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  • Welcome to the League of Legends Champion Spotlight,

  • featuring Gnar, the Missing Link.

  • Gnar is a prehistoric yordle with a soft, cuddly face and a terrifying temper.

  • After being trapped in true ice,

  • Gnar became frozen in time until his prison finally weakened enough for him to break free.

  • In game, Gnar is a volatile top lane champion

  • who cycles between speedy ranged Mini Gnar and tanky monstrous Mega Gnar.

  • Mini Gnar's a spritely little guy thanks to his passive,

  • which gives him bonus movement speed,

  • attack speed and range. However, he's also got a temper: Rage Gene.

  • With it, Mini Gnar generates rage whenever he's in combat,

  • gaining bonus rage whenever he deals damage.

  • Once Gnar fills his bar,

  • he becomes aggravated--transforming after a few seconds,

  • or on his next ability cast, into a terrifying monster: MEGA GNAR!

  • Mega Gnar gains bonus health, armor, magic resist and attack damage

  • but loses his mini form's bonus movement speed, attack speed, and range.

  • After transforming, the Rage bar slowly drains,

  • and he transforms back into Mini Gnar when it's empty.

  • Finally, once he's back in mini form, Gnar can't gain rage for a while. He's tired!

  • Mini Gnar's Q is Boomerang Throw,

  • which serves as his primary damage and harass ability.

  • Gnar throws out his boomerang in a straight-line skillshot,

  • dealing damage to the first enemy struck before slowing and returning toward Gnar.

  • Boomerang Throw deals reduced damage to all enemies struck after the first,

  • and it can't hit the same target twice.

  • Once the boomerang turns, it travels back towards wherever Gnar is heading.

  • If he catches it, Gnar significantly reduces the ability's cooldown,

  • which is absurdly long otherwise.

  • Boomerang Throw is a great tool for last hitting and harassing your lane opponent from range.

  • Up next is Mini Gnar's W: Hyper.

  • Gnar passively applies stacks of Hyper with his basic attacks and abilities.

  • Stacking Hyper three times on the same target deals bonus magic damage based on the target's max health

  • and grants Gnar a huge but temporary movement speed boost.

  • Gnar can apply stacks of Hyper to multiple targets simultaneously,

  • and trigger the stacks to refresh his speed boost.

  • Additionally, Hyper's speed boost automatically triggers when transforming back to Mini Gnar.

  • Trigger Hyper as often as you can during laning to win trades and keep away from your opponent.

  • Gnar's E is Hop.

  • When activated, Gnar skips a short distance to a target location,

  • gaining an attack speed boost for a few seconds.

  • If Gnar hops on a unit, he bounces, continuing in the same direction--

  • applying a slow and dealing damage based on his max health if he bounces on an enemy.

  • Note that when he hops into a cluster of enemies, Gnar only damages the target closest to his

  • landing spot, and that if he's stunned, snared or rooted during his initial hop,

  • he won't bounce at all.

  • Hop is really useful for juking enemies through the jungle by bouncing through neutral camps.

  • Here are a few examples of hoppable spots!

  • Save Hop to escape from jungle ganks. It's awesome.

  • Gnar's ultimate is GNAR!

  • As Mini Gnar, it only functions as a passive,

  • giving him even more movement speed whenever he triggers Hyper.

  • In Mega form, Gnar's Q swaps out his boomerang for a big phreakin' boulder... or in some cases a house.

  • Boulder Toss is a straight-line skillshot that stops at the first target struck,

  • slowing and damaging all nearby enemies. Once the boulder's landed,

  • Gnar can lumber over to it and pick it up to drastically lower its cooldown.

  • Use Boulder Toss when chasing an enemy. You'll pick it up as you make your pursuit,

  • giving you multiple opportunities to throw it again for extra slows and damage.

  • Unlike Mini Gnar, Mega Gnar has an active W: Wallop.

  • After a brief wind-up, Gnar smashes his massive paws into the ground,

  • damaging and stunning all enemies in front of him.

  • Mega Gnar Wallops so hard that he can't be interrupted by stuns during the windup.

