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They're finally here!
Along with colder weather, warm sweaters, sugar cookies, and hallmarks' annual countdown to Christmas,
涼しい気候、暖かいセーター、シュガークッキー、ホールマークと一緒に、クリスマスまでのカウントダウン スターバックスのホリデービバレッジのラインナップとその華やかな赤いカップは、毎年のホリデーシーズンのお祝いに欠かせないものとなっています。
Starbucks' holiday beverage lineup and their festive red cups have become a big part of our annual holiday celebrations.
It's a small wonder, then, that many of us get a little bit giddy when the time comes that we can all start knocking back coffees and festive flavors like Peppermint Mocha, Caramel Brulee, and Chestnut Praline Latte.
But just because they fill us with good cheer and make the dark days a bit brighter, doesn't necessarily mean that they're good for us.
Particularly because those yummy flavors come with a cost: excess sugar and empty calories.
It's the reason Dr. Elizabeth Klingbeil tells Mashed that, while we might be tempted to indulge a little ⏤ or a lot ⏤ because these drinks are only available for a limited time.
エリザベス・クリング・ビル博士が Mashed 誌に語ったところによると、これらの飲み物が期間限定であるために、少し⏤またはたくさん⏤甘やかしたくなるかもしれませんが、これらのホリデーのお菓子は、常にその正体を認識することが賢明であるということです。
It's always wise to recognize these festive treats for what they are.
Beverages to be enjoyed occasionally, you know, like treats.
Dr. Klingbeil, a registered dietitian nutritionist who also works as an assistant professor at Johnson & Wales University, said, "I think that it's always good to view sweetened beverages as a treat."
ジョンソン・アンド・ウェールズ大学の助教授も務める管理栄養士のクリングベイル博士は、"甘い飲み物は常にご褒美と捉えるのが良いと思います "と語っています。
Besides the large amount of added sugars they usually provide, our bodies are really bad at measuring calories consumed via beverages or liquids.
Our stomachs don't stretch as much, and we digest them quickly, decreasing the amount of satiety that we gain from any calories and drinks.
Meaning you won't stay full from a Peppermint Mocha, which contains 440 calories the same way you would from a Cranberry Bliss Bar, which contains only 290.
Dr. Klingbeil also tells Mashed that, like all treats, some of Starbucks' festive drinks are "naughtier" than others on the holiday menu.
また、クリンベイル博士は、他のお菓子と同様に、スターバックスのホリデードリンクの中には、他のホリデーメニューより「悪い」ものがあると Mashed に語っています。
The nutritionist warns that the Peppermint Mocha, Caramel Brulee, Chestnut Praline Latte, and Toasted White Chocolate Mocha all contain the highest amounts of calories and saturated fats.
She told Mashed, "A 16-ounce size of these drinks provides around 50% of the daily saturated fat limit."
彼女は、「これらの飲料の16オンスサイズは、1日の飽和脂肪の制限の約50%を提供しています。」と Mashed に語っています。
"Added sugars and saturated fats offer little nutritional benefits, and research shows that excessive intake of these nutrients may increase your risk for diabetes, heart disease, and other obesity-related health conditions."
Of all the options on the Starbucks holiday drink menu, Dr. Klingbeil suggests staying away from two drinks especially: the chain's Peppermint Mocha and Toasted White Chocolate Mocha, since they both have ten grams of saturated fat.
There is, however, a nice option on the Starbucks holiday menu.
Dr. Klingbeil recommends anyone trying to avoid empty calories order the Iced Sugar Cookie Almond Milk Latte.
This drink made history in 2021 as the coffee chain's first dairy-free holiday drink.
It has no saturated fat and contains 25 grams of added sugars in a 16-ounce serving, which is much less than other options on the menu.
Dr. Klingbeil also says there is still a way to enjoy these drinks without breaking your daily calorie bank.
Here is her pro tip, "Three very easy swaps you can make to any Starbucks order to decrease your saturated fat and added sugars include switching to skim milk rather than 2% or whole."
"Either decreasing the pumps of sweetener or syrup or asking the baristas to use sugar-free syrup flavors."
"And lastly, the third way you can decrease the sugar and fat content is by removing any toppings like whipped cream, chocolate shavings, or sugars."
Even with these tweaks, Dr. Klingbeil isn't inclined to recommend anyone enjoy these Christmas coffees on a daily basis.
She advised, "If someone is drinking Starbucks coffee every day of the week, I try to encourage them to avoid drinks that are high in added sugars and saturated fats most days. The most important thing to consider is moderation."
We all deserve a sweet treat these days, especially during the holidays, so there's no reason to agonize over calorie counts.
As Dr. Klingbeil notes, "There are technically no good or bad foods. Individuals should prioritize moderation and balance of their current diet to promote a healthy approach to eating."
"So basically, go enjoy that holiday drink you've been excited about, but maybe don't drink it every day this week."
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