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  • - Hey guys, I'm Brenda Song,

  • and tonight let's go through my nighttime routine

  • and get ready ready in bed with me.

  • (beep) Let's get ready with bed. Wow!

  • (beep) And get ready for bed with me.

  • (upbeat music)

  • So I'm going to warn you guys,

  • I am a huge skincare junkie.

  • Number one, my mom's always love skincare,

  • so I've had one since I was really young,

  • but I think also growing up on sets,

  • I always had tons of makeup on.

  • So I've always had to be really diligent about my skincare

  • because one, I have very sensitive and acne prone skin.

  • I mean, I'm an adult and I still struggle with acne today.

  • So let's do this.

  • First thing to do of course, is cleanse.

  • I will say this, I have never gone to bed without

  • cleansing my skin.

  • I can truly say that.

  • No matter how tired I am,

  • no matter how crazy of a night I've had,

  • I will always wash my face,

  • and I double cleanse always.

  • So, my first step is this Tatcha Camellia Oil.

  • I've been using this for years.

  • It's one of the very few things that can get

  • all this makeup off, so let's do this. (cap opens)

  • You're supposed to put it onto dry skin,

  • and it's really weird.

  • I'm still not used to it, it still feels really bizarre,

  • but here we go.

  • Oh, I have always struggled with my skin,

  • and I feel like it took all of my twenties

  • to sort of figure out what worked for me,

  • and I finally felt like I got to a really good place.

  • And then I got pregnant (Brenda chuckles).

  • And everything changes when you're pregnant.

  • You realize, and you find out that you can't use anything.

  • Everything is bad for your face apparently.

  • All right. (Brenda groans)

  • And this is a new thing that I've been using,

  • it's like when it gives that little face things,

  • this is like the Face Halo.

  • My makeup artist on set told me I needed to stop

  • scrubbing on my face so much.

  • So once I have this cleanser on,

  • I just (water squeezes out) wet this guy.

  • This is what I like, take off, all this makeup with.

  • And I think you're only supposed to use water with this,

  • but I use it with my cleanser.

  • Hey, whatever works, right?

  • All right, next step.

  • I go in with another cleanser.

  • This is also a Tatcha one.

  • I discovered Tatcha when I was pregnant,

  • because you can use virtually everything in their line

  • when you're pregnant,

  • because they have very clean ingredients,

  • nothing too harmful.

  • And it didn't agitate my skin, which was a huge deal,

  • because (lid closes) yeah,

  • I break out when I use everything.

  • All right, double cleanse.

  • This is my favorite step because I feel like

  • as much as I love wearing makeup and I love getting ready,

  • there is nothing like taking it all off.

  • Look, I did that first cleanse and there's still makeup

  • on my face.

  • Gotta double cleanse people, gotta double cleanse.

  • (water runs)

  • All right.

  • I don't know about you guys,

  • but I am a person that when I wash my face,

  • I get water everywhere.

  • Is that just me?

  • Probably, I'm very clumsy.

  • And these are something I also discovered during,

  • because I have a son,

  • these little muslin cloths that I use for his bath.

  • (Brenda chuckles)

  • They're good enough for my son's butt,

  • but they should be good enough for my face.

  • Now again, because I wear so much makeup like, on set,

  • I have to tone after this to just take off everything.

  • And one of the things that I like actually love are,

  • it's like a, it's my little splurge,

  • because I feel like cotton pads are just cotton pads.

  • But I found these like Shiseido ones that are like,

  • fluffy little clouds that make this step really wonderful.

  • And I think when it comes to skincare,

  • it's all about taking care of yourself, (lid drops)

  • taking the time out of your day,

  • to just like spend 15 minutes, 20 minutes, whatever,

  • five minutes, just taking care of yourself.

  • So I think that's really, really important.

  • You really forget, especially in these first few months

  • of taking care of another human,

  • it's all about them, as it should be.

  • But you have to realize that if you don't take care

  • of yourself and be good to yourself,

  • you can't be good to your baby, your partner,

  • your family, whoever.

  • So yeah, look, guys, I double cleansed and I'm toning,

  • and there's still make up on here.

  • So much makeup!

  • Next step is I love this La Mer Treatment Lotion,

  • it's like water.

  • I felt when I first used this,

  • everyone recommended it to me,

  • and it felt like I was just putting,

  • I was like, I'm putting expensive water on my face.

  • Is it doing anything?

  • Guys? It does. It does.

  • If anything, whether it's placebo,

  • it just makes me feel,

  • oh, and it also smells amazing.

  • (Brenda takes deep breath)

  • It just makes me feel like I'm putting really expensive

  • spa water on my face.

  • And I will say afterwards, my skin feels so much softer.

  • Oh, we have a bogey, a mess guys, a mess,

  • but yeah, I love this.

  • So it was just, you just it into your skin,

  • and sort of let it soak in.

  • And when I used to do my nights,

  • my nighttime skin routine,

  • I used to always take this time to like listen to a book

  • or like listen to a podcast.

  • I'm very big on like multitasking,

  • but nowadays it's just the white noise (Brenda chuckles)

  • from a baby monitor.

  • It's calming now,

  • it's calming knowing that my child is asleep.

  • Next step, is serum.

  • And I will say this about like my skin care in general,

  • I actually have a ton of different products.

  • And I sort of just use what my skin needs

  • like in this moment, like tonight.

  • And I also feel like I had to switch it up,

  • because I feel like my skin gets used to certain products

  • and it like kind of stops working.

  • So I kind of switch it out every couple of months,

  • to just, again, this could be all placebo.

  • I don't know what I'm talking about.

  • I just love products.

