字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント The bags are packed and we're heading to what will be a dream hike at the very height of of fall near Mt Fuji. 紅葉を迎えた 富士山に向かいます In seven years living in Japan, this may be the most amazing thing I've seen yet. 過去7年で 最高の秋の予感です It's not just hyperbole, get ready to experience Japan at it's finest on this episode of Life in Japan. 一緒に日本の秋を 味わいましょう Yeah! Yahoo! 最高! All right! Let's do this! Let's do this. 楽しみだね! [Life in Japan Theme Song] 河口湖近くで登山をします We've come out near Lake Kawaguchi to climb a nearby mountain peak at the height of fall. 富士五湖の一つで 景色と紅葉の美しさで有名です Lake Kawaguchi is one of 5 main lakes around Mt Fuji, famous for its' fall colors and views. すごい! Look at this! 秋の色だね Fall colors galore. 期待通りの晴天です We waited for the best weather, and we sure got it. あの山頂がゴールだね There it is, our peak right in front of us, huh? 今回の登山は 期待以上でした We were super excited to hike, but had no idea how awesome it really was going to be. いいね! Oh that's nice! ‐ 散歩道もあるね ‐ 最高だね We've got some nice little walkways here. Yes, they do. This is awesome here. - この辺りは初めて - 河口湖はいいね I've never been over here. Kawaguchiko, I'm your fan. トンネルだ! Enjoy it while you can. 富士山はこっち側だね It's gonna be off this way. Oh, yeah. 事前に調べた 駐車場に車を置き In researching for this trip, we found an ideal parking lot on the other side of the mountain, 富士山に面した 10キロのコースを登り and from there we would hike a 10k loop, up to the main ridge facing Mt Fuji, 黒岳に登り climbing to Kurodake, the tallest peak along the ridge, 折り返して 眺望が楽しめる山頂へ行きます and then swinging back around to a peak that promised 360 degree views of the whole area. すごい! Look at that! Oh yes. ‐ ヘリコプターだ ‐ こんなところに? Oh dude, look at that helicopter. A helicopter up here. What?! ヘリコプターで富士山を 反対側から見たいね That would be a cool place to take off and then you go and see Mt Fuji on the other side of this mountain. 駐車場です Here we are. We made it to the parking lot. 最高の天気! Yes! It is a beautiful [day]. 山頂までドライブする? Oh dude, let's just drive to the top. Ha, yeah. What is that? 到着です There it is. 現在地は赤い印 Alright, so we are parked at the top at that red place. 山頂まで登って 左側を下る And so the peak we can go right to the top and then we come back down the left side. 赤い道を下る And down that red trail. Right? そう Yeah. 出発します かなり寒いです Well we've hit our trail head here and we're about to take off and it's chilly. 気温は2度ですが 準備はできています It's only a couple degrees out so, we're ready for this though. 中間辺りのはず I think we are at the middle peak. Yeah. 美しい山道です Look at that path, it just beckons! It says "Common, let's go!" 出だしから 本当に美しいです Well, we've started and is it ever just perfect, gorgeous. トイレもあります 大事ですね And the toilet. That is important. 何時に出発した? So John, what time do we got here? What's the plan? 8時半に出発して まず黒岳を目指すよ Yeah, we got going a little after 8:30, now we're gonna head up. The first peak we're gonna get to is Kurodake. いいね Oh yeah. 河口湖と富士山の絶景が待ってるよ Beautiful views of Fuji looking over Lake Kawaguchi. 頑張るぞ! Oh yeah. Let's do it! There's the trail. 途中で道を変えて 遠回りをしました So we had a bit of a detour here because the path we were going to take had all kinds of signs on it. 地震で土砂崩れしたらしい Yeah, earthquake recently so there was a land slide. 