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  • The Universe is incredibly big and seems full of potential for life, with billions of habitable

    宇宙は巨大で、数十億の居住可能な惑星もあり 生命が存在する可能性に満ち満ちていそうだ

  • planets.

    光速の0.1%で星間を移動できるような 高度な文明が存在した場合

  • If an advanced civilization had the technology to travel between the stars, at just 0.1%

    およそ1億年で 私たちの銀河を植民地化できるだろう

  • of the speed of light, It could colonize our galaxy in roughly 100 million years.

    天の川が135億年存続しているのだから さほど長期間でもない

  • Which is not that long given the billions of years the milky way has existedso

    だから理論上、宇宙文明は銀河の巨大な領域に 急速に展開できるはずだ

  • in principle any spacefaring civilization should be able to spread rapidly over huge

    だが、その姿は見えず 何も聞こえてこない

  • sectors of the galaxy.

    宇宙は空っぽで 他者は存在しないように見える

  • And yet we see nothing, hear nothing, the universe seems empty.

    これがフェルミのパラドックスで 他の動画で詳しく説明している

  • Devoid of others.

    空っぽに見える宇宙を前に 人類はジレンマに直面する

  • This is the Fermi Paradox, which we have discussed in more detail in other videos.


  • Confronted with the seemingly empty universe, humanity faces a dilemma.

    宇宙に呼びかけ 誰かが見ていないか知りたがる

  • We desperately want to know if we are alone in the Milky Way.


  • We want to call out and reveal ourselves to anyone watching but that could be the last


  • thing we ever do.

    宇宙は文明に満たされているが 互いに身を隠しているのかも

  • Because maybe the universe is not empty.

    過去に注目を集めた文明は 見えざる矢によって一掃されたのかも

  • Maybe it's full of civilizations but they are hiding from each other.

    これがフェルミのパラドックスへの回答の一つ 暗黒森林理論だ

  • Maybe the civilizations that attracted attention in the past were wiped away by invisible arrows.


  • This is the Dark Forest solution to the Fermi paradox.


  • The Way Of Life

    不審な音が聞こえないか ヤブから立ち上がる前に、注意深く耳を傾ける

  • The hunter awakes in his hiding place and carefully listens for suspicious noises from


  • the thick undergrowth before he gets up.


  • Another night has passed without incident.


  • The forest is dark and full of fog.


  • He considers calling out to others to end his loneliness but stops himself at the last


  • moment.

    あらゆる生物は、生き残り、資源を確保し 増殖しようとする

  • What if they are like him?

    最大の障害は同じ目的を持つ 他の生物だ

  • All living things seek to survive, secure resources and multiply.

    種間の競争では、有利な形質を持つ方が 生存しがちだ

  • Their greatest obstacle are other living things that share the same objective.

    私たちの祖先は発明的で、競争的で、拡張主義的で 資源に対して強欲だったことが

  • Competition between species favored the survival of beings with advantageous traits.


  • Our ancestors were inventive, competitive, expansionist and greedy for resources, which

    現在、ほとんどの動物は人間のなすがままで 一日に約12種が絶滅している

  • led to them winning the competition for our planet.

    これは、人類が本能のままに生きたことの 意図せぬ副産物だ

  • Today, most other animals are so utterly at our mercy that we wipe out about a dozen species


  • a day, just as an unintentional byproduct of how we like to run things.


  • But humans are more than individuals.

    競争的で拡張的な文化は より速く、遠くまで広がり

  • From us cultures emerge, that also compete with each other.

    他の文化と融合したり 征服し、破壊したりする

  • Competitive and expansionary cultures spread faster and further and merge with, subdue

    歴史を紐解けば一目瞭然で 人類は危険な存在だ

  • or destroy others.

    他者だけでなく 人類自身に対しても

  • If we look at our history it becomes clear: We are dangerous.

    人類の本能は 地球を隅々まで征服するよう駆り立て

  • Not just to others but also to ourselves.


  • Our human nature has driven us to take over every corner of our planet and soon we will

    領土を拡大するためであり より多くの資源にアクセスするためでもある

  • look to the stars, both to expand our domain and ensure access to ever more resources.

    そして同じことを試みている何者かと 出くわすかもしれない

  • And then we might stumble upon others trying to do the same thing.

