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You think bragging might not be a good idea.
But as we have established, there are situations you should brag.
But how do you brag in a socially acceptable way?
The answer is extracted from an article titled "7 Ways To Talk About Your Accomplishments
Without Sounding Like A Braggart" published by Forbes written by Psychotherapist Amy Morin.
She provides 7 advices:
1.Keep The Emphasis On Your Hard Work And avoid saying something like, “Oh that was easy,”
or “I barely tried,” because it sounds arrogant.
2.Don't Belittle Other People. If you crossed the marathon finish line in the first place,
it's OK to say you were first.
But don't say that the second-place finisher was a mile behind you.
3.Give Credit Where It's Due. Like one of my coworkers, whenever he accomplished something,
he always says " It's team's effort too."
4.Stick To The Facts. Rather than saying, “I'm an excellent leader,” say, “Since last
month (which happened to be the time you took over the team), sales have doubled.”
and let themselves determine who made that happen.
5.Express Gratitude. Like when you accomplished something at your company, you can say“I
am so grateful that the company gave me this opportunity,” alongside what you have accomplished.
6.Don't Add A Qualifier. Saying, “I hate to brag, but…” doesn't excuse showing off.
In fact, it only draws attention to the fact you know what you're about to say maybe
a turn-off, but you're saying it anyway.
Instead, you should just say something like “I'm so excited to share my good news,”
or, “I'm happy to announce…”
before you tout your accomplishment.
7.Avoid The Humble-Braging. For those who don't know, Humblebrag is a self-deprecating statement
with the actual intention of drawing attention to something you are proud of.
Never say, “I am so embarrassed I let my Lamborghini get this dirty”.
Because not only people know it's obviously bragging.
Studies show humble-bragging makes people sound insincere.Hello, everyone!
This short video is part of the original What People Also Ask series, in which I preach
how to find useful information using Google's People Also Ask feature.
Every week, I make a video focusing on one specific entity with more in-depth content.
You can watch the entire episode using the link in the description or the end card on
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