字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Our children have never tried Shyabu-Shyabu, so we are going to bring them for their first experience. 子供達が初めて しゃぶしゃぶを体験します [Life in Japan Theme Song] しゃぶしゃぶは 日本ならではの鍋です Shyabu Shyabu is a unique Japanese cuisine that you have to experience to understand. 日本のお肉と野菜の鍋です It's kind of like fondue, but with Japanese meats, veggies and sauces. 食べたい量だけ 具材を注文できます They get you seated and setup, and then it's up to you to decide how much you're going to eat. この店では ロボットが配膳します Once your order, you need to watch for the serving robots that bring you your food. 食事が運ばれて来るの? It's going to come to us when the food is ready? ロボットが持ってくるんだよ The robot brings it, it sounds like - for the dishes too... 賢いロボット Wow, that's a nice robot. お部屋の掃除もしてくれるかな Thank you so much. そんなロボットがあったら凄いね We can say clean up our room and he's going to clean it. That's right. 今日は食べ放題メニュー If you had a robot that cleaned up your room - oh man. That would be so nice. 牛肉や豚肉 好きな具材を選べるわ So, we are going to do all you can eat 安いプランだと 種類が少ないけど And so you can choose from a bunch of different types of beef or pork or, 我が家みたいな 大人数にはいいわね The least variety you get the cheaper it is. このコースは 放牧牛と豚が食べれるわ So we are going to go with kind of cheap because we have a lot of people to pay for. これは普通の牛と豚 This course has grass fed natural beef and pork. これは豚だけ And this one has beef and pork. このプランにする? This one is only pork. 7,000円ね Yeah, so maybe like this beef? Ok? Ok! プランを選んだ後は 出汁を選びます That's about 7,000 yen. Let's do it! 沢山あります After choosing what meats you want, you need to choose what flavor broths you will use to cook everything. 2種類にしよう The choice is not that easy. 色んな種類があるね Oh, we select the 2 different kinds that we want. スパイシーなキムチ鍋 The different kinds of broth to cook it in. 子供は苦手よ Oh, spicy red kimochi. Kimchi. - すき焼き? - いいね I don't think they would like it. もう片方は? Sukiyaki? Yeah, I think so. オススメの出汁になっているわね Sukiyaki. You want to change the other one? いいね It's what they offer for every one. I think just leave it. 準備は終わりません Yeah, that looks good. ドリンクバーの有無を選びます If you've figured that out, you're still not done. OK You now decide if you will do the drink bar or not. お肉を選ばないと Ok. ここでお肉を注文します Now I gotta select the meat. Ohhh, now select. 色んな種類を試します Now you're ready to order what meets you will begin with. 豚バラ肉かな We're ordering a variety to try them all. 注文完了 Ok now you can probably do pork belly. I'll bet that's good. - 取りに行く? - 飲み物?サラダもあるよ Ok, we're all ordered. - 手袋が要るよ - 行こうか And we are going to go get our stuff over there. Should we go get our drinks? And there is also a salad bar guys. どう?手袋が要るね And you have to put gloves on to get it. Ok, should we go? 美味しそう!カレーもあります How is it? Anna, getting her glove on for our buffet. スパイシー! Yum. Look you can get your rice and you can get some curry. Oh boy Sarah. I want curry. しゃぶしゃぶの具材です Oh, it's spicy. 凄いね Yeah so these are all the things you can put into our shyabu-shyabu to cook it. ドリンクバーだね Cool, huh? 席に戻ると 遂に来ました! Getting their drinks at the drink bar. There we go. ジョシュアがロボットを 出迎えています Upon returning to our seats, we had a very special visit. 注文したお肉ね Joshua flagged down the robot so he wouldn't run off with our meat. 青い光の段のお皿ね Wow, this one is ours. カッコいいね! The blue light. All of those is ours. 