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  • (Radio:) "Talk about those evil ramp lights."

  • "Ramp lights. Yeah that's another  genius invention that they created."

  • He's really good at playing a grump on the radio.

  • (Radio:) "Hey we need to back  up traffic down the freeway ramp  

  • all the way into the surface streets..."

  • He does make a good point. After a long  day, all you want to do is get home.

  • You wait for several stoplights  just to get to the freeway --

  • and then, on the on-rampthere's another stoplight!

  • Seemingly for no reason!

  • Traffic engineers claim that by slowing you  down just a little bit here on the ramp,  

  • it'll speed you up quitebit on the freeway over there.

  • (Bendelhoum:) It goes much better  much smoother and we move more cars.

  • Is the wait really worth it?

  • (Title graphic)

  • So are traffic engineers just putting  in another traffic signal for fun?

  • Well, no. Traffic signals cost a lot of money --

  • and each one they install slightly  elevates the crash risk. Somebody  

  • might not be paying attention  and will slam into a stopped car.

  • No, this traffic signal  does something really neat.  

  • And to find out how it works,  I decided to ask somebody.

  • (Bendelhoum:) We try to move people  as fast as we can, without breaking  

  • the the flow of traffic on the mainline.

  • Mohammed Bendelhoum uses ramp meters to smooth  out traffic flow on some of California's freeways.

  • At the red light on the city street below  the freeway on-ramp, our cars stack up.

  • You and I and Hector and Phil and  Karen (who is actually really nice) --

  • all get a green light and turn left together.

  • Our group of cars is called a "platoon."

  • (random military noises)

  • We race up onto the freeway as a big  bunch. And when the freeway is busy,  

  • our multi-car intrusion messes up  the flow of traffic on the freeway.

  • A ramp meter makes each one of us take turns --

  • and when we enter the freeway one car at a time  the freeway flow is less likely to get messed up.

  • But to really dig deep into why ramp  meters are really cool, you need to go --


  • Time for Traffic Flow Fundamentals 101!

  • (Don't worry, it's not as scary as it sounds.)

  • This free-flowing road has  no stoplights or stop signs.

  • Let's imagine each car spaces themselves  one mile apart from the next car.

  • That's density.

  • Density is a frozen snapshot of a moving freeway.  

  • Look at how crowded each  lane is at that exact moment.

  • Then there's speed.

  • Which you know very wellNo need to explain that one.

  • When we multiply DENSITY with  SPEED, the unit "miles" cancels out.

  • We're left with a flow rate 60 cars per hour.

  • More cars on the road and  that density number goes up.

  • A bigger density number on the left --

  • means a bigger flow rate on the right.

  • The freeway can move more carsFlow rate is the name of the game.

  • If we keep that number higher  than the demand for the freeway  

  • and you'll never see another traffic jam again.

  • Take note how the less crowded freeway lanes  actually move more cars than the crowded ones.

  • Now, if you're an electrical engineer  you must be thinking about this equation:


  • And say, okay, well amps are  kind of like the density of  

  • the cars on the road. And they have a limit.

  • Volts are like the speed limit. Which  is limitless -- with enough horsepower!

  • So, if you want to move twice as  many cars on a totally full road --

  • All you need to do is just  drive twice as fast, right?

  • (sassy graphic)

  • Ohm's Law doesn't really work in traffic  engineering. Instinctively you do know why.

  • It's because as we drive fasterwe tend to spread out more.

  • It's the old "two-secondfollowing rule from driver's ed.

  • Being glued to somebody's bumper is fine when  you're going 10 MPH, like I am right now.

  • But as I speed up to 60 MPH, I'm going to need  hundreds of feet to be able to travel safely.

  • Electrons don't do that. They're  little tailgaters who stay right  

  • on each other's bumper -- no matter  how many volts get thrown at them.

  • So getting more flow rate means you can't just UP  

  • density or UP speed. Because each  of those two cancel each other out.

  • It's about finding a sweet spot for both.

  • Engineers graph all of this with  speed (Y-axis) -- faster goes up 

  • against density (X-axis) --  more crowded to the right.

  • And it kind of makes sense. Can you drive  70 MPH on a nearly empty freeway? Sure!

  • How about driving 70 MPH onkind-of-full freeway? Well, yeah.

  • There's still cushion for everyone to cruise  along and merge in and to change lanes.

  • But what about a freeway which is  tight? One with barely enough room  

  • for your car plus the two seconds  of following distance you need?

  • Well, that's when freeway flow  risks falling off a traffic cliff.

