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審査済み この字幕は審査済みです
  • - Call your crush and say, "I have feelings for you."


  • - Okay.

    - わかった。

  • - Hey.

    - やあ。

  • - Hi, Quincy.

    - やあ、クインシー。

  • -Hey, what's going on?

    - やあ、どうしたの?

  • - To be honest, I have a fatty crush on you.

    - 正直にいうと、あなたのことが好きなの。

  • - What? Are you messing with me?

    - 何?俺をからかってるの?

  • We had people call their crush and say: "I have feelings for you."


  • - Call your crush and say, "I have feelings for you."


  • - Oh, God.

    - やばい。

  • - Oh, God.

    - やばい。

  • - I think my crush has a boyfriend.

    - 僕の好きな人は彼氏がいると思うんだよね。

  • I don't know if I should call her.


  • - Go, don't even think about it.

    - 行こう、何も考えないで。

  • - I know.

    - わかったわ。

  • - Three, two, one. Go!

    - 3 2 1、ゴー!

  • Do you have feelings for someone right now?


  • - I do.

    - います。

  • - Do they know?

    - 彼らは知ってるの?

  • - It's complicated, but isn't it always?

    - 複雑なんだけど、いつもそうじゃないよ?

  • - This is a friend, but he lives in another state, that's the thing.

    - 彼は友達なんだけど、別の州に住んでて、それが問題なの。

  • - Hey, how's it going?

    - やあ、元気にしてる?

  • - Okay, so I'm just calling to let you know that I have feelings for you.

    - あなたに思いを寄せてるってことを伝えたくて電話したの。

  • - I got some feelings for you.

    - あなたのことが好きなの。

  • - This might be a little weird, but I don't care, here goes, I have a big, fat-ass crush on you.

    - ちょっと変かもしれないけど、気にしないで、ほら、わたしは、あなたにめっちゃ恋してるの。

  • - Are you messing with me?

    - 俺のことからかってるの?

  • - No.

    - 違うわ。

  • - I feel like I have feelings for you too, and I'm excited for you to come down and for us to get to know each other better.

    - 俺も君のこと好きだと思うし、あなたが会いに来て、もっと仲良くなれることを楽しみにしてるよ。

  • - Yo.

    - やばい。

  • Yo, that's crazy.


  • - Would you like to go on a date?

    - デートしてくれる?

  • - You know, let's do it. Let's go.

    - もちろんさ、行こう。

  • - Well, you know, it's kinda funny 'cause I actually have been meaning to ask you on a date."

    - その、変な話なんだけど、実は俺も君のことデートに誘おうと思ってたんだ。

  • - Really?

    - 本当に?

  • - Yeah, is that something you wanna do?


  • - Yeah, that sounds good.


  • Let's do that. - All right.

    そうしましょう。- もちろん。

  • - Okay, bye.

    - わかった。じゃあね。

  • - Bye.

    - バイバイ。

  • - Y'all.

    - やった。

  • - Call your crush and say, "I have feelings for you."


  • There's someone, I can see you thinking of them.


  • - This dude that I was crushing on recently.

    - 最近好きになった人です。

  • He had a girlfriend, and I think that's the reason why he kinda ghosted me.


  • - Hey, how's it going?

    - やあ、元気?

  • - So I just called to say that I had a crush on you, and I was catching feelings.

    - あなたに恋していて、気持ちがあるってことを伝えたくて電話したんだ。

  • - I think you're fantastic, man, but I don't share the same feelings.

    - 君は素敵な男性だと思う、けどその気持ちを共有できないんだ。

  • - Okay.

    - わかった。

  • - I apologize for not really knowing how to communicate about that at the time.

    - そのことをどう伝えたらいいのかわからなくて、申し訳なく思ってる。

  • - I think we gotta wrap this up. I hope we talk soon.

    - もうこの話は終わりにしよう。また話そう。

  • - Bye. - Bye.

    - じゃあね。- じゃあね。

  • - Is there a relief in getting an answer from him?

    - 彼から答えをもらって安心しましたか?

  • - Yeah, definitely.

    - はい、その通りです。

  • - Call your crush and say, "I have feelings for you."


  • - I can do that.

    - 僕ならできます。

  • So, she's my sister's friend.


  • Hey, Jules?


  • -Yeah.

    - うん。

  • - I have something to tell you.

    - あなたに伝えたいことがあるんだ。

  • - What?

    - 何?

  • - I have a crush on you.

    - 君のことが好きなんだ。

  • - Oh! I have a crush on you too.

    - えっ!わたしもあなたのことが好き。

  • - Ask her out on a date.

    - デートに誘ってみましょう。

  • - Okay, that's it. Bye. - Aww.

    - わかった、それだけ。じゃあね。- ああ。

  • - So the problem was... - Booooo!

    - で、問題はと言うと... -

  • - I didn't wanna cross a boundary with my sister.