    遠い惑星でも 生存競争はありそうなので

  • It is likely that the competition of life also takes place on far away planets, so it

    ある異星人が惑星を支配し、文明を築いた過程は 地球のケースと似た面がある、と考えるのが自然だ

  • is logical to assume that an alien civilization that came to dominate their planet would be

    しかし、我々と似ているなら 彼らもまた危険な存在かもしれない

  • in some regards similar to us.


  • But if they are similar to us, they, too, may be dangerous.


  • The Implication

    自分の同類がいるのでは と思うようになる

  • As the hunter sneaks through the dark forest all alone he knows that there might be others

    その相手が好戦的か否か 意図を知ることもできない

  • like him.

    狩人は「生き残るには殺すしかない」と理解しており 相手も同じだと考えざるを得ない

  • He can't know their intentions, if they are aggressive or not.

    そして、他の狩人に出くわしたなら 先手を打った方が生き残るかも

  • The hunter knows he would kill to ensure his own survival, so he has to assume that they


  • would too.

    これまで、現代社会は暴力的にではなく 平和的に進歩してきた

  • And it might be that if he stumbles upon another hunter, the one that shoots first survives.


  • None of this means that conflict is unavoidable.

    結局、進歩とは争いを減らすことであって 逆ではないのだ

  • So far the progress of the modern world seems to have made us more peaceful, not more violent.

    異星人の文明も、温和で平和的なものから 凶悪で軍国主義的なものまで多様なはずだ

  • Maybe this is true for other civilizations too, that eventually progress means less conflict,

    人類が直面している実存的な問題は、 異星人と出会ったときに

  • not more.

    相手が平和的か攻撃的か その真意は何なのかを見分ける術がないことだ

  • Different alien civilizations also should vary from the mild and peaceful to the malevolent

    同様に、こちらが平和的であると伝えても 相手は理解や信用をしないかもしれない

  • and militaristic.


  • The existential problem we are facing is that when we meet others between the stars, we

    何光年も離れていれば 通信の遅れも年単位となる

  • have no way of telling who is peaceful or aggressive and what their true intentions

    双方が不安定な状態におかれ 先に攻撃するのが最善手では、と悩まされる

  • are.

    さもなくば「技術的爆発」や「先攻有利」という 深刻な事態を招きうるからだ

  • Similarly, they might not understand or trust our intentions even if we tell them that we


  • are peaceful.

    戦争において技術革新がどれだけ重要かは 身に染みている

  • On top of that, if we did discover another civilization, and they discovered us, the

    数百年、数千年という時間は 互角の紛争を一方的な虐殺に変えてしまうのだ

  • light years between us would mean years of communication delay.

    大砲とマスケット銃を持ったナポレオン軍が相手では シーザーの軍団に勝機はないだろうが

  • Both sides would be in a state of uncertainty, wondering if the wisest move is to just attack,


  • because there's another serious issue: technological explosions and first strike advantage.

    火砲も、現代の無人偵察機や 誘導ミサイルには太刀打ちできない

  • We do not know where the limits of technology are, but we do know how much technological


  • progress matters in war.

    仮に同等だとしても 出会ってから「こんにちは」という間に

  • A few hundred or thousand years can turn conflict with uncertain results into a one sided massacre.


  • Caesar's legions would stand no chance against Napoleon's army with their cannons and muskets.

    すでに酷い状況だが 星間紛争に固有の性質が拍車をかける

  • Which would be eradicated by artillery from the first world war.

    相手が何光年も離れている場合 侵略の艦隊を送るにも長期間が必要で

  • Which would not stand a chance against today's drones and guided missiles.

    到着する頃には 絶望的に時代遅れになっているかも

  • So the power level of different civilizations may vary massively and even if not, between

    だから文明間の戦争は、存続への脅威を取り除くため 相手を排除するだけのものになりうる

  • the time it takes us to detect another civilization and us sayinghiwe might already be

    あなたを恐れ、先制攻撃のチャンスに飛びつく 誰かがいるかもしれない

  • hopelessly behind on the tech tree.

    この状況で確実に勝つには 十分な威力とスピードで攻撃することだ

  • Which is bad enough, but the nature of interstellar conflict makes this worse.

