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  • - And suddenly a wild baldo appears.

  • So growing up I was pretty big into Nintendo

  • but then again who wasn't.

  • I mean Mario and Zelda.

  • Classic.

  • And as time went on,

  • games became more sophisticated

  • but so did the players and because of that

  • some people began to wonder whether or not

  • the games that we once thought were straightforward

  • might actually have a hidden meaning behind them.

  • So if you've never considered this before,

  • keep watching because I'm about to give you

  • 10 mind-blowing video game theories.

  • Also, this may destroy your childhood so sorry.

  • Number one is Super Mario Bros. is a play.

  • This theory says that Super Mario Bros. 3

  • was all a stage play and that we are the audience.

  • At the beginning of the game,

  • the red curtains open then during multiple levels,

  • blocks appear to be bolted to a backdrop

  • and then at the end of every level,

  • Mario exits stage right.

  • This suggests that Mario and his friends are just actors

  • which makes a lot of sense

  • considering the lack of continuity between games

  • and the fact that there's a Lakitu

  • that follows you around with a camera

  • during Super Mario 64 and every version of Mario Kart.

  • Wait a minute.

  • If Super Mario was all an act

  • then did I ever really play it?

  • In which case, was my childhood even real?

  • Momma.

  • I don't have to,

  • sorry, I almost broke my brain there.

  • I'm okay.

  • Let's continue.

  • Number two is Earthbound's Final boss is a fetus.

  • At the end of the game Earthbound,

  • there's a very memorable boss battle

  • that's extremely bizarre.

  • The theory is that the final boss, Giygas,

  • is actually a fetus.

  • And since you have to kill him,

  • well you can kind of put two and two together

  • about what's going on here.

  • Unfortunately this makes a lot of sense

  • because in order to face him,

  • you have to go back in time to his most vulnerable form

  • and then in order to get to him,

  • you have to go through an opening

  • that looks like a cervix.

  • As if that wasn't disturbing enough,

  • once you're through you see this.

  • Can you see it?

  • I'll give you a second.

  • How about now?

  • Yeah.

  • Now believe it or not,

  • there's actually an even darker theory out there

  • about how the fetus got there in the first place

  • but I'm not getting into that in this video.

  • Now excuse me while I call my therapist.

  • Number three is Metal Gear Solid

  • is just a training simulation.

  • Metal Gear Solid 3 is a popular game

  • that follows the hero, Solid Snake,

  • into various stealth adventures.

  • Except according to this theory,

  • it was all just a training simulation.

  • The idea is that any time you screw something up

  • in the game or simulation,

  • it ends and you are yanked out of it

  • only to try all over again.

  • There's various pieces of evidence to support this

  • including at the beginning of the game

  • when one of the characters mishears some dialogue

  • and asks, "Virtual mission?"

  • I think it's funny that some gamers

  • are actually against this theory

  • like they're angry that if it turned out to be a simulation

  • that all their hard work to save the world was for nothing.

  • Sorry to tell you, chief, but it's a video game.

  • They're sort of all simulations.

  • Number four is Nazism in The Legend of Zelda.

  • In The Legend of Zelda for NES,

  • there's multiple dungeons with various shapes

  • such as a lion, an eagle, a snake

  • and a swastika.

  • Yep.

  • Childhood ruined.

  • This theory has been under a lot of debate

  • for a while for two important reasons.

  • One is that the shape is not title like a Nazi swastika

  • and the second is that it matches a manji

  • which is the Japanese symbol for good fortune

  • but even if this is a manji,

  • it's usually a good idea as a company

  • to steer away from anything

  • that might even be misinterpreted as Nazism.

  • Just as a general good rule of practice.

  • Number five is the hero in Mass Effect 3 is possessed.

  • The idea behind this theory

  • is that the hero of the game, Shepard,

  • that's been fighting the aliens

  • was actually being possessed by them all along.

  • This theory is based on a couple things.

  • The first is that the longer

  • that you're around the aliens in the game,

  • the more likely you are to be possessed by them

  • and Shepard was around them for three games.

  • The second is that during the game

  • he gets blasted by Reaper energy

  • which suddenly makes some of the rules

  • and visuals of the game change.

  • There's even a two hour fan made video on YouTube

  • that picks apart every clue to support this theory

  • which is awesome except being possessed,

  • come on that's a little far fetched.

  • (wicked laughing)

  • So far fetched.

  • Number six is that in Final Fantasy VIII

  • Squall is dead.

  • This fan theory says that in the game, Final Fantasy VIII,

  • the main character Squall is actually dead.

  • The idea came from the end of disc one of the game

  • when Squall is impaled with an ice shard

  • while fighting a boss and everything fades to black.

