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  • translate by: Cen Ning

  • Some translations may be wrong because some Chinese characters cannot be translated directly/ untranslatable into English.

  • loiter along the way

  • follow the traces of drifting teenagers

  • just before stepping out of the station

  • feel a little bit hesitated

  • ridicule about the 'Jin Xiang Qing Qie' (The shorter distance you approach the hometown, the more uncalm you are.)

  • is inevitable

  • and the sky of Nagano

  • still so warm

  • the wind is blowing to the people to memories of the past

  • the first met of this world

  • nostalgia

  • looking at the horizon, as if in front of you

  • I'm willing to go through it again

  • now I had been experienced this world

  • still nostalgia

  • realized that the side face was covered with wrinkles

  • caught off guard, invaded by your smile

  • I used to be unable to extricate myself from the world

  • and also indulge in daydreams

  • whether it's true or not, don't struggle, don't be afraid of others sneering at you

  • I used to be turned my youth into her

  • and used to be popped up the midsummer at my fingertips

  • the heart has been fallen in love, just fade with the fate

  • retrograde the light, let the wind and rain

  • loiter in a short way

  • make us far from each other

  • I don't know if it is experiencing a story or an emotion.

  • perhaps your expectation will be depleted by the time

  • see her again

  • in the morning with slightly cool's sunlight

  • she smiled sweetly

  • the first met of this world

  • nostalgia

  • looking at the horizon, as if in front of you

  • I'm willing to go through it again

  • now I had been experienced this world

  • still nostalgia

  • realized that the side face was covered with wrinkles

  • caught off guard, invaded by your smile

  • I used to be unable to extricate myself from the world

  • and also indulge in daydreams

  • whether it's true or not, don't struggle, don't be afraid of others sneering at you

  • I used to be turned my youth into her

  • and used to be popped up the midsummer at my fingertips

  • the heart has been fallen in love, just fade with the fate

  • the night breeze blows the white hair between your temples

  • and heal the scars left by my memories

  • the light and dark mixed in your eyes

  • once you laugh, it's like a flower blooming

  • twilight covered your totter pace

  • and step into the hidden picture on the bed

  • in the picture that draws, you are bowing your head and whispering

  • I still sigh of this world

  • and also indulge in the love word in childhood

  • there is no true or false, no more struggle and joke

  • I finally gave back my youth to her

  • together with the midsummer that popped up at my fingertips

  • the heart has been fallen in love, just go with the wind

  • Do you still willing to be with me in the name of love?

translate by: Cen Ning


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    Mina瑄淇 に公開 2022 年 04 月 27 日