字幕表 動画を再生する
The history of Venice is a tale of sea power, and who could be a more fitting sponsor than
WORLD OF WARSHIPS - the epic free-to-play MMO that combines naval strategy, tactics…
今回はテーマに相応しく無料MMO WORLD OF WARSHIPSがスポンサーとなりました
but mostly firepower.
World of Warships has more than 200 playable ships, all meticulously researched historical
WOWSは200以上の艦船を操作可能 細部まで調査した実在の艦がほとんどです
vessels such as cruiser HMS Belfast, or the massive USS Iowa, plus constant updates with
new missions, ships and upgrades.
Epic History TV は凡庸なプレイヤーです
Epic History TV is a registered and very mediocre player, whose trademark tactic is using the
低速巡洋艦で魚雷を食らって 味方の盾になるのが基本戦術です
hull of his slow-moving cruiser to soak up enemy torpedoes, and thereby save the fleet.
キャンベルタウンが手に入るボーナスコードを 下部リンクに用意しました
Use the link and code below to get a bonus starter pack that includes HMS Campbeltown,
サン・ナゼールのドックに突っ込んで 自爆したことで有名な英駆逐艦です
the destroyer the British famously rammed into St.Nazaire dock, and blew to pieces.
他に類を見ない都市ヴェニス 現在は世界有数の観光地である
Thanks to World of Warships for supporting this video.
しかしかつては海洋共和国の首都であり 地中海を支配した一大帝国でもあった
This is the extraordinary city of Venice - today one of the world’s top tourist destinations,
but once capital of a maritime republic, that ruled the most powerful empire in the Mediterranean.
ローマ帝国の最盛期には この沼沢地帯は 小さな漁村に過ぎなかった
Venice’s history was shaped by its unique location.
しかし5世紀 西ローマ帝国が蛮族に蹂躙された
At the height of the Roman Empire, these coastal lagoons were home only to small fishing communities.
イタリアがフン ゴート 東ローマ ロンバルドによる 戦場と化し 多くの難民がこの沼沢地帯に集まった
But then, in the 5th century AD, the Western Roman Empire was overrun by barbarian tribes.
726年 住み着いた難民は オルソを元首ドージェに選出した
As Italy became a battleground for Huns, Goths, Eastern Romans and Lombards, many sought refuge
ヴェネツィアをその後1,000年にわたって支配した 117代の最初のドージェである
among the lagoons.
約200年間は 勢力を回復した東ローマ帝国が イタリアの殆どを支配していた
In 726, these refugees elected Orso to be their duke, or doge - the first in an unbroken
751年 帝国のラヴェンナ総督府が ロンバルドに滅ぼされた
line of 117 Doges who’d rule Venice for a thousand years.
For nearly 200 years, much of Italy was ruled by a resurgent Eastern Roman, or Byzantine
教皇の要請を受けたシャルルマーニュのフランク王国が イタリアに侵攻しロンバルドを破った
Its Italian province, known as ‘the Exarchate of Ravenna’, fell to the Lombards in 751.
シャルルマーニュの息子イタリア王ピピンは ヴェニス攻撃時に沼地で病にかかり死んだと言われる
Only Venice held out, protected by its lagoons.
その後数十年 ヴェニスはビザンティン帝国から 独立した勢力であり続けた
Answering the pope’s call for aid, Charlemagne and the Franks came to Italy and crushed the
その立地によりヨーロッパと東方を結ぶ 交易拠点として発展したのである
Lombards – but they also failed to take Venice.
ヴェニスの商人はイタリアの麦とワインを コンスタンティノープルで売り出し―
Charlemagne’s son Pepin, King of Italy, was said to have died from a fever caught
in the marshes that surrounded Venice, as he tried to attack the city.
In the following decades, Venice asserted its independence from the Byzantine empire…
And thanks to its location, flourished as a trading hub between Europe and the East.
Venetian merchants sold Italian grain and wine to the great city of Constantinople,
ヴェニスでは塩こそが「我が国の真の礎」 il vero fondamento del nostro stato なのである
where they bought spices and silk to sell to Western Europe.
828年 2人のヴェニス商人がアレクサンドリアから 聖マルコの遺体とされるものを密輸して帰り―
Above all, Venice’s early success came from the trade of salt – the vital food preservative
of the medieval world, harvested from salt pans and lagoons.
The Venetians went so far as to describe salt as ‘il vero fondamento del nostro stato’
最初の建物は976年に焼失し 1094年に再建された聖堂が現在も残っている
– the true foundation of our state.
In 828, two Venetian merchants visiting Alexandria smuggled the supposed body of St.Mark back
彼の象徴である有翼のライオンは 共和国の象徴となり軍旗にも採用された
to Venice, to boost the standing of their home city. The saint’s relics were interred
ヴェニスの東方への交易ルート上には バルカンと北アフリカ沿岸の海賊が跋扈していた
in the city’s great new church – the Basilica di San Marco. The first basilica was destroyed
そのためヴェニスは海賊退治と アドリア海沿岸の主要港警備のために海軍を組織した
by fire in 976. Today’s cathedral, consecrated in 1094, stands on the same site.
