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  • (bright music)

  • - Hi, I'm Cynthia.

  • And welcome to my recently renovated,

  • but still a work in progress, Brooklyn townhouse.

  • Let's go.

  • (bright music)

  • So before we go inside, I have to talk about our vestibule.

  • When we got this place, it was super dark,

  • and we wanted folks to get a sense

  • of who they were meeting when they came into the house.

  • And so we went with this super bright and colorful wallpaper

  • and it immediately made the space

  • feel like so alive, so bright.

  • Also, I love the tile.

  • We initially wanted to do an all Moroccan tile.

  • But what happened is we found a really lovely tile shop.

  • And so we went around and we picked up

  • a bunch of random tiles and we put together this mosaic,

  • still one of my favorite things we've done in this space.

  • (bright music)

  • This is our main living, sitting area.

  • We wanted to create a space that was both intimate,

  • but also a little bit more formal

  • than the other spaces we have in the house.

  • I think one of the best decisions we made

  • was actually getting a sectional.

  • So this sectional is from CB2.

  • It actually comes in a much longer version

  • for people who have more space, but this is New York,

  • so this is about as much space as we could fit in here.

  • Another thing I love is this Arhaus coffee table.

  • Literally, I think everyone we've shown this table to

  • has asked us "Where'd you get this table? Where is it from?"

  • Everybody wants to know the story.

  • I am quite honestly not someone

  • who's ever purchased any leather furniture before.

  • I don't know why. It just never seemed to be quite my style.

  • But I really love this chair.

  • It looks like with every week that we have it,

  • just the way it ages is beautiful.

  • It's also from Arhaus and it is super comfortable.

  • Okay, so this home, a hundred plus years old,

  • we purchased it and it had just lotsa lotsa issues.

  • And this fireplace had actually been painted over.

  • You couldn't see the marble anymore.

  • Someone asked me like, "Who would paint over marble?"

  • I don't know, but someone apparently thought

  • that was a great idea.

  • Thankfully, we were able to get it back to its glory.

  • And honestly felt like the best thing to do with this

  • was to complement it with a beautiful mirror.

  • And I love this mirror on here,

  • this like gilded, this antique gilded.

  • My advice is if you ever wanna get a mirror,

  • just go for one that's as tall as possible.

  • It really just adds height to your space.

  • Everything just looks grander.

  • And we need that a lot in New York City

  • where, you know, our spaces are smaller.

  • So the last thing I have to talk about in this space

  • is my lovely Birds of Paradise.

  • It's amazing what happens once you start getting plants.

  • I never thought I would be able to keep a plant.

  • I didn't think I had a green thumb,

  • but we have great natural light right here where she is,

  • so adore, adore, adore.

  • (bright music)

  • So now we are in the kitchen.

  • This is actually the space

  • that gets the most used in this house.

  • Two of the decisions I'm really, really happy we made,

  • firstly, I'm really happy we went with open shelving.

  • It never feels too crowded in here.

  • It makes a small kitchen feel even bigger.

  • And I think by taking the quartz, which I'm gonna say,

  • I'm really happy we went with quartz.

  • This one has that look and feel of marble,

  • but you're not gonna get the stress of marble.

  • So yeah, we went all the way to the very top with it

  • because we wanted to make the space feel just continuous

  • and really like tall.

  • Another thing I also love that we did

  • is we went with a slightly larger, a 36 range.

  • This is from Fisher Paykel.

  • If you're someone like me who loves to cook,

  • it's really nice to have that extra space on the range.

  • We love color, and we're always looking for ways

  • to bring color into our space.

  • And so we thought, why not have fun

  • and go with playful pendants in the kitchen.

  • And these also, you could find on Etsy,

  • which is, you know, a great place to find stuff.

  • So when we got this place,

  • this was actually a bedroom with a bathroom.

  • The good thing with having the bathroom right there

  • was pipes already in,

  • so plumbing for the kitchen was going to be easy.

  • But the other thing we did

  • was there was this big, massive wall.

  • And if you know anything about Brooklyn townhomes

  • is they tend to be quite dark.

  • And so one of the things you have to do

  • when you're thinking about a renovation

  • is how do I make it not feel narrow

  • and how do I make it feel light and bright.

  • And so by taking down the wall completely,

  • we were able to bring in so much light in here

  • that oftentimes people commend

  • and they think it is a much bigger space.

  • (gentle music)

  • So here's our dining space.

  • In some ways, I feel like if you really wanted

  • to get a sense of who I am,

  • this is the space where you would find out,

  • reason being there's all these books in our built-in.

  • And a lot of those books are around travel, food,

  • things that I really love, places I really love.

  • It was really important to me

  • to have a space to showcase things

  • that we either purchased when we traveled

  • or books that we loved.

  • And so we created this arched bookshelf,

  • which has turned out to be

  • the highlight of the entire space.

  • Not only do we get to display things

  • that we get when we travel,

  • but I also have some great local finds.

  • For example, this, this is just beautiful.

  • It's by Franca here in Brooklyn.

  • Also, we got this planter, which is just the cutest.

  • It's in the shape of a baseball hat.

  • This is also local Bed-Stuy made, Black female designer.

  • This is RAINI HOME.

  • They have a lovely little shop here in Brooklyn.

  • So for anyone who's looking for original pieces,

  • stuff you won't find just about anywhere,

  • you should check out RAINI.

  • Also had to get this wood table.

  • I've been eyeing this for such a long time.

  • This is from West Elm.

  • It's all reclaimed wood. It's just beautiful.

  • Also, I wanted a bench

  • that's a little longer than the table,

  • because what happens is you can squeeze in

  • a few more people when you do that.

  • Another thing that has really brought our space together

  • has been the lighting,

  • and it just adds a little sparkle to your space.