  • (ouch)

  • Okay, finally. Here's where this  all ties into ramp meters --

  • and a little bit into lakes.

  • If you have a freeway that's flowing but  traffic is heavy, it's really dense --

  • A shock can throw that freeway  over the traffic cliff too early.

  • You might be able to squeeze another  10 or 20% potential out of a freeway.

  • But out in the wild, shocks rob  a freeway of its full potential.

  • We need to find a way to get rid of them.

  • It could be something as simple asbroken down car on the right shoulder.

  • Or it could be somebody  making a simple lane change

  • Or it could be traffic merging in as a big platoon (hint hint...)

  • (Bendelhoum:) The cars on the  freeway will start to break,  

  • because these cars are trying to merge inThey start braking. It's like a ripple effect.

  • Think of it almost like an accordion.  

  • When the instrument is wide open there's  room for the bellows to move back and forth.

  • But when the instrument is nearly  closed, it becomes really hard to play.

  • When i'm driving down a low density freeway  

  • there's room for me to brake and  not slow down the car behind me.

  • But on a high-density freeway, everybody  cascades in a sea of brake lights.

  • And those big platoons of entering  cars are one of the biggest culprits.

  • If you can break the platoons  up into little pieces

  • (small plop sound, no louder than a mouse)

  • It's not as splashy when you do it that way.

  • I wish I knew how to skip stones.

  • That would really drive (

  • (Bendelhoum:) We break that platoon and make it go  

  • like one car at the time. It can merge into  the flow of the mainline of the freeway.

  • And it works like magic.

  • Compare these two rush hour simulations,  

  • which a fan of the show cooked up for me  in some professional modeling software.

  • The line at the meter looks insane.

  • But watch very quickly how much better  the freeway moves because of it.

  • Even with that extra wait at the meter,  

  • your overall travel time would  be significantly shorter.

  • (Bendelhoum:) We use the congestion on  the mainline of the freeway to trigger  

  • the ramp meter cycling. All our ramp meters  operate in the traffic responsive mode, 24/7.

  • So here in California, the ramp meters  kick on at about 1,600 cars per hour.

  • That's about two-thirds before  it hits the maximum flow.

  • And the computers can kick on all  by themselves. You don't have to  

  • have an engineer come out and  manually switch it on and off.

  • They don't even have to switch it on  

  • and off at a control center. The  computer does all the thinking.

  • (Bendelhoum:) The congestion on the mainline  lane dictates when to start metering.

  • It can turn on any time of day 24/7.

  • So if you have the Lakers losing to  the Jazz after double overtime...

  • (NBA Live 95:) The Jazz defeat  the Los Angeles Lakers 63-18

  • two o'clock in the morning,

  • and Staples Center is just dumping car  after car after car onto the 110 freeway,

  • those ramp meters can kick on --  even in the middle of the night.

  • The same thing happens during  morning and afternoon rush hour.

  • (Bendelhoum:) They have a flashing beacon at the  top that flashes when the meters are cycling.

  • Because normally a freeway ramp  is free-flowing. You don't stop.

  • And so a warning sign gets a driver's attention,

  • Thinking, oh yeah, I gotta pay attentionThere's a signal down there I've got to stop for.

  • So how do engineers safely switchfreeway on-ramp from free-flowing?

  • (Bendelhoum:) To meter, it starts on a green  ball -- usually like three to five seconds.  

  • Then it goes to yellow and then it goes  to red. Each green light allows one car to  

  • enter the freeway at a time. And then after  that it just goes from green to red green  

  • red red green right. And then it  goes from one lane to the other.

  • Breaking up splashy platoons into little pebbles.

  • The release rate is how often  the meter lets a car through.

  • (Bendelhoum:) When the density of traffic and the  volume of traffic reaches a certain threshold,  

  • the controller looks at those values and changes  the rate automatically without our intervention.

  • And as easily as the ramp meters switch on,  

  • they can also just as easily switch  off when they're no longer needed.

  • Which i learned the hard way!

  • That is twice now! Everything was perfect,  

  • ready to film, and the meter turned  off -- right as I was ready to record.

  • (Bendelhoum:) Each time there is a project,  

  • we put in the ramp metering systemWe have to trench for conduits.

  • They buried a loop of wire --  a loop detector -- which can  

  • sense cars driving over it at the  top of the ramp. That lets the  

  • computer know how many cars to expect -- how many are coming down to the light.

