字幕表 動画を再生する
This is the check-in hall and will be the first queue you will encounter.
The queuing system may appear strange as it is not straight line.
Passengers are guided through a winding line through the queuing section.
There can be a significant wait
so you may wish to provide a quiet activity to pass the time.
Also make sure you have made a visit to the toilet if necessary,
before you join the queue.
You may have arranged for escorted assistance from OCS
and this could include being taken to the front of the queue.
Checking-in is the process of confirming you are prepared for the flight,
where your flight documents are checked
and you will be issued with a boarding pass to get on the plane later.
This is also where you drop off large luggage
that will be put on the plane for you, in its cargo section.
This luggage will be weighed
and confirmed as below the limit set for your journey.
If your luggage weighs more, you may be asked to pay an additional charge.
Your luggage will pass through to an area behind the desks,
to be taken to the plane.
You will be allowed to take hand luggage onto the plane with you,
but the amount, size and weight will be limited.
Importantly, there are restrictions
on what items are allowed to be taken on the plane with you in hand luggage
as well as any loose items you may carry.