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  • Hi everyone, I'm Susie Woo from the UK

  • Lots of people learn English at school

  • but textbooks can't keep up with real-life English

  • So today I wanted to tell you about

  • five words and phrases that are outdated

  • I hear lots of people still using these words

  • Do you too? You can tell me in the comments

  • The first word I've heard students use,

  • which is not used so often anymore, is 'seldom'

  • 'Seldom', meaning not often or not frequently.

  • So in the past, this word was used more often,

  • but these days, you're not really gonna hear

  • people say 'seldom' in speaking.

  • It has the feeling of being very kind of posh,

  • but in an outdated kind of way.

  • So I would say to not use the word seldom,

  • instead you can say 'rarely'

  • 'I rarely do something'

  • So yeah, instead of seldom, you can say, rarely.

  • Next, we have the question, 'how do you do?'

  • Which again has the feeling of being a very

  • well-spoken traditional English gentlemen.

  • 'How do you do?'

  • Yeah, people don't really speak like that anymore,

  • Instead you can say, 'how are you?'

  • So in a previous video,

  • I was mentioning cultural differences,

  • and I mentioned how in the UK people often say,

  • "How are you?"

  • Which is similar to (Chinese)

  • And some people commented saying,

  • "Can you say, how do you do?"

  • But that's not really used so often anymore.

  • Again, that's quite old-fashioned, outdated.

  • So just say, 'how are you?'

  • That's fine. Or 'how's it going?'

  • 'Hey, what's up?'

  • Something like that.

  • Then we've got the word, the web.

  • So previously, maybe 10 or 20 years ago,

  • people would say, "the web" for the internet.

  • Which is short for, like website, the World Wide Web.

  • People don't say 'web' anymore.

  • They say 'internet'

  • Yeah, so that's an outdated word.

  • You might still see it occasionally

  • but just so you know,

  • in speaking people don't really say the web anymore.

  • They say the internet instead.

  • Then we have 'courting', 'to court' someone.

  • Which is sort of like,

  • (Chinese)

  • Like pursuing or trying to woo someone.

  • This word 'courting'

  • Again maybe it was used in the past,

  • but it's not used anymore.

  • In fact, the concept of courting someone,

  • is also a little bit outdated.

  • Like I said in my dating video,

  • even though it still might mostly be the guy

  • who pursues the girl, it's becoming less

  • and less clear-cut like that.

  • So you wouldn't really say 'he's pursuing her'

  • You might say 'he likes her'

  • or 'he's interested in her'

  • or maybe 'he wants to ask her out'

  • or 'he wants to go out with her'

  • And it can be the other way as well.

  • 'To go out with someone' in British English

  • can mean just to go outside with friends,

  • but it can also mean they are in a relationship.

  • So instead of 'courting', you could maybe say 'pursuing'

  • but it's better to say,

  • 'she likes him'

  • or 'she's interested in him',

  • or 'she wants to go out with him'.

  • And the last one is mother or grandmother.

  • So you definitely will have seen these words in textbooks.

  • And they're technically correct.

  • There's nothing wrong with them

  • It's that, in speaking,

  • people don't really say mother or grandmother so often.

  • Most people say 'mum'

  • Grandmother can be different ones depending on the person.

  • Some people say 'grandma',

  • some people say 'grannie',

  • some people say 'nan'.

  • Those are the most common ones.

  • So me for example,

  • I had one grandma on one side of the family

  • and one we called granny on the other side.

  • And I think that was to distinguish

  • between the two, which one is which.

  • 'Grandmother' would sound sort of outdated, yeah.

  • People don't really say that, especially in speaking.

  • You might see it written down,

  • but yeah, that's just mother

  • and grandmother can be mum or grandma, grannie, nan.

  • So that's pretty much all I wanted to mention today.

  • I hope there hasn't been too much sound getting in the way

  • 'cause I am outside.

  • It's a lovely day today.

  • and thanks for watching, see you next time!

Hi everyone, I'm Susie Woo from the UK


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A1 初級

【課本教的這些英語已經過時了?!】別再用'Seldom'了!'The web'是10年前的用法?

  • 325 17
    Chao Han に公開 2022 年 01 月 20 日