字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント Hi, My name is Russ cox. I'm a member of the Go team here at Google. Go has many interesting features including built-in support for concurrency, and a novel type system. But one of the main reasons that I enjoy programming in Go is that it's just plain fast. Most of my builds when I'm programming take well under a second. Let me show you. [whoosh!] This is the math package with implementations of things like sine and cosine. It's over a thousand lines of Go in about twenty files, and if we build the whole package, it builds in about 200 milliseconds. We can also run the tests for the package, which rebuilds the package including test functions and runs it, and that runs in well under a second. [whoosh!] This is the whole Go package tree. There's about a hundred and twenty thousand lines of source code and we're going to build the whole thing. And the package tree includes flags and regular expressions and the math library and the formatting library, an rpc package, a full parser for the Go language, and many other packages and there: it built in under ten seconds. And that's just running on one machine, my laptop. [whoosh!] When builds are that fast, I can get a lot done in a day. Go is a fast, fun, and productive language, and we hope you'll try it. There's more information and downloads available at golang.org.
A2 初級 米 囲碁プログラミング言語プロモ (The Go Programming Language Promo) 259 15 Chia Chi Hsu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語