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A visit to the world's busiest airport is coming up on today's show.
We'll give you a few minutes to think of where that might be as we begin in eastern Europe.
I'm Carl Azuz, thank you for watching.
It appears that two different military forces are flexing their muscles.
The Reuters news agency reports that hundreds of Russian troops have been staging war games in a Russian territory between Poland and Lithuania.
Russia, apparently, didn't give an official reason for the exercises, but they took place as NATO forces prepared to conduct drills of their own in Poland.
ロシアは、この演習の公式な理由を明らかにしなかったですが、NATO 軍がポーランドで独自に演習を行う準備をしているときに行われたようです。
The United States is a member of, and the largest contributor to NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
米国は NATO、つまり北大西洋条約機構の一員であり、最大の貢献者です。
It's an alliance of North American and European countries.
Ukraine is not a member of NATO, but the alliance has been supporting Ukraine since Russia invaded the country in late February.
ウクライナは NATO に加盟していませんが、2月下旬にロシアが侵攻して以来、NATO はウクライナを支援しています。
That support has come in the form of food supplies, medical supplies, and many different types of weapons to help Ukraine in its fight.
But there's a limit to what NATO has been willing to do.
しかし、NATO の行動には限界があります。
It won't provide Ukraine with additional fighter jets, for instance, because Russia has said that would be an escalation that would directly involve other countries in the conflict.
NATO doesn't want the war in Ukraine spreading outside that country's borders.
NATO は、ウクライナでの戦争が国境を越えて広がることを望んでいないです。
Because Ukraine is not a NATO member, the alliance is not required to defend it.
ウクライナは NATO の加盟国ではないので、同盟はウクライナを守る必要はないです。
But if Russia were to attack a NATO country, it would be in a war with the whole alliance.
しかし、もしロシアが NATO の国を攻撃すれば、同盟全体との戦争になります。
That's why NATO's military drills are designed to serve as a warning to Russia.
だからこそ、NATO の軍事訓練は、ロシアへの警告として行われるのです。
No words needed.
This is the NATO message to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
これは、ロシアのプーチン大統領に向けた NATO のメッセージです。
This is the first look at American troops firing weaponry on the ground in Poland since the war in Ukraine began.
US and polish forces publicly showed off the might of the West in a bilateral live fire training exercise.
One by one, Polish tanks lined up heavy artillery.
And paratroopers dangled from helicopters, landing on a battleground that is designed to prepare for a war just a short drive away.
The 82nd Airborne Infantry Brigade Combat Team, based at Fort Bragg, has been drilling with American Blackhawks here in Poland for weeks, deployed in mid-February, before Russia invaded Ukraine.
What we understand is that there are two platoons here⏤about 60 American troops⏤taking part in this live fire act; it's a show of force.
ここには2つの小隊があり、約 60 人のアメリカ軍がこの実弾射撃に参加しているとわかりました。これは力の誇示です。
We're about just two hours away from the Ukrainian border.
ウクライナとの国境まであと 2 時間です。
The Americans trying to show that they are indeed working with the Polish troops.
This is just a small snapshot of the Greater US force here.
A US official says approximately 11,000 US troops are deployed in this NATO country.
米国当局によると、この NATO の国には約 11,000 人の米軍が配備されているということです。
There are visible sign of a larger military ramp-up near Ukraine.
[A] Senior US official tells CNN about 8 to 10 aircraft(s) a day landed airfields near Ukraine, with weapons and security assistance material that is moved into the war-torn country by truck convoy.
米国高官が CNN に語ったところによると、1日に約8機から10機の航空機がウクライナ近くの飛行場に着陸し、武器や治安支援物資をトラック隊で戦乱の国に運び込んでいました。
This bilateral drill ends with a photo op for the cameras, the two countries side by side.
What is the message you're sending to Russia?
We are strong, we cooperate with our forces from all [in] NATO, we're ready for an action.
俺たちは強く、NATO の全軍と協力し、行動の準備はできています。
We are ready to defend our country.
10-second trivia: Where would you find the world's oldest airport?
Maryland, USA; North Carolina, USA; Paris, France; or Hamburg, Germany.
Flights began at Maryland's College Park Airport in 1909 when Wilbur Wright trained two military pilot[s].
And 550 miles southwest of College Park is where you'll find Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, which is, once again, the busiest airport on earth, according to an airport trade association.
カレッジパークから南西に 550 マイル行ったところにあるのが、ハーツフィールド・ジャクソン・アトランタ国際空港です。空港業界団体によると、この空港はまたしても地球上で最も忙しい空港となりました。
We said "once again" because, in 2020, China's Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport took the top spot away from Atlanta as the COVID pandemic set in.
「またしても」と言ったのは、2020 年、COVID の流行に伴い、中国の広州白雲国際空港がアトランタからトップの座を奪い取ったからです。
Guangzhou saw almost 43.8 million passengers in 2020; Atlanta saw just under 43 million.
