字幕表 動画を再生する
It is summer. The air is hot. It is hot inside Lia's house.
Lia lives with her mother, her father, and her brother, Jay. Her grandmother lives with them too.
Lia's grandmother is old and sick. She lies in her bed all day.
The old woman is sad. Her husband is dead. She often talks to his photograph.
-Yes, husband? Oh, it's in the well. It's in a bucket of water. Thank you.
Lia and her mother are in Grandmother's room. Lia's mother brings some food and water.
“Please, go to the well.” says Grandmother. “Bring me some water in the bucket.”
「どうぞ、井戸に行ってください。」祖母は言います。 「バケツに水を持ってきてください。」
“There is no well here, Ma,” says Lia's mother. “You live in the town now.
「ここには井戸がありません、マ」とリアの母親は言います。 「あなたは今町に住んでいます。
We have good water. It comes from the tap.”
Lia's mother speaks quietly to her daughter.
“Grandmother is sick,” she says. “She is not thinking clearly.”
「祖母は病気です」と彼女は言います。 「彼女ははっきりと考えていません。」
Lia's mother gives the old woman some water. “No, no,” says Grandmother. “Go to the farm's well.”
リアの母親は老婆に水を与えます。 「いや、いや」と祖母は言います。 「農場の井戸に行きなさい。」
“We must not visit the old farm now, Ma,” Lia's mother says.
”The farm is near the volcano. The volcano is dangerous. There is fire and smoke.
Soldiers are guarding the roads.” Grandmother doesn't hear her.
“Go to the well,” Grandmother says again. “Bring me the bucket of water. Please hurry.”
「井戸に行きなさい」と祖母は再び言います。 「バケツの水を持ってきてください。急いでください。"
“I will go,” says Lia. I will walk to the farm. I know the way.”
Lia tells her father and brother about the well. -Lia, you must not visit the farm. The volcano is near the farm. The volcano is dangerous.
リアは彼女の父と弟に井戸について話します。 -リア、あなたは農場を訪れてはいけません。火山は農場の近くにあります。火山は危険です。
- I will go with Lia. We will get the water for Grandmother.
The next morning, Lia and Jay get up early. Lia puts some bread and a sausage in her bag. She puts a bottle of water in the bag too.
Jay and Lia are on the highway. The air is hot. The air is full of dust.
At the checkpoint, Lia and Jay meet a soldier. He talks to them. The volcano is not dangerous today.
-We are going to our grandmother's farm.
-She is sick. She wants water from the well. It will cure her sickness.
-You are going to get some magic water? Bring me some too.
Lia and Jay stop next to a bridge. They eat their lunch.
There is a small house next to the bridge. A friendly woman lives there. She talks to Jay and Lia.
She has a small dog. It is a small, red dog.
Jay gives the dog some sausage. “Where are you going?” the woman asks. “It is a hot day.”
ジェイは犬にソーセージを与えます。 "どこに行くの?"女性は尋ねます。 「暑い日です。」
“We are going to our grandmother's farm,” Jay replies. “She is sick. She wants water from the well.”
「私たちは祖母の農場に行きます」とジェイは答えます。 "彼女は病気だ。彼女は井戸から水を欲しがっています。」
-Take some water from my well. It's good. It is good, fresh water.
-That is a good idea, Lia. It's a very hot day. I don't want to walk anymore.
-Ok, Jay. Stay here. I will go to the farm alone.
Lia walks on. After a minute, Jay follows her. They walk and they walk.
リアは歩きます。 1分後、ジェイは彼女をフォローします。彼らは歩き、歩きます。
There are no houses here. There are no animals. There is dry grass and there is dust.
They hear a sound. “What is that sound?” Jay asks. “Is someone calling us?”
彼らは音を聞きます。 「その音は何ですか?」ジェイは尋ねます。 「誰かが私たちを呼んでいますか?」
“No. It's the sound of the wind.” Lia replies.
-No, it isn't the wind. It's a ghost. I'm afraid of ghosts.
-There are no ghosts here. Lia and Jay are at the farm.
Jay sees oranges on a tree. He doesn't see any ghosts. He pulls some oranges from the tree.
Lia and Jay find the well. Its cover is broken. Jay lifts the cover. The water doesn't smell good.
“Ugh! This water is bad, Lia” Jay says.
“We must take some water for Grandmother,” Lia replies. “We must get the bucket. We must pull this rope.”
「私たちは祖母のために水を飲まなければなりません」とリアは答えます。 「私たちはバケツを手に入れなければなりません。このロープを引っ張らなければなりません。」
They hold the rope. They pull and they pull. The bucket is very heavy.
At last, the bucket is out of the well. It is full of dirty water.
Lia empties the bucket. Jay and Lia have a surprise! -Gold! These are gold coins!
リアはバケツを空にします。ジェイとリアは驚きました! -ゴールド!これらは金貨です!
-Yes I remember these. They are Grandfather's coins.
Lia and Jay are carrying the bucket. It is heavy.
There are lots of oranges in the bucket. The gold coins are under the oranges.
Jay and Lie meet a gang of boys near the bridge. “What is in your bucket” the boys shout.
ジェイとリーは橋の近くで男の子のギャングに会います。 「あなたのバケツには何が入っていますか」と男の子たちは叫びます。
-Ah, oranges! Give them to us! The small, red dog runs out of the house. He barks at the gang of boys. He barks and he barks.
The friendly woman comes out of the house. The boys run away.
Jay and Lia are at the checkpoint. The soldier looks in the bucket.
-You don't have any magic water. -No. We have some magic oranges!
-魔法の水はありません。 -番号。魔法のオレンジがあります!
Lia and Jay give the soldier some oranges. The soldier smiles at them.
Lia and Jay are at home now. Their grandmother is lying in her bed.
-Is that my bucket of water. -No! It's Grandfather's gold!
-それは私のバケツの水です。 -番号!おじいさんの金です!
Everybody laughs. They are very happy. Grandmother looks at her husband's photo. She smiles.
Suddenly, they hear a sound. Is it the sound of the wind?