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Today we are answering an age-old very scientific and important question:
今回はとても科学的で重要な 昔からの問題に回答しよう
What if the moon crashes into earth? It’s more interesting and weird than you probably think.
Let's start with the basics: Why isn't the Moon on its way to crash into us already?
これはあなたが思うより面白く 奇妙な内容だ
We know that earth’s gravity pulls everything towards it, including the Moon, but somehow,
it stays up, as if suspended by some opposite force. But there is no other force countering
gravity - instead, the trick to staying up is a ‘sideways’ motion that we call an orbit.
地球の重力は 月を含めた全てを引き付けているが
You see orbits every day: when you throw a ball it makes a tiny little orbit.
The only difference between that ball’s orbit and the moon’s is that the ball
eventually hits the ground. Basically, the reason is speed.
If you could throw your ball fast enough, it would bend around the world and come back to you.
代わりに「軌道」と呼ばれる横の動きによって 高度を維持しているのだ
If there was no air slowing it down, it could orbit forever. And this is what the moon does:
軌道は日常的に目にするもので ボールを投げればごく小さな軌道を描く
Falling sideways around earth, very fast, with no air slowing it down. Orbiting earth every 27 days,
ボールと月の唯一の違いは ボールが最終的に地面にぶつかるということだ
at 3600 km/h. So for the moon to just stop in its orbit and plummet to the earth would
break more laws of physics than we have time to explain. So how do we crash it into earth?
十分な速度で投球できれば 世界を一周して戻ってくるだろう
In a nutshell, to change an object’s orbit, you need to change its speed,
空気摩擦での減速がなければ 永遠に軌道を描き続る
which changes where gravity takes it. But even small changes require enormous forces,
which is why all the large objects in the solar system are so stable nowadays.
地球の周りを横向きに落下し とても高速で、空気での減速がない
According to science, the moon is big and very massive. Even igniting billions of rocket engines
時速3600kmで27日ごとに 地球を周回している
all over its surface would barely move the Moon. It looks like nothing short of magic will make
だから月を軌道上で停止させ 地球に落とすなら
the moon fall. So we’ll use a magic spell that slows down the moon so much
物理法則を破りすぎて 説明しきれなくなる
that it changes its orbit and spirals towards earth. To get the most from the experience,
the moon will take exactly one year before it hits earth. Ready? 3. 2. 1. *Magic
要するに、物体の軌道を変えるには その速度を変え、重力に捉えさせればいい
Month 1
しかし、少しの変化にも大きな力が必要だからこそ 太陽系の大きな天体たちが安定しているのだ
For the first few days, nothing really changes. The moon gets a tiny bit brighter
科学的にみて 月の質量は大きい
and scientists get confused, but the rest of us don’t notice anything different.
月面で数十億のロケットエンジンを点火しても 月はほとんど動かない
The only noticeable real effect of the moon on the earth are the tides.
Tides exist because while earth pulls on the moon, the moon’s gravity pulls back on the earth.
だから月を減速させる魔法で軌道を変え 螺旋を描くように地球に落ちてもらおう
Since the strength of gravity gets weaker with distance, different parts of the earth
知見を最大限に引き出すため 地球への衝突までちょうど一年とする
feel a slightly different pull. Which causes the earth, especially the oceans,
準備はいい? 3...2...1...
to bulge when the moon is above them, and contract a little on the sides when it’s
not. As earth rotates every day underneath the moon, the moon’s influence fluctuates,
causing the water-level of the oceans to rise and fall by about half a meter twice a day.
But with the moon drawing ever closer, high tide gets higher every day. At first barely noticeable,
月が若干明るくなり 科学者は混乱するが
within a month the moon has covered half the distance to the earth and ocean tides have
grown to 4 meters. Everyday high tide comes and waves flood coastal cities.