    - 妹との境界線を越えたくなかったんだ。

  • We've had a conversation before about, like, you know, she just wants to have her friend in her life, I guess.


  • - But she just said she has a crush on you.

    - でも彼女もあなたのことが好きだって言いましたよ。

  • - She did.

    - そうです。

  • - Call your crush and say, "I have feelings for you."


  • - Okay.

    - わかった。

  • - She might have a girlfriend actually. We'll see.

    - 彼女はたぶん彼女がいる、確か。まあ見てて。

  • - He's definitely not gonna answer. He's in the military.

    - 彼は絶対答えてくれないわ。彼は兵役中なの。

  • - Hey.

    - やあ。

  • - Hi, Quincy.

    - やあ、クインシー。

  • - Hey, what's going on?

    - やあ、どうしたの?

  • - To be honest, I have a fatty crush on you, and yeah, I just wanted to let you know that.

    - 正直に言うと、あなたのことが好きで、それを伝えたかっただけ。

  • - What?

    - 何?

  • Oh my gosh, are you messing with me?


  • - No, unless you want me to be messing with you...

    - 違うわ、あなたがジョークで済ませたいと思わない限りね。

  • - No, no, no, no, no. I love that, I love that.

    - いや、いや、いや、いや、好きだよ、いいね。

  • - Yo.

    - やあ。

  • - I just wanted to say something to you, you ready?

    - あなたに言いたいことがあるの、いい?

  • I have feelings for you.


  • - You don't even know me, how you have feelings for me?

    - 俺のこと知ってもないのに、好きなの?

  • - I fucking did.

    - そうなの。

  • - Hello?

    - もしもし?

  • - Hey.

    - やあ。

  • I don't know if you have a partner or anything, or like if you're in a relationship right now, but I just wanna let you know that I have feelings for you.


  • - Okay, and I do too. I...

    - わかった、それから、わたしもよ...

  • - Really? - I... I do, yes.

    - 本当に? - わたしも...わたしも好きだよ。

  • - Okay, awesome. All right, good. That's good to know.

    - わかった、最高だ。よかった。知れてよかったよ。

  • Damn, this is crazy.


  • - Yeah, do you like me?

    - えっ、わたしのこと好きなの?

  • Is it reciprocated? - Yes, yes I do.

    両思いなの?- うん、うん、そうだよ。

  • Yes, it's mutual for sure.


  • - Would you consider dating me?

    - わたしとデートしてくれる?

  • - Um, nah.

    - うん、ないかな。

  • Mainly because I don't do long distance.


  • - Right on.

    - その通りね。

  • - I wish I could talk more, but I'm at work.

    - もっと話したいんだけど、今、仕事中だから。

  • - Okay, yeah. Well, I'll give you a call later.

    - わかった、うん、また電話するね。

  • - Okay, for sure. - All right, bye. - Okay, bye.

    - わかったわ。- わかった、じゃあね。- うん、バイバイ。

  • - Oh, man. Jesus, it's crazy.

    - なんてことだ、やばい。

  • - High fives all round.

    - ハイタッチしよう。

  • - Let's go. - Woo.

    - 行こう。- いえーい。

  • - I mean I feel it too, 'cause I mean he's all the way in Louisiana, and long distance is not fun.

    - わたしもそう思うわ、彼はルイジアナ州にいて、遠距離恋愛は楽しくないし。

  • - Well, we met in college.

    - わたしたちは大学で出会ったの。

  • Everyone thought we were dating, but we were really just good friends in school.


  • - Charmaine. Long time, no talk. How you doing?

    - シャーメイン、久しぶりだな。調子はどう?

  • - I am great.

    - 元気だよ。

  • I've kinda always wanted to be more than just your friend.


  • I... I like you, a lot.


  • You wanna go on a date with me?


  • - Absolutely.

    - もちろんだよ。

  • I had a feeling that you liked me, but I wasn't 100% sure.


  • But nah, I've liked your for a while.


  • Especially when we had that class together.


  • But yeah, let's see where this goes.


  • - Oh, this is gonna be fun. I'm excited.

    - 楽しくなると思うわ、楽しみだわ。

  • - Yeah, I'm excited too.

    - ああ、俺も楽しみだよ。

  • - Who do you have feelings for right now?


  • - They have a boyfriend.

    - 彼女たちは彼氏がいる。

  • - Has she ever made any hints that she's not happy with her relationship?


  • - Oh yeah.


  • - You better let them know before they get married.

    - 彼女たちが結婚する前に伝えた方がいいよ。

  • - I just wanted to call and say that I like you and I like hanging out with you, and I think you are really gorgeous.

    - ただ、あなたが好きで、あなたと一緒にいるのが好きで、あなたはとてもゴージャスだと思うって伝えたくて電話したんだ。

  • So we'll have to talk about this more when you are back in town, or I'll see you at work, and we'll talk about this.


  • All right, have fun, bye.


- Call your crush and say, "I have feelings for you."


審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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