字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント We're heading down the ocean coast for a weekend getaway in an old Japanese home near Atami. 熱海の古民家で週末を過ごします We've heard there's cherry and plum blossoms in bloom, and we want to see if it's true. 梅が見頃と聞いています But first we have to find our way to the home which we've heard is hard to get to. 目的地は山奥です It says one minute... あと1分 Is that it? あれ? That looks like it — it is! そうね I'm not sure... no, that's it right there. 本当にここかな Is that the little house up there? Yep, that's it! あの家? That's the little house! Look, that right up there! あの上だ! [Life in Japan Theme Song] 車で登れるかな I'm going to go look real quick and see if I can go straight up it... ここだね Here it is, ok. 車で登れるか確認します I'm going to climb up this because I want to see if I can turn around up here or not バックの方がいいかも Or if I have to back up this in the car すごい Oh man! 駐車できそうです OK, that's where you can park right there これが今日の家 And up there is the house... バックで登った方が良さそうです Oh, I think I'm going to have to back up this thing. どうすると思う? So guys, guess what we're going to do? バックで登る Back in. We're going to back in. うそ! No no no! Can I walk up? - 山を下りるの? - 登っているの Wait, are we going to go down the mountain? No, we're going up the driveway. 入りそう? Can we do this, Nate?! 怖い It's scary. Scary, scary, scary, Mommy, save me! ママ 助けて! I don't know if our car can make it! Yes it can. 入るかしら This is officially my scariest experience ever! すごく怖い! Ever?! In the whole wide world! 世界で一番! Daddy's going up the mountain backwards! パパがバックで登ってる! Well maybe I could let you guys out so that... No!!! - 先に降りる? - 嫌だ! I can't say words right now I'm so scared... 言葉が出てこない I think he can make it, but I'm scared that he can't. 大丈夫だと思うけど怖い Oh you can do it, don't go back forward, Daddy. They have the driveway kind of angled - パパなら大丈夫! - 角度があるわね Yeah. And it's a matter of learning the angle — just like our driveway. 上手く曲がれるかな Our driveway you have to find the angle too. Good job Dada, but I'm still scared we're going to get out of this place. - 家の駐車場も難しいけど - 出るのも大変そう No, getting out is going to be easy. 大丈夫よ We did it! We did it! Alright. 出来た! It's like a staircase up there. 階段がある A staircase up that way? 階段? These are big! I can't open it. - 大きい! - 開かない You can't open it? I can open it. 開かない? Wait.. 待って Oh my! Oh! That's your new office, Daddy! 新しいオフィスみたい! Very cool! I'm going to go upstairs first. - いいね! - 2階見てくる! There's the TV! テレビがある! You found the fun room, huh?! 良い部屋だね! There's a dining room, next to the kitchen! キッチンの隣がダイニング! And oh!! 見て! Look at this! 暖房はどこかな We'll have to figure out how to turn on all the heaters here. 2階見たい! Now I want to go and look upstairs. Is there rooms upstairs? 2部屋ある There's only two. 2階でも寝れるわね Well, maybe some of you will sleep up here... I want to sleep downstairs. - この部屋で寝たい! - 寝室じゃないよ I want to sleep in this room though... Uh, I don't think this room is for sleeping. - うそ! - 良い景色! Why? Oh, look at that view! すごい! That's a high view Oh my goodness! 落ちたら大変! Oh man, this is scary if you fall down. - 落ちちゃう! - 気を付けて Fall! No, you have to plan on not falling. 皆の部屋は? Oh kids, can I see your room? ドラムロール? Drumroll? 開ける?アナ! Who's going to open the door? Anna! アナ 開けて! Anna, open the door! ベッカ 開けて [Faint mumbling from inside] Oh, you open the door. You go in now. アナ!マッサージチェアだね! Ah! Anna's in the massage chair! 