字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント Vancouver is a perfect physical setting it's so lush and its so green its laid-back it really does promote a wellness kind of lifestyle. It's got a great culinary scene it has a sustainable oceans. I love climate. You can ski and go to the beach in the same day. And, most of all it has that multi-cultural, ethnic background I love hiking the Chief. I would do the Wreck Beach stairs Grouse Grind. I like Deep Cove hikes. My favourite way to embrace the rain is definitely just to get on my bike or go for a run and just be in it. I do, I really like running in the rain, I think it's invigorating. If it weren't for the rain I don't know if I'd be able to go into the dark and contemplate and think about new things and reflect, you know the rain forces you to kind of go in the cave, so I really appreciate the rain for that. It's a delicious city. Vancouver is sushi central. There's a place called Guu in Gastown. Granville Island has best chai ever. Guerrilla foods, they have the this smoothie... that has cocoa in it, and it's got coconut in it, and it's got bananas and it's just like to die for, every sip of it you're like oh my god. The local organic food movement in the city has been the most inspiring thing for me to see whether it's in Vancouver, in North Van, Burnaby; There's farmers markets everywhere Kits Farmers Market's probably my favorite. I feel like that's the heart of Kitsilano in the summer time. Because I the city's connection to nature There's a lot of really conscious people in the city. Vancouver is not only a great city to live in but it also is the democracy of culture, a seeds of where great minds, great foods that have traveled abroad, that have broaden the horizons come together. It's a very progressive place to live. You feel just as comfortable walking around in your Lululemons as you do in you know your best shoes and best dress. It allows that person to be who they are a freedom of choice is very very important Vancouver is a great place for transformation so when you're ready for change Vancouver, people may call it a transient place but that's what it is it's so that life can get transformed Well, I think one of the things I really love about Vancouver is the influence that I feel like it has on the rest of the world. I feel like it's a city that is really aiming to represent the like next paradigm of urban living. it's an organic city that is going to be successful because it has so much depth and culture and history behind it. And that, is why we love Vancouver That's why I love Vancouver. That's why I love Vancouver. and that's why I would not live anywhere else other than Vancouver because I love it here.
B1 中級 米 私たちはバンクーバーを愛しています (We Love Vancouver) 2752 209 Elvis Liao に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語