字幕表 動画を再生する
- No, no,
How does this guy clean his house?
Does he clean all this after every video?
Or does he just move.
This channel should not be called How To Basic,
it should be called How To Waste Food, haiyaa.
- Uncle Roger,
a lot of your fans have been asking you
to review this channel called How To Basic
- How To Basic, what they do, what they do?
- They do cooking tutorials.
Okay. Okay.
Nephew Nigel, Uncle Roger will check it out.
- Well, you've been reviewing ramen a lot recently, right?
So they have a ramen tutorial.
And before we start, go follow my Instagram @mrnigelng.
I post a lot of cool stuff on there
and link will be in the description also.
(traditional asian music)
- Okay. Oil go in.
Then tare go in, okay.
Now broth.
Okay. Spring onion, spring onion need to be a bit smaller.
Why so chunky?
This must be slowest ramen tutorial ever.
Usually at ramen restaurant, they plate it so fast,
this like looking at Uncle Roger's Grandma make ramen.
So slow.
This guy will be fired
from ramen restaurant immediately.
Nephew Nigel, this ramen we chose is so boring.
Why you show this to Uncle Roger?
Nothing happening.
- No, no, no, Uncle Roger.
Keep watching, just keep watching.
- No, no, no, no, no, no.
Why are you putting extra noodle in?
There's not enough broth.
What he doing?
What he doing?
Stop, stop, stop, stop.
How much noodle is he going to waste?
Where he getting all this noodle from?
This is family run noodle store or something.
This noodle enough to feed Uncle Roger's village.
This is too much.
He just wasting food.
He even fucked up the trash can.
What the hell?
The micro-
Okay. Okay.
At least he take his shoe off in house.
That's very Asian.
Niece and nephew,
Uncle Roger live in UK
and I see so many white people wear shoe in house.
They even wear shoe on bed.
You wear shoe walking outside and you step in dog shit
and you take dog shit back into bed.
And that how you get COVID.
No, no people starving all over the world
and he just stepping in food.
Aye. Nephew Nigel, Uncle Roger
put my leg down from chair.
But this video,
I don't think I can ever put my leg back up again.
Where he going?
The bathroom also ramen.
This guy keep destroying his whole house.
Is he taking bath in ramen?
Ew, this guy's so gross.
Some people sell their bathwater
but is this guy going to sell his bath ramen?
Oh my God.
No, no, no.
Nephew Nigel, what video did Uncle Roger just watch?
What the hell is this channel?
Is he angry at ramen?
Did ramen kill his family.
W-w-w-what did ramen do to deserve this?
- Imagine if you did all that
and then he forgot to press record on his camera.
- Nephew Nigel, why are you showing uncle Roger
this type of bullshit?
- Just watch it, okay Uncle Roger.
Just humor me and just go watch it.
- Okay, I humor you.
This one is how to mix stir fry.
- Oh gas stove, not induction stove.
This tutorial remind me of PPC food.
Why he so angry?
I think this guy definitely need therapy.
- What do you know about therapy, Uncle Roger?
- What?
What you say?
Uncle Roger going to be best therapist ever.
Okay. Nephew Nigel, Uncle Roger be your therapist today.
So tell me, how are things going for you.
- Starting from a few months ago, I just felt really low
and sad, and I can't find the motivation to do anything.
And I know I want to get better but
sometimes I just can't even get myself out of bed.
- So weak.
- Haiyaa, I feel bad for How To Basic neighbor.
What happening?
What all that banging noise?
Should I call police?
No, no, no.
It just next door making stuff, right?
Just karate chopping the spring onion.
And now he doing ASMR.
Ah, this reminds me of Auntie Helen gardening skill.
Auntie Helen so evil,
she killed everything she touched
like plant and our marriage.
No, no, no, food should not go in toilet.
Toilet should only be for shit, piss,
and your Pet goldfish after they died.
- Is that what you did to my pet goldfish?
- Oh.
No, baked bean!
Baked bean is by far the worst thing this guy has done.
Uncle Roger can forget the toilet,
can forget the shit chopping,
but baked bean is the most disgusting food.
It the opposite of MSG, it makes everything worse.
So many people eat baked bean for breakfast.
That why your life sucks.
Because you start your day with disgusting thing.
Ew, Nephew Nigel,
this almost as gross as that two girl one cup
video you showed me.
- Sorry children.
We're keeping the sorry children.
- No, no, no, no.
How does this guy clean his house?
Does he clean all this after every video?
Or does he just move?
- This baby look like it just survived World War III.
Uncle Roger don't have good feeling about this.
Uncle Roger don't know who to call.
Food hygiene people
or social service.
This channel should not be called How To Basic,
it should be called How To Waste Food, haiyaa.
Uncle Roger, I can't watch him to food stuff anymore.
- Well, the good thing is, How To Basic,
they do non-food stuff also.
- What?
- Yeah, like they have a Rubik's Cube one.
- Ooh. How to solve Rubik Cube in 10 second.
I know.
The answer is be a virgin.
(curses bleeped out)
He getting angry again.
(angry grunts)
This guy need to see his therapist everyday
for the rest of his life.
I think How To Basic's therapist is millionaire now.
(angry gasps and grunts)
That just remind me of Uncle Roger childhood.
Getting hit by shovel.
Niece and nephew, if your mom hit you with shovel,
you know you fucked up.
By the way, remember to smack like button,
like how How To Basic smack Rubik Cube with shovel.
(scared gasps)
This guy has anger issue and now he also have schizophrenia.
Oh, look just like Auntie Hellen.
Okay, this channel quite watchable,
as long as the video not about food.
Let's see what else we can watch.
How to fix a water damage laptop.
Is he really gonna destroy laptop?
Oh, no.
First you waste food,
now you waste Apple Mac.
No, no, no.
Is he going to do what I think he gonna do.
Oh, no.
Everybody watching this video,
please stop using rice to dry your shit.
We were nice enough to make laptop for you.
Don't put it in our food, please.
Please use your own stuff.
If you white use potato, dip it in pasta.
Dip it in risotto.
I don't care.
Just don't use rice.
(angry grunts)
This guy really hate egg. Every video,
he wasting egg like this.
At least we know he not vegan.
Now he set on fire.
How To Basic have rice cooker, fuiyoh!
Uncle Roger never expect this destructive monster
to have rice cooker.
This is still better cooking channel than Jamie Oliver.
- Okay Uncle Roger, just one last video.
Just, just humor me for one second.
They have a how to make fried rice one.
- Oh no, no, no.
This is the Uncle Roger nightmare video
from my meme review.
No, no, Nephew Nigel make it stop.
Make it stop.
Nephew Nigel, this is-
Uncle Roger don't want to watch this.
You have gone to far.
How To Basic, what they do, what they do?
If your mom hit you with shovel, you know you fucked up.
Niece and nephew, if your mom hit you with shovel,
shovel, shovel.
Oh, look just like Auntie Helen.
See. Even How To Basic don't put chili jam on rice.
(laughs) I'm sorry Jamie.
I think I make fun of you in every video.
- What's he going to do with it?
See, that how you know, rice cooker,
most versatile thing in your kitchen.
It can make rice, it can make cake
and it can destroy laptop.
Niece and nephew,
everybody should get rice cooker.
- Do a little a behind the scenes for the bloopers.
So for the therapy skit it's basically two shots
combined people.
Well, you'll see now that Nephew Nigel's sitting over there
but he's not actually there, you know, like, look at this
my hand goes in this frame.
It disappears because it's
a composite of two different shots.
Thanks for watching.