気をつけましょう Yeah, so look out 一応通れますが 僕らは回り道しました Proceed at your own risk, it's dangerous so we were like, ah, I think we'll just take the street. すごい! Look at that. この駐車場を使えば良かった We've reached the top of the road, only to find there's a parking lot here. We could have parked here! すごい道! Look at this. This is going to be awesome. 僕らが目指す山頂です There's the peak we are going to head over to. 坂の向こうに 絶景が待ってます But, we gotta climb up here. We're going to get an awesome view in just a moment. 尾根に出ます We're reaching the ridge. 信じられない! What?! Look at that! 夢みたいだ! What in the world! 素晴らしい景色だ! Holy cow. How awesome is that. 感想は? Oh man. How about this? 奇跡みたいな場所だね God's country up here. This is God's country here. 湖も美しい The lake is gorgeous. トンネルに入る前に 運転した道だ Right down there, that's where we drove up before we went in the tunnel. 子供達とも来れるね And this is totally doable with the kids. It was right on that... 確かに This right here, yeah. It wasn't dangerous. さっきの橋だ 僕らがよく行く山中湖も見える That's the bridge we went over. これが有名な富士山 Oh yeah, and up there you can see Yamanakako where we like to go 秋一色です That mountain right there, that's called Mt Fuji. 最高です! The fall colors. 絶景はまだあります 次は北岳? Yes. その前に黒岳に行き This is just awesome. We've got another couple views, we're going to go to, is it Kitadake? その後に北岳 No, before that its Kurodake, for some great view there. 間違えた Then we are going to swing back around to Kitadake. No, no, no. まずは黒岳 その次に釈迦ヶ岳 First we are going to Kurodake, then Shakagadake 山頂に着いたので これから北岳に So, we've made it to the top here then we are going to Kitadake. 素晴らしい絶景です 次に目指すのは Ok, so we're up here with this amazing view. We are going to continue to hike up the ridge to. . . 黒岳! Kurodake! ‐ 黒岳の後は ‐ 釈迦ヶ岳 Then after Kurodake, its.. Shakagadake. 難しすぎて言えません Wow. I tried saying it a couple times and was like, forget it. 広角レンズです Wide angle. スターバックスとWi-Fiがあったら最高 If we just had some Starbucks and some wifi up here.. Hahaha. スターバックスはいいね! Put a Starbucks here and it will make a killin'. 黒岳まで1.8キロ There it is. 1.8 km to Mt. Kurodake. 尾根は風がすごいね Dude, let me tell you what. The wind is sure different on the ridge, huh? 手袋を着けるよ 帽子も必要かも I'm about ready to put gloves back on. And maybe the hat. 風が強くて寒いです Let me tell you what. This ridge is windy and it's chilly. 帽子と手袋が必要 I might need to put a hat back on and some gloves back on. しかし絶景です It sure is beautiful. 秋真っ盛りです Perfect fall colors right now. 秋の景色を満喫しています We're out enjoying some beautiful fall views. 富士山がこんなに近くに! In a little place near Mt Fuji. 息を呑む秋の絶景です This is just absolutely beautiful. You couldn't ask for a better fall day here. 秋の色は綺麗ですね 寒さも気になりません Beautiful fall colors. It's chilly, but perfect. ハイキング中の お喋りも楽しいです When you're on the trail you get to just have awesome conversations with the guys. 美しい景色が続きます Can look at the awesome scenery as you go. Its just super special. It's really cool. 迂回した道です There's the trail guys that we almost came up, and someone's coming up it! 警告サインです There's the sign we saw 川が氾濫して 危ないらしい The river was washed out. There's a little bit of a dangerous spot. 念のための迂回 We probably would have been ok, but we didn't know, so. 遠回りのおかげで 富士山が沢山見られた So we took a detour but... The detour gave us some amazing views of Fuji. 