1000年頃には ヴェニスのドージェは ダルマチア公とも称していた
St.Mark became the city’s patron saint; his emblem, the winged lion, became the symbol
of the Republic - and decorated its standard.
最大150の櫂と 巨大な三角帆を前後に有している
Venetian trade routes to the east were plagued by pirates from the Balkan and North African
またガレー船は香辛料 絹 宝石など 高価な貨物の輸送にも使われた
So Venice built a navy to drive them from the seas, and garrisoned strategic harbours
1103年 有名なアルセナーレの建設が始まった
and islands along the Adriatic shore.
巨大な国立造船所で その後ヨーロッパ最大の工業地帯となった
By the year 1000, Doges of Venice were also styling themselves ‘Dukes of Dalmatia’.
2,000人の工員が働き 年100隻を竣工させた
The distinctive Venetian warship was the galley, powered by up to 150 oars, and triangular
アルセナーレは多くの最新技術を生み出し ヴェニスの海軍力を数世紀に渡って支えた
‘lateen’ sails, rigged fore-and-aft. Weapons included a battering ram, and around 30 crossbowmen.
強大な海軍と ビザンティン皇帝と結んだ 有利な交易協定により―
Galleys were also used to transport high-value cargo, such as spices, silks or precious stones.
In 1103, construction began of Venice’s famous Arsenale - a giant state-owned shipyard
しかしヴェニスは その巧みな交渉術と 利己主義姿勢でも大きな力を発揮した
that would become one of Europe’s largest industrial centres, employing around 2,000
十字軍時代 ヴェニスは十字軍国家と 密接な協力関係にあり 交易もしていた
workmen, and turning out hundreds of ships a year.
1202年 第4回十字軍がエジプト行きの船を 求めてヴェニスにやって来た
The Arsenale pioneered many modern industrial techniques, and underpinned Venetian naval
power for centuries.
Armed with a powerful navy, and lucrative trading concessions from the Byzantine Emperor,
Venice rose to become the greatest commercial and naval power in the Eastern Mediterranean.
そしてビザンティン帝国との関係が悪化すると コンスタンティノープル攻撃に動いた
But Venetian power also came through shrewd negotiation and self-interest.
1204年 世界最大のキリスト教都市が キリストの戦士を自称する集団に蹂躙された
This was the age of the Crusades, and Venice was closely-involved with Crusader states
as allies and trading partners.
コンスタンティノープルの競馬場から 奪われた4頭の馬の青銅像もその一部である
In 1202, the Fourth Crusade arrived in Venice seeking ships to take them to Egypt, but with
no money to pay for them.
本物の像は1973年 保存のため屋内に移され 現在外にあるのはレプリカである
Doge Enrico Dandolo sensed an opportunity.
エンリコと十字軍は ビザンティン帝国を分割した
In exchange for loans, he first persuaded the crusaders to capture Zadar for Venice…
ヴェニスはクレタ島を始めとする エーゲ海の島々を獲得した
then, relations having soured between Venice and the Byzantines, to attack Constantinople
モドーネとコローネの港は戦略的要衝で その後「共和国の眼」と呼ばれた
In 1204 the world’s greatest Christian city was sacked and plundered by self-proclaimed
しかし イタリアのもう一つの海洋共和国 ジェノヴァとの対立が激化した
warriors of Christ.
両都市国家は100年以上に渡り 東地中海の覇権を巡って争った
Venice took its share of the loot, including, most famously, four bronze horses from the
レヴァント シチリア エーゲ海 黒海 アドリア海が戦場となった
Hippodrome of Constantine… which found a new home on the façade of St.Mark’s Basilica
この戦争の最中 ヴェニスの船長 マルコ・ポーロが捕虜となった
in the centre of Venice.
そしてジェノヴァで収監中に 支那の旅行記を著した
Doge Enrico and the Crusaders carved up the Byzantine Empire between them: Venice got
the islands of the Aegean… Crete… and the strategically-placed ports of Modone and
ジェノヴァはハプスブルクのオーストリア公 ハンガリー王 パドヴァと同盟した
Corone, known henceforth as ‘the eyes of the Republic’.
ヴェニスはビザンティン帝国 キプロス ミラノの後ろ盾を得た
Empire brought Venice unprecedented wealth and power – but fuelled a bitter rivalry
戦況は一進一退だったが1379年 ヴェニスは陸海から攻撃を受ける
with another Italian maritime republic: Genoa.
ジェノヴァ軍はヴェニスからわずか15マイル南の キオッジアを占領した
For more than a century, these two Italian city-states vied for supremacy in the Eastern
しかしヴェニスは初の火砲搭載ガレー船も動員して 戦況を覆し ジェノヴァ艦隊を包囲の末降伏させた
Mediterranean, their wars ranging from the Levant, to Sicily, the Aegean, Black Sea and
1381年 トリノの和約が結ばれ戦争は終わった
ジェノヴァと同様に戦争で疲弊したヴェニスは 大幅な譲歩を余儀なくされた
During these wars a Venetian captain named Marco Polo was taken prisoner… and used
しかしジェノヴァが国内で政治的混乱に陥る反面 ヴェニスは目覚ましい復興を遂げた
his time in a Genoese jail to dictate an account of his travels in China.