  • This is another find that I found because of

  • a castmate of mine, Shay Mitchell,

  • she loves this Active Serum,

  • and she has the most beautiful skin.

  • So of course I had to try it.

  • And of course she was right, it's wonderful.

  • It's again, like water, so just use a few drops.

  • And I just like press it into my skin,

  • and the thing about this serum,

  • and I feel like because of this,

  • I feel like it's working,

  • your face kind of stings when it like hits your face.

  • So it has to be doing something, right?

  • For about three times a week, I like to use retinol.

  • And this is something that I just started doing

  • like a couple of years ago, (lid opens) because I'm 33 guys.

  • The struggle is real.

  • So I started using retinol,

  • and I started with this brand called Obagi.

  • For me, it's all about exfoliating constantly,

  • and like resurfacing because I gab,

  • I have a lot of melanin in my skin.

  • So even if I have a pimple and I don't touch it,

  • I don't pick it.

  • I don't do anything.

  • It will scar.

  • It will leave a mark.

  • I actually, when I was pregnant,

  • I was really, really worried about melasma.

  • So I did not go outside basically my entire pregnancy,

  • because I was so scared that-

  • My poor garden.

  • Like it missed me so much, because I refused to go outside.

  • I had like the biggest hat on, I would have an umbrella.

  • Because I was so scared of melasma, and you know what?

  • I don't have any because I stayed inside,

  • and I used tons of sunscreen,

  • tons and tons of sunscreen.

  • My next step. (Brenda laughs)

  • I go to eye cream.

  • And again, I have a couple of different that I love,

  • but right now, because the weather is changing,

  • and it's getting colder out,

  • my skin is a little more dehydrated.

  • So I've been loving this Hourglass Equilibrium.

  • I didn't even know they did skincare, but I love this.

  • It's like a balm.

  • So it's not like a cream, but it's really hydrating,

  • but it doesn't clog my pores,

  • or like irritates my skin at all.

  • Of course its the pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat.

  • (Brenda sighs)

  • I realized that also halfway through like my twenties,

  • I was doing my skincare all wrong.

  • I was like, I wasn't patting enough.

  • I wasn't like, going upwards enough.

  • I was like, it's all about the upwards motion,

  • the wash on, like all the rollers.

  • I did that more during the day,

  • and also now just because I don't have time.

  • So yeah, so now it's like hands, hands, hands, hands,

  • pressing upwards.

  • No wrinkles, uplifting, uplifting.

  • Next, and almost my final step.

  • We're almost there guys, we're almost there.

  • Thank you for sticking with me.

  • Is my moisturizer.

  • And I alternate between an oil or like a thicker cream.

  • But again, because I'm a little drier right now,

  • and I've been using this for years.

  • It's also by Revive, it's called the

  • Moisturizing Renewal Cream Supreme.

  • It's just so luxurious.

  • It smells wonderful, and I wake up the next day and my skin

  • just feels so hydrated and so plump.

  • I always just take like a pea size amount of everything

  • and upwards, upwards, guys, upwards, upwards.

  • I feel like my mom's gonna watch this and be like,

  • 'You did everything wrong'. (Brenda laughs)

  • I'm trying mom, I'm trying.

  • No, my mom is so great.

  • She loves skincare, so she's one of the like,

  • I've had a skincare routine since I was like 10,

  • just like going, 'Oh, you know, like learning how to like

  • cleanse and moisturize my skin',

  • nothing big, but it was something we would do together.

  • Like we would, at the end of the night,

  • while she was getting ready,

  • like I would be like on my dad's sink,

  • like doing it with her,

  • and just kinda became our thing.

  • And it's still our thing.

  • So moisturize, I have to do lips.

  • I love this 24 Camellia Lip Balm by like Tatcha.

  • I don't know, any old lip balm would do,

  • but I need all the moisture.

  • Also, usually I have a big water bottle here because

  • I'm always trying to drink water.

  • That's like a huge thing for my skin,

  • is just to stay hydrated,

  • drink lots and lots and lots of water.

  • And when you think you've had enough, drink some more.

  • And one of the things that I, because I'm breaking out,

  • I have found this thing last couple of years,

  • little pimple patches, where they're like little stickers.

  • Like I have a couple right here.

  • So, they're like these little stickers that have

  • like salicylic acid, you pop them on.

  • But I just found these, they're the same brand.

  • They're by Starface, they're Sesame Street.

  • How cute are these?

  • And it's so funny, because as I've been using these,

  • my son loves Sesame Street.

  • So he was staring at my face one night.

  • I was like, 'Oh my gosh, he like recognizes me.

  • He loves me so much'.

  • And he kept reaching for my face.

  • It was like 'Kissy, kissy',

  • and my boyfriend came in and he realized, he's like,

  • 'Honey, he's doing that because you have Elmo on your face'.

  • (Brenda chuckles)

  • I was very sad.

  • So there goes my little star, on a little pimple.

  • I think it's really fun to go to bed

  • with a bunch of stickers on your face.

  • It's a great way to celebrate your pimple.

  • Normally, what I would do next,

  • is put my hair up or braid it,

  • but I'd usually moisturize my body,

  • have a nice like a cup of warm tea,

  • and like getting into bed as early as possible

  • because I realize now my skin really reflects

  • how much sleep I'm getting.

  • And guys, that is my nighttime skin routine.

  • Thank you so much for watching,

  • and make sure to check out Dollface,

  • coming February 2022, only on Hulu.

  • (upbeat music)

- Hey guys, I'm Brenda Song,


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Brenda Song’s Post-Pregnancy Skincare Routine I Go To Bed With Me I Harper’s BAZAAR

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    Summer に公開 2021 年 11 月 19 日