布団もあるね Oh, look the futons are already for tonight アナはお休みを満喫中? And Anna is busy on vacation. Yes I am. ルースがネットで見つけた家です 安い値段で家族で宿泊できます So Ruth found this place online, it was cheap. シーツとタオルは持参します But the nice thing is that you get the whole house and that's good for our family - 今日はラーメン? - 好物! And you have to bring your own sheets and towels, so that's a little bit more work. 和風の家だね Are we having ramen? My favorite! そうね In this Japanese getaway house? 美味しい Yes we are. It's good. 美味しい? It's good? - こっちもラーメンです - ネイトの冷めるわよ And here are the ladies, getting their ramen on — Nate, your ramen's getting cold... 僕も食べないと! My ramen's getting cold?! I gotta get it. Gotta get it. 毎朝 聖書を読みますが 今朝は格別です If you know me, you know I like to get up and read my Bible. Oh my goodness, what a place to do that here today. 見て下さい 朝日が一望できます! Look at this room here! Oh my goodness! You got the sunrise over there 海も見えます The ocean out that way — oh man, this is nice. 小さなヒーターがあります You got the little personal heaters here, because it is cold. It is cold. 車で出掛けるよ! OK, we're loading up the car and we're going off on an excursion オモル山に行きます (※大室山) We're going to see Mount Omoru... Omori? Something like that. 桜や梅の花が楽しめる 公園にも立ち寄ります Omuro まずは休火山の大室山に向かいます Maybe some sakura, some plum blossoms, some fun parks and scenic places along the way リフトで行ける山頂には ハイキングコースもあります Our first stop will be Mt Omuro, a volcano that erupted a long time ago and created a lava path that went to the ocean. 河津桜も見に行きたいと思います Nowadays you can take a chairlift to the top and walk around the crater as you enjoy the commanding views of the area. - 並んで! - 登ります Since Omuro on the way to the Cherry blossoms in Kawazu, we're going to stop and see it. 山頂は寒くないといいね OK let's go stand in line. We're going to go up! - 寒いかも - もう肌寒いわ Oh boy, I hope it's not too cold up on the top. 女子が乗ります It could be chilly! It's chilly already. 登ります Here go the girls! Alright girls! 来たよ ジョシュア 見て We go up the mountain. OK Here it comes — watch how they do it Joshua, and sit down. 来たよ! OK 行くぞ! Here it comes! Here it comes! Oh man! 見て! Here we go! 富士山だよ Look at that over there! Mount Fuji behind us. ママとサラがいるね Whoa there's Momma and Sarah. How is it, guys? 振り返るのは怖い Fun, but scary to look back. 怖い? Scary to look back?! 後ろの景色もすごい Wow, look behind us though, that's pretty awesome, huh? 少し怖い Yeah, it's kind of scary. - けど楽しい? - 音が聞こえる? Kind of scary but fun? Yeah, because the noise. 静かに Be quiet. Do you hear it? Yeah, I hear it. 聞こえた? Yeah, that's so scary! 少し怖い I feel like I could almost touch my feet on the ground. 地面に足が届きそう Oh - oh! I got it! I got it! I got it! おっ!届いた! You ready?! いい? Whoa guys, look at this! What a view! すごい景色! Whoa! And there's Fuji san over there. 富士山が見える That's where the volcano came out of? 噴火口? There used to be a top to this volcano, but it blew off in the explosion. 噴火で出来た穴です Are you guys being so careful?! みんなどうした? No, Becca's making everybody be so careful. Becca,kibishi (strict) ベッカが注意しているの What do you think up here Sarah? Uh, scary. - サラはどう? - 怖い Do it feel like you're at the top of the world? 高い場所だから? Yea! But Becca makes sure that all of us are safe. うん!ベッカが守ってくれる Guys! Joshua! Don't run. ジョシュア!走らないで! Becca's such a big sister. ベッカはお姉さんです Oh my goodness guys, look, we've got a little bit of a climb now. 登って来ました Here they come! Up the incline! 来たね! Momma chan and Joshua! Here comes Joshua! Alright Dude もう少し! There's snow on those mountains up there! ママちゃんとジョシュア! You see this coast right here? We're going to go down that a little more 'cause there's Sakura down there. 