  • There's another loop of wire right at  the light. It reminds the computer,  

  • "hey there's somebody there who really  wants to actually get on the freeway--"

  • and there's another loop of  wire just beyond the meter,  

  • to let the computer know that somebody  really did go when the light turned green.

  • And the creme de la creme -- there's a whole bunch of loop detectors down  

  • on the freeway that lets the computer know the  current conditions: how crowded the freeway is.

  • Still, no matter how well  

  • a ramp meter is configured -- freeways do eventually fill up.

  • We pass maximum density and  everybody brakes to a stop.

  • (Bendelhoum:) Sometimes you get to the freeway  and you are in a parking lot, you know!

  • And if that's the case, you may be wondering

  • Well, if it's all an exercise in futilitywhy are we metering in the first place?

  • It doesn't look like it's working but it's  actually making the rush hour slightly shorter.

  • So let's go back to this graph.  I'm going to redraw it a little  

  • differently and replace speed with flow rate -- which again is SPEED x DENSITY = FLOW RATE.

  • How many cars the freeway is moving and  it shifts the graph to look like this.

  • The density starts with  just a few cars per mile -- 

  • so even though they're flying along at full speed,  

  • the flow is low because there  just aren't very many cars.

  • On the other end, we have tons of cars -- bumpers nearly touching bumpers. But the  

  • flow rate is also low because those  cars are traveling slowly or stopped.

  • What we want is the peak and we  want it to be as high as possible

  • dense and fast.

  • When a shock comes early, the flow peaks  early. And the peak is far too low.

  • Meters kicking on pushes the curve back up much  

  • more quickly than if we just let  traffic take its natural course.

  • Now I'm REALLY going to mess with the  graph and move density to the y-axis on  

  • the left and put time on the x-axis on the bottom. 7:00 A.M. on the left and 9:00 A.M. on the right.

  • This dotted line is jam density.

  • That's where the freeway clogs  up because there's too many cars.

  • In the wild, this is what  the graph would look like.  

  • These big clumps are traffic  jams -- morning crowding.

  • Meters shorten those jams. They  start later. They clear sooner.

  • And those little tiny slivers on each side  

  • mean more time for good flowAnd good flow moves more cars.

  • A ramp meter lets engineers be good  stewards of tax dollars and really  

  • stretch the capacity we have make sure we get  every dollars worth of freeway we already have.

  • And that can help us delay or  potentially cancel widening projects.

  • So about 20 years ago, Minneapolis decided to  try switching off all 400 of their ramp meters -- 

  • just for two months, to see what  difference the meters really made.

  • It's a fun story and it's one I'll  be covering in an upcoming video.

  • (Garrett Schreiner, MNDOT:) I'm assuming it's  the people that want us to meter more are the  

  • people that are on the [freeway] main line --  driving by the ramps where people are coming on.

  • So keep an eye on the description  for when that video comes out.

  • So do ramp meters to work?

  • Yes

  • Minneapolis saw their freeways lose 10 percent  of capacity with the meters turned off.

  • Travel time took 20 minutes longer.

  • And side-swipe crashes doubled.

  • So they turned the meters  back on. And that emboldened  

  • other cities to roll out their own meters.

  • (Ad-lib) Okay, this thing recording?

  • So check this out: This is a ramp meter on a freeway.

  • Putting a meter on a ramp between two  freeways is a little bit tricky because  

  • you definitely do not want cars  backing up onto the 405 freeway.

  • But it isn't much of a problem  here. There's this long  

  • continuous freeway connector ramp  -- probably over half a mile long.

  • And of course -- it's 2020!

  • And i drove all the way out  here and the meter's turned off.

  • But you've seen it and that's where it  would be turned on if it WAS turned on.

  • Who would've ever thought I'd be complaining  about there being not enough traffic in LA?

  • Your in-laws -- your mother-in-law is moving in with you and they need  

  • a place to stay in your house. But you live inlittle tiny house it's barely big enough for you.

  • So what you do is decide to spend $90,000  adding a guest bedroom to your house.

  • It works.

  • It's nice.

  • It's preferable.

  • But it costs a lot of money.

  • A ramp meter is more like making your kids share  a bedroom. They're not gonna like it. But if you  

  • stretch your money just a little bit furtheryou can postpone that big home renovation.

  • Tweet me: @roadguyrob

(Radio:) "Talk about those evil ramp lights."


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B2 中上級

高速道路の入り口に赤いライトがあるのはなぜ?(Why the extra RED LIGHT on freeway ramps?)

  • 27 3
    chatarow に公開 2022 年 02 月 07 日