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  • [APPLAUSE] - How's it going?

  • Good. How are you?

  • I'm doing well, thank you.

  • Are you ready for Valentine's Day, to do something?

  • I'm ready. JIMMY KIMMEL: Yeah.

  • I'm ready, yeah.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Are you one of those guys

  • who plans it in advance?

  • Oh, yeah. JIMMY KIMMEL: Oh, yeah.

  • Yeah, I got it. JIMMY KIMMEL: I do, too.

  • - Do you? - Yeah, I do.

  • You know what's funny?

  • - I've learned my lesson. - Have you?

  • Yeah.

  • Learn the hard way?

  • Yeah, yeah, I have.

  • Yeah.

  • Those CVS runs at like 5 o'clock,

  • and all those sad guys picking out glitter.

  • I feel bad because somewhere in America

  • is a man watching right now--

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Somewhere.

  • And he's so full of anxiety because he just now realized

  • it's Valentine's Day tomorrow. [LAUGHTER]

  • I'm sorry.

  • If he's lucky, he realized it now.

  • I mean, you got to be ready.

  • So OK, what are you ready with?

  • What's the plan?

  • Oh man.

  • Well, you got to--

  • OK, here's the deal, guys.


  • You gotta go flowers.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: For sure.

  • But the classy move is you've got to go flowers for yourself,

  • you gotta go flowers for your mom,

  • and you go flowers for her mom. - Excellent.

  • That's the move.

  • And then here [INAUDIBLE]


  • I am, you know.

  • I am the best.

  • No.

  • And then, but here's the thing.

  • You're going to screw this up more than once.

  • You're going to forget an anniversary.

  • You're going to forget a Valentine's Day.

  • So what you do is you set yourself up by periodically

  • giving just because flowers.


  • Right, here's a bouquet of flowers just because.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Ah. - You know.

  • Or just a little-- it doesn't flowers, it can be expensive.

  • Could be just a little card, a little note.

  • Learn her love language, and learn to speak it,

  • and periodically do something.

  • So then when you inevitably forget she'll go,

  • oh well, they did that thing in March.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Oh, that's nice.

  • It's an insurance policy. - It is.

  • It's insurance.

  • So now I do this, too, with my mother and my mother-in-law.

  • I will send them flowers as well.

  • Clutch.

  • But I worry sometimes that if my dad forgets to get flowers,

  • he's doomed because I sent them, and then if, God forbid,

  • you know, my mother in law's husband

  • forgets to send flowers, he's in a world

  • of trouble because of me.

  • But that's really on him, I guess.

  • - Yeah. - It's a dog-eat-dog world.

  • It's a dog-eat-dog world, you know.

  • On Valentine's day.

  • You elbow him out.

  • No, yeah, that's something to think about.

  • That's something to think about.

  • This is your first Valentine's Day with your bride

  • as man and wife. - Yeah.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: So you really have to deliver.


  • Yeah, I got to deliver.

  • But I also knew that I was going to be basically working

  • through this whole weekend, promoting the movie,

  • and so we celebrated our Valentine's Day last weekend.

  • - Oh, you did? - Yeah.

  • Oh, that's good.

  • That's always better.

  • Easier to get a dinner reservation,

  • everything is easier. - Yeah.

  • Yeah, completely.

  • But I did get her a little something.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Oh, you did? - Yeah.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: For tomorrow? - For tomorrow.

  • Oh and now the surprise is, I guess, ruined.

  • Oh, she doesn't watch you.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Oh, she's not watching.


  • Secret's safe here.

  • When do you start shooting "Jurassic World," the next one?

  • - Very soon. - Very soon.

  • I'm in it.


  • Yeah, we're gearing up.

  • We're getting ready to go here very, very--

  • How do you get ready for that?

  • You starve.

  • You starve?

  • Yeah, yeah.

  • I have to starve.

  • Why do you have to starve?

  • Well, I have to put myself on a really strict code

  • because I'm 40 now.

  • So if I eat like, I don't know, a Starburst,

  • I gain like, 15 pounds.