雪が積もってる So Becca - what do you think? 海辺が見える? 後で桜を見に行くよ Well I'm not scared but I'm scared for them. Oh, are you? ベッカはどう? What a big sister! 私は怖くないけど 皆が心配 Don't run Joshua! お姉さんだね! On top of the world, Dude! 走らない! Momma chan and Sarah almost here! We're almost at the top! 頂上だね! Where all those houses are — that's all the lava flow. When the lava erupted, that's where it went. ママちゃんとサラも来ました! Echo!! Yeah, I heard it. Are you going to do it? 家が見えるけど 溶岩が流れた場所だね Waaaaaah!! - ヤッホー! - 聞こえたね やってみる? That sounds like someone screaming for help, maybe that's not good. ワァー! OK, no more yelling! 助けてほしいみたい 他の言葉にしよう And w'eve made it back to the chairlift, we can go back down. もうおしまい Well that's cool. リフトで下ります Did you find a magnet? Oh yep, we did, look. いいね Oh! We already got a souvenir! - マグネットあった? - これ見て OK, heading back down! お土産です Are we ready, Daddy? OK 下るよ! Now we're going down — look at that view though, huh Dude? Oh my goodness! 準備は? Where's Mt Fuji? There it is! 下りだね 景色を見て! Guys look at Mt Fuji over there! On the left. - 富士山は? - あそこ! Next stop - do you know what the next stop is? Yea, the climbing place? 富士山見て!左側! Sakura! I hope it's good, I don't know, we'll find out. 次の目的地は? It was another 45 minutes of driving down the beautiful Izu Peninsula coast, 桜だよ! 綺麗だといいね and along the way we saw some promising signs of Sakura, the cherry-blossoms, although we feared that we might be still a bit too early. 伊豆半島を45分南下します This is pretty! 桜には早いかと思いましたが 道中でも少し見えました Oh there you go! Sarah start dancing! 綺麗! That fruit looks good! サラが踊っているね So Momma chan, the weather? In the shade it's cold but in the sun it's nice. 美味しそう The Sakura was definitely beautiful, but only a few trees had bloomed, - ママちゃん 天気は? - 太陽の下は暖かいわね so we got a bite to eat and continued on our loop back towards Atami, 綺麗な桜ですが 満開ではありませんでした climbing up the famous Izu Skyline drive, a highway that snakes along the uppermost parts of the ridge that makes up the Izu peninsula. 熱海に戻る事にしました We were headed for Himenosawa Park, a huge hilly green space known for its great obstacle course, 伊豆半島の稜線を走る 伊豆スカイラインで帰ります and the Izu Skyline drive took us straight there. アスレチックが充実している 姫の沢公園を目指して What a view of Mt Fuji from here, huh? 伊豆スカイラインを進みます Yeah, I know but they did a lot of work to make this whole road 富士山が見えるね They did a lot of work to make this whole road, you're right. この道路作った人はすごい I don't know how they did this! 本当だね This is quite the climb already, oh my! どうやって作ったんだろう Easy peasy. Whoa, easy peasy are you sure? すごい登りです One at a time, guys. - 楽勝 - 本当に? Sarah did it. There goes Becca. 一人ずつ! Oh! It's so uphill, huh Dude? Yea. サラが行きます 次はベッカ Oh it's a bridge guys! Be careful, it's wobbly. 上り坂だね Wobbly bridge. 橋だ!気を付けて! Oh it's like hiking. Mommy, over there is number 7. グラグラする Sarah is doing the hiking wall, wow! The climbing wall - go Sarah go! 登山みたい! 次は7番 Whoa! Wobbly wobbly wobbly chair. サラが壁を登っています Wobbly wobbly wobbly?! - うわぁ! - グラグラする Look what the kids just did. Up the big obstacle climb! グラグラ? OK! 子供達が登って来ました Oh you gotta pull it up. Go, do your best, pull, and then let go! OK Go for it Joshua, that probably weights as much as you do, Dude! 引き上げないと!頑張って! Oh yeah. ジョシュアの体重くらい? Yes! Sarah chan, getting it! すごい! Oh, did we find the next one? Is it a balance beam? いいね!サラちゃん! Mommy's going to do it, guys! Momma chan! 次は?