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hidden in the microverse all around you there's a merciless war being fought by the true rulers
身の回りには隠れた小宇宙があり 地球の真の支配者たちが無慈悲な戦争をしている
of this planet microorganisms amoeba protists bacteria archaea and fungi compete for resources
アメーバ、原生生物、細菌、古細菌、菌などの微生物が 資源と居場所の争奪戦を繰り広げ
and space and then there are the strange horrors that are viruses hunting everyone else not even
それらを「ウイルス」という 奇妙な脅威が攻撃する
alive they are the tiniest most abundant and deadliest beings on earth killing trillions every
生物ですらない、地球上で最小、最多で 最も致命的な存在が
day not interested in resources only in living things to take over also we thought turns out
there are giant viruses that blur the line between life and death and other viruses hunting them
資源自体には目もくれず 宿主だけをつけねらうのだ
considerably smaller than your cells or even bacteria viruses are nothing but a hull a tiny
さらに、巨大ウイルスの発見で 生物と無生物の境界は曖昧となった
bit of genetic material and a few proteins no metabolism no way to propel themselves no will
or ambition they float around aimlessly and hope to stumble upon a victim to infect and take over
viruses are so simple that we're not sure if they should count as living things or not
some scientists argue viruses are alive others think that the cells they infect are the actual
代謝もせず、自分で動くこともできず 意思も野心もない
living viruses hybrid organisms called viral cells and the viral particles are more like seeds
あてもなく漂い 宿主との遭遇を期待しているだけだ
or spores and many others think viruses are just dead material the origin of viruses is a mystery
ウイルスはあまりに単純で 生物に含めるべきかも不明だ
because how can something that needs victims to make more of itself emerge in the first
place there are many ideas viruses may have been essential steps in the emergence of life or maybe
感染状態の細胞を「ヴィロセル」という 複合生物だと考える研究者もおり
they started out as escaped dna from cells that became really good at making copies of themselves
maybe they are the descendants of truly lazy parasites that let others do all the work for
them the current thinking is that viruses probably emerged multiple times from different origins
but we simply don't know for sure yet whatever the truth is viruses are the most successful beings on
増殖に犠牲者を必要とするようなものが どうやって生まれたのか
this planet there's an estimated 10 000 billion billion billion viruses on earth if we put them
all next to each other they would stretch for 100 million light years 500 milky way galaxies wide
very recently viruses became even weirder when scientists found a completely new type
自己複製が極めて上手なDNAが 細胞から飛び出したという説、
giant viruses nicknamed gyrus not only did it break all sorts of records but questioned many
仕事をすべて宿主に任せる 実に怠惰な寄生虫の子孫という説など
assumptions we had about their nature gyruses even come with their own parasites virophages
現在では、ウイルスは異なる起源から 複数回誕生したと考えられているが、定かでない
viruses that hunt other viruses which seemingly makes no sense at all and since we identified the
ともあれ、ウイルスが地球上で 最も繁栄している存在なのは確かだ
first one in 2003 it seems like these giants are everywhere we look in the oceans in water
地球上には1万×1億×1億×1億のウイルスが 存在すると推定されている
towers in the guts of pigs and the mouths of humans and they're even weirder than we thought
gyruses look funny like hairy geometric forms or mini pickles much larger than
all viruses we knew before which explains how they could hide in plain sight for centuries
最近になって、全く新しい種類が発見され ウイルスはさらに奇妙な存在になった
scientists saw them under their microscopes and just thought they had to be bacteria
it's like suddenly discovering there are elephant-sized ducks everywhere
様々な記録を塗り替えただけでなく ウイルスへの理解に多くの疑問を投げかけた
most gyruses we've found so far hunt amoebi and other single-celled beings when they find a victim
ヴィロファージというウイルスに 寄生されていることすらある
they connect with it and use its natural processes to enter the cell like all viruses their goal is