  • Starlord can't eat a Starburst?

  • I know. No, I know.

  • We should work on an endorsement.

  • Wow.

  • But there's no such thing as dinosaurs anymore.

  • They make those come out of nowhere.

  • Can't they do that with your body?

  • I mean, can't they just CGI you?

  • Why would you even burden yourself with this?


  • You know what I'm saying?

  • If there could be a team--

  • Yes, I know what you're saying.

  • Oh, my God!

  • You didn't think of that did you?

  • - Yeah! - Yeah.

  • Yeah, maybe it's something to talk

  • to your agent about or Steven Spielberg or something.

  • For real. Yes.

  • Or something like that, you know.

  • They're pumping a lot of money into the thing

  • I'm not running from.


  • Why can't they dial this in, too?

  • I think they can.

  • I think we solved a lot of problems--

  • I think you need a lot of candy tomorrow now.

  • You just cost Universal a lot of money.

  • On "Parks and Recreation" were you encouraged

  • to be pudgy on that show?

  • Was that-- - Yeah, I was.

  • Yeah, thank you.


  • I was.

  • Well, I remember, in the first couple of seasons,

  • just unintentionally, I had gotten a little fat.

  • And I was watching the episodes, it was like, Oh, God, Chris.

  • You've really let yourself go.

  • And then I was like, but this is some of the funniest stuff

  • you've ever done.

  • And I went to Mike Schur, our creator, and I said,

  • I want to gain like another 30, 40 pounds.

  • And he was like, OK.


  • And so I did.

  • I put on-- yeah, and then it became a challenge.

  • Everyone wanted to see how much I could eat.

  • I was constantly-- I remember a scene.

  • This is funny.

  • Oh, it's funny.

  • There was this restaurant in "Parks and Rec"

  • called the Jurassic Fork.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Right.

  • Oddly.

  • And that was where we would go to eat, and they gave us, you

  • know, dinosaur-sized portions.

  • And so I didn't have anything to say in the scene,

  • so inevitably I wanted to try to get some screen time.

  • So I decided I would eat one rack of ribs per take.


  • And if the camera happened to catch me

  • I would absolutely be just inhaling ribs.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: The whole rack? - The whole rack.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Like, 12 of them? - Yep.

  • Yeah, I went through 12 takes.

  • I went through 12 racks of ribs, which

  • is the equivalent of six pigs.



  • I dined on the ribs of six different pigs, and every time,

  • after every take, Nick Offerman, whose laugh is like this.

  • He goes


  • So, if I can make him laugh it, tickles me to no end.

  • And so I knew it was making Nick laugh.

  • I was making myself sick.

  • But I had 12 racks of ribs and then

  • at lunch, because our catering company was creating the ribs,

  • they cooked ribs.

  • And at lunch I sat down with another four racks of ribs

  • right next to Nick and ate the ribs.

  • I got a big laugh.

  • I think I gave myself like--


  • Thank you.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Yeah, you shaved maybe

  • 3 and 1/2 years off your life.

  • Yeah, yeah.

  • To make Nick laugh.

  • Yeah, yeah.

  • The years I shaved up my life were the boring ones.

  • Well, we are going to do, we're going to do something

  • a little bit different tonight. - Great.

  • We thought it might be fun to open

  • the interview up to the audience and have a little bit of a Q&A.

  • Oh, that's nice.

  • Because there are a lot of people

  • who have questions for you, and OK, well that guy right there.

  • Oh, look at that. CHRIS PRATT: All right.


  • Hi there.

  • Hi.

  • I know you've worked a lot with dinosaurs.

  • I was wondering, could you tell me what

  • a velociraptor smells like?


  • My guess is that it's chicken.

  • OK.

  • Well, I mean the dinosaurs in "Jurassic World" are all CGI.

  • Yeah.


  • So you don't know?

  • Thanks a lot. - OK.

  • I'm sorry about that I don't know.

  • Do we have another-- OK, yes.

  • Oh, there you go.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: This lady right there.

  • Hi there. What's your name?