平均台? Alright! ママもやる I did it from the beginning to the end with some help! いいね! Well awesome! Let's see what we're going to find next. 何とか出来たよ! It's going to be number 11 on the blue course. すごいね!次は何かな? Go on. It's break time? 次は11番 Uh huh. - 続ける - 休憩? Oh guys, I don't think I was prepared for this mentally! Everybody's freezing. うん Oh, they have called for a rest, Ruth! 想像以上に大変だったね I don't get much of one because whenever I catch up... They're already ready to go! 寒い Oh please be water! 休憩だよ! This says an obstacle course when you look it up on a map 追いついたと思ったら 進むから… But it is much more than that, it is an all-out hike, my goodness. 喉渇いた No hand-swinging, you just have to go under it. 障害物コースですが Like this... Go Anna go! かなり本格的です Oh, you used your hands! 鉄棒じゃないね What about Becca? Oh Becca, good job! - こんな感じ? - アナ 頑張れ! It's going to be speed... Becca be careful, it's a bar! 手を使った! Yeah, don't, don't... yea, that's hard. ベッカは? Yeah. Oh Joshua just goes right under, no problem. - 早く行こう - 気を付けて It's harder than it looks, huh? ぶつからないように Oh guys, this is a small victory! ジョシュアは大丈夫だね [Singing Psalm 91] We will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies in the day... 見た目より難しい Here's number 12! Easy peasy! ひと段落! Easy peasy? You haven't seen what Anna got to yet. ♪ 暗闇も~ 昼間の矢も恐れない~ ♪ (詩篇第91篇) Way to go Anna! Go for the next one. 12番! I would be surprised if he could do it. 楽勝?まだまだだよ! Use my strategy! すごいな アナ! No problem for me! ジョシュアが出来たらすごい That's hard, huh Sarah? 私みたいに! Should mommy try it? Yea! 僕も出来る! I did it! サラには難しいね Whoa Dude. - ママも? - うん! You did awesome Dude- you made it to the second one! Way to go. 出来た! Whoa, we got everybody on this — well just about everybody. おっと Momma chan, way to go! Valiant effort. I was very lopsided. あと少しだったね! Well you guys did a great job. みんなで挑戦中 We were getting desperate for water, but we saw a sign that brought us some hope. ママちゃん すごい! Oh Joshua, what did you find?! A fairy fountain? 頑張ったね! A fairy fountain?! Like in Zelda? 喉が渇いて来ました Can I drink some more after her? Yes. ‐ ジョシュア 何を見つけた? ‐ 妖精の泉 We found a shortcut that goes directly down the hill 妖精の泉? ゼルダみたいな? Because it would take like 1 or 2 kilometers all the way around it - もう少し飲んでいい? - いいよ And we're like "we don't have time for this or the energy" so we're just going straight down the hill towards the car. 丘を下るショートカットです So we did all of this, all the way around here and that's where we got the drink, right there. コースは1~2キロ 残っていますが And then we decided that instead of going all the way around and going back, we're going to take this shortcut right back down. 疲れたのでショートカットします How cool is this hiking stick?! ここまで来て 水を飲みました That's not a hiking stick, that's like a hiking rod! その後 ショートカットで 戻って来ました We are back to civilization! ハイキングの杖 Look! There's a vending machine down there. トレッキングポールだね The ladies are almost already there! Let's go guys! 戻って来ました Oh, we are buying drinks, yes drinks! 自動販売機です! We were all up on that hill. 女子が下にいます Do you see that hill that we just came up, Becca?! That's crazy! 飲み物を買います Just a couple minutes down the hill was Atami's famous Plum Gardens, and we wanted to make it there before closing time. あの丘を下って来ました Momma's going to get some of her famous photos. 1, 2, 3 - a little bit closer ベッカ 丘が見える? More like in front of it almost. 近くにある梅園に向かいます Yeah, 1, 2, 3 Now it's me. ママの写真撮影の時間です So we literally made it here like 10 minutes before they close, but we got a discounted rate because we're staying here in Atami. 