当時共和国を動かしていた独特の政治機構に 依るところが大きかった
The rivalry became a regional conflict: Genoa making alliances with the Hapsburg Duke of
最も奇跡に近い都市ヴェニス、 その名声は財力よりも更に高く、
Austria, the King of Hungary, and Padua; Venice with a revived Byzantine Empire, Cyprus and
The fortunes of war ebbed and flowed, until in 1379 Venice came under attack from land
and sea, with a Genoese force occupying Chioggia, just 15 miles south of the city.
But Venice miraculously turned the tables, using galleys, armed with gunpowder artillery
イタリアの都市国家は古代の政治体制に 先祖返りしていた
for the first time, to trap and capture the Genoese fleet.
The wars finally ended in 1381 with the Peace of Turin.
Venice had to make significant concessions, and like Genoa, had been exhausted by war.
しかしその最盛期 最も高貴な共和国ヴェニスは 貴族の手に支配されていた
But while Genoa soon fell victim to internal feuding, Venice would stage an astonishing
貴族名簿「ゴールデンブック」に登録された者のみが 大評議会に入ることができた
recovery – thanks, in large part, to the unique system of government by which the Republic
was now ruled.
大評議会は経済を管理する四十人委員会 (クアランティア)の委員と―
The most miraculous city of Venice, rich in gold but richer in fame, strong in power but
立法機関である元老院議員 200~300人を任命する
stronger in virtue, built on both solid marble and the harmony of its citizens. Petrarch
While Western Europe was dominated by kings who claimed to rule by divine right, several
政府の頂点は変わらずドージェだが 徐々に権限が減っていき―
Italian city-states harked back to classical forms of government – chiefly, the idea
1400年代には「酒屋の看板」程度の お飾りに過ぎなくなった
of the republic.
Res-publica, the thing of the people.
However at the height of its power, Venice’s republic, La Serenissima, as it was known,
シニョリーアはドージェと小評議会の6人 クアランティアの代表3人で構成される
was firmly in the hands of its nobility.
さらに特別顧問サーヴィの委員会が3つ加わり 全体でコレッジオとなる
Only those whose names were listed in the Golden Book – the city’s registry of nobility
一方 十人委員会には反乱防止のため 特別な権限が与えられていた
– could join the Great Council, which appointed all senior officials through a complex system
多くのチェックとバランス機能を備えた この政治システムは―
of voting and drawing lots.
They chose 40 of their members to form the Quarantia, who supervised economic affairs,
and two to three hundred to form the Senate, the main legislative body, attended in addition
by the Republic’s admirals, generals and diplomats.
ヨーロッパでは ヴェニスの政体は 三種の古典的政治体制の複合体であり―
The elected head of government remained the Doge. His powers had been steadily diminished
民主政 寡頭政 王政が完璧に釣り合って 社会を調和安定させているという認識が広まった
until by the 1400s, he was no more, Venetians joked, than ‘a tavern sign’ – a decorative
この「ヴェニス神話」に囚われると 多発した クーデターや腐敗の横行 社会不安を見逃してしまう
symbol of power – though he continued to wield huge influence.
しかしヴェニスは中世とルネッサンス時代において 稀有な業績を残した
The Republic’s day-to-day government was the Signoria, made up of the Doge, the six
members of his Minor Council, and three representatives of the Quarantia. They could be joined by
高貴な共和国にはもう一つ 際立って現代的な特徴がある
three boards of special advisors known as the Savi, or ‘wise men’… to form the
Full College.
有能な大使が大陸中の首都や宮廷から ヴェニスに暗号で情報を送り届けた
The Council of Ten, meanwhile, had a special remit to sniff out subversion.
ヴェニスは 来るべきイタリア諸国との戦争や 新たな敵との対決に備えてあらゆる策を講じていた
It was a system that eventually acquired so many checks and balances that change – for
アレクサンドロス大王の名言入りTシャツと パーカーを限定販売します
good or ill – seemed both unimaginable, and undesirable.
アッリアーノスによるオピス演説を ぜひ御覧ください
“The constitution of Venice… an insuperable monument of wisdom and efficiency.”
Gasparo Contarini.
Over time, an idea developed across Europe that Venice’s constitution contained the
three classical forms of government - democracy, oligarchy, and monarchy - in perfect balance,
and so ensured social harmony and stability.
‘The myth of Venice’, as this became known, overlooked the Republic’s healthy tradition
of attempted coups, rampant corruption and social tension.
But the Venetians did achieve something rare in the medieval and Renaissance world: a durable,
stable and effective government.
The Serene Republic had one further, strikingly modern feature: the best diplomats in Europe:
skilled ambassadors in every capital and court, sending information back to Venice in secret
code from across the continent.
Venice would need every advantage, for the years ahead would be dominated by bitter wars
with her Italian neighbours, and new challenges to her empire…
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