  • So probably 75% of our lighting is Kalco.

  • They just make such standout, unique stuff.

  • It's like every time people walk in, they're like,

  • "Where did you get that from? Where's your lighting from?"

  • It's like the jewelry, it's like earrings, you know.

  • It's maybe not needed, but then you put it on

  • and you feel dressed up all of a sudden.

  • Now that we're done with the parlor level,

  • how about we head on upstairs?

  • (bright music)

  • Here we are in the twins' room.

  • And you could see the theme kind of continues again,

  • quite a lot of black and white,

  • black and white bedding, black and white rug.

  • To make it a little bit more fun and childlike,

  • we did add these stickers.

  • You will notice another pattern when you talk to me

  • is that I get a lot of stuff from Etsy.

  • And these wall stickers were from Etsy.

  • We did a little black and white wall collage

  • of their photos.

  • We are those parents.

  • We are a little bit obsessed with them.

  • I guess that's the season we're in,

  • so we had a lot of cool photos that we have of them.

  • Very quickly, we started receiving a lot of books for them,

  • and then we started buying a lot of books.

  • And we knew that we needed to have a place to put them.

  • And so we got these ledges from Ikea,

  • then they're just excellent.

  • It's actually two pieces together to make it longer.

  • You know, we'll probably, as their book collection grows,

  • it'll just keep expanding.

  • Also, I'm originally from Cameroon

  • so French was my first learned language.

  • It's kind of hard when your spouse doesn't speak a language

  • to make it the language of the house.

  • But we did start getting them some books in French as well,

  • because I hope they'll get into speaking French with me.

  • And then we could gossip

  • without dad knowing what we're talking about.

  • (gentle music)

  • So this is our bedroom.

  • This space, honestly, is exactly how I wanted it to be.

  • When I thought about like,

  • "Okay, so what would we want in a bedroom?"

  • I just wanted a place that felt relaxed,

  • super not fussy, minimal, just not too much.

  • I think I had this bed on my Pinterest board

  • for such a long time,

  • just waiting for the perfect time and place to get it.

  • Once I saw this bed, it kind of set the tone

  • for what I wanted the room to look and feel like.

  • Another thing that's key with me

  • is I only like white bedding,

  • all white bedding all the time.

  • I feel like it just makes you feel clean.

  • It's almost like when you go to a really nice hotel

  • and there's like crisp white bedding.

  • I upholstered this bench myself.

  • I actually got this Kelly Wearstler fabric

  • from Decorators Fabric, which is really great.

  • There's all these places where you can get fabrics you love.

  • And I got what is pretty much like a staple,

  • like bench, like very basic from Amazon.

  • And then I was able to personalize it

  • by putting the fabric of my choice on it.

  • But yeah, I think it's fun to do things like that,

  • ways to personalize your space

  • and just make it feel like yours.

  • So here we are in our bathroom.

  • And I'm really happy

  • that we had The Brownstone Boys on this project with us

  • because they introduced us to Ethan.

  • He goes by The BUILD with ETHAN,

  • and he created these custom builds for us.

  • We were able to get all the storage that we needed

  • as well as his and hers sinks.

  • Another little thing that we did

  • is we played a little bit with tile in here.

  • We did a herringbone on our backsplash,

  • but then on the other side, in our actual shower,

  • we wanted a really colorful, fun tile,

  • so we went with like an aquamarine blue.

  • It's just interesting.

  • It makes the space fun to look at because everywhere

  • something's just a little bit different,

  • a little bit unexpected,

  • and we just wanted to have fun with it.

  • So this is really where I have to say

  • thank you to my husband

  • for allowing me to just take up all this space

  • with all these things that I absolutely love and adore.

  • I really just wanted for a long time

  • to have a space to actually showcase

  • like things that I've acquired over time.

  • It's also where I have my jewelry.

  • It's nice to be able to organize them finally.

  • A lot of shoes, you see a lot of sandals and a lot of boots.

  • Also, of course, I have some of my bags.

  • This is the collection I've had for a pretty long while.

  • I haven't added anything to it.

  • I actually really love these bags.

  • And so I think sometimes

  • when you get something that you really love

  • and you're gonna hold on to it for a really long time,

  • then it's worth it.

  • I'm also a little bit of a skincare junkie.

  • And so you will see,

  • like I have a lot of all my serums and all this stuff

  • that's supposed to keep my skin looking good.

  • So while this is a little indulgent

  • and a little bit of my happy place,

  • it actually also happens to be my workspace.

  • Now, for anyone who's, you know,

  • follows me on social or on Instagram,

  • I shoot a lot of my content in here,

  • whether I'm talking about skincare,

  • whether I'm doing outfit reels,

  • I do a lot of that in here.

  • So it's my getting ready space. It's a workspace.

  • It's a chill space. It's a lot of things.

  • It's like a fun multipurpose space.

  • So now you've gotten to see a lot of our indoor space,

  • so let me take you outside.

  • (gentle music)

  • Here we are in our little outdoor oasis.

  • This was definitely a highlight for us

  • because previously we didn't have any outdoor space.

  • And it's really great to have somewhere

  • to hang out with friends, to entertain,

  • to hang out with family.

  • One of the things we wanted to do

  • was make this space a little bit more fun.

  • And so we went with this like blue and white tile,

  • reminiscent of our travels,

  • kind of like reminiscent of Morocco, reminiscent of Greece.

  • Thanks so much for coming with me

  • on this tour of our humble little abode here in Brooklyn.

  • On Instagram, I am SimplyCyn,

  • or you could check me out on my blog,

(bright music)


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Tour this Renovated 100-Year-Old Brooklyn Brownstone I At Home with Cynthia Andrew I Harper’s BAZAAR

  • 3 0
    Summer に公開 2021 年 09 月 23 日