  • Since Mini Gnar has no active W, Wallop is always available when Gnar needs to transform.

  • Use it for a surprise transformation when your other abilities are down!

  • Mega Gnar isn't quite as bouncy as Mini Gnar, so while the latter hops,

  • Mega Gnar just crunches.

  • Crunch is another short leap to a target location, only this time, Mega Gnar lands with a bang,

  • slowing and literally dealing tons of damage - to everybody near his landing site.

  • Note that if you fill your rage bar as Mini Gnar before Hopping onto a target,

  • you'll bounce off them, transform during the second leap,

  • then Crunch as you land.

  • Use Crunch to dive into teamfights.

  • Mega Gnar has limited mobility, making Crunch the most effective way to get into the thick of a fight.

  • Finally, Mega Gnar's ultimate is... GNAR!,

  • a huge ability that throws all nearby enemies in a targeted direction,

  • damaging and slowing them.

  • If Gnar throws an enemy into a wall including turrets and jungle walls

  • they'll take increased damage and be stunned.

  • Use GNAR! to disable as many enemies as you can during big teamfights.

  • It's especially effective in closed off areas like the jungle and baron pit.

  • Gnar's the only champion in League of Legends whose transform you can't directly control.

  • When facing a teamfight, you'll play differently depending on which form you're in, or about to be in.

  • Here are some quick combos to help you crunch into and hop out of fights.

  • If you're about to become Mega Gnar, here's your typical game plan for initiating on a teamfight.

  • As Mini Gnar, first keep your distance --

  • as you're about to transform, get in position to hop in.

  • Find a bouncy target and use E to catapult yourself into the enemy team.

  • Once there, use GNAR! to shove enemy champions towards the nearest wall or obstacle.

  • Follow up with Wallop on any stunned targets before throwing a

  • While Mega Gnar's got the health and resistances to take a pummeling,

  • Mini Gnar's just a fragile little Teemo in comparison and needs range to survive.

  • If you're already fighting as Mega Gnar, use Wallop just before turning mini,

  • taking advantage of Hyper's speed boost to gain some distance

  • as you throw out a boomerang towards your pursuing enemies.

  • Save hop for emergencies, focusing on attacking and Q'ing to whittle your opponents down from range.

  • When laning with Mini Gnar, use your range to your advantage.

  • Trade with your boomerang and basic attacks to trigger hyper and bully your opponent

  • so you can farm safely.

  • Mega Gnar lanes very differently.

  • His AoE abilities give him great wave clear for shoving the lane--just keep an eye out for ganks,

  • 'cause he's way less mobile in this form.

  • Past level 6, Mega Gnar can also chain his abilities together to keep his enemies stunned and slowed.

  • Leading in with Wallop, he uses the stun to land his ultimate

  • and combos Boulder Toss with Ignite for surprising burst damage.

  • Gnar has the potential to turn around fights by using his transformations effectively.

  • Though he's outnumbered and low on health,

  • Gnar uses Skarner as a springboard to burst down Syndra with his MEGA combo.

  • Note that Gnar has great burst, but lacks the sustained damage to continue fighting Skarner.

  • He instead uses Boulder Toss and Wallop to stall for time,

  • knowing that once his rage bar depletes he'll get Hyper's speed boost as he transforms back into Mini Gnar,

  • at which point he's pretty much uncatchable.

  • Keep in mind that Gnar can hope over small walls to engage in fights.

  • Note that by catching his boomerang with every throw, Mini Gnar's able to deal better sustained damage and,

  • since his abilities share the same cooldown between forms,

  • have his boulder toss ready for when he goes Mega.

  • Gnar has excellent positioning here, able to shove Lucian into the turret with his ultimate,

  • locking him up with Wallop for the quadra kill.

  • Thanks for tuning in to the Gnar Champion Spotlight.

  • Please subscribe to the Riot Games YouTube channel

  • and leave us your comments just below the video.

  • Hugeify!

Welcome to the League of Legends Champion Spotlight,


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ナー・チャンピオンのスポットライト (Gnar Champion Spotlight)

  • 839 13
    Kai-j Hsu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日