実際に生じる顕著な影響は 潮汐だけだ
And there is no end in sight. With the moon drawing ever closer, tides rise ever higher,
潮汐は、地球と月が 引力で引き合うことで発生する
inundating another city and more inhabited land with salty water every day.
重力は離れるほど弱まるため 場所によって引力は微妙に異なる
Month 2
だから地球、特に海は月が真上にあれば膨らみ 月が無いときは少し縮むのだ
By the end of month 2 the moon has covered two-thirds of the distance to earth,
地球は月の下で毎日自転しているため 月の影響は変動し
and global infrastructure is crumbling as tides rise above ten meters – displacing up
海の水位が1日2回 約0.5m上下する
to a billion people who happen to live near the coastlines.
だが月が近づくにつれ 満潮は日に日に高くなっていく
As ports become inoperable shipping grinds to a halt. Not only will it slow down the
最初は気づけない程度だったが 1ヶ月で月との距離が半分になり潮位は4mにまで上昇した
delivery of Kurzgesagt products but also less exciting things like food.
毎日、高潮による波が 沿岸の都市を洪水にする
Global communications fall into disarray – 95% of the internet is carried by ocean-crossing cables,
and while these largely don’t mind the water, their terminals on land do. Living inland
月の接近に伴い 潮位はますます高くなり
doesn’t guarantee safety either, tidal bores cause rivers to flow backwards,
他の都市や居住地にまで 毎日しょっぱい水が押し寄せる
carrying saltwater to contaminate surface and groundwater supplies.
Gas shortages follow, as oil refineries near the coast are abandoned. Countries are left
2ヶ月目の終わりには 月と地球の距離は1/3になり
with the supplies they had on their shelves and strict rationing will begin. In the cities,
潮位は10メートルを超えるため 世界のインフラは崩壊する
chaos reigns during the scavenging hours of low tide,
たまたま海岸線近くに住んでいた 約10億人が追い出される
while survivors take refuge in highrises when the water returns.
港が使えなくなり 徐々に海運が機能しなくなる
Month 3
なんとKurzgesagtグッズの配送が遅れてしまう 食糧のような面白味に欠ける物もだ
Three months in and the moon is close enough to disrupt communication
and navigation satellites. While it is normally far too distant for its gravity to cause any
インターネットの95%は海底ケーブルを介していて 大部分は海水の影響を受けないが
major problems for our satellites, the closer it gets the more warped their orbits become.
As their fuel for orbital corrections runs out, satellites careen out of control.
Month 4 - 5 On earth, the tides are
潮の干満によって河川が逆流し 海水が地表か地下の水源を汚染するのだ
rapidly growing to about 30 meters and will be reaching 100 m in height in a few short weeks.
At low tide, the ocean recedes hundreds of kilometers, exposing the continental shelf
各国はその時点での備蓄だけが残り 厳しい配給制が始まる
like vast deserts, while at high tide walls of water drown agriculture, houses and skyscrapers.
都市部の干潮時は ゴミ漁りの人々で混沌とし
And now, almost five months in, the apocalypse has finished its warm-up act.
水位が戻るたび 高層ビルに避難していく
Since the oceans are on average only 3 kilometers deep, the tides have reached their maximum. Up
until now, the water in the oceans could flow, absorbing most of the moon's gravitational
3ヶ月経ち、通信衛星や航法衛星を混乱させるほど 月が接近している
squeezing, but now the earth itself is really feeling the squeeze of the ever approaching moon.
通常なら、月の引力は大した影響を与えないが 近づくほどに衛星の軌道は歪んでいく
These aren’t so much tides of ‘water’, but tides of ‘rock.’ The squeezing of the planet,
軌道修正用の燃料がなくなると 人工衛星は制御不能に陥る
combined with the weight of quintillions of tons of water sloshing on and off the tectonic plates,
creates enormous stresses below and begins to cause earthquakes of increasing magnitude and
地球では潮の満ち引きが 約30mにまで急成長し
intensity. It’s impossible to say how serious these earthquakes might be or where they occur,
but like a child jumping on their bed until it breaks, no good can come of it.