少し前 It was a little early for the sakura, the Sakura was not ready, but this plum garden is looking nice. - 1・2・3 - 次は私 Smile so cute. 閉園10分前でした 熱海に滞在する人は割引料金です Wow, you smiled. 桜には早いですが 梅は見頃です Can I take pictures now? すてき! Look! Can I see? 笑顔! Aw, aw, aw, aw 写真撮りたい Ha! Are you posing, Dude? 見て! You're not supposed to bonk into the branches! Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. ポーズ? Yes, I did it! Look at that. ぶつけた? 気を付けて Oh nice. 撮れた! Becca, come! Oh, that's awesome! いいね Oh my goodness, yes! ベッカ 来て! Wait! すごい! Joshua's poses — you should see the photo I have of him. すごいです! Joshua changes his poses! 待って Oh my goodness! ジョシュアのポーズを見て Some nice person just took our picture... Yea! 色んなポーズ! Oh, will that be the thumbnail maybe? いいね Joshua's in the branches. Joshua's in the branches?! Joshua, Dude! 良い写真撮れた? Mommy look! Oh my. Let's go guys. サムネイルにする? Aw, I want to go to the beach. ジョシュアが枝の影にいるわ 3, 2, 1 Ah, it flew that way. - ママ 見て! - 行くわよ 3, 2, 1 海に行きたい Ah, what a beautiful place for the pictures. Ah, and sisterly love! 3・2・1 Do you want Daddy to take it? 飛んでいったね I got a good one. Got a good one. 3・2・1 My third try! Third try, Sarah, let's see. 最高の写真スポットだね Ah, that one went, good job. There it goes! 仲良し姉妹! OK, that's a good picture too. 撮ろうか? This way 良い写真 Please, I want a back-ride please! - 3回目のトライ! - どうかな? Joshua... Are you done, Dude? いい感じだね! Are you done? Are you tired? Yep. OK 良い写真 Was it a big day? I can't walk anymore. こっちよ It was a big epic day again, huh? I can't walk anymore. 私もしてほしい! Alright, boy here we go! Alright guys. Let's go. ジョシュア Oh my goodness. Careful Sarah! 疲れた? You kind of scare me, Sarah. - 長かったね - 歩けない Joshua doesn't seem scared, but maybe he should be. 大冒険だったね OK, I think that's enough. That's enough. さあ帰ろう! Jump down, Joshua. 気をつけて サラ! Whoa, good save, good save! 少し怖いな Here we go... It's open! ジョシュアは大丈夫そうだけど A Jonathan's by the beach. Let's go eat dinner everybody. もういいわ The pizza has come. The girls are cutting their pizza. 降りて Momma chan has got her food. Soup. 上手! Oh wow, that looks good, honey. 着きました Yes. 海沿いのジョナサン 夕食にするよ! Scale of 1 to 10? 10 ピザを切っています A ten?! ママちゃんのご飯 She said 10! It's so good. 美味しそう So good? You too, do you like it, Joshua? 美味しい Do you know how my toy works? 10点だと? What about the pizza? 10点?! And Daddy's came — a chicken basket with coleslaw and honey mustard. 10点だって! Oh sorry! What?! 美味しい? ジョシュアは? Ah, we're back from our huge day! おもちゃだよ And enjoying some ice cream — ice cream — oh! ピザはどう? The little Reutter kids over here enjoying some ice cream. There's stars in here. パパはチキンバスケットです Momma's got the ice cream and the heater. 楽しかったね! She took my spot! She did?! アイスクリームの時間です Well, Momma Chans can do that. ライターキッズが アイスを食べてます Alright, we're going to see — who's going to win the mega awesome game?! ママはアイスとヒーター Momma Momma chan? 私が座ってたのに No, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah! ママの番だよ Me me me me! Sarah Sarah Sarah! 誰が勝つかな? We'll see! Alright, boy this is a big Uno game. ママかな? I'm not sure Anna's feeling it. サラだよ! Are you feeling it? You are, alright. 私が勝つ! What about you, Sarah? I'm going to win! ウノを始めるよ The only thing is to not lose. アナはどう? You don't have to win, but you better not lose. That's right, oh boy. 勝てそう? Guys, this is easy to see your cards so be careful. - サラは? - 勝つ! Sorry Sarah, I only have this. 負けない Uno! 負けないのがいい Mommy has uno, oh boy! Ah, it's green. 見えないようにね Who will win? Oh boy, she's picking. ごめんね サラ Uno. Uno for Mommy again! ウノ! Will mommy win? No!! Momma chan, oh. ママはウノ? Uno! Oh! Sarah too!? 緑! Hey guys, look what you've done to me! 誰が勝つかな? Reverse! - ウノ! - また?! Reverse, oh it's coming back this way. Draw Four Sarah, ahh!!! ママの勝ち? Green. Green?! Uno!! Daddy's Uno. - ウノ! - サラも!? Good, I can change it. 私の番だよ Oh how cool would it be if Daddy won on the video?! リバース! The truth is these kids beat me all the time in Uno. リバース! That's the truth. That is the truth. あっ ドロー4! Daddy's up next. 緑 What?! Eh, Draw Four Daddy, awww. ウノ! Uno! Yeah! Yeah! 赤に変更 These guys are card sharks. They're brutal. パパは勝てるかな My goodness. いつも子供に負けています Go fast, Sarah. そうだよ! Momma, draw two, I love you. パパの番 Draw two. That's how you say "I love you?" うそ!ドロー4です With a draw two! ウノ! Now Becca has Uno, oh boy. 容赦ないです I got skipped twice in a row! You sure did. 大変 Hey everyone, Uno! サラの番 You deserve this! Ah, draw two Joshua. - ママにドロー2 愛してる - 愛してるって言い訳? Oh, look at that!! Oh my goodness! ドロー2だから! Daddy won the Reutter's first mega awesome huge game of Uno! ベッカはウノ I get to tickle everybody! 2回連続スキップ! Everybody! ウノだよ! Everybody but Mommy. Not me. ジョシュア ドロー2 Here comes the sun, huh Dude? 見て! How's it feel out there? Cold. パパが初めて勝ちました! Did you hear the wind? Oh my goodness, it's windy out, isn't it? みんなくすぐるぞ! So once you get all warmed up, what do you do? みんなだぞ! I'm going to heat you. You're going to heat me up? ママは例外 OK, come heat me up. Oh! 朝日だよ Bring that warmth up, oh! Mmnnnnn. - 外はどう? - 寒い Do you get some of Daddy's coldness? Do you feel a little bit of that? No? 風の音がするね Boy, you have morning breath, eh! 暖まったら? Well hey guys, did we get everything back to normal here? Yeah. パパの番 Alright, very good! こっちにおいで OK, we've got everything all locked up, all cleaned up 暖まるね And we're ready to head back home. パパは冷たい? It's been a fun couple of days 歯を磨かないと But it's always good to go home! 全部片づけた? So girlfriend there was one more thing the girls wanted to do, what was it? いいね! Go to the beach — in the middle of winter. Go to the beach! 掃除して施錠しました In the middle winter. Beach! 家に帰ります Taking off the shoes and going to play at the beach. 楽しい2日間でしたが This is what the little Reutter kids really wanted to do. We were too tired last night to do this. 家が待ち遠しいです It's winter. 最後の目的地は? It's winter, we're at the beach. 真冬の海よ This would be fun in the summer, but it is not the summer. 真冬なのに! It's like sinking sand — it starts to sink every time you walk in the sand. 靴を脱いでビーチに行きます Like sinking sand?! We can't build any sand castles with that. 子供達は海を楽しみにしていました No, you can't build sand castles. No. 冬よ You're not getting wet, are you? 冬だけどビーチ You get one update and then another kid runs and gives another update. 夏だったら最高だね What's the update? 砂の中に沈むみたい Is the sand cold? So so. - 沈む? - お城は作れなさそう Joshua's been tagged! 多分無理ね So we had a super fun time here in Atami and some of the Izu peninsula 濡れてないわよね? What was your favorite part, comment below. また別の子が戻ってきた And make sure you subscribe to our channel! どうした? If you click subscribe and turn on the notifications, that really helps us grow and reach more people. 砂は寒い? Thanks for watching! And we'll see you next time on Life in Japan! まあまあ Bye! Bye! ジョシュアが鬼
B1 中級 日本語 ジョシュア ママ サラ ベッカ すごい ドロー Weekend Getaway in a Japanese House Along the Izu Coast | Life in Japan Episode 149 10 1 Summer に公開 2022 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語