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  • Lesson 21

  • Susan gets a surprise call

  • Donna from the National Cookie Company calls Susan.

  • She wants to buy out Susan's Scrumptious Cookies.

  • Susan is very happy.

  • Hello

  • Good afternoon

  • Are you Susan , of Susan's Scrumptious Cookies?

  • Yes, I am

  • My name is Donna Jenkins,

  • And I'm calling from the National Cookie Company.

  • We're nust about your cookies,

  • And we'd like to sell them all over the country

  • Unfortunately, we're running on a shoestring out of our kitchen.

  • We can't make enough cookies for you

  • My company wants to buy the recipe

  • and the brand name from you

  • Oh yeah?

  • Why would you want to do that?

  • We have a successful track record of buying small companies and turning them into big ones.

  • In that case, I'm sure we can come to an agreement

  • Great . You just made my day!

  • You'll need to work out the nuts and bolts of the agreement with my husband.

  • He's the business manager

  • May I speak with him now

  • He's at a meeting

  • I'll have him get in touch with you when he returns

  • Good.

  • I look forward to speaking with him.

Lesson 21


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A1 初級

21 Lesson 21 Susan Gets A Surprise Call

  • 145 16
    taddysu に公開 2022 年 01 月 30 日