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  • We all want to become masters of our habits, but few of us ever get there.

  • Here are the tips and strategies that helped me finally stick to my habits.

  • Dr. Jubbal,

  • As many of us set out to adopt new habits this year, I thought it would be a great time

  • to revisit one of my favorite books, Atomic Habits by James Clear, and additionally offer

  • my own insights and experiences with regards to building habits.

  • The underlying idea behind Atomic Habits is that small, incremental changes lead to massive

  • results.

  • A common misconception is that massive success requires massive action.

  • In reality, success isn’t the result of a once-in-a-lifetime transformation, rather,

  • it is the product of dozens of daily habits growing and compounding over time.

  • The most successful investor in the world, Warren Buffet, did not grow his net worth

  • to over 100 billion dollars overnight, nor did he get there by throwing all of his money

  • into Gamestop and AMC and yellingto the moon!”

  • Instead, he began investing at the age of 11 and continued to invest consistently for

  • the next 80 years of his life.

  • He focused on good fundamentals and invested in companies that he believed would perform

  • well in the long term - not over weeks to months, but over years to decades.

  • His consistency and long-term mentality allowed him to gradually build his wealth until becoming

  • one of the wealthiest people in the world.

  • Habits are no different.

  • You can think of them as the compound interest of self-improvement.

  • Individually, minor improvements to our habits may seem insignificant, but over time they

  • will continue to build and compound until they become exponentially more than the sum

  • of their parts.

  • If you were to improve by just one percent every day for a year, you would be thirty-seven

  • times better than you were when you started.

  • On the other hand, if you were to get worse by just one percent each day for an entire

  • year, you would decline nearly to zero.

  • This is the power of compound interest.

  • The issue is that we don’t always see the long-term value of good habits or the long-term

  • consequences of bad habits.

  • As humans, we suffer from time inconsistency - a reward that is certain right now is usually

  • worth more to us than one that is merely possible in the future.

  • We prioritize feeling good in the moment, even if it ends up hurting us in the long

  • run.

  • To make things even more difficult, most habits don’t appear to make a difference until

  • you reach a breakthrough moment.

  • Before this, there is often a discrepancy between what you think should happen and what

  • actually happens.

  • Clear refers to this as the valley of disappointment.

  • But what you don’t see is that once you get out of the valley of disappointment, the

  • benefits start to compound.

  • So now that we know the importance of good habits, how do we actually go about building

  • them?

  • When trying to build a new habit, most people put too much emphasis on the end goal.

  • The problem with this approach is that goals only change your life for the moment, and

  • the results you achieve are often only temporary.

  • In order to create lasting change, you need to shift your focus away from the outcome

  • and place it on the systems that will get you to your desired outcome instead.

  • You need to solve the problem at a systems level.

  • This is why winners and losers have the same goals but different outcomes.

  • We focus on the winners and mistakenly attribute their success to their ambitious goals when,

  • in reality, it’s not the goal that made them successful but rather their underlying

  • systems.

  • Goals also make success black or white.

  • You either achieve your goal and are successful, or you don’t achieve your goal and are a

  • failure.

  • The problem with this is that achieving your goal doesn’t necessarily mean that your

  • systems were good and failing to achieve your goal doesn’t necessarily mean that your

  • systems were bad.

  • Although it’s true that good systems typically lead to good outcomes and bad systems typically

  • lead to bad outcomes, this isn’t always the case.

  • We often look at the outcome to judge the merit of one’s approach which leads to survivorship

  • bias.

  • Take for instance you have two millionaires.

  • One started a business and spent thousands of hours growing it before they ever made

  • their first million dollars.

  • The other spent all of their money on lottery tickets and won the jackpot.

  • If we only look at outcomes, you would say that these two are equal; however, if you

  • look at their systems, they are clearly very different.

  • I don’t know about you, but I would much rather take advice on how to build wealth

  • from the guy who built a business than the guy who won the lottery.

  • This is why you should focus on building good habits that will lead to your desired results.

  • The purpose of setting goals is to win the game.

  • The purpose of building systems is to continue playing the game.”

  • When you focus on building effective systems and learn to love the process, the score often

  • takes care of itself.

  • So how do you learn to love the process?

  • It all comes down to changing your identity.