遠回りが正解 So yeah. It was well worth it. - 家族もいるし - ”黒部峡谷続編” は止めておこう We have wife and kids at home, so.. That's right. We don't need Kurobe part 2 here. 見て Look at this. There you go Ben. ‐ トレッキングポール ‐ なるほど Its a walking stick. Yeah, really huh? ジョン 長ズボンを履く? John, are you going to pull your pants back up now you think, or? 寒いだろ? It's a little chilly, huh? 僕は毛深いから大丈夫 I had to zip up the chest hair though. 僕は男気より 暖かさを優先します The man factor went down a little bit, but hey, staying warm now. 前を失礼するよ Awe dude. Sorry, as I jump in front of your view. 強風なので防寒着で正解でした The wind was fierce on the ridge making us glad we brought our warm clothes. 深まる絶景 But the views kept getting better and better. 黒岳を目指す私達を 壮大な絶景が待っていました In fact, the views we were about to get would be even more epic as we pushed to the summit of Kurodake. そこが黒岳の頂上? That right there is the top of Kurodake. I think so. 最高の景色だろうね Yes! And I think we are going to have an awesome view up there. もうひと頑張り I just gotta ganbaremasu a little more. 頑張って! A little more. Ganbate. ハレルヤでございます! Oh! Hallelujah-gozaimasu! 到着! We made it! ドローンが飛ばせそう Well, there's a place to launch the drone here. 黒岳の頂上です We've reached the summit of Kurodake. 何時? And, what time is it? 10:42? 10時42分? And now we are going to go, grab a bite to eat, and early lunch/snack and look out at Fuji. これから富士山を眺めながら 早めの昼食を取ります Maybe fly the drone a little bit before heading on the trail. ドローンを飛ばすかもしれません Oh, here we go. 行きましょう Common now. すごいな Beautiful. 綺麗です Wow. Wonderful. 素晴らしい I only brought 2 bottles of water. What??? 水2本しか持ってきてない Man, this is like a gorgeous view man. 最高な景色だな This is awesome. 確かに Gotta do a selfie. Yeah, this is the selfie location man. ‐ 自撮りしよう ‐ 自撮りスポットだね Those are the southern alps way over there. You see they have a little snow on them too. 南アルプスです 雪が積もってますね There's the whole ridge we hiked up there. さっき登った尾根です Looking over to Fuji and on down, wow. 富士山と麓の景色 Time for the giant lunch I brought up. お弁当の時間 The detour gave us beautiful views, but also set us back about an hour in our hike. 遠回りのため 1時間遅れています It was time for us to decide if we could still do the rest of the planned hike or not. この後の予定を決めます Thirty? So I don't think we'll have any problem getting back to the car by 3:00 or, even if we took our time, 4:00. 3時までに 遅くても4時までに 車に戻れると思う Rock and roll. いいね 4:00. But then we'd be home by 6:00. 6時までに帰れる So we had an awesome lunch here and I got to fly the drone and now we are going to Shatagadake. Did I get it? 昼食とドローンを楽しみました 次はシャタガダケ? Yeah? Shakagatake. ”釈迦ヶ岳” Ok we had a great lunch and now we are going to go to Shakada...hahahah. 昼食を終え これからシャカダに… ShakaGA.. Here, you guys say it. ‐ シャカ”ガ” ‐ 2人が言って Shakagatake. We are going to Shakagatake. シャカガタケ? It's the behind the scenes, bro. That's right. 釈迦ヶ岳に行きます Shatagadake. NGシーンだね No, did I say it wrong again? yeah. シャタガダケ Shakagatake. ‐ 違う? ‐ そう Yeah, its this way. That's the way we are going. シャタガタケ Trying to figure out. Yeah, that's where we are going. こっちだね Wow. That washed out sign. こっちであってる Another change for me to mess it up. I mean, get it right. この標識古いね As if this helps. また間違えそう Yeah really. Oh yeah, well seeing that I know exactly how to say it. 漢字がヒント Oh, that's how. 