    標的に生存の余地を与えず 反撃や一時撤退の選択肢も与えないように

  • If your opponent is light years away, sending an invasion fleet takes so long that by the

    これは最も見込みが高く ミスの許されないバクチだ

  • time it arrives it might be hopelessly obsolete.

    その文明の大半が惑星に居住しているなら 相当な弱点だ

  • So, war between civilizations might be just about eliminating the other to remove an existential

    その惑星が居住不可能になるような 強烈な何かを放てばいい

  • threat to yourself.

    だから、究極の惑星消滅兵器は 「相対論的攻撃船」のようなものになる

  • Someone else who might be so scared of you that they attack the first chance they get.

    つまり惑星に向けて光速に近い速度で 放たれるミサイルだ

  • In this environment, the only way to guarantee a win is to strike with such force and speed

    例えば人間サイズのミサイルが 光速の95%で飛ぶなら

  • that the target has no chance of survival or time to counter-attack or escape to seek


  • revenge later.


  • The stakes are the highest possible with no room for error.

    成功確率はごく高いだろう、 一発当たれば十分なのだから

  • If we assume that the majority of civilizations live on planets that leaves them pretty vulnerable


  • all you need to do is throw something massive at a planet to make it uninhabitable.

    カルダシェフスケール上で 私たちよりわずかに上の文明は

  • So the ultimate interplanetary annihilation weapon is probably something like a Relativistic

    生命の存在が疑われるすべての惑星に対し 何度も攻撃できるエネルギーを持つはずだ

  • Kill Vehicle – a missile shot at a planet at a significant fraction of the speed of

    この兵器が不吉なのは 先制攻撃に適するところだ

  • light.

    あまりに速いため、発射されたなら 効果的な防御手段が無さそうなのだ

  • For example, a missile the size of a person going 95% the speed of light has as much energy


  • as all nuclear bombs on earth.

    先に打ったもん勝ち 勝者総取りの短期戦かもしれない

  • If you shot a few dozen at the civilization you wanted to wipe out, success would be fairly

    この想定はすべての文明を 他の文明にとっての脅威とする

  • certaineven a single hit would suffice.


  • This is not that absurd of an idea – a civilization only slightly above us on the Kardashev scale


  • would have enough energy to send multiple strikes against every planet it suspects of


  • harboring life.


  • What makes these weapons so sinister is how much they favor a first strike, since they


  • would be so fast that it might be impossible to protect yourself effectively against them


  • once they're launched.


  • Conflict between civilizations may not be lengthy affairs but rapid winner takes all

    比較的短距離を旅して 長期間の減衰で解読不能のノイズとなっている

  • situations, where the first one to shoot wins.


  • This makes any civilization an existential threat to any other.

    積極的に気づかれようとしたり とても影の薄い太陽系に誰か注目したりしなければ

  • And if every civilization is an existential threat to every other, there may be only two


  • kinds of civilizations out there: quiet ones and dead ones.

    だがいつの日か、本格的に宇宙に進出し この問題について改めて考えるときがくる

  • So what should we do?

    他者がいるのか 暗い森を私たちだけで進むのかはわからない

  • So, should we worry?


  • It is unlikely that anybody has noticed humanity yet.

    当面は、注意深く耳を傾けることが 最善のようだ

  • The radio signals we've transmitted in the last 100 years traveled a relatively tiny

    また、他者が踏み込み 存在を主張してきたときも

  • distance and have long decayed into unreadable noise.

    すぐに返事はせず ヤブの中から注意深く観察すべきだ

  • At our technological stage, if we don't actively try to get noticed and if nobody


  • specifically looks at our pretty unremarkable solar system, we'll stay hidden.

    過酷な生存競争の中で進化した原始的な脳が 獰猛な異星人に包囲される恐怖を妄想しているのかも

  • But one day we will venture into space in a serious way and need to consider these kinds

    宇宙をこのように見ること自体 私たちが種として未熟な証かもしれない

  • of questions again.

    友好的で歓迎的な宇宙人コミュニティが 成熟した人類からの連絡を待っているかも

  • We don't know if there are others or if we are going through the forest alone.


  • But we have no way of knowing for sure.