ウイルスを狩るウイルスというのは 無意味に見えるのだが
to misappropriate the victim's infrastructure and procreate imagine a mouse crawling into your mouth
and using your guts and bones and fat tissue to build a mouse factory
the gyrus unloads its attack proteins and genetic material and rearranges the cell from the inside
海の中、給水塔の中 豚の腸の中、人間の口の中
its structural elements protein production machinery and large amounts of mitochondria
for energy are changed to become an actual factory called viroplasm some gyruses even
形状は毛むくじゃらの幾何学的なものや 小さなピクルスのようで面白く
construct a membrane to shield them from the cell's antiviral defenses once finished the
viroplasm begins to assemble new gyruses using the victim up from the inside until it's filled up
身近なのに発見が数世紀遅れたのは この形状が原因だ
finally the invader usually orders the cell to self-destruct and releases new gyruses to look
科学者は顕微鏡越しに 細菌だろうと判断してきたのだ
for new prey but what makes gyruses special is not their modus operandi or their size even
突如、ゾウの大きさのアヒルが どこにでもいると発見するようなものだ
it's that they are much more complex than thought possible for a virus your cells have around 20
発見されたジャイルスのほとんどは アメーバなどの単細胞生物を狩っていた
000 genes a typical bacterium has a few thousand genes the coronavirus has around 15 hiv or the flu
宿主を見つけると付着し 自然な方法で細胞内に侵入する
around 10. the number of genes alone is certainly not everything the tomato for example has 35
他のウイルスと同様、 目的は宿主の代謝経路を悪用し、増殖することだ
000 genes but generally we think of life as a complex system so below a certain complexity level
ネズミが口内に入ってきて、あなたの内臓や骨 脂肪を使ってネズミ工場を作るイメージだ
something may be closer to dead material rather than a living organism but gyruses
ジャイルスは攻撃用のタンパク質と遺伝物質を放出し 細胞を内側から再編成する
can have hundreds or even thousands of genes blurring the line between living and dead things
タンパク質の産生器官と エネルギーの産生器官(大量のミトコンドリア)が
and it's not just the numbers that are special but also what these genes do we used to think of
viral genes as the simplest of instructions just enough to overcome the defense of their victims
一部のジャイルスでは細胞の抗ウイルス反応に備え 膜を作りさえする
and make new viruses but many gyrus genes are completely unique basically mystery genes
その後、ヴィロプラズムは宿主を素材として 自己複製を始める―細胞を自分で満たすまで
even more confusing a huge selection of their genes that are actually hallmarks of living
最後に細胞の自己破壊を命じ 新たなジャイルスを解き放って次の獲物を探すのだ
things genes that regulate nutrient intake energy production light harvesting replication or are
だがジャイルスが特別なのは 感染・増殖の方法やサイズではなく
just necessary to keep cells alive some recent studies have even suggested that some gyruses
with very complex genomes may be able to maintain a basic level of metabolism on their own which if
true will shake up what we thought of viruses even more we still don't know anything for sure
but one idea about gyrus genes is that they might fundamentally alter the physiology and evolution
コロナウイルスは約15個 HIVやインフルエンザは約10個だ
of their victims by integrating their own genomes and merging with them into chimeric organisms
遺伝子の数だけで複雑性が決まるわけではない 例えばトマトは35000個だ
or the other way around take some host genes with them and be changed themselves for billions of
years gyruses may have been existing alongside and infecting cells exerting an unseen influence
複雑さの水準があるレベルより低いなら それは生物より物質に近いかもしれない
on the development of life not just as a parasite but jerking evolution in different directions by
一方でジャイルスは 数百から数千の遺伝子を持つことがあり
mixing genes around in all directions which brings us to another unique thing about them virophages
the viruses hunting gyruses the concept itself is a bit mind-boggling how can a thing that might be
そして遺伝子の個数だけでなく その働きも重要だ
dead hunt another thing that might be dead too let's look at one of them the viruphage sputnik
ウイルスの遺伝子は、宿主の防御を破り 複製を作るための最も単純な手順書だと考えられてきた
