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  • - [Group] We're here for the 50th celebration.

  • - Every time we come,

  • we think why don't we do this more often?

  • - This is a dream come true for me.

  • We're celebrating all together now, as a family.

  • - Harmonious was breathtaking.

  • I cried actually!

  • - It brought me back to watching all the Disney movies

  • as a kid.

  • - Each event was gorgeous.

  • Like I've not seen graphics like that.

  • - It's emotional! Really!

  • I got teared up.

  • - When in doubt, go to Disney.

  • When sad, go to Disney.

  • When happy, go to Disney.

  • And if you're celebrating, definitely you go to Disney!

- [Group] We're here for the 50th celebration.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

ウォルト・ディズニー・ワールド50周年公式プロモーションムービー(Walt Disney World Resort 50th Anniversary Guestimonials)

  • 14 0
    13 に公開 2022 年 01 月 02 日