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  • Have you ever wondered if your penis was too small?

  • Were here in San Diego State University

  • and were asking college girls the age-old question,

  • Does size matter?”

  • Youre watching SimpleSexyStupid

  • Does size matter?

  • Size of what?

  • Penis

  • Yes

  • Yesyes

  • Yah

  • Yeah! Oh

  • Oh no. I don’t know.

  • Just be real with us.

  • We all know it does matter.

  • A little bit

  • I thought youre telling me about the height.

  • Yeah! Were all talking about the height.

  • Penis height

  • I’d say it matters only if like it’s that small.

  • If they don’t know how to work it.

  • Okay. So even if it’s like one inch?

  • No… (Youre cool with it?)

  • NoNo

  • Oh, damn it! What am I gonna do?

  • What do you think? (I think it matters.)

  • Like not that much (Okay so…)

  • Because guys can make things work

  • Does penis size matter?

  • Absolutely but it doesn’t even if you know what youre doing with it.

  • Even if it’s one inch penis?

  • If he knows what he’s doing, he can make it work.

  • Put down that Starbucks and let me ask you a question.

  • Does size matter?

  • Oh yeah, it does matter.

  • So what do you think is the perfect penis size then?

  • Average and above as long as they know how to use it.

  • Above normal as long as it is not scary.

  • Seven and a half

  • Give me your hands.

  • Ahm

  • Now were holding hands.

  • Now were a couple.

  • So what’s the perfect penis size?

  • Give me inches

  • Seven

  • Six and a half

  • SixSix? Oh no, I still like seven.

  • Well, I read in Cosmo that the average is like six.

  • That big

  • Six inches up if youre not experienced

  • but if youre good, then it can be smaller.

  • What’s the perfect penis size?

  • Oh! Really not beating around the bush there

  • I don’t want it to be so big that it hurts.

  • You gotta have some meat to it.

  • Some meat? (It can’t be a pencil).

  • Like some girth?

  • Girthgirth

  • So you like huge chodes?

  • No, I didn’t say that.

  • So what’s the perfect penis size?

  • I’m sorry. Was there something I said?

  • What is your worst penis experience?

  • It being very very small.

  • No small penis experiences in my life

  • So you only date black guys?

  • Pretty much

  • Way too smallIt wasn’t pleasurable.

  • Uhh! I’m very sorry to hear that.

  • Maybe I can make it pleasurable for you.

  • Maybe after this interview. Yeah?

  • Oh yeah yeah

  • Yeah?! I’m in!

  • Yes! Whooo!

  • Worst penis experience

  • Nothing there

  • Kind of like soft on you?

  • That’s like sad for me.

  • Uhh! I swear if I was ever with you, I would never be soft.

  • Okay, like right now, I’m fully erect right now.

  • Let’s say things are getting hot and heavy with this guy

  • your boyfriend or whatever

  • Things are getting hot and you pull down his pants and you see his two-inch penis.

  • What will you do?

  • Pull his pants back up and walk away.

  • Scream and run away

  • Say peace and walk out

  • I mean I guess youre kind of obligated.

  • You know you can look pasta.

  • What’s the biggest penis youve ever had to deal with?

  • Oh God… I… Besides mine

  • Seven is like the biggest

  • What is the smallest penis youve ever had to deal with?

  • Not as long as my iPhone

  • So what happened? You walked out?

  • No. I had to use the restroom and then I walked out.

  • How big do you think my penis is?

  • Five to six

  • It’s actually pretty generous.

  • Maybe like four and a half (4 ½) to five and a half (5 ½)

  • Oh, that’s so pretty generous for me.

  • Alright. Thank you so much for watching this video.

  • If you enjoyed it, please make sure to hit that subscribe button.

  • Drop me like and drop me comment

  • and let me know if you like the video.

  • Until next time!

  • I will see you!

Have you ever wondered if your penis was too small?


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B1 中級

ペニスのサイズは重要?- LiuTubeの調査 (Does Penis Size Matter? - A LiuTube Survey)

  • 3463 192
    Go Tutor に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日