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We really don't remember our adventures or our life together god i wish i could i don't
know how to explain what's been happening i can't tell the difference between lies
dreams now only on disney plus you're in the middle of a personal crisis experience the sixth
episode of that your identities a mask to hide the scars they are not something to be feared
but something to be welcomed you looked different
marvel studios moon knight now streaming
Welcome back everyone this is going to be my full marvel
moon knight episode 2 trailer we just got a little bit of new footage from next week's episode so
we'll break it all down if you're brand new to the channel be sure to subscribe to get all the videos
i will be doing videos for all the episodes just like all the other disney plus series we're doing
a giveaway for disney plus memberships all you have to do is enter is be a subscriber and just
leave your favorite moment from the trailer on the video careful for spoilers if you have not
seen moon knight episode 1 yet just because we'll be talking about things that happen during episode
one because they'll basically be picking up where episode one left off and steven grant
is just starting to learn what's actually been going on like we ended moonite episode one with
steven grant actually meeting marc spector for the first time in the personalities within his head
communicating within his head for the first time which is a big trope of the moon knight comics
all of his different personalities have this sort of tentative balance and truth between them they
understand each other's importance like they need each other to do different types of things right
now the tv show's only kind of showing us two different personalities marc spector and steven
grant and when he's in full moon knight regalia like when his powers activate around him he's in
marc spector form he has all of his mercenary abilities based on what layla was telling him
on the phone about two months ago he died with her then disappeared but the whole idea is that
he died at the statue of concho like he dragged himself to the statue of konju before he died
made the bargain with khonshu who raised him from the dead as his avatar so the big thing in episode
two i think is getting a piece of his backstory we might not get every single part of his backstory
and how he became moonlight but we'll get a lot of his backstory that's the whole idea with marvel
telling the story rashem on style where you woke up for the first time but you see steven grant
before you learn about marc spector big twist all this time you've been spending with this
character oscar isaac doing this really weird british accent is totally fake it's a totally
fake identity that he slipped into at some point after he became moonlight thinking that it was
real for some reason based on some of the trailer footage that we've seen so far i'm assuming that
it has something to do with the trauma of dying and then coming back to life and something that
ethan hawks arthur harrow character joked about with him during episode 1 might be a clue to that
he said that he assumed that the steven grant persona was just meant to be an alias like oh
you're doing that weird accent and using this name in this job here because it's just an alias but
then once he talks to him he's surprised to find out that the steven grant persona thinks that he's
a completely real person so i think the idea is that steven grant will start learning more about
marc spector his backstory and learned that he was actually just an alternate persona created by him
before he became moon knight and used during his mercenary missions like marc spector would
go to different countries as a mercenary and pretend to be steven grant just to hide his
true identity but then when he died there was so much trauma his mind fractured even more
and he just kind of slipped into the steven grant persona believing that it was real
you weren't supposed to see any of this what are you i'm sure you want to know we've seen a little
bit of footage of him also going to marc spector's locker so if you remember when he grabbed the key
in the cell phone and started learning who marc spector was and marc spector started speaking
inside his mind like steven stop poking around stop trying to figure things out you're going to
hurt yourself the key that he pulled out of that special cubby is actually to the locker where he
keeps all of his weapons and his technology so what'll probably happen as we saw the time jumps
during episode one like he would slip between different personalities and it would feel kind
of like a time jump like something terrible would happen to him he'd suffer some sort of head trauma
or someone would attack him it would trigger a transformation between different personalities
he'd slip into marc spector but then he'd wake up again after he'd done something really wtf as marc
spector as steven grant not really understanding what marc spector had done so when marc spector
took over his body at the end of episode one we saw the full moon knight costume reveal we saw it
form around his body for the first time that was the first time we saw steven grant actively try
to give over his body give over control to marc spector previously it had been an unconscious
thing i think that'll also continue to develop through the series like steven grant will learn to
have this tend to balance with marc spector even though marc spector is the original personality
they'll figure out a better easier way to give each other control of their body during
different times the big question right now is why would marc spector need steven grant
and my assumption right now is that something with the resurrection something with the trauma of him
coming back to life made it so that his mind only has access to really critical information when the
steven grant personality is in command like steven grant is learning all these new things about the
india the pantheon of egyptian gods that khonshu belongs to all of his sisters and brothers
remember i said that boss the panther goddess who black panther gets all of his powers from
she's also conscious sister she's supposed to show up during thor love and thunder during gore of the
god butcher's mission to go around killing all the gods so we will eventually meet boss the panther