  • Hi, I'm Donna. CHRIS PRATT: Hi, Donna.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Hi, Donna. - I think you're so talented.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Oh, thank you.

  • Oh, Chris.

  • I just think you're super, you know,

  • and you're so handsome, too.

  • I was just wondering what was your inspiration for the song,

  • "Hip to be Square?"


  • Donna, do you think that I'm Huey Lewis?

  • No, I believe he's the next guest.

  • Yeah.

  • OK, is he going to be here soon?

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah, he will be here next.

  • Did you have a question for Chris Pratt?

  • I don't, no.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: OK, all right.

  • I was expecting this [INAUDIBLE]----

  • OK, this gentleman right here. This young man right here.

  • What's your name? - Hey.

  • Hi, everyone.



  • JIMMY KIMMEL: I think people like this segment, I guess.

  • CHRIS PRATT: Yeah, it's a good segment.

  • Hi. I have a question.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: What is your name, sir?

  • Hi. My name's Tom, by the way.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Oh, good.


  • Hi, Chris Pratt.

  • I have a question for Mr. Chris Pratt.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Yes, Tom. Go right ahead.

  • So my question for you is, of all the actors in the world,

  • of all of the actors, who is your favorite actor?


  • These are people he worked with you're talking about?

  • Just anyone.

  • Of all the actors. All of them.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Oh. - All the actors in the world?

  • TOM HOLLAND: Go ahead.

  • Denzel.

  • Denzel Washington.

  • CHRIS PRATT: Yeah. Yeah, he's great.


  • No, don't applaud.

  • Don't applaud.

  • I'm sorry.

  • OK, yeah, that's cool.

  • I like Denzel, too.

  • OK. OK.

  • What about-- how about an actor whose name begins with Tom?


  • Oh.

  • TOM HOLLAND: How about that?

  • Tom Cruise.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: He's great. CHRIS PRATT: He's good.

  • "Top Gun" coming out. JIMMY KIMMEL: "Top Gun," yeah.

  • He's good, too He's good. OK.

  • I could simplify it for you again.

  • What if his second name began with an "H"?

  • Tom H.


  • Hanks.


  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Hanks.

  • CHRIS PRATT: "Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood."

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Yeah. That was good, too.

  • CHRIS PRATT: That was good. JIMMY KIMMEL: Yeah, real good.

  • He's British.

  • Tom H. is British.

  • CHRIS PRATT: I don't believe he's British.



  • Tom H., British.

  • Come on. We know who--

  • Oh!

  • Oh, I see where this is going.

  • TOM HOLLAND: OK. We've got him now.

  • Tom Hardy.


  • He played Venom. - Yeah.

  • - He was very good. - He was great.

  • "Warrior?" Great movie.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Yeah. - OK.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Does that answer your question?

  • Try younger.

  • But still with the--

  • TOM HOLLAND: Still with the Tom H.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Still with the Tom H.?

  • - Thanks. - Oh, wow.

  • Hiddleston!

  • Oh, yeah.


  • Is Huey Lewis going to be here soon?

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Yeah, yeah. He'll be here next, yes.


  • Do you want to come and join us while we wait?

  • I'd love to come and join you guys.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: All right, yeah. [INAUDIBLE]


  • JIMMY KIMMEL: We'll be right back

  • with Chris Pratt and Tom H.




  • You got me, right?

  • BARLEY LIGHTFOOT: (SHOUTING) I still got you.

  • Whoo hoo!

  • Ian Lightfoot is fearless!

  • [GASPS]

  • This is amazing!



  • Yeah, but just keep going.

  • Don't look back!

  • Just straight ahead.

  • (LAUGHING) You still got the rope, right?


  • That is "Onward."

  • Chris Pratt and Tom Holland.

  • The new movie from Disney and Pixar.

  • Boy, that's a good movie.

  • This is another, I mean, it's kind of, it's sad at times.

  • Have you guys seen the whole movie yet?

  • I haven't. JIMMY KIMMEL: You have not.