  • There are three levels of behavior change: outcomes, processes, and identity.

  • The outcome level is concerned with changing our results.

  • This might include something like losing weight or getting into medical school.

  • The process level is concerned with habits and systems.

  • This might be something like implementing a new routine at the gym or going through

  • the Med School Insiders website to optimize your medical school applications.

  • Identity is the third and deepest level and is concerned with our beliefs.

  • If you believe you are a fit and athletic person, or that you are well suited to be

  • a doctor, your behaviors and results will follow.

  • When making a change, most people start with the end goal and work inward.

  • This is a mistake because you are only solving the problem temporarily.

  • To make a lasting change, you need to change at the systems level.

  • You need to start with identity and then move outward.

  • You do this by adopting an identity-based approach.

  • Decide the type of person that you want to be, and then prove to yourself that you are

  • that person through your actions.

  • For example, instead of saying, “I want to get better grades,” tell yourself that,

  • “I am a good student, and as a good student I will study every day and not procrastinate.”

  • This subtle difference can completely change your mindset, and the more you repeat that

  • behavior, the more you reinforce the identity that is tied to that behavior.

  • This brings me to Clear’s Four Laws of Behavior Change.

  • The first thing to know is that there are four parts to any habit: the cue, the craving,

  • the response, and the reward.

  • Every behavior starts with a cue.

  • This cue then triggers a craving, which motivates a response.

  • That response then provides a reward, which satisfies the craving, and ultimately becomes

  • associated with the cue.

  • If youre studying for an exam, for instance, the cue might be coming across a difficult

  • question.

  • The craving is that you feel stuck and want to relieve your frustration.

  • In response, you pull out your phone and check social media.

  • Doing so then relieves your frustration and satisfies your craving.

  • Now pulling out your phone and checking social media becomes associated with feeling frustrated

  • or bored while studying and the next time you come across a difficult question, youll

  • be tempted to use your phone again.

  • By learning how to manipulate the four parts of a habit, we can help reinforce good habits

  • and fight against bad habits.

  • The first law is to make it obvious.

  • The issue with cues is that they are often so common that we don’t even realize theyre

  • even there.

  • Something as simple as leaving sweets out on the counter can be enough to influence

  • you, so the first step in changing your behavior is awareness.

  • We have to identify and acknowledge our cues.

  • Once you are aware of them, you can modify your environment to manipulate them.

  • You want to make cues for good habits obvious and cues for bad habits invisible.

  • The second law of behavior change is to make it attractive - make it so you actually want

  • to do it.

  • One technique to accomplish this is temptation bundling.

  • You pair your new habit with something that you already enjoy doing.

  • A great example of this was when I was trying to make stretching a daily habit.

  • I would tell myself that I could only watch television if I stretched while watching.

  • I combined my new habit of stretching with watching TV, which I already enjoyed, to make

  • it a much more attractive option.

  • Alternatively, you can also use language to change your perception of the behavior.

  • The behavior itself isn’t inherently pleasurable or painful, rather it is our perception of

  • the behavior that determines this.

  • A simple technique to help change your mindset is to try swappinghaveorneed

  • withget”.

  • Instead of saying I ‘haveto exercise, try saying I ‘getto exercise.

  • This subtle nuance can make all the difference.

  • When I was trying to become more comfortable with public speaking, I employed this exact

  • same strategy.

  • I reinterpreted my physiological response from fear to excitement by telling myself,

  • Yea, my heart is racing, but not because I’m scared to speak, but because I’m so

  • excited to speak!”

  • This small modification helped me get over the fear of public speaking and I even grew

  • to enjoy it.

  • The third law of behavior change is to make it easy.

  • You want to decrease the number of steps between you and the good behavior and increase the

  • number of steps between you and the bad behavior.

  • If youre trying to eat out less, try making healthy options readily available by meal

  • prepping.

  • If you have home-cooked food readily available, eating out becomes the more difficult option,

  • which decreases the likelihood that youll go out to eat.

  • It is important not to bite off more than you can chew though.

  • Clear argues that starting a new habit should never take more than two minutes to do.

  • This greatly reduces the activation energy it takes to perform the behavior because you

  • only have to motivate yourself for a couple of minutes.

  • The goal is to make it so easy that it’s almost difficult not to do it.