青いボタンを押して How cool is that? ジョシュア やめて Press the blue button. 触らないで Joshua, stop. - これは凄い! - さよなら! Don't touch it. お肉よ Oh, this is so cool. Bye robot. 注文した肉です Here's our meat. トレイに入っています All the meat has come. 鍋に入れます It comes in these trays here. 鍋で茹でます And then you put it in the oil. 正しいのかしら The oil is going to cook it. たぶん大丈夫 No clue if I'm doing this correctly. 凄い It's ok, its going to be good anyway. 時間はかかりません 野菜とお肉を一緒に食べます Oh boy. 美味しそう You don't have to give it very long, and the veggies and meat simmer together into a delicious pot of food. - 豚肉と牛肉よ - 色んなスープ Oh yum, ok. 野菜も沢山 ベッカ どう? There's pork and beef ... Pork and beef, different sauces. ベッカの実食です! Different veggies in there. Does that look good Becca? 美味しい! Becca's going to try her first bite. ママがよそってくれたね Oh that's good! 美味しそう! Oh Joshua, look what Mommy got you. アナは? Yum! もっと食べる? 美味しいわね What do you think Anna? もっと食べたそう 良い出来みたいだ You want one more? Not bad, huh? 子供達の後は 僕とルースの実食です! Oh, she wants more though. Ok, that's not a bad sign. ロボットが運んだ具材でご飯 After the kids were started on their food, it was time for Ruth and me to dig in too. パパも食べるよ That's kind of a nice robot that gives you food, right? 豚バラ肉と野菜を食べるよ Ohh, daddy's turn to try it. 熱くないよ Let's try it. Some pork belly and the veggies. そうだね It's not that hot. 美味しい Yeah, it isn't. 次は牛肉 Oh, it's good. これも美味しい And then the beef… 湯気が凄い カレーはどう? That's good too. Wow. 追加のお肉を注文し 具材も追加しました Through the smoke, having her curry rice. お気に入りの味も 見つかりました We were down to our last trays of meat, so we ordered more and went back to the salad bar to get more veggies. 普通の出汁は かなり薄味です Through all the taste testing, we found our favorites. 照り焼き(※「すき焼き」の間違い)は 気に入りました So the normal broth, it kind of just tastes like it was boiled in water. 子供達もそうみたいです But the other sweet teriyaki is awesome. Isn't it? Do you like that too? ロボットが持ってきました I think that's everyones favorite so far. お肉と野菜が沢山来ました The robot just delivered the meat. すき焼きソースが気に入りました And then we have the meat and we have a whole new plate of veggies to put in. 我が家の好みです And we have decided that the sweet teriyaki sauce is the best. 行きます! At least our favorite. 野菜も入れます There it goes. Ok. しゃぶしゃぶの語源は 鍋を "かき混ぜる" 音だそうです Oh, the veggies going in. 子供達のお腹も "かき混ざって" きたようです Shyabu Shyabu is named after the sound of the chopsticks make while stirring the hot pot, トイレに行ってくる but apparently it's also what happens inside the kids' stomachs as they eat. みんなどうしたかな? I kind of need to go to the bathroom too... トイレ In the middle of the meal and what needs to happen? ベッカ 何て言った? Bathroom. Bathroom. - 特別な時に何を食べたい? - しゃぶしゃぶ! So Becca, what did you say? 本当?気に入った? When we have a special time, where do you want to come? I want to come to Shyabu-shyabu. サラも? Oh really, huh? That's how much you like it? 湯気の向こうに座っています You too? Really? Sarah is the girl on the other side of all the smoke. ママも 湯気のモンスター And mommy. We are smoke monsters. 違うよ No, not you. ママも湯気越しに見えるね Yeah, mommy has some smoke too, that's for sure. 美味しいわ I love this food. お箸が上手だね Anna, you have good chopstick form. 綺麗な持ち方 Good chopstick form. しゃぶしゃぶを食べています! Ok, we're having shyabu-shyabu! 何皿注文した? Yay! - 14枚 - もうそんなに? How many plates of meat did we order? ベッカは自分だけで2皿? We've ordered 14 so far. 14 so far? アナは?4皿? Becca has had about 2 plates just herself? アナ! Anna? Probably 4 plates? ジョシュアはカレーが好きだね 何杯食べた? Whoa Anna! 2杯? And Joshua is my curry rice man. How many bowls of curry rice did you have? 