漢字が分かると思う? Our decision to push on and do the rest of the hike turned out to be a great one, ”なるほど” とはならないでしょ for even though we thought we had seen the greatest views, the best was yet to come. 最後まで登る事にして 正解でした The path there would not be easy though, especially after already hiking so much with all the weight in my backpack. 今日一番の絶景が 待っていました Doesn't help that I slightly overpacked. 重い荷物を担いで 登るにはきつい道でした I have enough food for probably 3 days in here. 荷物が多すぎました Enough water for 2 days. 3日は食べられます And enough cameras here to last the rest of the week. 水は2日分 Feeling good? カメラは1週間分 Oh yeah. Actually it's pretty flat. 気持ち良い How are those legs after that long descent? It felt good going down. Mine are shaking a little bit. 平坦だね You're shaking? After all the downhill, yeah. ‐ 下り坂は? ‐ 足が少し震える Yeah, me too. My legs are like, whoa. Not used to that. ‐ 震える? ‐ 下り坂で We are looking back to what we did and it is, it almost looks like a wall from this angle. Just straight down. 僕の足も下り坂で驚いてる It wasn't but it kinda felt like that on the body. 壁みたいな下り坂だ This is a, we're in a really beautiful area. This is incredible. Look at these leaves. 当然の反応だね I won't lie, it feels pretty good to go uphill a little bit. 美しい場所です 紅葉がすごいです Oh, Jesus, thank you. これ位の上り坂がいいね Look at this view here. 神様ありがとう! Hello! 絶景です! Oh man. 見事! Oh guys, why didn't we park here. すごいね My goodness. あそこに駐車すればよかった Shaka... Look it's spelled out in English here. もう遅い Mt Shakadake.... I still can't say it! シャカ... ローマ字だ! Mt. Shakagate. シャカダケ… ダメだ! Shakagatake シャカガテ Alright, from here to the car, it's 30 minutes down that trail. シャカガタケ Or we can keep going. Or we can keep going 1 hour to the top of.... ここから車まで30分 Shikaga... Shakagatake. 或いはあと1時間登って Shakaga.. ...Take. ‐ シカガ… ‐ 釈迦ヶ岳 Yeah, there you go. シャカガタケ Hey, don't make fun of me. You try saying it. Hahahaha 正解 We don't see much wildlife out here. Look at that. 笑わないで下さい 難しいです! Man. There's a bird. 動物は見ないね 1:00 on the ridge. 鳥がいる We are almost 1/2 way with only 100 more meters to go. 午後1時です For the last epic 360 degree view from... 半分登りました 残り100メートル Shakagatake. 最後の360度の眺望は Yeah! Woohoo! シャカガタケ Now that I can say it, I can see it. やった! It's the password to get up. 正解したので 実際に見に行きます! Meanwhile, back at home, the kids were also enjoying some time with friends thanks to momma chan. パスワードみたい You guys should do a funny dance to be on Life in Japan. 家では子供達が遊んでいます ママ ありがとう! Joshua, do a funny dance with Aiden. Ready? Life in Japanで 踊りを披露する? Its a good little hike to get up there. ジョシュア エイデンと踊って! Oh man, there's the mountain peak. And it looks pretty steep right next to it. 結構登るね I hope we saved enough gas for it. 山頂の前が急勾配です We got this. 力残ってるかな Sometimes you have to talk to your body. And say, you got this body. もう少し You got this legs. 自分の体に話しかけます 大丈夫って You're not tired yet. 頑張れ 足達 You got this. まだ行ける As we slogged on, the body was not happy and I started to wonder if we had indeed made the right decision. 大丈夫だ I do wish I would have brought my polls though. 体は悲鳴を上げています 決意が揺らぎます I think that would have made a big difference. トレッキングポールが 必要です What we discovered next didn't help. 楽になります Oh boy. 最終関門です Oh boy. まさか! Oh boy. Here it comes. まさか! It's about to get real guys. 難所です! Yeah baby. Climbing into the sunset, well, it's 1:30 right? ここからが本番 So it's not quite the sunset. 