  • For the time being, it seems the best we can do is to carefully listen.

    空を観察して銀河系について 学ぶ必要がある

  • And even if we see others step into a clearing and make themselves known, we should not reply


  • right away but carefully watch them from the undergrowth.

    私たちの森林がどのような場所で 危険なのか、仲間がいるのか、誰もいないのかは

  • Perhaps we are also thinking about this all wrong by allowing our primitive brain, that


  • evolved in the context of the gruesome competition of life, to conjure fears of predatory aliens


  • all around us.

    ついに狩人は光の差す場所にたどり着く やっと快適な場所を見つけた

  • Maybe the fact that we are looking at the universe like this is a sign that we are not


  • grown up yet as a species.


  • There could be a friendly, welcoming community of alien civilizations waiting to hear from


  • us when we are ready.


  • As for now, the good news is there is actually little we need to do.


  • We just need to be thoughtful about the signals we send out into the galaxy, we need to watch

    狩人は深呼吸をして、 決断を下す

  • the sky and learn more about our galaxy, our forest.


  • Because whatever the nature of our forest is, full of dangers or friends, or nobody

    光の差す場所へ 一緒に足を踏み入れる事なのかもしれない

  • at all, only careful observation can tell.


  • So let's do that.


  • At last the hunter reaches a clearing and finds a comfortable position.

    控えめにいっても、荒れた1年でした 12020年よりはだいぶ楽しかったけど

  • Slowly the sun melts the fog away, lost in thought he admires the vegetation until suddenly

    過去最高の1カ月もあり 本も出版しました

  • he is eye to eye with another hunter, frozen in terror just like himself.

    多くの新技術、特にblenderとCinema4Dに本格的に挑戦し 動画内の隠れた3Dはどんどん増えていきました

  • His mind is racing, considering all the different options.


  • The hunter takes a deep breath and makes a decision.

    大きく野心的な計画もあり お目にかける日を待ちきれません

  • Maybe the only way out of the dark forest is to step into the clearing together.

    これも皆さんの直接的な支援があってこそ 実現したものです

  • And with this hopeful picture, we say goodbye to the year 12021 of the Human Era.

    本当にありがとう、Kurzgesagtが活動できるのは あなたがいるからです

  • It was a wild year to say the least, still much more fun than 12020.

    年末に合わせ、宇宙での自分の居場所を 可視化できる製品をいくつかデザインしました

  • Kurzgesagt had its most successful month ever and published a book.

    ”The Night Sky”ポスターは 肉眼で確認できる範囲の宇宙を見せてくれるし

  • We tried a lot of new techniques and really got into blender and Cinema4D, hiding more

    ”Stellar Zoom Collection”は宇宙のなかの地球を より遠くから眺めたものです

  • and more 3D in our videos.

    宇宙を題材にしたノート、ポスター、ピンバッヂで 夢を膨らませることもできます

  • We have so many ideas for next year and big and ambitious plans that we can't wait to

    ひとつひとつ、丁寧にデザインして 生産しています

  • share with youand all of this was and is possible because of your direct support

    ショップからの購入は Kurzgesagtを支援するのに最善です

  • thank you so much.

    皆さまが素晴らしい年の瀬を過ごせますように 来年はこの2年よりも落ち着いた年になりますように

  • Kurzgesagt only works because of you.


  • So in tune with the end of the year we designed a few products that will help you to visualize

    (日本語字幕の作成に協力できるかた twitterの@dogresiduewpまでご連絡ください)

  • your place in the universe.

  • Our very shinyThe Night Sky'' Poster shows you the little piece of space we can see from

  • Earth with our own eyes, or travel further out with our Stellar Zoom Collection that

  • depicts our home in space from an increasing distance.

  • Or dream with our Space themed notebooks, scenic posters and pins.

  • We design and produce every single product with great care.

  • Getting something from our shop is the best way to support kurzgesagt.

  • We hope you have a wonderful end of the year and that 12022 is more fun and less exciting

  • than the last two years.

  • Thank you for watching.

The Universe is incredibly big and seems full of potential for life, with billions of habitable

宇宙は巨大で、数十億の居住可能な惑星もあり 生命が存在する可能性に満ち満ちていそうだ


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます