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Hello everyone, I'm Qiong, welcome to my channel
Today I'm gonna share a very delicious Japanese street food, Souffle pancakes, only $1 cost!
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2 large eggs, separating yolks and whites
卵黄2個、卵黄と 白身を 分けて 20 ml(小さじ4)の牛乳、卵黄2個に加えて
20 ml (4 teaspoons) milk, add to 2 egg yolks
Mix well
よく 混ぜ ます小麦粉、低グルテン小麦粉を使用することもできます
30 grams (3.3 tablespoons) all purpose flour, you can also use low gluten flour
Sift and add to the egg yolk batter
ます 1.25 ml(小さじ1/4)のバニラ抽出物を
Mix well
よく 混ぜ ます、持っていない場合は省略します
1.25 ml (1/4 teaspoon) vanilla extract, omit if you don't have it
よく 混ぜ
Mix well
Now whip the egg whites, first with an electric whisk on medium-high speed
There are 25 grams (2 tbsp) of Sugar in total. Split it into 3 times to add. when large fish-eye bubbles appear, add 1/3 of the sugar.
砂糖は全部で25グラム(小さじ2)あります。 3回に分割して追加します。大きなフィッシュアイの泡が出たら、砂糖の1/3を加えます。
Add 1/3 of the sugar (25 g (2 tablespoons) of sugar) when small fisheye bubbles appear
Add 1/3 of the sugar (25 g (2 tablespoons) of sugar) when the texture becomes visible
Beat on medium-low speed until dry peaks, lifting up to an upright angle
Add 1/3 of the meringue to the egg yolk batter and mix well
Then pour back into the meringue and continue to mix well
次にメレンゲに戻し、よく混ぜ続けますよく混ぜ てパイピングバッグに注ぎ
Mix well and pour into a piping bag
Non-stick pan, turn on low heat, put a drop of cooking oil, wipe evenly with kitchen paper
Squeeze the batter into the pan, I squeezed three
Add 2 teaspoons of water, cover and cook on low heat for about 5 minutes
After 5 minutes, uncover and flip the pancakes.
後 、カバーを 外して裏返しますパンケーキ。
Add 1 teaspoon of water, cover and continue to cook for about 5 minutes
小さじ1杯の水を加え、蓋をして約5分間調理を続け ます 。5分
After 5 minutes, you can take it out of the pot to serve, it's so fluffy!
Look at the color, isn't it tempting?
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Put on the butter slices, pour on some syrup, and enjoy, so delicious!
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Thank you for watching and see you in the next video ??!