夕陽を目指して登る まだ1時半だけど Wow, cool huh? すごいね Is this the trail? Yep, I think so. ‐ これが道? ‐ 多分 Better be. 大変 On a video this just doesn't look as steep as it actually is. 動画だと急勾配が 分かりにくいかも But you need a rope so that should tell you something. ロープが必要です I like when you get to a wall of rock and there's a sign there like, 絶壁の横に標識が Careful! ”気を付けて!” It's like, thanks, I see that. ご親切に Here we go. 綺麗な景色です Look at this view from here 最高の絶景です A little taste of things to come. すごい勾配! Wow! I hadn't looked that way. ベンが撮影するくらい 急勾配です You know its steep and serious when Ben gets out his phone to take a video of if. 妻に見せないと Yeah, I gotta show Debbie. 無事に帰ったら That's when you've reached it. 無事に終わったら That's when you've done it. ジョンが危険な坂で 保険の話をしています John's talking about critical care insurance while we climb the riskiest part. これがベン流です This is Ben's style right here. 最後の坂が辛すぎる This last part of the climb has been intense. まだまだ続く 岩とロープ Rocks to climb up. Ropes to use. こっちじゃない! 引き返します Wrong path, oh no. Turn back. 頂上は360度の眺めだそうです They say it's a 360 degree view up here. 楽しみです That is awesome. ジョンの声です I heard John say we made it. 希望があります That gives me hope. もう少し We're almost there. すごい! I'm almost there. 最後の戦いです Wow 頑張って Here's the last little bit. 頂上に着いたら 水とおやつで祝います You can do it. 荷物を降ろして Tell you what, when I get to the top, I'm going to celebrate with some water and a snack. 絶景を撮影して 友達と景色を堪能します Take this pack off すごい山 Get some awesome footage from up here. 本当に凄い坂です And enjoy the view with some good friends. まだ? What an experience. 2人の楽しそうな声 What a climb here at the end. 景色は期待以上になりそうです Are we there yet? 何か聞こえる! Are we there yet? 野生のユーチューバー I can hear their voices in glee. 野生のユーチューバーだ! Holy cow. The view does not disappoint. 荷物が多すぎた! Whoa, I hear something in the brush! ユーチューバーだ! Ah, it's a wild YouTuber. 闇の中から! It's a wild YouTuber in his natural habitat. GoProとSONY Carrying way too much equipment. ユーチューバーの命運は?! Oh, here it is. He emerges. 野生のユーチューバー! He emerges. From the darkness. 最後の一歩 With GoPro turned on and Sony camera ready 最後の一歩 Here is comes, he's going to get the view. We're going to see him! ‐ 世界中が見てる! ‐ 頑張れ Let's get him. Look at his face for the first time. "トゥルーマン・ショー" みたい Last step すごいな! Last step. 信じられない! All the world is watching. You can do it. こっちの景色も見て Yeah, this is like the Truman show. クレイジーだ Ohhhh dude! 皆さんにこの景色を見せられたので 登った甲斐がありました He made it! What?! 頂上に着きました And look what's over here man. 景色も最高! The craziness. 感動したよ! Lugging all that gear up the mountain was worth it, because now I get to show you this… 最高以上だね We've made it to the summit これこそが最高だ And have views. Got the views! 見て下さい This is good views. I'm impressed. Got the views. 見渡す限りの大自然 I thought maybe I had seen the best view already but, 豊かな色彩 This is, this is the best right here. おやつです Look at that. 今朝 慌てた様子のジョンから 電話があって I think it's so great because it's all nature. 車のバッテリーが上がって Oh yeah. Incredible fall colors 5時半にジャンプスタートしました The guys are gonna eat. 何とかなった This morning I was waiting for John to come pick me up and I get a telephone call and John sounds a little bit flustered. ビックリ And he's like, Dude. Can you come over? I need you to jump my car. ネイトがハイキングに来る予定で 良かった So 5:30 I went over and jumped John's car. ネイトが起きてなかったら 車使えなかった What are you gonna do? We got it working. 