Strong tidal forces lead to volcanism on other planets and moons. On earth,
squeezing the planet disrupts the magma reservoirs inside the crust,
満潮時には水の壁が 農業や住宅、高層ビルを溺れさせる
triggering sizable, climate-altering eruptions in Chile, New Zealand, Yellowstone, and elsewhere.
そして約5ヶ月が経過すると 終末的な災害の前座は終了だ
Meanwhile, watching patiently above is the moon. Still no bigger in the sky than a small cloud.
Within 75,000 km of earth, it is bright enough to illuminate the night sky like twilight.
Month 6 - 7
これまで、海水が流れることで 月の引力を受け止めていたが
After half a year, the moon is entering the space once occupied by geosynchronous satellites where
今では迫りくる月の引力に 地球自体が圧搾される
it orbits earth every 24 hours. It appears to float at one spot in the sky, unmoving,
これは「水」ではなく 「岩」の満ち引きだ
cycling through a full set of phases every day, but only visible to half the planet.
地球が圧搾され、数百京トンもの水が 地殻プレートを何度も打ち付け
With the moon ‘stationary’ above the earth, the tides seem to freeze in
place – half the world flooded, half with its water seemingly returned to the sea,
地震を起こし始め その強さや規模を増していく
as if Earth is holding its breath to prepare for the worst.
地震の発生場所や規模は 予測不可能だが
As the moon sinks further, you might wonder if its gravity would overpower Earth’s, pulling you
ベッドが壊れるまで飛び跳ねる子どもと同様 ロクな結果を招かない
up and ending your misery? Fortunately not.
強い潮汐力は惑星や月で 火山現象を誘発する
The earth’s surface gravity is about 6 times stronger than the moon’s,
圧搾された地球でも 地殻内のマグマ溜まりが破壊され
so even if the moon were hovering right on top of you, you would still stay on the ground.
チリ、ニュージーランド、イエローストーンなどで 気候を変えるほどの大規模な噴火を引き起こす
On the moon things are different though: the near side of the moon is more strongly affected by
earth’s gravity, so during the next few months, it starts to stretch forward towards the earth, into
something of an egg, triggering deep moonquakes as the lunar rock flexes and changes shape. Though
地球まで75000kmを切り、月の明るさは 夜空を黄昏時のように照らせるほどだ
barely noticeable now, this ‘squish’ will grow to hundreds of kilometers in a matter of months.
Month 8 - 11
半年を経て 月は静止衛星が占めていた領域に入り
At this point the apocalypse has arrived and we can summarize the months before the crash
as “everybody left has a really bad time”. The tides sweeping over the Earth slow down
and then reverse their direction because the moon now orbits earth faster than it rotates.
The planet will experience an abundance of earthquakes and volcanism. Massive amounts of
volcanic aerosols rise high into the stratosphere, shiny enough to reflect sunlight back into space.
地球上で月が「静止」するため 潮の満ち引きは停止して見える
What little light gets through is rust-red and is periodically diminished by daily eclipses.
世界の半分は水に浸かり もう半分は水が引いたようで
The result is a rapid global cooling, with acid rains and summer snows killing even
最悪の事態を前に 地球が息を潜めてるみたいだ
the hardiest plants.The clock runs out on civilization. Billions have perished
while an egg-shaped moon is still drawing closer. Let’s get ready for the grand finale.
月の引力が地球の重力を超え 吸引されて終了、と想像するかも
Month 12
Finally, at the end of the year,, the moon has reached the Roche limit. That’s the point
where Earth’s gravitational pull on the Moon is stronger than the Moon’s own gravity. Things on
たとえ月が真上でホバリングしていても あなたは地上に留まるだろう
the lunar surface start falling towards Earth and by the time it crosses 10,000 km the entire
moon disintegrates into rubble, smearing itself into a massive ring system around the earth.
