanese cabins is kind of just like one big huge sleepover, 日本のキャビンの部屋は大広間で 皆で集まって寝ます The whole room just transforms into — just massive bed. - いびきが聞こえた? - 私はしてない! You heard Daddy snore?! I did not! - そう? - ジョシュアの寝言がした You didn't? And I heard Joshua sleep talking. ベッカは静かだったわね Yea Becca, you didn't make a peep all night. すごいね Whoa Becca! パパはまだ寝てると思ってた I thought Daddy was asleep the whole time and I woke up about 7. お泊り会でした So now the sleepover's over 片付けて帰ります We gotta get everything just all pulled up and put back so we can head on. 見て! 静かに! Look! OK let's be quiet everybody, ok? 見えない I can't see. こっちを見ているよ The big one is looking our way. There he goes! 写真! Picture time. 写真だね Picture time - get your pictures! 2頭いる There's two more coming... 3頭いるよ There's three more coming over there - サラ 撮れた? - まだ Did you get your shot, Sarah? No. - どう? - まぶしい You did? It's too bright. まぶしい? What? It's too bright? 行っていい? Can I go already to the house? いいよ! Yea... go go go! 写真撮ってもいい? Can I take my phone and take a picture? Sure. 絶好の撮影場所だね Yea, this is a good place to take pictures. こっち向いて OK turn around so mommy can see you. - サラ 撮れた? - うん Sarah, did you get a picture? Yea. - パパに送る? - 待って You going to send it to me? Yea, wait real quick. 小さなフォトグラファーです A have a little photographer at work for me here. Very nice. アナも撮った? Did you get a picture too Anna? - 10点満点だと? - 9点 On a scale of 1 to 10, what do you think it is? 9 9点! A nine! Wow! 帰路に御殿場の 桜公園に立ち寄りました On our way home we stopped at one of favorite parks near Mt Fuji, Sakura Park in Gotemba. 標高の関係で 桜が丁度開花していました Since the elevation is lower than Lake Yamanaka, these Sakura are just about to bloom 東京の桜と違い これからが見頃です as opposed to the Sakura down near sea level where we live which have already bloomed. 色々な気候が楽しめました It's fun to have so many different climates near us. 速くする? Yes! Let's make it really fast? 準備はいい? You guys ready? Yeah! 滑り台の後 ジョシュアの大事な約束がありました After getting our fill of sliding in, it was time to head back home — Joshua had a special appointment he did not want to miss. 今日は? What's going on today? エイデンが遊びに来る! Aiden's going to come to my house! Aiden's going to come to your house?! 8時間! For eight hours! Eight hours?! 一人で出来るよ I can buckle in all by myself. いいね!楽しみ? Oh my goodness, what do you guys think?! Are you ready for a big day today? うん! Yeah! 何する? What are you going to do first, do you think? コーヒーショップに行く We're going to go to the coffee shop first. ママ達の隣で 男子もお茶しています I have my mom's group, and the boys are having their meeting. 見て!この端っこ! Look at it! He's only on the very edge! - 白 - これ? One white. Oh, why don't you get this one? 違う No, - 負けるよ - 負けない I think you lose. No I won't. 負けるよ Yes you will. ほら!やっぱり! I knew it! I knew it! 桜を楽しむ最高の方法は お弁当を持って友達とするピクニックです But the ultimate Sakura experience involves getting a bento — a prepared lunch you can either make or buy — 日本では "花見" と呼ばれています 最高な体験です and taking it out with friends to have a picnic under the Sakura. - ネイト 食べる? - もちろん The Japanese call this Hanami, or blossom viewing, and it is the best way to enjoy the Sakura. 満開だね Nate, you want to eat? Oh yes, that looks great! 花びらが入らないように With the Sakura, huh? 桜の下でピクニックです! I hope the Sakura doesn't go in our food! 最高です It's a Sakura Picnic time! Oh yes. 曇り空から青空に移り変わり Oh yes. Oh yes? 春休みを満喫出来ました What started off as a cold and cloudy day gave way to beautiful blue skies and warm sunlight よく見て ジャンプして! as we enjoyed spring break in just the right fashion. - ジャンプ! - 上手! You see when you can go, and then you jump and then you run, jump and then you run ベン どう? Jump! Oh good job, Dude! 最高だね What do you think there Ben? レンズを見るの難しいよね Pretty dynamite, huh? Beautiful day! 分かる Yea, just remember you gotta look at the lens and not the screen... 桜満開の春休みでした! I can't. Yea- ha ha ha! コメントとチャンネル登録をお願いします! And that was our Sakura Spring Break this year. また次回お会いしましょう! If you like these videos, please take a moment to comment and subscribe. And until next time, we'll see you on Life in Japan. Bye bye.
A2 初級 日本語 沖縄 春休み キャビン ジョシュア 最高 アナ Tokyo's Sakura Spring Break | Life in Japan Episode 154 7 0 Summer に公開 2022 年 03 月 11 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語