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翻訳: Masami Mutsukado and Kacie Wright 校正: Moe Shoji
How long does it take to get over a breakup?
別れから立ち直るのに どのくらいの時間が必要でしょう?
The good news is I've done the research for you.
みなさんのために 私が調べてみました
The bad news is that you might not like the answer.
結果を気に入ってもらえるかは わかりませんが
[Am I Normal? with Mona Chalabi]
See, a few years back,
a number of publications were touting a study
telling their readers that it takes 11 weeks to get over a breakup.
別れを乗り越えるには 11週間必要だというものでした
That's nearly three months spent listening to depressing music
ほぼ3か月間 憂鬱な音楽を聴きながら
while putting on a brave face.
It might feel longer than it is,
but it's only a few swipes on the calendar app.
スマホのカレンダーを 数回スワイプするのは
No big deal, right?
Well, unfortunately, it's not so straightforward.
でも残念なことに そんなに単純ではないんです
See, those articles drastically misrepresented that study.
これらの記事は研究を 根本的に誤って伝えていたのです
In fact, the study never said anything
実は この研究は 別れを乗り越えるのに
about how long it takes to get over a breakup.
かかる時間には 全く触れていません
It only focused on the aftereffects of ending a relationship,
恋人との別れの後遺症について 述べているだけで
specifically among undergrads,
which is a whole other can of worms.
To really answer that question
of how long it takes to get over a breakup,
you would need to do a longitudinal study,
a study that would basically follow a ton of people
別れの瞬間から 大勢の人を調査し始め
from the moment of their breakup
何年もかけて 毎年 彼らの経過を追跡するのです
and track their progress year after year after year.
でも このような研究はお金がかかるし 実行するのも大変です
But studies like that are expensive and complicated to carry out.
So with no adequate data,
I decided to seek professional help.
カップル・セラピーの専門家の ホッド・タミール先生です
I went to couples therapists, Dr. Hod Tamir.
彼は数えきれないほどの カップルの相談に乗っていますが
He has anecdotal experience with countless people in relationships
実は 私達カップルの セラピストでもありました
and, full disclosure, he was my couple's therapist, too.
そこで 彼に別れを乗り越えるには どれだけの時間が必要かを尋ねました
So I asked him how long he thinks it takes to get over a breakup.
"I don't think there is a magic number ...
自分の気持ちを 表現できると思うなら
If we feel like we can express ourselves in how we're feeling,
we don't have to keep it bottled up.
Once you're doing other things
that you're engaged with and distracted by,
いつか 振り返って「ああ 元恋人ね」などと 言えるようになります
then at some point you look back and like, 'Oh yeah, that's my ex.'
感情も以前のような 生々しいものではなくなるでしょう
And you notice that the feelings that you have are not as raw.
ばったり出くわしても 何ともなくなるのです」
You can bump into each other and not feel pain."
データもタミール先生の理論を 支持しています
And the data supports Dr. Tamir's theory.
ある研究では愛情の調節の いろいろな方法が検証されました
One study looked at different strategies for love regulation.
つまり 簡単な方法で 愛情が変化しうるかという研究です
In other words, can a few simple methods change how much you love someone?
研究では 参加者の気持ちが 元恋人以外の何かで
The study found that when participants were distracted into thinking
about something other than their ex,
like, their favorite hobby or ideal career,
元恋人に対する愛情は 変わりませんでしたが
their love feelings for their ex stayed the same,
but it did make them feel more pleasant.
気を紛らせて気分を上げるというのは タミール先生が勧める方法です
Using distractions to start to feel better is exactly what Dr. Tamir has suggested.
同じ研究によると 「ネガティブ感情の再評価方略」―
The study also found that a negative reappraisal strategy,
要は 元恋人のひどい言動を 思い出すことでも
essentially remembering all of the shit things your ex said and did,
その相手に対する愛情を 減らせるといいます
does decrease love feelings for your ex.
But it also makes you feel "unpleasant,"
and I'm guessing that means sad.
最後に「愛情の再評価」として知られる もっと受容的な方略もあります
Finally, a third, more zen strategy known as reappraisal of love feelings.
この方法では 参加者は 次のような言葉について考えます
For this, participants had to muse over statements like
"Love is part of life"
and "It's OK to love someone I'm no longer with."
そう これでは何の解決にもなりませんね
Yeah, that changed nothing at all for them.
まとめると 研究者が結論付けたのは
Overall, the researchers concluded,
and I'm not using the scientific language here,
that concentrating on the bad things about your ex
can help you to feel less in love.
セラピストが勧める通り 他のことで気を紛らすことで
While distracting yourself with other subjects,
as my therapist suggested,
しかし 研究もタミール先生も 述べている通り
can actually make you feel better.
気を紛らすことは 短期的には効果的でも
However, the research and Dr. Tamir would both tell you
that while distraction is good in the short term,
時間をかけて向き合い 理解する方が
it is not a long-term solution.
無視するよりも 立ち直りがずっと速いんです
"Taking that time to process and understand it
結局 自分のためにも 将来の恋人のためにも
is actually a much quicker way to heal than ignoring it."
自分の気持ちに 向き合わなければいけません
Eventually, for the sake of ourselves and our future partners,
さて 別れから立ち直るのに 必要な時間は?
we're going to have to face up to our feelings.
結論づけるには 長期的な研究が足りていません
So how long does it take to get over a breakup?
でも もっと重要なことに
Well, we don't have enough long-term studies to know.
どれくらいかかるかと 日数を指折り数えるよりも
But more importantly,
大好きなことを再び始めるほうがいい ということがわかりました
I've learned that instead of counting down the days,
we're much better off reconnecting with the things we love to do.
準備ができた時に 気持ちを整理するんです
Finding something to distract us
and unpacking our feelings when we're ready.
If we can do all that,
結局 目指すところは そこなのではないでしょうか
then one day hopefully we'll come out of it feeling OK.
And in the end, isn't that what we're really after?