Fortunately, the moon’s disintegration means the misery on Earth has ended.
ここから数カ月で地球に向かって伸び始め 月は卵のような形になる
No moon means the general apocalyptic nature of things comes to a halt. The oceans recede,
岩の形状変化に伴い 震源の深い月震が誘発される
flowing off the land one last time.
この時点では目立たないが、この変形は 数ヶ月のうちに数百kmにまで拡大する見込みだ
Any survivors are treated to a view of tremendous arches spanning the sky,
glimmering in the sunlight, illuminating the night sky more brilliantly than any
full moon ever could, while meteor showers of moondust fill the sky.
It’s hard to say what happens next, but the tranquility may be short-lived.
If too much moondust rains down, friction heats the atmosphere – possibly boiling the
地球を覆う高潮の動きが減速し 逆方向に動きだす
oceans. If not, the enormous shadows cast by the rings,
地球の自転よりも 月の公転の方が早くなったからだ
combined with all the volcanic and meteoric aerosols, block even more sunlight,
and a period of runaway cooling could begin that freezes much of earth’s surface solid.
In any case, at some point people will emerge again – from submarines or bunkers
or mountaintops. They will not have a great time before rebuilding civilization and their success
赤錆色の光がわずかに差し込むが 毎日の日食で周期的に減衰する
is not guaranteed – but at least they will try to do so with beautiful rings in the sky.
So how do you calculate that sort of thing? Well,
酸性雨と夏の雪は 最もタフな植物すら枯らすだろう
you just need a bit of insanity and some maths. If you need to brush on the latter:
Our friends from Brilliant are the perfect coaches to turn your curiosity into practical skills.
卵型の月が接近を続けている間に 何十億人も死んでしまった
Brilliant is a problem-solving website and app that makes science accessible
with a hands-on approach. More than 60 interactive courses like „The joy of problem solving“ or
„Scientific thinking“ give you the tools to crack problems in math, science and computer science in
1年が経ち、ついに月は ロッシュ限界に到達した
a way that feels more like playing a game than doing homework. Lessons will surprise you with
ここで、地球が月に及ぼす引力が 月自身の重力よりも強くなる
storytelling, code-writing tasks and interactive challenges – basically using whatever keeps you
interested and entertained. All the content is interactive: instead of just reading and listening
地球まで1万kmを切ると 月全体が瓦礫と化し
to explanations, you drag and drop, manipulate shapes and diagrams, make selections and answer
questions. This way you learn something almost without you noticing it. And tiny step by step
幸運にも、月の崩壊は 地球の惨状の終わりを意味する
you’ll build up your long-term understanding of science and get closer to your STEM goals.
月が無いということは 諸々の終末的な現象の停止を意味する
To start looking at the world of science from a different perspective,
海は陸上から後退して流れ去り その状態で安定する
go to Brilliant.org SlashNutshell and sign up for free. And there’s an extra perk for
生存者は、空に広がる巨大なアーチを 拝むことができる
kurzgesagt viewers: the first 200 people to use the link get 20% off their annual membership,
太陽光にきらめき どんな満月よりも鮮やかに夜空を照らし
which unlocks all of Brilliant’s courses in math, science, and computer science.
At kurzgesagt we love to create things that seem
次に展開は予想困難だが これは束の間の静寂かもしれない
impossible at first – Brilliant can help you acquire the skills to do that.
月屑の落下が過剰なら、摩擦で大気が熱せられ 海が沸騰するかもしれない
This year we will release 3 very special limited edition pins. The first one is this very shiny
あるいは、月屑の輪が落とす巨大な影と 火山や隕石のエアロゾルの合わせ技で
Moon Crash Pin Set. Pre-order is available for only 72h, so you can order it now and then
never again. Be sure to watch out for pin number 2 and 3 to complete your 12,022 collection.
地表の大部分が凍り付くほどの 冷却が始まるかもしれない