is hunting a gyrus called mama virus that itself is hunting amoebi sputnik is a tiny
しかし、多くのジャイルスの遺伝子は 完全に独自で、基本的に未解明だ
minimalistic virus that doesn't even have the genes and tools to replicate itself
さらに謎なのが、ジャイルスの有する多数の遺伝子が 「生物」の特徴を満たしていることだ
what it does have is the ability to hijack the viroplasm factories of mama viruses so virophages
栄養摂取、エネルギー生産、光合成、複製、生命維持 これらを制御する遺伝子が含まれており
need their victim the gyrus to infect their victim an amoeba first and then they can parasitize it
近年の研究から、高度なゲノムをもつ一部のジャイルスは 基本的な代謝機能を持つかもしれない
a memovirus viroplasm infected by sputnik can only produce very few new gyruses and among these many
are deformed and broken unable to infect further cells instead it makes loads of new sputnik
viruphages other virophages are even more subtle when they infect a viroplasm they just integrate
ジャイルスの遺伝子は 宿主の生理的性質と進化を根本的に変えうる
their genetic code into the newly produced gyruses like sleeper agents the next time one of these
自身のゲノムを組み込み 宿主と融合してキメラになることや
infiltrated gyruses successfully infects a cell it produces mostly viruphages instead of gyruses
宿主から遺伝子を持ち出し 自らを変化させることで
gyruses are not completely defenseless though a few years ago the world was in
ジャイルスは何十億年も前から存在し 感染によって生命の発展に影響していたかもしれず
awe when scientists discovered crispr a bacterial defense system against viruses it turns out some
寄生者としての影響だけでなく、遺伝子を縦横無尽に 混ぜ合わせて進化をかき回していたのかも
gyruses have a system that might be similar a sort of gyrus immune system against virophages
加えて独特なのが、ジャイルスを狩るウイルスである ヴィロファージだ
in turn virophages can also be used as an antigyrus defense mechanism by living cells
some protests have been found that integrated the genetic code of virophages into their genome and
無生物らしきものが 別の無生物らしきものを狩るなんて
kept it when the protists were infected by gyruses they used the code to create virophages themselves
to take over the gyrus factories in the end the protists would still be killed by the gyrus
スプートニクというヴィロファージは ママウイルスというジャイルスを狩り
infection but instead of releasing gyruses to kill its buddies it released virophages to hunt them
the amazing thing about everything we've told you in this video is that we're still very much at the
スプートニクは自己複製に要する 遺伝子や道具すらもたない、小さなミニマリストだ
beginning it's not even been 20 years since the discovery of gyruses and virophages there is so
できることは、ママウイルスが作った ヴィロプラズムの乗っ取りだ
much going on in the microverse life is not an isolated event but a ping pong game of trillions
だからヴィロファージは 「ジャイルスに感染されたアメーバ」が感染に必要なのだ
of organisms and viruses so when you feel down and like there's not that much new to discover think
スプートニクに感染されたママウイルスの ヴィロプラズムはごくわずかしか複製されず
of gyruses and all the other elephant-sized ducks all around us invisible until we look more closely
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ヴィロプラズムに感染すると複製されたジャイルスに 自らの遺伝情報を秘密工作員のように埋め込み
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当のジャイルスではなく ほぼヴィロファージを複製するのだ
tasks and interactive challenges basically using whatever keeps you interested and entertained
the focus is on you having fun learning something will happen almost without you noticing it
数年前、細菌のウイルス防除機構である CRISPRが発見され、世界は畏敬の念につつまれたが
and tiny step by tiny step you'll build up your long-term understanding of science and
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go to brilliant.org nutshell and sign up for free and there's an extra perk for kurzgesagt viewers
逆に、生きた細胞がヴィロファージを ジャイルスへの防御機構として利用することもある
the first 200 people to use the link get 20 percent off their annual membership
ヴィロファージの遺伝情報を取り込み 維持している宿主がいくつか発見されている
which unlocks all of brilliant courses in maths science and computer science at quartz gazant
we love to get to the bottom of things brilliant can help you go on that deep dive
宿主はこの遺伝情報からヴィロファージを作り ジャイラスの複製工場を制圧した