僕は早起きだよ Happens to the best of us. ネイトは毎朝5時起き It's a good thing that Nate was coming today or else, この景色は動画では 伝えきれないです If he wan't awake.. You'd be like, uhhh... その通り! Oh so, You know Nate's always awake. 日本の醍醐味 缶コーヒー Nate's always awake at 5:00. その通り These are the moments that are just hard to catch on video. - ボトルは? - 日本の発明じゃない? It is man. It is true. いいね One of the marvels of Japan, coffee in a can. 最高 That's right, coffee in a can 頂上の定番はカップ麺ですが 僕らはコーヒーです What about a bottle? Coffee in a bottle coffee in a can, Japanese invention. 感想は? Alright. 素晴らしいよ 来れて幸せだ Who'd have thunk [thought] it. 日本で見た中では 屈指の絶景だね Lot of people do Ramon at the top. We're doing coffee today. 同感だよ Coffee at the top. 見渡す限りの山 How about this hike though and this view? ベンの日本での 初登山です This is an amazing hike. I'm super pumped to do this today. ‐ 日本に来て3年だけど ‐ そうかも! This is some of the best views I've seen in Japan. ‐ 初めてかも ‐ おめでとう! Yeah, I would say so too. 最高だね! This is just 360 degrees of... Mountain. これぞ登山! This is Ben's first hike! First hike? ジョンと富士山に 登ったことがあります Right? In 3 years in Japan? It might be honestly, yeah. お勧めしませんが 台風の日でした One of the first. All right dude. 翌日は晴天で 景色も素晴らしかった Way to start on top of it. ベンはお昼寝です This is the way to do it. ”朝早すぎるよ” So I have hiked Fuji, and I did it with John actually. ”この2人はクレージーだ” って思ってる And, we were smart enough to do it during a typhoon. ”日の出までは待とうよ” Which I would not suggest anyone do. 僕は寝る But the advantage was, the following day it was beautifully clear. We had awesome views. It's worth doing at least once. 森の中へ! And Ben.. Ben's like I didn't get my nap today. 帰り道です They woke me up early. 黒部も大変だったけど Like these crazy guys they wanted to hike at like 4:00 in the morning or something. 今回も大変だった I was like, guys, let's wait until it gets light out or something. ロッククライミングだったよ Take a little nape here. ベンも気に入ってくれたし Into the woods. Here we go. こういう登山は好き On our way back down. ベンはクライミングの方が I mean, the whole Kurobe Gorge was intense though. 楽しかった? That was an experience like no other too. 夕食も食べて 遊んで まだ食べてる子も I feel like I've done this much rock climbing in my time in Japan, you know? シルビアは水を飲んでます Well, we found what floats Ben's boat. 授乳中だからね Yeah, I like this kind of hiking. ヨシコは隅に Ben was like oh yeah that's cool, nice view, yeah guys. スイッチです 女子の番 Then we got to the rocks and he was like, "YEAH"! 撮影は控えましたが 絶壁を下りました Dinner time, play time, some people are eating, some people are playing. しかも無傷で Some people are drinking...water. She's drinking water. 動画じゃ分からないよ The nursing Mommy is drinking water. スキーもそう Yoshiko is in the corner スキーの急勾配も 動画では伝えられない Playing the switch. It's the girls' turn. 最高の登山日和でした You really can't capture it but, we just descended it. 天気にも感謝です And, in one piece. 友達にも It doesn't. It doesn't capture it. 素晴らしい体験を It's like skiing. 実現させてくれた妻にも If you ever go skiing and you're like dude, this slope is crazy then, no. やった! It has been just the absolute perfect day for a hike. 見覚えのある標識です We're so thankful for good weather, もうすぐ車です Good friends, あと少し And good experiences もうすぐ座れる And amazing wives who help make this happen. ‐ もうすぐ ‐ やった! Oh yes. 