  • Some players believe he's dead

  • because at the beginning of the next disc

  • or the second half of the game,

  • he mysteriously wakes up without any injury.

  • There's also alternative theories out there.

  • One of them being that he's actually in a playable coma.

  • Speaking of playable coma,

  • I can't play games like this because I'm a completionist

  • and I would end up vegetating on the couch

  • for the 90 hours that it takes to find

  • everything in this game.

  • Same thing happened during Super Metroid.

  • It's kind of a problem.

  • Number seven is The Great Pokemon War.

  • This theory says that there was a great war

  • in which a lot of people died

  • and you get to play as Ash, one of the survivors.

  • It actually kind of makes sense.

  • Ash's father isn't around because he died in the war.

  • His rival, Gary, is an orphan for the same reason.

  • And there's training centers and hospitals everywhere.

  • And at one point during the game,

  • Lieutenant Surge tells you that an electric pokemon

  • saved his life during the war.

  • Now as convincing as this one is,

  • I don't buy it.

  • Mostly because a war?

  • They're pokemon.

  • How dangerous can they be?

  • Half of them look like a damn marshmallow

  • and the most harmful thing they can do

  • is burp or fart at you.

  • Number eight is Fallout 3 predicts the future.

  • This theory is about how in the third installment

  • of the Fallout game series,

  • there's a radio that was able to predict the future

  • with eerie accuracy.

  • It says that if you kill a certain DJ in the game,

  • there's a radio station that will begin broadcasting

  • from the radio various strings of numbers in Morse code.

  • The creepy part is that apparently

  • the radio was able to accurately predict

  • the death of actor, Gary Coleman

  • as well as the exact date of the BP oil spill.

  • Now some people believe this to be a hoax

  • and I should say so.

  • I mean, nobody could predict the future.

  • Look at my parents.

  • They always said I would grow up to do great things

  • and now I make videos on YouTube

  • so yeah.

  • Number nine is Majora's mask

  • represents the five stages of grief.

  • The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

  • is about how Link loses his fairy friend, Navi,

  • and he goes looking for her.

  • The theory is that the whole game

  • takes place within Link's mind

  • after he gets knocked out at the beginning of the game

  • and that everything that happens

  • is based on the five stages of grief.

  • Interestingly, not only are all five stages

  • represented within the story line

  • but they occur in the exact same sequence as real life.

  • Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.

  • Honestly, I think this theory is brilliant

  • especially since the full explanation online

  • makes even more sense.

  • The only problem is I was never able to play it.

  • Mostly because I was freaked the (bleep) out

  • by the face on the moon in the game.

  • Look at that.

  • Who designed this game?

  • Freddy Krueger?

  • And number ten,

  • Animal Crossing is about a child abducting cult.

  • If you've never heard of this game, that's okay.

  • I didn't either.

  • And I kind of wish I hadn't.

  • This game is about a kid that moves into a village

  • full of talking animals

  • and has to work off his debt by doing chores for them.

  • The theory is that the animals actually abducted the kid

  • and our making him their slave.

  • Disturbingly, this bizarre theory

  • actually makes sense for a couple of reasons.

  • The first is that the animals

  • never let the kid leave the city

  • and the second is that you're perpetually in debt

  • because even when you pay it off,

  • they just up it again.

  • Did I mention that the game has

  • no overall objectives or missions?

  • Yeah, weird.

  • I suggest if you don't want to teach your kid

  • about cult activity,

  • you don't let them play this game.

  • Unless of course you're a Scientologist

  • in which case it's par for the course.

  • Anyways, that's all for this video, guys.

  • I hope you enjoyed it

  • and I hope your childhood wasn't ruined

  • because mine surely was.

  • If you want to add me to Facebook and Twitter,

  • the links to those will be in the description

  • along with all my other social networking sites

  • and other than that,

  • I will see you guys next Saturday

  • with a brand new video.

  • Peace.

  • (light music)

  • Hey, you made it to the outro screen.

  • Are you the same person

  • that made it to the outro screen last week?

  • Look at you.

  • You're on fire.

  • Thanks for watching my video, guys.

  • If you enjoyed it, please remember to click

  • the big red subscribe button below

  • to subscribe to my channel.

  • I release a new video every Saturday

  • and while you're at it,

  • maybe click the like button

  • and share this on Facebook and Twitter.

  • Whatever you want.

  • It's all very appreciated.

  • And other than that,

  • I'm going to play a little Star Fox

  • because I think that's the only game left

  • that hasn't been ruined from my childhood

  • so goodbye now.

- And suddenly a wild baldo appears.


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    Troy Augusteio に公開 2022 年 02 月 02 日