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  • Hi, My name is Russ cox. I'm a member of the Go team here at Google. Go has many interesting

  • features including built-in support for concurrency, and a novel type system. But one of the main

  • reasons that I enjoy programming in Go is that it's just plain fast. Most of my builds

  • when I'm programming take well under a second. Let me show you.

  • [whoosh!] This is the math package with implementations

  • of things like sine and cosine. It's over a thousand lines of Go in about twenty files,

  • and if we build the whole package, it builds in about 200 milliseconds.

  • We can also run the tests for the package, which rebuilds the package including test

  • functions and runs it, and that runs in well under a second.

  • [whoosh!] This is the whole Go package tree. There's

  • about a hundred and twenty thousand lines of source code and we're going to build the

  • whole thing. And the package tree includes flags and regular expressions and the math

  • library and the formatting library, an rpc package, a full parser for the Go language,

  • and many other packages and there: it built in under ten seconds. And that's just running

  • on one machine, my laptop. [whoosh!]

  • When builds are that fast, I can get a lot done in a day. Go is a fast, fun, and productive

  • language, and we hope you'll try it. There's more information and downloads available

  • at

Hi, My name is Russ cox. I'm a member of the Go team here at Google. Go has many interesting


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A2 初級

囲碁プログラミング言語プロモ (The Go Programming Language Promo)

  • 259 15
    Chia Chi Hsu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日