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  • Leadership is the ability to set a vision

  • and really live the actions that you need to,

  • to be able to implement your plan.

  • One of the most surprising things I've learnt about leadership

  • is definitely that you grow the more you ask for help.

  • My top tip would be to

  • really live and breathe your values and your vision,

  • and through that you'll be able to attract the right people

  • to help you to get to where you want to get to.

  • So, you just have to walk the walk, as well as talk the talk.

  • Leaders really shouldn't direct

  • and then actually take actions

  • that go against those directions and instructions.

  • I think the biggest challenge is recruiting and developing the people

  • that really believe in your vision,

  • and have the skills and experience to help you to get there.

  • I wish I could spend more time

  • supporting and developing people, who are going to help us

  • to get to achieve our vision.

Leadership is the ability to set a vision


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A1 初級

Helping others gain work skills: Rosie Ginday

  • 16 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2022 年 01 月 05 日