  • That's like everything. They haven't told me anything.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: They never tell you that.

  • They don't trust you, I guess, is really what it is.

  • They don't.

  • No, I'll see it at the premiere, though, so I'll

  • be crying with everyone else. JIMMY KIMMEL: You'll be crying.

  • Did you cry when you saw it, Chris?

  • Yeah.

  • It's very moving.

  • I mean, the original story--

  • Dan Scanlon our director--

  • it's very personal and so creative.

  • As a young man, Dan and his brother,

  • they lost their father, and Dan found

  • some audiotapes that apparently had his father's voice.

  • He'd only ever seen a picture of his father,

  • but he didn't know what his father sounded

  • like because he'd never met him, having died before he was born.

  • And so he went through the audiotapes,

  • poured through them, and finally found his father's voice.

  • And his father simply said, hello and goodbye.

  • Those are the two words that his father said.

  • So-- - People are already crying.

  • [LAUGHTER] - Yeah.

  • Yeah. It's a comedy.


  • It is.

  • And so that story is really the genesis of these two brothers

  • who go on this magical quest in a fantasy world

  • to seek out the father they never found,

  • and to go on a quest to bring him back for one day.

  • And so it's written by the director who went through this

  • with his brother, and what's so moving to me

  • is that his brother did not know what this movie was about.

  • And it's essentially a love letter to his older brother,

  • and he showed the movie to his brother.

  • I mean, it's truly incredible.

  • I mean, it chokes me up just thinking about it,

  • but it's very emotional.

  • But just like in "Up", or really any of the Pixar movies

  • in that the tone is in the title, and in Disney's Pixar

  • it does make you laugh. It does move you.

  • It is an adventure. Edge you seat.

  • It's a lot of action.

  • It's beautiful.

  • But it is emotional.

  • And you guys are brothers in the movie.

  • Right.

  • - Did you tape together? - A couple of times, yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Do you feel like you are brothers?

  • Absolutely. [LAUGHTER]

  • It feels like it.

  • You both have brothers.

  • Chris, you have an older brother, right?

  • Yeah, I've got an older brother [INAUDIBLE]

  • and a sister, Angie.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: And Tom has two younger brothers.

  • Something is always going on with those two characters.

  • Are they with you here tonight?

  • They're not actually. JIMMY KIMMEL: They're not.

  • I ventured to LA by myself this time.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: You did.

  • I'm really upset.

  • Are they destroying your house back home?

  • Yeah, it's actually their birthday tomorrow, so probably.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Because they're twins.

  • They're 21, now, and it's their 21st birthday tomorrow.


  • And I'm out of the house.

  • So I might come home and it's been burned to the ground.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Twin Valentine's babies.

  • Which is great for them because Valentine's Day

  • is now their day.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Yeah, sure. For now.

  • [INAUDIBLE] Well, yeah.

  • What are you expected to, as a big movie star now,

  • to get your two younger brothers for their 21st twin birthday?

  • Go ahead.

  • What did I get them?

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Mm-hm.

  • I brought my brother Sam a piano because he

  • loves playing the piano.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Great.

  • And I bought my brother Harry a Rolex.


  • But with my parents.

  • We went half and half.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: You did?

  • A real family endeavor.

  • The 21st is a big birthday, you know?

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Yeah, it is a big birthday.

  • And they'll keep those for the rest of their lives,

  • and they'll be very memorable, and it's a big day for them.

  • JIMMY KIMMEL: Yeah. Well, no--

  • I already got their presents, though.

  • I didn't just ruin [INAUDIBLE]

  • Well, the movie's great, and it comes out on March 6.

  • It's called "Onward."

  • Tickets are on sale now if you want to get them.

  • Chris Pratt and Tom Holland everybody.

  • We'll be back with Huey Lewis.

  • ANNOUNCER: Jimmy Kimmel Live, weeknights at 11:35,

  • 10:35 Central on ABC.

[APPLAUSE] - How's it going?


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Tom Holland Surprises Chris Pratt

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    Emmanuel に公開 2022 年 02 月 03 日