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  • Well hello and welcome to this English lesson where we're

  • going to talk about words and phrases you can use in English

  • when something goes wrong in life. Life has a funny way of

  • going sideways sometimes we sometimes say. Um usually life

  • is smooth. Usually you have a good day. You have a good

  • night. You have a good day. But every once in a while things go

  • wrong. So in this English lesson I'll help you learn

  • those English words and phrases. Please listen to each

  • word as I teach it. And also listen to the phrases I use

  • when I talk about each individual word because I

  • sometimes add quite a bit more information as I'm talking

  • about it. So once again welcome to this English lesson about

  • words and phrases to use when things go wrong. So the first

  • word I have is crash. This is an interesting word because you

  • can crash into someone. Like if you're driving your car and you

  • hit someone else you can crash into them. But then we also say

  • that you are in a crash. So we kind of use it as a verb and a

  • noun. When you crash into someone it means you hit them.

  • Sometimes at the grocery store I'm driving my grocery cart and

  • I accidentally crash into something. Cos sometimes I'm

  • looking at food when I should be looking at where I'm going.

  • Uh I actually crashed into someone else's cart a couple of

  • weeks ago it was a little bit embarrassing. But to crash when

  • you crash into something it means that usually you're

  • driving a car or something else and you lose control. That's

  • another phrase we use. You lose control and then maybe you

  • crash. Hopefully you don't get hurt. And then this is one that

  • any of you who have children or hang around with children would

  • know and it's to spill. When you spill something like if I

  • take this cup and if I accidentally bumped into the

  • cup the water would spill out of the cup. And interestingly

  • enough We use this the same way. We use it as a verb. Like

  • you can spill the water. The water's spilled out of the cup.

  • And then you have a spill. So this little guy here he spilled

  • his milk and now there is a spill on the table and he is

  • wiping up that spill. Never fun when we had little kids. It's

  • never fun in the morning when you're trying to get out the

  • door to go to work and suddenly something goes wrong one of

  • your kids spill something and you have to clean it up. I Uh

  • topple if you've ever played this game it's called Jenga.

  • It's a game where you stack blocks and eventually the

  • blocks will topple. Uh you can also topple something over like

  • if you push a stack of things. But a good example would be if

  • you stack a whole bunch of boxes up. And the boxes aren't

  • very stable. Like if they kind of move back and forth.

  • Eventually the boxes will topple over. So it's similar to

  • fall. It's similar to fall down. Uh but it does have kind

  • of a unique case. When I was walking in from the barn a few

  • months ago I was carrying a whole bunch of buckets and then

  • they ended up they toppled over. Um which means they kind

  • of ended up falling. Um never fun. When something topple over

  • it's good that it's good if nothing breaks. Stuck. So this

  • is a good one for this time of year. Um when you talk about

  • things going wrong when it's winter one of the things that

  • can go wrong is that you get stuck. This guy is driving in

  • really deep snow and eventually he might get stuck. He might be

  • stuck right now. When you're stuck you can't move forward or

  • backwards. Your wheels spin. It makes this sound a literally

  • the sound you'll hear when you are stuck in the snow. Maybe in

  • your country you can be stuck in the mud. Maybe it rains a

  • lot and the soil gets really wet and you can end up getting

  • stuck in the mud. But it's never fun to get stuck. I

  • cleaned my driveway already this morning. Because there is

  • a truck coming today to deliver something. And I don't want the

  • truck to get stuck in the snow. That rhymes doesn't it? I don't

  • want the truck to get stuck in snow. Rip or tear. These are

  • very similar. Um you might be familiar with ripped jeans.

  • Sometimes people buy their jeans like this. For someone

  • old like me that doesn't make sense. But when you the other

  • day I was walking and my pants got caught on a nail and I

  • ripped my pants. So my pants ended up having a rip in them.

  • Notice once again I ripped my pants and I ended up with a rip

  • in it. We use the word tear as well but I think when you're

  • talking about jeans and clothing we usually talk about

  • rip. It's when there something happens that makes a hole in

  • the clothing that you are wearing. You could use the word

  • tear as well. Like oh I have a tear. There's a tear in the

  • sleeve of my shirt. That would be totally appropriate as well.

  • Break. Sometimes things break. This is probably one of the

  • most common ways to describe something when it's no longer

  • whole. Okay. We would say that when you throw a rock at a

  • window the window will break. When something break we then

  • say it is broken. Okay so when you break something it then

  • becomes broken. Um all of my windows in my house are in

  • perfect shape. I I have not I don't have any broken windows.