goddess their father atom is the egyptian god of the sun he was featured at the end of episode one
when steven grant was walking through that egypt exhibit he was in the background here that's his
idol concho's relationship with the other gods isn't super antagonistic but he doesn't exactly
like all of them like they're not buddy buddy khonshu was meant to be the egyptian god of the
moon traditionally but he's also the egyptian god of vengeance so part of the idea too in the future
episodes is we'll learn more about the truth of the history of the egyptian gods remember they
are legit gods and they're just one pantheon of gods like they're not the only gods that exist in
the mcu we'll meet a bunch of lesser gods during thor love and thunder like legit gods and people
that call themselves gods some of them are just cosmic beings some of them are legit gods though
not all legit gods of the mcu are as powerful as cosmic beings like you can have vastly different
power levels the only difference between legit gods and cosmic beings is that legit gods get most
of their power from the faith of their followers in addition to some cosmic powers really powerful
cosmic beings like the celestials who are more powerful than almost everybody not everybody but
almost everybody in the mcu get most of their power from a really scientific source so it
doesn't matter if people believe in the celestials they would still exist if nobody knew that they
existed it's also why you don't see khonshu going to try and fight the celestials or anything like
that like one he doesn't really care about them because he's really selfish and the celestials
aren't trying to kill him because he lives in an alternate dimension he doesn't live inside the
main mcu but also two he's not nearly as powerful as the celestials we learned during episode one
that ethan hawk's character arthur harrow is the avatar of omit who technically isn't really part
of their pantheon she's just a lesser god who's part of their pantheon who did what they wanted
to do like the original boogeyman who served a purpose but it sounds like a long time ago like
in ancient history she went rogue and tried to physically enter the main mcu dimension and gain
way more power in the process and judge everyone instantly on the spot going full minority report
killing anyone who would ever do evil things and even though khonshu for instance doesn't really
care about humanity he's a very selfish god like i said even he would balk at something like that
like if you killed half of the people that would kill half of our followers we would get way more
weak as a result that's bad for us but also too that's just a really shady thing to do of all
the shady things you could do there's also a bit of a slight wink at khonshu vs marc spector so
when marc spector becomes the avatar of khonshu. Khonshu gains a special connection with him and he
gains control over his body like a limited ability to control his body so a lot of times you'll see
marc spector fighting khonshu for control of his body when khonshu asks him to do something that's
really shady or that he doesn't want to do that's why when he tried to give him the scarab beetle as
steven grant khonshu closed his fist like it was khonshu controlling his body keeping him
from doing that also the different personalities can have a sort of war with each other so each
different personality in his head can fight each other for control of the body but the whole idea
with the layla character like you see the footage from episode two where she's talking to him about
remembering their adventures together is layla figuring out who steven grant is and steven grant
learning more about his history all this footage of him visiting egyptian monuments then falling
into the water like arthur harrow's men shooting him trying to kill him is probably something that
happened in flashbacks when he was becoming moon knight for the first time all the footage of him
in london coming into costume and layla seeing him as moon knight for the first time like wow
marc you look a little bit different is probably her eventually coming to where he is in london
in present day and just figuring out what's been going on with him this whole time like oh you've
been here for the last two months all while author harrow's coming for him in present day and she's
just there for a lot of that just witnessing it happen like wait a minute you died and became this
mass vigilante avatar of one of the real gods of the mcu the egyptian pantheon and you're talking
to this mysterious khonshu god figure that only you can see remember any time that khonshu was
speaking to him he's speaking inside his head so arthur harrow even though he has this special
connection he's the avatar of amit and has godly power can't hear khonshu when khonshu was speaking
to marc spector but if it wasn't clear where all of his power comes from the special crocodile
head kane in the bands the tattoo that shifts on his arm when he's grabbing people all that power
comes from a myth the same way that marc spector is the avatar of concho and gets all these moon
knight powers from him and the whole idea is that arthur harrow says during episode one when he's
using his power judging someone having their soul sucked out of them you're only getting a fraction
of emits power it's the same idea with khonshu like khonshu only has a fraction of his power
in the mcu while he's trapped in this alternate dimension but the idea during season one with the
special scarab beetle is trying to use it to find a way to bring all the egyptian gods or at least
amit into the mcu where she'll gain way more power gods can go between different dimensions like any
other god but their most powerful in the dimension where their followers originally came from but
my full episode 2 video will post next week after they release it i'll do a couple more bonus videos
before then if you have any special requests or there any big easter eggs that you have questions
about from this trailer just write them below in the comments i'll name a giveaway winner the next
time i post a marvel video everyone click here for my full moon knight episode 1 video and click here
for my obi-wan kenobi trailer video which is going to be premiering right after moon knight ends
thank you so much for watching everyone stay safe and i'll see you guys in the next one!