食後も楽しみがあります Two? 何を待っているの? But the fun didn't end once we had our fill of Shyabu Shyabu… 綿あめ Ok, what are we waiting for Anna? 温まるまで待たないと Cotton candy. これを2回? We have 29 seconds for it to warm up. 私の? I shake this 2 times? そこに入れるの? Can we get our own? そこに入れる You put it in there? 凄いわ You put it right in there. あっという間! Oh my goodness. It comes out so fast! ママ! Go mommy go! どうなってるの? でも出来たわね I don't know what I'm doing. But there is a lot of cotton candy on me. あなたのよ Ok, that's for you. 美味しそう! It looks so good! アナの番 Ok, here we go Anna. 作って! Again. Let's do it! 綿あめを作ったことがありますか? コツが必要そうです Have you ever made cotton candy? There sure seems to be an art to it! - それは? - 綿あめ What did you get Sarah? Cotton candy. 綿あめ? Cotton candy? Oh my goodness. いいね! They had cotton candy over there. デザートがありました I don't know where it comes from? どこから出てるの? I think it comes from in the hole. 穴からじゃない? What hole? The bottom hole? Yeah, I think so. - そこの穴 - 底の? Is this ok? That's tiny. Yeah. たぶん We're done. - これでどう? - 少し小さい Anna's chowing away on some cotton candy also. How is it Anna? 完了 Can you feel the sugar? アナ 綿あめは美味しい? A lot of sugar. 甘い? Did you know that I remember the first time when we got cotton candy? 凄く You remember the first time? Yeah. 初めての綿あめを覚えている? Rebecca, what did you get? Shaved ice. - ジョシュアは? - うん The kids took full advantage of the desert bar. There wasn't a single desert left behind. - ベッカ それは? - かき氷 And what did you guys get? Ice cream? 子供達はデザートバーを 満喫した様子です Look Daddy what happened to my ice cream. それは?アイス? Oh, you turned it into a shake. 私のアイスを見て! This is what I do all the time with ice cream. Oh, is that what you like? シェイクみたいだね! Yeah, that might be enough. - 私はこうするのが好き - そうなんだね Hey, you too. もういいんじゃない? Gotta have my coffee. そっちも? For me, a bit of coffee with some soft cream is just right. コーヒーです Momma found some waffles. コーヒーと少しのアイスが 丁度良いです We were quite surprised at all the great things they offered at the buffet. ママはワッフルです We came for the Shyabu Shyabu, but if you just came and got the food and drink bar, you would eat quite well. ビュッフェの食べ物は どれも美味しかったです Oh Sarah, does that look so good? しゃぶしゃぶのお店ですが ビュッフェも充実しています! You got a lot of shaved ice. Yeah! Sure did. サラ 綺麗だね Oh, here comes some melon shaved ice. - 山盛りのかき氷 - そうだね! What a big helper. メロン味のかき氷 Thank you Becca. 山盛りだね This is the post all you can eat blues. ありがとう Everybody needs a nap afterwards, huh? And you're still eating! 食べ放題の食後です Oh my goodness. お昼寝が必要そう Do you like our videos? Then show your support by subscribing! まだ食べてる! We appreciate each and everyone one of you! "チャンネル登録" をよろしくお願いします! And that was our shyabu-shyabu trip. How was it guys? How did you like it? 応援に感謝しています! 100%. 10 out of 10! 初めてのしゃぶしゃぶでした どうだった? 10 out of 10!?! 100満点! Anna? 10/10! 満点?! 10/10! - アナ? - 満点! (Not sure what he said...???) 満点! To infinity? Wow. 無限大?! 10/10. 10/10? Momma-chan? 満点 I think it is mostly because they liked the desserts. ママちゃんは? It was so good! But I have been here a couple of times. デザートも良かったからね So, is that a 10/10? とても美味しかったわ Ok, sit down and buckle in please. つまり満点?
B1 中級 日本語 ロボット 満点 アナ 凄い 注文 ママ Trying Japanese Fondue "Shabu Shabu" | Life in Japan Episode 143 4 0 Summer に公開 2021 年 11 月 22 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語