字幕表 動画を再生する
alrighty guys good morning everyone welcome to a new video today we're with my dad daniel samuel
you already know him and we are going to be doing an argentine snacks taste test
so we received a very special box this isn't sponsored or anything we just got a gift they
just sent it they just sent it so it's a company called stokyard.me we'll put the address there
たので、それはstokyard.meという会社です。そこに住所 を入力
and they specialize in sending argentine snacks cookies chocolates all over the world you receive
し、72時間以内に 受け取ったアルゼンチンのスナッククッキーチョコレートを玄関先に送ることを専門としてい ます。
it in 72 hours to your doorstep and this box arrived just before we went away on our little
cottage getaway so we we brought this along with us so the nice thing about this is we haven't been
to argentina in a couple years and we've been craving some of the flavors from down there so
this is a very exciting moment i think it's going to be a combination of sweet and savory items
yes and all the childhood sweets that we used to have when we were kids i don't know and
another thing given the fact that it's a minus 38 celsius outside yeah uh there are two things
that you feel like having when it's this cold one is grease the body asks for like a butter
fried bacon things like that and and the other one is sweet stuff so what better
moment than this one when it's like -38 outside and we have a box full of sweets and chocolates
to dig in you know yeah if not now then when right you don't know what and how our field right
exactly so we open so we're gonna dig in i'm to pick up the camera and let's get a close up
look at that see that one what's in there okay what are you doing these things sealed well huh
wow we got a huge assortment of candy here look we've got the
all kinds of different alfajores the triple version milka we have look at this is the taron
さまざまな種類のアルファホーレスがトリプルに なっています。 私たちが見ているバージョンのミルカこれはタロンです
really tasty different candies chocolates sweets all the sugar in the world right in front of us
本当においしいさまざまなキャンディーチョコレートお菓子私たちの目の前にある世界のすべての砂糖 それはあなたが必要とするすべてです私が必要とするすべてですそして私はあなたが同じ
that's all that's all you need that's all i need and i like that you get a lot of the same
製品 をたくさん手に入れるのが好きです
product but like in different brands yeah you know like for example the alfajores there's a
さまざまなブランドのようにええあなたは例えばアルファホーレスのように知っています さまざまなブランド が
whole bunch of different brands my goodness they were generous with all the variety
that's that's good too i've never tried that and that's just the candy box i've never had this
either so quite a few that we haven't had it over half i've never tried even when we were traveling
in urgent yeah good variety that's a stage one yeah page one so this is uh this is your favorite
one huh that's my favorite one if you do this is how we got through those long bus rides you know
yeah you try those cookies and you cannot stop okay yes that's it go to the literature yeah yeah
those are like kind of like smarties or something yeah oh ho ho ho ho havana okay
this is a major words now one of the best brands of alfajores from argentina yeah easily easily
we're not allowed to come home without a box yeah we get locked out of the house you find
them at the airport they're duty-free you have the chocolate covered one and you have the other
one that is what like a meringue or something with like sugar sugar white sugar icing sugar
there are two varieties of this oh these are cookies with a lemon inside
this is a a dessert typical of argentina and also uruguay it's a it's a sweet made out of a sweet
potato with a chocolate and you eat this with um a cheese like let's say like a hummingbird or a
uh like a soft creamy like a brie quick easy delicious dessert yeah i love it it's
、ブリーのようなソフトクリーミーのようなええと、簡単で簡単なおいしいデザートええ、私はそれが大好きですえ えと、アルゼンチンで
uh it's a dessert that is called uh when in argentina they call it
はええ と呼ばれるデザートです 。
you know yeah so you got a million calories in here right and we're gonna shovel uh a path
ここにあるカロリーと私たちはここからトロントへの道をシャベルするつもり ですあなたは私たちが これらすべてのカロリー
from here to to toronto you know we're going to go all the way to hudson bay to burn all
を燃やすためにハドソン湾までずっと行くつもりだと知っていますそして私たちはこれらすべてを食べますええええ 大丈夫です
these calories and we eat all of these eh yeah okay so we're going to try our first thing here
which one you want let's start with the classic that's like the best known snack in all of
で最初に試してみたいものを試してみましょう。これは、アルゼンチン全土で最もよく知られているスナックのようなクラシックなものから始め ましょう。
argentina it's kind of like a cookie double or triple stacked let's try the milka we'll try
これは、 2重または3重に積み上げられたクッキーのようなもの です。
mika so this is a three layered cookie covered in chocolate and it's got some sort of
special filling the filling should always be due to the lecture we're cutting it into little bites
特別な詰め物詰め物は常に私たちがそれを少しずつ切り刻んでいる講義のためでなければなり ません
so we don't overdo it we just want to savor a little there we go that's a nice dense one guys
それで 私たちはそれをやり過ぎないでください私たちはそこに少し味わいたいだけです
yes we've had good luck with milka products before so i'm excited for this one pure chocolate i think
that's outstanding a really good alpha or yeah it's dense but it's also
soft too this is the honor let me try it
i like this one it's not as dry as the other ones you know it's very soft and uh moist so
this is what that product looks like right here the little cow purple packaging pretty iconic
so now we are going to try a product that it doesn't have a name in english it's called turon
。スペイン語で turon と呼ばれています。
in spanish and in english there's a couple different flavors yes there are different
varieties but basically it's a very chewy sugary almost like a toffee let me show you what the two
different kinds look like so there's one that's kind of like a bar so one is a wafer wafer and bar
異なる種類がどのように見える かを見せてください とバー
i believe that they are from uh spanish from spain and origin yes that's uh it became a
tradition in latin america because the spaniards they brought it uh into the culture right yeah
and this is a christmasy one so you've got that candied fruit and also chunks of peanuts yeah
spoiler alert i tried that that's my favorite so these are more like the honeycomb ones
these ones are the ones that we used to buy when we were kids and we used to go to the
movies before the movie started this guy came into the you know where people were sitting
、映画が始まる前に映画に行っていたハニカムのものに似ていますこの男はあなたがどこにいるのか知っています 映画が始まるのを待って 座っていて
waiting for the movie to start with a little box in front hanging from his neck and he was selling
this to ron and candies and chocolates sugar galore time to have a little bit of salt here
let's try this mini mini biscuits yeah made out with a lard this is salty and this is a special
thing when you're having a glass of wine or having a beer or something like that this is the uh
would be like almost like a like chips so these are called biscochito salados or salty biscuits
and they're really one biters and they're made with lard they're salty very tasty little snack if
と 呼ばれます。 彼らは本当に一口で、ラードで作られています彼らは塩辛いとてもおいしい小さなおやつです
you drink mate you can be sipping on your mate on your gourd and have a little something salty with
it you were mentioning it would go great with the beer too yeah they only brought me once you start
you don't stop okay so i say we try a little bit of candy next so these are called gotitas
de amor which means little drops of love so would you like to open this they're like little drops
de amorと呼ばれます。これは、愛の滴を意味するので、これを開きますか?小さな滴の
yeah like these are hard candies they're like lozenges no what do you call those hard candies
よう にええ
sugar lozenge very very hard and you cannot even crack them yeah don't try biting into them
unless you want to book an appointment with the dentist yeah okay so for our next snack we are
trying these peanuts covered in sugar and this is actually a really popular street food snack
yeah you can see it being made on the streets and like this copper pan or a copper kettle
it's so distinct you can smell it from a block away yes you smell this wonderful aroma the smell
のように、とても独特 です。 あなたは離れたブロックからそれを嗅ぐことができますはい、あなたはこの素晴らしい香りを嗅ぎます。
of nuts and sugar mixing in the air it leads you follow your nose you follow your nose and
you get distracted by your original plants yeah so so that's what we are trying next
あなた はあなたの元の植物に気を取られます
gotta eat them slowly because they're they're very crunchy okay we are starting to really
とてもカリカリです。私たちはこれらのスナックを本当にいっぱいにし始めて いますが、
fill up on these snacks um but we're gonna try to keep going for a couple more
right now we've got this cheese with salami so this is a soft creamy spreadable cheese
もう少し続けてみます。 サラミ入りのこのチーズがある
so we grab a few crackers from the kitchen and we're gonna open this up okay so we are
ので 、これは柔らかくクリーミーなスプレッドチーズです。 キッチンからクラッカーをいくつかつかんで、これを開けて大丈夫なので 、次の製品であるチーズを続けて
continuing with our next product it is a cheese and we're gonna be spreading it on a few different
crackers they sent us all types of cheese like here we have the gruyere we've got fontina
たいくつかの異なるクラッカーに広げます。 ここにフォンティーナ
and obviously the the salami one so we'll be trying that next i'm excited for this look
at that i'll take a bit less cheese right on a little less nice and thick go big or go home right
he's small that's like the ultimate you know snack it's almost thicker than a cream cheese you know
but it has a such a strong flavor yeah of a salami it's great i'm just like a cream cheese but with
like a smokiness to it perfect for crackers perfect for baguette you know if you're cooking
something that's going to take a long time to prepare and start eating this and it'll tide
you over until until the main event okay so right now sam is trying a chocolate bar that is called
dos corazones it means two hearts and the special thing about this chocolate is that it comes with
a little poem inside it comes with poetry it's chocolate and poetry i read it in spanish but i
had no idea what it meant so it says when you pass by my side uh many times i don't even look at you
but you can't imagine the love that i feel inside and how i sigh for you there you go something like
that so you get perfect chocolate to give on a date right and then the other thing i tried just
ので あなたは正しい日に与えるために完璧なチョコレートを手に入れます
a moment ago was uh was this banana chocolate tulka banana banana and it has a banana mousse
or like a banana flavored filling yeah i like that one quite a bit and yeah there's nothing i've had
before that's been i've never tried anything quite like it so very unique very distinct
what a taste test guys all those delicious argentine snacks indeed like we only tried
a fraction of everything they sent us but that is as far as we can make it in one sitting it's just
so filling it's too much eating too much but yeah we're gonna share the rest with family once we're
back home um and we wanted to say thank you to the company stokyat.me who sent us all these goodies
because they watch our spanish channel um they did give us a discount to share if you guys want to
use it the code is daniel and you get five percent off and if you're argentine and watching this and
。 5%オフで、アルゼンチンでこれを見ていて、
you miss a certain alfajood or cookie or snack from your home country um you can request it to
them even if it's not on their website and they'll go find it in the market and send it to you that's
so cool they have such a nice catalog of items yeah they really do that is it that's it guys
yeah see you later thanks so much for watching with a sweet goodbye yeah let's make a pie ciao
okay guys so welcome back to the video a bit of a change of scenery we were doing this
お会いしましょう。さようならと一緒に見てくれてありがとう。 数日前にコテージで この
argentine taste test at the cottage a few days ago we're now back in my parents home and we
were so full that day from so much eating you know vacations that we were only able to sample
a small portion and all of this yeah i mean you got you guys got to give us a bit of a free pass
、ほんの一部しかサンプリングできませんでした。 ええ、私たち
here because we were having steak dinners and bacon and eggs for breakfast so yeah we we just
ran out of room but now we're back at the ranchola and we're gonna try a whole bunch of different
で私たちに少しフリーパスを与えなければなら なかったので、ええ、私たちはちょうど
things that we didn't get to get to taste starting with mate so the original mate you drank it in a
部屋を使い果たしましたが、今はランコラに戻っています マテ茶から始めて味わうことができなかった さまざまなことを試してみるつもり なので、
gourd it looks like a little pumpkin almost with a metal straw but modern times you can also get it
ひょうたんで飲んだ元のマテ茶は、ほとんど金属製のストローが付いた小さなカボチャのように見えますが、現代でもできます ティーバッグ に入れて
in tea bags yeah so it's like a green tea and if you have it with milk we call it mate cocido
so that's what we're going to be trying apparently i think you guys might have told me this in the
past it's sort of like um sort of like an appetite appetite suppressor yes this is very popular when
we were small back home and what the mothers would do for the children would be like a boil a little
bit of milk and put the the mate you know like the loose leaf the loose leaves you know and let
it boil for a little while and then like strain it put some sugar and this was our uh either in the
少しの間沸騰させてから、それを緊張させるようにし ます 砂糖とこれは
mornings or in the afternoon instead of coffee or tea this one gave you like a that sensation
朝か午後のどちらかでコーヒーやお茶の代わりに 私たちのええとこれは
that you were full okay guys so we're having our first taste test item what do we got panadorne
also sometimes called pandussim sweet bread yeah this is something i never tried until
i uh well until i was a part of this family so i never had it with my parents and they've also
never tried it so yeah this is your typical latin american christmas bread sweet bread you know this
this is what what is eating during the holidays it's a tradition that comes from the italians
これは休暇中に何を食べているのかそれはイタリア人とスペイン人から来た伝統で あり、ラテンアメリカ
and the spaniards that they also consume it over there in latin america when it's uh the holidays
for the christmas new year it's always this one yeah with a bottle of sparkly sparkling cider
の休暇のときにそれを消費しますそれは いつもこれですええキラキラ輝くサイダーのボトル
oh yes but not just any cider is like a champagne you know it's got the same bottle the same cord
the same wiring on top of the cork and you pop it and it just explode and this is the combination
it's the cider and the panettone and then to run all these things are just typical of this
、サイダーとパネットーネの 組み合わせです。 これらすべてを実行することは、
uh festive season so what i can say um if you if you've had fruit cake before you're probably going
to really like this because it has that dried sweet fruit it has a similar a little bit of a
これが本当に好きに なるでしょう。 少し
similar taste obviously the fruitcake's a bit more dense and this is fluffier it's more of a fluffy
bread it's not as heavy as the fruitcake that we know in north america this is really nice in the
meantime i'm going to open this pack of candies because i feel like having them they are called
これを開くつもりです。キャンディーのパック スターバーストのように見えるバラエティのように混ぜられているよう
is just like mixed like a variety they look a lot like starbursts huh
they are the argentine version of a starburst candy soft candies you have
strawberry mint pineapple lemon apple and orange wow that's very nice they're very
they're very good they're kind of chewy it sticks to your uh to your teeth this
hasn't changed in at least 60 65 years the these keep the dentist uh a lot going well
yeah this one is pineapple and this one is strawberry they're soft but chewy
yeah so if you've got fillings and be careful yeah and sometimes i remember when we were children
you were having this and it usually sticks back here in the last molar all the way up so
ます 。
we used to stick our fingers there and excavate you know try to try it out you know like i mean
finger flossing and the other one that we used to get a lot it was a lollipop okay
let's say it was a lollipop but it was a round one a bowl here and the stick today's plastic
in those days was made out of wood that bowl it was one flavor that was called coca-cola okay
はmでしたそのボウルの木材から、それはコカ・コーラと呼ばれるフレーバーの1つでした 。子供の頃、コカ・コーラは贅沢な権利だったので、私たちはいつも
and for us as children coca-cola was a luxury right so we always used to ask for a lollipop with
コカ・コーラのフレーバー のロリポップを求めて いました。
a coca-cola flavor and the problem was that as you started sucking on it the little wooden stick that
was holding it he gave way so you ended up with a stick in your hand and that big ball in your mouth
彼はあなたの手に棒を持っていて、あなたの口の中にその大きなボールがあり ませんでした、そして
no and the mothers used to warn us because there were a few cases of children
あなた の子供たちの数例があったので母親は私たちに警告していました
you know it went down the wrong way and they got stuck on their throat and accidents like that so
they always used to tell us be careful if the stick comes out sometimes they used to take a
little piece of a paper wrap it around the stick and shove it again in the hole of the bowl to keep
たボウルの穴に入れて、それを維持 します。これはかなりのプロセスです。もう1つは、
it uh going wow that's quite the process yeah and the other one was the bazooka you remember chewing
ガム を噛んだことを覚えているバズーカでし
gum oh yeah yeah but we will get one bazooka and we started chewing all through the day at night
た 。 ナイトテーブルのそばにコカ・コーラを入れていました
time we used to put a glass of water by the night table put the bazooka chewing gum inside the water
all night next morning take it out and it was hard like a rock the first few chews it was really hard
、水中のバズーカチューインガム を取り出して、岩のように固かった最初の数回は本当に固かっ
but then we kept on going you know because we could make like a blue balloon right there and
they would not but then it would have absolutely no taste no taste it was just a piece of rubber in
the mouth and you just kept chewing and trying to learn how to blow the balloon you know that that's
the way it was you were not gonna get a a new uh chewing gum every day you had to make it last
until it became so so much chewed that it began to break out but you you got some good mileage
out of the bazooka chewing gum in those days huh that's a value of value for money a good value man
we're moving on to something salty here shifting gears so these are called the uh palitos salados
so these sticks salty sticks yeah and they are salty sticks
these also help kind of reset the palate along with the mate too so we'll be ready to have some
これらはまた、仲間と一緒に味覚をリセットするのに役立ちます もう一度お菓子を食べる
more sweets again yeah these are these are the kind of things you could just keep popping and
準備ができまし たy ええ、これらはあなたがただ飛び出して
eating and eating you know if you go to a bar and you ask for uh picada in argentina you'll get like
almost like a snacking board with like little things to sample there might be like olives ham
サンプリングするための小さなもののようなスナックボードのように なるでしょう オリーブハムチーズのようなものがあるかもしれません
cheese and you almost always have a little bowl with these little salty sticks this would be
like an equivalent what you get here in north america when you go to a bar
and you ask for a beer and they bring you those uh goldfish peanuts yeah you know the goldfish
they bring a little bowl yeah the only thing is that the goldfish is made out of cheese
maybe and these ones are made out of just dull yeah maybe fried in large because they
taste like a little bit of lard yeah what are we moving on i think you're gonna like these
いますええ、私たちは何を進めていますか?バタークッキーのように見えるこれらは 大丈夫だと思い
okay those look like buttery cookies let's explain the name in argentina is the name the nickname
ます アルゼンチンの名前は
that is given to the people that are living the city of buenos aires
be the yes and diminutive they look like the the palm what's it called the ear palm ear cookies
yes oh yeah tastes like a honey glaze huh mm-hmm wow i really like those
they're light too yeah they're they would be perfect for for yeah quick breakfast i
し ます
suppose this is manufactured by the company called bugley bugley was that american
he was born in the united states he immigrated to argentina
彼がアルゼンチンに移住したアメリカで生まれた アメリカ人でした
i believe just after the american civil war and he became very famous in argentina and very rich
because he invented a drink made out of the peeling of the oranges in buenos aires in those
は皮から作られた飲み物を発明したので アルゼンチンで非常に有名になりそして非常に裕福になりました 当時のブエノスアイレスのオレンジの中には
days there was a a lot of streets that they were planted with bitter orange trees and people would
、苦いオレンジの木が植えられた通りがたくさんあり、人々は それらを選んでいたるところに皮を投げるだけだったので、市はコンテスト
just pick them and throw the skins all over the place so the city came up with a contest
を 思いついた。
a contest who could invent something what to do with the orange peels wow what a great guy he came
with us with a recipe for this alcoholic beverage made the base was uh orange peel until today they
still sell it we never tasted it when we went to argentina we needed to look for it next time
it's called esperidina and then it began to grow and expand it into the cookie making industry wow
、 それからそれは成長し始め 、需要によって推進された革新であっ
that was innovation driven by demand yeah yeah what else don't tell me where you're
getting full because we're not even halfway there let's try those let's try those chocolate ones
yeah okay these ones are called translation would be like a black cookie you know
little black cookie little black they are they have a coating of a kind of a
burnt sugar on top that gives them this brownish black look i'm gonna grab a cookie
です 。 この茶色がかった黒い外観私はあなたがそれらを見るクッキーをつかむつもりです ええとあなたは彼らが
you see them in the uh you know where they when they have the uh
the sweets uh yeah the score there's always a tray with this one
when you compare these to the portinitas these are are much denser yeah yeah this is the
miniature version of the ones that you can buy in the bakery stores all over argentina
and those are like pretty big and nice and thick you know so so next up we're having uh chocolate
called the pocadito bon pide with bulsa de leche that so lovely caramel right let's describe this
はポカディートボンパイドと呼ばれる チョコレートを持っています ブルサデとても素敵なキャラメルのレッシュこれを説明しましょう
it says obla which is like a wafer cookie yeah it's filled with dulce de leche which is kind
それはウエハースクッキーのようなオブラと言いますええそれはキャラメルスプレッドのような種類のdulcedelecheで満たされてい ますそれは後でそれに入りますそしてそれは
of like a caramel spread we'll get into that later and it is covered in milk chocolate yeah
スペイン語 でミルクチョコレートで覆われています
in spanish means like a small bite like a small little morsel a little bite you know
this is after my my time oh wow it was super tasty it reminds me of the rolos chocolates
remember those it has a taste like if you would have like a little bit of
ます これらのチョコレートを購入すると、そこにいくつかのアルコールが含まれています。このチョコレートの
some alcoholic in there you know when you buy these chocolates and they have a little bit of
an alcoholic beverage inside this one has that
少し 含まれているので、その
kind of a taste so we're having banana with dulce de leche the the delicious milky caramel spread
ような味がするので、dulce delecheを使ったバナナを用意しています
never had it like this and this is the way real man eat it
oh wow samuel she likes it a lot yeah load it up right
load it up don't skip out there thanks grab it from there
we've introduced you to all sorts of strange things this is a perfect combination wow yeah oh
yeah you know the ultimate would be it would be a scoop of ice cream and then you gotta
that would not be the best that's so good on its own though that's the ultimate
you know you don't have time to make a meal you want something tasty and sweet
peel a banana throw this on top you're good to go look at that in the united states it's very
popular in canada too to eat banana with peanut butter okay i love it and then in
south america like argentina uruguay and all those countries is very popular to eat banana
あります ピーナッツバターとdulcede lecheのような2つは似たような
with dulce de leche okay i will say the two like peanut butter and dulce de leche have a similar
見た目 ですが、味は完全に異なるので、
look similar consistency yeah but the flavors are completely different so don't think if you've
ピーナッツバターを試し たことがないかと思い ます。
tried peanut butter you're like oh yeah i know what dude it tastes like well it's the difference
between a milk product and a nut product do you have a jar of peanut butter in the fridge here
so we're actually going to show you we've got a monster 2 kilogram jar of craft smooth peanut
butter but let's show the inside yeah it's got a darker consistency personally i if push came to
バターのキログラムジャーですが、 s内部を表示しますええそれは個人的に暗い一貫性を持っています私はプッシュが押し寄せてきたら
shove i'd go for peanut butter because i grew up with it but i like them pretty much equally okay
this is something that is typical in argentina we know that in uruguay also they have it i don't
know if in all of other latin american countries they do produce this but what it is is basically a
dessert and it's made out of sweet potato yes this one has chocolate incorporated and if you try this
and nobody tells you what it is you will never guess that it's made from a vegetable okay yeah
and how do we eat it it usually is uh after the meal uh dessert they bring you a piece of uh dulce
そして 私たちはそれをどのように食べるのですか
de patata and a piece of cheese on top the sweet with the more salty of the cheese creamy cheese
yeah combination is beautiful and they usually the cheese that you need will be like a brie like a
hummingbird so equal parts love how easy it is to prepare yeah one on top of the other one and then
you just eat them together and it's very good in argentina they call it posterior vigilante would
be a vigilante like a vigilante like like a guard or something even the police sometimes the police
are called vigilantes you know so in your why they call them martin sierra okay so let's try this
batata with flavor of chocolate let's get it out of here and put it to the paces it's a bit tricky
to open sometimes because it's kind of gooey like it's got like a little bit of like a liquid in it
oh you can wrap it in cheese okay what you got a piece of paper don't need the paper it's like a
taco that's not the traditional way of serving it it's just we didn't bother with plates and
celery it actually it fits nicely because to see the the sweet part is a little bit sticky so the
cheese is like the guard but normally it's like a piece of the sweet and another piece of the cheese
on top oh my gosh that's good it was the right combination of sweet and salty wow i love it all
right guys so that concludes our argentine snacks taste test why oh my did we ever try
a lot of delicious things i can't believe how much we were able to eat over these two sessions
um so now let's turn it over to you which of these items look the most tasty to you have you
tried any of them would you like to and also we'd like to know from whatever country or part of the
はそれらのどれかを試しました、そしてまた あなたが世界のすべての部分
world you're from what are some of the favorite snacks from that area because you know every part
of the world has its unique snacks and we'd love to know what you what you grew up eating as well
ことを知っているのであなたがその地域からのお気に入りのスナックのいくつかからあなたが どこの国または部分から来ているのか知りたいです
sounds good well thank you for watching we are stuffed beyond belief so this is where the video
おやつ と私たちはあなたが何を食べて育ったのかを知りたいです
ends yeah and we'll see we're taking a siesta at least oh boy and it's a good thing that it's a day
私たちが信じられないほど詰め込まれているのを見てくれてありがとう おやおや、摂氏マイナス20度 の日であるのは良いことです
of minus 20 outside celsius because if this was a summer day i don't think we could have had so much
sugar you know that's for sure all right thanks for watching guys all along next time