字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント - "Uncle Roger Anime Opening Full Video." Okay, this look interesting, let's see. (upbeat music) Haiyaa. Uncle Roger, I hate drama, it is like the colander of life. (colander dings) Filter out all the joy, I just wanna make funny videos. Don't wanna be involved with anything else. No politic, no drama. Uncle Roger loves making people laugh. It about entertaining people, no matter where they come from, and respecting everybody culture. For the record, Uncle Roger, I make zero dollar from Chinese social media so to see my niece and nephew say, "I like RMB more than MSG" really break Uncle Roger heart. Like right now, Uncle Roger quarantining in hotel room in my home country, Malaysia, and I still bring MSG with me. Who need money when you have MSG? Almost got arrested because immigration thought it was different type of white powder. Past few day, so stressful for Uncle Roger, but Uncle Roger will stay strong and keep making videos for you. For the niece and nephew watching, thank you so much for your continued support. Uncle Roger will never forget you. To show more support, remember to smack like button like how Asian parents smack watermelon. Today, Uncle Roger gonna review my UncleRoger subreddit. I know there are many negative posts right now, but Uncle Roger gonna review the positive posts, the fun posts people make because niece and nephew submit so many cool thing, like this one. "Fuiyohh she become to powohful for fingerrrr." What she say? "I've been in charge of cooking rice in the family for more than 20 year. I don't even use finger method anymore to measure water. I just put water until the spirit of my ancestor pat me and say, "That's about right, child." Hmm, that correct. That is how Uncle Roger do when I put seasoning. Just use feeling. Fuck scale. (X buzzes) Fuck measuring cup. (X buzzes) All you need is dead ancestor. That is best part about dying and becoming ghost. You can just tell your grandchildren how to cook. Let's check out the comment. "My rice cooker has a cup and a water level mark. I just put rice in and put water to the corresponding number," haiyaa, why so boring? Just use finger, no need to obey line in rice cooker. "Turn out perfect every time, not even Asian." You don't need to specify you not Asian. Every race can use rice cooker. In fact, I think white people all need to use rice cooker. They still making rice in saucepan, haiyaa. Okay, next one. "Enjoy my meme guys. Peter Pan. Peter Wok." (laughs wryly) This is good meme. But why the quality so low? Look at this, the image all pixelated, haiyaa. Do you know how to use computer? Can you find higher resolution image? So sad. If you want to make meme, please make high quality meme. Next submission. Niece and nephew, channyandkimberly make Uncle Roger Anime Opening Full Video. Okay, this looks interesting, let's see. (playful, whimsical music) (mouse clicks) Hello, niece and nephew, it's uncle Roger. (exciting, energetic music) Haiya, where your wok? Fuiyoh, I like all the detail. They have all the character in Uncle Roger universe. They have Auntie Liz, Auntie Hersha, and Miss Evelyn, even though she look evil. And of course, they have uncle Roger favorite thing, MSG. What you think, what you think of this intro? Should Uncle Roger make shorter version of this intro and put it in every video? Niece and nephew, let me know in comment below. Next post. "Uncle Roger Love Outlook Cause Outlook Use .MSG." (laughs wryly) This is funny meme. But niece and nephew, who still use Outlook? Everybody use Gmail now. Don't be lame, niece and nephew, use Gmail. And let's see the comment. "That Nephew Nigel. Uncle Roger never laugh." That is wrong, Uncle Roger always laugh. I laugh when I make dirty joke and then, the screen turn pink. And then we hear our favorite drum intro. (funky music) And then, uncle Roger go, "Sorry, children." "Egg Fry Rice from Malaysia." Okay, this egg fry rice not bad. The rice color good, garnish color also very nice, but if you look closer, the rice grain is too long. I think this person make fry rice with long grain rice like basmati. Uncle Roger prefer my fry rice to be made with medium grain rice like jasmine rice, but this is just personal preference. This okay, also. And one sneaky thing is they cropped away the sides, so Uncle Roger don't know if you make rice with sauce pan or wok, so sneaky. Next. "Haiyaaaa. My 12 year old allergic to nearly everything." "Haiyaaaa" is correct. Look at you. Eat one peanut and now, you look like you have herpes. Why so weak? So weak. Why you're numbering so weird. One, two, three, four, five, six, 15, 16. And then 17 start from the other row. Why like this? I think this person allergic to peanut and also, allergic to counting properly. "Now you only have 9 toe. 9 toe people are the worst people. I didn't realize that Uncle Roger is lack toes intolerant." (laughs wryly) Very funny, so punny. Uncle Roger dying laughing, I dead now. This one is, "Fanart Uncle Roger with his beloved MSG by me," smiley face. Oh my God, this is so cute. Uncle Roger favorite thing, MSG, and Auntie Hersha favorite thing, colander. And Jamie, olive oil. Oh, what is this, "MSG on crack?" (gasps) Uncle Roger intrigued. "Disodium ribonucleotides. A mixture composed of 98% MSG and 2% E625 has four times the flavor enhancing power of monosodium glutamate, MSG, alone." (gasps) "Heavy Asian Breathing" is correct. Uncle Roger heart skip a beat. I must discover this new chemical compound. MSG can already make your cheek cum. - My cheek is squeezing, it's squeezing, my cheeks. - Imagine if this thing can make you come four times as hard, you don't need woman anymore. (funky music) Sorry, children. (screen beeps) Let's see what the comments say. "Ur cheek still cumming. This is supposed to be family friendly channel." Okay, okay. Uncle Roger always say my channel is family friendly channel, but sometime I say F word and sometime, I make dirty joke. I still think my channel is family friendly channel, but only if your family is cool. Next one. "When someone say they never watch Uncle Roger. Haiyaa." "Haiyaa" is correct. Where your culture? Where your culture? If your friend tell you they never see Uncle Roger before, I want you to smack them (hands smacking) like how you smack a bag of rice. They have to learn their lesson. "I'm looking at you, Kay. Pimple, zero.