  • Although when I use the snowblower it shots snow at the

  • house. Um and when it does that it sometimes shoots little

  • stones. So I have to be careful because I don't want to break a

  • window. So sometimes your tire goes flat and sometimes your

  • tire goes flat because it is punctured. When something is

  • punctured it means it gets a hole in it. If you drive over a

  • nail a nail is a sharp piece of metal that you bang into wood.

  • But if you drive over a nail it will puncture your tire. The

  • nail will go through the tire and it will make a hole in it.

  • It will puncture your tire. Never a good never a good day

  • when you walk to the parking lot and see that somehow you

  • drove on a nail and it punctured your tire. And then

  • again we would call this a flat tire. So the puncture is what

  • caused the air to come out. But now we would simply call it a

  • flat tire. Fracture. So has Bob the Canadian ever broken any

  • bones. Yes I fractured my wrist once when I was really young.

  • Uh and I think that's it. I think that's the only time I've

  • had a cast on. I fractured my wrist. When you fracture

  • something it's another way to say that it is broken. Okay.

  • When you break a bone like if you do something crazy like you

  • go skiing and you break your leg. We would also say that the

  • bone is fractured. That you fractured a bone. Never a good

  • time when that happens. Definitely would be a good

  • example of something going wrong. Hey outside we have some

  • places on our farm where there is concrete. Where they have

  • poured concrete and then it gets hard and you have this

  • nice hard surface. But sometimes it will crack. When

  • you look at buildings in your town sometimes on the wall of

  • the building you'll see that the wall has cracked. Um when

  • something cracks it means it breaks. And we usually use this

  • to describe like the blocks in a wall are cracked sometimes or

  • some or concrete can crack but it simply means something is no

  • longer completely whole. It has these little lines where it has

  • broken, where it has cracked. So this is a flower with some

  • snow on it and this flower I think is frozen. Uh sometimes

  • things go wrong because of the weather. Sometimes the

  • temperature goes really low and things freeze. When things

  • freeze sometimes if it's something like a flower it

  • dies. So sometimes that can be a bad thing. Sometimes in the

  • winter some people have it where the pipes in their house

  • freeze. The pipes in their are frozen. Uh when a pipe freezes

  • the water turns to ice inside of it and the pipe can burst.

  • So sometimes one of the things in life where things go wrong

  • is when the temperature goes really low and things become

  • frozen or things freeze. Notice the difference in use between

  • frozen and freeze. And this this man is this has happened

  • to me before. When something splits it means it comes apart.

  • Um when you put a nut in a nutcracker it split the nut

  • open. This man bent over and his pants have split. He has

  • split his pants. This actually happened to me once where I was

  • working on something and I bent it down and my pants split at

  • the back. Very embarrassing. It Happened at work I quickly went

  • and changed into some shorts that I found. But never never a

  • dull moment when when something like this happens to someone

  • when you split your pants. Um and be careful. It can happen

  • to anybody. On fire. Yeah I don't know I'm not I don't know

  • why I'm laughing about this one but if this happens your

  • something is definitely going wrong. If your car is on fire

  • that is definitely a bad day for you. So one of the things

  • can go wrong in life is something might be on fire.

  • Hopefully not. But your house might be on fire. Your car

  • might be on fire. This is very rare. This does not happen very

  • often. But definitely this would be something going wrong.

  • And of course when something's on fire it means that someone

  • has taken a lighter or a match or maybe something has

  • malfunctioned that causes a fire to start and then

  • something is on fire. Never good never a good day when

  • something's on fire that's not supposed to be. And then of

  • course sometimes things are just busted. This is an

  • interesting word and it's very very common. People will say ah

  • my phone's busted. My computer's busted. Um ah the

  • light that I normally use is busted. Um oh that fan doesn't

  • work. It's busted. Um I think it's probably the most common

  • way to describe something that is broken. So you can use

  • broken as well but I this word a lot. Like students in class

  • will say ah my computer's busted or yeah I'm trying to

  • think of another example. Yeah definitely broken and busted.

  • But you could see this phone is busted. Definitely the screen's

  • all cracked. Uh and then broken as I said. So this car is

  • broken. Sometimes with vehicles we also say broken down. But

  • you could just use broken. This car is definitely broken. Um my

  • van was actually broken a couple of weeks ago. But it

  • seems to be fine now. So that's good. And again when something

  • is broken it means that something Has gone wrong with

  • it and it's not doing what it's normally supposed to do. If

  • your computer is broken or your car is broken it's not working

  • properly. So there's also things can go wrong when you

  • forget things. Sometimes Jen and I are shopping and Jen will

  • say did you turn the stove off? Or did you turn the oven off?

  • Um sometimes you forget things. Humans forget things. Um your

  • day can go wrong if you go to work and you forget to take

  • your briefcase or you forget to take your computer. I've

  • actually a few times in my life gone to work realized that I

  • forgot my computer at home and had to go back home to get it.

  • So sometimes you forget things and that can be another thing

  • that goes wrong. Sometimes things just fall over. Uh this

  • doesn't happen very often around me. But we did have a

  • windstorm a few months ago and then things definitely fall

  • over. Trees fall over. Um telephone poles fall over.

  • Sometimes when you're going somewhere rarely but sometimes

  • when you're going somewhere after a big storm you'll notice

  • that a lot of things have fallen over and then road crews

  • need to come and clean them up. And sometimes things fall down.

  • So people have asked why do we have the word down? Like why

  • don't you just say the hot air balloon fell. Why do you say

  • the hot air balloon fell down? I don't know why. It's just an

  • extra word. Um if something falls it's obviously going

  • down. But for some reason in English sometimes we like to

  • add an extra word. So sometimes maybe you fall down. That would

  • be a problem. That would be something going wrong in your

  • day. Uh but definitely sometimes things can fall down.

  • You could even use this with the tree. You could see that

  • say that the tree fell down or the tree fell over. Uh notice

  • fall becomes fell in the past tense. Um but yeah sometimes

  • things fall down and that can be something going wrong in

  • your day as well. So a broken heart. Sometimes you're

  • heartbroken. Uh sometimes you find someone and you fall in

  • love and then the relationship just doesn't work and then you

  • end up breaking up. And then maybe your heart is broken.

  • When you have a broken heart it means you're sad. It means

  • maybe you still love the person. Now you can also use

  • heartbroken to describe sadness in general. But we usually use

  • heartbroken or a broken heart to talk more about romantic

  • stuff I think. I'm trying to think like if a loved one

  • passes away if someone in your family that you love die you

  • would be heartbroken. We would say that. But I think broken

  • heart refers to romantic love. And heartbroken can be romantic

  • love or just love for a family member. I see Modags in the

  • chat say yes I've been waiting for this one and then the emoji

  • of a broken heart. Yes. Always definitely not a happy time

  • when that happens. Um so I talked about forgetting things.

  • You can also say that you can sub was left on. Okay? So when

  • you use the stove when you turn on the burner and then maybe

  • you end up forgetting and it's left on and you go out and then

  • when you come home there's a fire in your house. So this is

  • a a good one. It's like you forgot something something was

  • left on and now something's on fire. Uh but definitely when

  • you use machines when you're done with certain machines you

  • should turn off the machine and sometimes things go wrong if a

  • machine is left on. That a machine that should be turned

  • off. And then there's always of course a leak. Um we have pipes

  • in our house. The pipes are used for water. Water is moved

  • from one part of the house to the other through pipes. And

  • sometimes a pipe will get a hole in it. And we usually say

  • that the pipe springs a leak. Um you could just say the pipe

  • has a leak. But you could also say oh it got really cold. The

  • pipe's frozen now. This pipe has sprung a leak. There's a

  • leak in the pipe. This is never fun when there's a leak

  • especially in the winter because it's kind of cold and

  • it's hard to fix pipes when they break in the winter and

  • when they leak. Sometimes there's no electricity.

  • Sometimes there's a power outage and that can be

  • something that goes wrong. Right now in Canada if we had a

  • power outage it's very bad because people aren't able to

  • keep their houses warm. Uh a power outage is when the lights

  • go off everything in your house turns off and then you have to

  • wait for them to fix something because the power isn't

  • working. Um so we also in English would say so we would

  • say we're having a power outage or we have no electricity right

  • now or the power is out. Those are ways to say it at least in

  • my part of Ontario Canada. Sometimes something is missing.

  • Maybe your keys are missing. Maybe you're doing a puzzle and

  • a piece is missing. Um maybe you went somewhere with your

  • brother and he wandered away. Now he's missing. That's a bad

  • example. But this can be an example of something going

  • wrong. Sometimes things are missing or people are missing.

  • Um we once at the mall couldn't our son walked around the

  • corner and for a brief minute our son was missing for like 30

  • seconds And Jen and I were like where'd he go? Where'd he go?

  • And then we quickly found him back. But definitely when

  • something is missing. So again when something is missing it

  • means you can't see it. It's not there. You're not sure

  • where it is. And then here's another thing. Sometimes things

  • get cancelled. Um so I have the word cancel here. When you

  • cancel something you decide that you're not going to do it.

  • When something is cancelled it means it's not going to happen

  • anymore. The best example would be flights. Sometimes flights

  • are cancelled. But sometimes maybe you're planning a trip

  • and then sorry I don't let's just pretend someone was

  • planning a trip. And then they found out that they had COVID.

  • They did a test and they found out they had COVID. They would

  • need to cancel their trip. Okay. Uh or they could rebook

  • their trip. Um not to say too much but if you want to hear a

  • story similar to that go to Brent's channel American

  • English with this guy and watch his latest video. I think it's

  • still his latest. I didn't check this morning. But Brent

  • had to cancel something and I feel bad for him. So sickness.

  • So sickness can certainly be something that goes wrong. For

  • me a few weeks ago when my family and when I myself had

  • COVID having a sickness or being sick is not fun. It

  • changes all your plans. Uh and then you have to cancel thing.

  • There's things that you can't do. Sickness is definitely an

  • example of something going wrong in your life. Never fun

  • to be sick but always fun to get better. I always feel

  • really good after I get better when I am 100% again I love

  • that. Uh Brent in the chat says yeah I have experience in Can't

  • Sleep Flights. I'm sure you do. I'm not laughing at you Brent.

  • I just think that it did seem it was like a coincidence that

  • I was planning a lesson about when things go wrong when you

  • emailed me. So I was planning a about when things go wrong and

  • then like within an hour or two Brent emailed me and said my

  • wife and I just tested positive and then I went and watched his

  • video later that day so it was yeah coincidence. Two things

  • happening at the same time. Bad weather. So bad weather can be

  • if you're planning something that's going to be outdoors.

  • Maybe you're going to an outdoor wedding. Maybe you're

  • planning to go to a restaurant that has outdoor seating. And

  • then if there's bad weather. If there's rain or snow or sleet

  • or hail any of the weather that we consider bad weather. It can

  • be something it can definitely be described as something going

  • wrong in your day. It's never fun when it rains on a day when

  • you're planning to do something outside. Sometimes you run out

  • of stuff. You might not know what this is but this is an

  • empty bag of milk. In Canada at least in Ontario Canada we buy

  • milk in bags. And sometimes you run out of milk. And this can

  • be a problem. My children love to drink milk. And sometimes we

  • run out of milk. When you run out of something it means you

  • don't have anymore. And you have to buy some more. So I

  • still remember one of my kids wanted milk when they were

  • really little. Uh and I said we don't have any and they said

  • well you need to buy some more. And I I thought well here's how

  • it goes. This is where kids start telling parents what they

  • need to buy. But when you run out of something it means you

  • don't have it. You can run out of bread. You can run out of

  • milk. You can run out of water. It's pretty Pretty common. Uh

  • Dave in the chat says we run out of milk all the time. Yeah.

  • It's a pretty common it's a small problem but it is a

  • problem. Uh of course there's traffic. Sometimes you end up

  • in a traffic jam. Sometimes you are trying to get somewhere

  • very quickly and you end up in a traffic jam. Never fun to be

  • stuck in traffic. In fact in Ontario Canada right now there

  • are a lot of truckers who are protesting by driving to the

  • capital city of Ottawa. And that's causing some traffic

  • jams. They are driving to protest some of the vaccine

  • mandates and other mandates that we have in Canada. So and

  • sometimes you trip. Sometimes you're walking and when you

  • trip this is me tripping I walk and then oh and then maybe you

  • fall down maybe you catch yourself and you don't fall

  • down but certainly when you trip it is not an enjoyable

  • experience at all.

Well hello and welcome to this English lesson where we're


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A2 初級

物事が悪い方向に向かった時(Free English Class! ?? Topic: When Things Go Wrong! (Lesson Only))

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    chatarow に公開 2022 年 02 月 05 日