2020 年の広州の旅客数はほぼ 4380 万人、アトランタは 4300 万人弱です。
In 2021, whose numbers were just released by Airports Council International, Atlanta saw 75.7 million passengers, far more than any other airport.
国際空港評議会が発表したばかりの 2021 年、アトランタの旅客数は 7570 万人で、他の空港を大きく上回りました。
It was a big jump from 2020, but still 32% lower than travel was in 2019, before the pandemic.
2020 年から大きく伸びましたが、それでもパンデミック前の 2019 年の旅行と比べると32%も低いです。
An executive with Airports Council International says restrictions like vaccine and quarantine requirements actually did more harm than good to air transportation and tourism.
Worldwide, air travel last year was more than 50% lower than it was before COVID.
When you push back off the gate, you're gonna be talking to an air traffic controller from the minute you start taxiing to the runway 'til you get to your final destination.
We have five parallel runways, and I was working departures for Runway 28.
I'm talking directly to the pilot in the cockpit and I'm issuing "line up and wait" procedures, which means he'll line up on the runway and I'm issuing takeoff clearances.
We run 2,700 airplanes a day.
1日に 2,700 機の飛行機を走らせています。
Volume breeds complexity here in Atlanta.
There's so many aircraft(s) calling for taxi instructions.
So many aircraft(s) returning from the landing runways trying to get to the gates.
[If] You ask an air traffic controller with their beverage of choice is, it's probably coffee.
You gotta stay alert and you gotta be focused at all times.
Because of the volume that we have here, we run a, probably, about five-or-six emergencies shift.
And when these aircraft(s) come into the airspace, we get them into the airport as quickly as possible.
You probably wouldn't even notice it; it's just⏤it's just another day at work.
And the guys, they're professionals; we just keep moving on.
[But] We all don't work in air traffic control towers.
Once they get into the terminal environment where they have to start descending and getting into the airport to land, they come into what's like a bottleneck and they have to be sequenced to the airport, and that's what the radar approach controller does.
Everybody controls chunks of airspace.
The plane flies through airspace.
He's being handed off from one controller to another controller.
The center is the freeways in the sky and we're the off-ramps⏤the towers, the parking garage.
So, we take them off the off-ramp and line them up so they can go into the parking garage smoothly.
In layman's terms is, taking them from fast and high, and getting them low and slow, and getting them a lot closer before they get into the tower.
You know, it's not the movies; you don't walk in the first day and they plug you in and you go to work.
There's a lot of map study and memorization work involved; everything on that radar screen means something.
I really do love doing the job, I mean, I've been doing it for 22 years.
Those thunderstorms roll through...that really, really pulls together, and we make it work.
You go home at the end of the day going, "Man, we worked through some pretty rough weather and we still landed all those airplanes." it's...there's some⏤we take a lot of pride in that here.
I always liked aviation since being a kid.
I used to have a little matchbox airport that you could fold out and had little die-cast airplanes and stuff like that; it was one of my favorite things I had to play with.
But I get to play with them for real.
But don't misconstrue what I'm saying; what we do here is extremely important.
The sheer volume of what we do every day, and doing it without any⏤without a hiccup, that's job satisfaction enough.
You're never gonna be outside of an air traffic controller's control per se in this country, and they're gonna be guiding you home.
That 1859 contact departure, have a good flight.
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If you've ever wanted to own a pretty large piece of music history, well, this home's for sale in Pennsylvania.
It was once rented by the family of Taylor Swift when she was a kid before they moved to Tennessee to pursue her music career.
It's a 5-bedroom, 3.5-bath, Georgian colonial property, about 3,500 square feet.
5つのベッドルームと3.5つのバスルームがあって、約 3,500 平方フィートのジョージアン・コロニアルの物件です。
It's much older than Swift herself, having been built in 1929.
1929 年に建てられた、スウィフト自身よりもはるかに古い建物です。
But this is said to be the place where she learned to play guitar and write songs, and it can be all yours for a million dollars.
しかし、ここは彼女がギターを弾き、曲を作ることを学んだ場所と言われており、100 万ドルですべてを手に入れることができるのです。
Of course, everything has changed since Taylor called that home "Mine", and the "Highway Don't Care" if she'd look back and say, "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" or "You Belong With Me".
Is it where she left "Teardrops On her Guitar"?
Does it make her think "Tim McGraw"?
She could probably "Shake It Off", but if "Sparks Fly" whenever you think pop memorabilia, maybe you could ride up there on a "White Horse" and make a fairy tale out of "Home Sweet Home".
彼女は「振り切る」ことができるかもしれませんが、思い出のコレクションになると思うと「火花が散る」のであれば、「白馬」に乗って「我が家だ」をおとぎ話に紡ぎ出すこともできるかもしれませんね。 (全曲:テイラース)
I'm Carl Azuz, and today's shout-out takes us to Chouteau, Oklahoma, where we are thrilled to see the students of Chouteau High School.
The one place we look for shout-out requests is on our YouTube channel, that's youtube.com/cnn.
ご挨拶をご希望の方は、Youtube チャンネル、youtube.com/cnn をご覧ください。