  • The fourth and final law is to make it satisfying.

  • We operate in a delayed-return environment, meaning that many of the habits that we want

  • to adopt are not immediately satisfying despite paying off in the long term.

  • We often prefer the instant gratification that comes with a bad habit even though we

  • know it might not be the best for us in the long term.

  • Generally speaking, what is rewarded gets repeated, and what is punished gets avoided,

  • so you want to add a bit of immediate pleasure to the habits that help you in the long run

  • and apply some immediate pain to the ones that don’t.

  • Clear gives the example of a couple that wanted to stop eating out so much and start cooking

  • together more.

  • Whenever they skipped going out to eat, they transferred fifty dollars into an account

  • labeledTrip to Europe.”

  • At the end of the year, they put that money towards the vacation.

  • Adding a little bit of an incentive to keep your habit can make a big difference in adherence,

  • especially early on.

  • If you stick with your habit long enough though, you will eventually reach that breakthrough

  • point and begin to enjoy the long-term benefits.

  • At this point, you become less concerned with the secondary reward, and the habit itself

  • and the identity that it reinforces becomes the source of motivation.

  • As Clear writes, “incentives start the habit, but identity sustains the habit.”

  • Now that weve gone over Clear’s four laws, here are some additional tips from my

  • personal experience to help make your habits stick.

  • Habit trackers can be a powerful tool to help make your habits stick.

  • Not only do they focus on the process as opposed to the outcome, but they also hold you accountable,

  • and incorporate three out of the four laws of behavior change - make it obvious, make

  • it attractive, and make it satisfying.

  • The main drawback with habit tracking though is that it can feel like a chore.

  • To compensate for this, I recommend automating the process whenever possible.

  • Manual tracking should be reserved for your most important habits and should be done right

  • after the habit occurs.

  • As an example, one of my goals right now is to increase my lean muscle mass.

  • In order to track my progress, I’m using a smart scale.

  • It’s convenient because all I have to do is step on the scale each morning and it automatically

  • tracks my weight and lean body mass.

  • Experimentation is another key aspect of building a habit.

  • As you build your systems, you will have to determine what works for you and what doesn’t,

  • and the only way to do this is through experimentation.

  • People usually fall into one of two categories when it comes to experimenting with systems.

  • On the one hand, you have people who experiment too much.

  • They make a change for a week or two, don’t see the results they expect, and then jump

  • ship to another strategy, without giving any strategy a chance to work.

  • They get stuck in the valley of disappointment and never hold on long enough to reach the

  • breakthrough moment.

  • On the other hand, you have those who stick with a habit for months and months even when

  • it’s not working.

  • This is why it’s so important to have an objective way to measure your progress.

  • If things aren’t working, you need to be able to know so that you can change things

  • up.

  • You want to strike the balance between giving habits a chance to stick and experimenting

  • with new habits.

  • If you experiment too soon, you don’t give things time to stick, but if you let things

  • go too long, then youre essentially trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

  • It’s not going to work.

  • Once you find something that works though, there is a benefit to getting into a rhythm.

  • Remember, habits are based on frequency, not time.

  • You should change your mindset fromhow long will it take for my habit to stick

  • tohow many times do I need to do this behavior for it to become a habit?”

  • The best way I’ve found to make sure I am getting my repetitions in is to have a certain

  • rhythm to my weekly routine.

  • If you do the same thing, at the same place, at the same time every day, then youre

  • telling your brain that this is important, it needs to be remembered, so start making

  • it easy for me.

  • I typically make sure that I have higher intensity workdays and habits on weekdays and lower

  • intensity on weekends.

  • This allows me to sustain my habits without burning out.

  • And once you find a rhythm that works for you, the only thing left to do is to stick

  • with it.

  • If you've come this far, be sure to check out my free weekly newsletter where I dive

  • into similar concepts, personal learnings, and my favorite study music and articles from

  • the week.

  • Sign up at

  • Thank you so much for watching.

  • If you enjoyed this video, be sure to check out our video on New Year’s Resolutions

  • - Research Explained or this other video.

  • Much love and I’ll see you guys there.

We all want to become masters of our habits, but few of us ever get there.


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    Summer に公開 2021 年 11 月 12 日