目指していた標識です Yes, we've seen this sign before. よし! And the car is close. 行くぞ! Close. Getting close. 行こう! We're going to be sitting down. これでラスト! Oh, here's the car. Here we go. 10分? This is the sign we have been looking for. 縄梯子があったね All right! ‐ 岩肌に ‐ 危なかった That's right. Let's go guys. 登山もおしまい Here we go. もうすぐです The last, the last little bit. 日も暮れてきました 10 minutes maybe? 太陽が沈みます 暗くならないうちに Watch there be this crazy ladder rope. 予定通りに Like rock-face... Danger area. 車に乗って 荷物を積んで We got our first visual of the road. ドライブして 家族の元に帰るのが楽しみです The end of the day is near. 平坦だ! The hike is almost done. It's getting later. ジョンとベンは 忍耐強いです So the sun is getting low in the trees, and we're going to end at just the right time. ドローンを飛ばす間 待っててくれました So that it doesn't get dark out here on us. ジョンとベンは最高です Get to the car, take off these loads, やりました! Enjoy sitting down and driving back home tonight and seeing the family. すごかった! Flat ground. Oh yeah. ジョン 今日は10点中 何点? The guys have patiently tolerated having a YouTuber with them 9.5かな As I take my time taking cameras out and pictures and drone shots and all that kind of stuff. 満点ではないけど 近いよ Thanks John and Ben for being good sports. 10点だろ?! We did it. We did it. おっと! Oh man. 言ってやれ! So John, scale 1-10, how was today's hike? 今回の登山は何点でしたか? コメント待ってます! Oh man, this is like a 9.5 or something. チャンネル登録をお忘れなく! 励みになります! I can't give it a 10, but pretty good. - コンビニに寄ろう - ゴミはどうする? It was a 10 man. 車に置いて行っても ジョンは怒らないよ Oh look at that dude! 見て下さい! Dude, alright, show him up, that's right. 潰れてますが 美味しそう What do you think? On a scale 1-10 how was the hike today? Comment below. 最高の一日! And if you haven't subscribed, subscribe to Life in Japan because we live by those subscriptions, no I'm just joking. But it does help. 大成功! Ok, we'll hit the conbini [convenience store] on the way. ジョンはコンビニについて 悟りを得ました Throw all this trash out. ファミマの炭酸水が一番 No, you can just throw it on the floor in here. John doesn't mind. Yeah, right. セブンは自社ブランドのみで レモンとプレーンしかない Ok! Here it is. There's my smashed dinner, but it will still taste good. ファミマは他の味もある That was definitely worth a day trip. 梅やブドウ We did it! Yes! ウィルキンソンも! John has a revelation on convenience stores here. Hit us with it. 富士山! Ok. Family Mart has the best sparkling water 一日中晴天なのは珍しい! Because 7-Eleven only sells their own brand of sparkling water and it's only lemon or plain. 最高だった But Family Mart has flavors. Life in Japan の プレミア10分前に到着しました Like plum, and grape. ジョシュア!今日は何したの? And Wilkinson. You can get the Wilkinson water's there. ‐ 歯が抜けた ‐ 歯が抜けたの? Fuji Mountain! 口を開けて 本当だ! Thank you for being ... Dude, it's been perfectly clear all day long! 大人の歯が生えるよ That is just ... amazing. やったね! Walked in the door with 10 minutes left to Life in Japan premiere. That is cutting it close. Life in Japan プレミア上映です! Joshua! What happened while I was gone today? I lost a tooth! You lost a tooth? Open it up, let's see. Oh my goodness! Look at that dude! Your first tooth that you lost! Big boy teeth coming in. That's awesome. Alright, Life in Japan is going. Here we go.
B1 中級 日本語 絶景 景色 登山 最高 ジョン ベン Dream Hike Near Mt Fuji at the Peak of Fall — Japan at Its' Finest | Life in Japan Episode 134 13 2 Summer に公開 2021 年 11 月 17 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語