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  • You're coming to Londonawesomebut you're not really sure about your level of English.


  • Well, don't worry, bro, I got your back.


  • Today's lesson, we're looking at all the phrases and words that you'll need to handle London like a pro.


  • You've come to a coffee shop 'cause you want a coffee or a tea or bit of cake or whatever.


  • What can you say here?


  • First of all, I'm going to pay for me and my friend.


  • So, I can say these things:


  • "What do you want," "I'll get them," "Let me get them," "My treat."


  • So, what do you want?


  • Uh... can you get me a mocha? A small mocha.


  • He could also say.


  • Can I have a small mocha?


  • So, when I go to order I might say, "Can I have blah, blah, blah?"

    注文に行くときには、「Can I have... 」と言うことができます。

  • Or I might say, "Can I get blah, blah, blah?"

    または「Can I get... 」です。

  • That one sounds a little more American.


  • It's fine, you can say it, doesn't matter.


  • You can say, "Could I get...", which is a little bit more formal, could and can...

    「Could I get...」と言えば、少しフォーマルな感じです。could と can は...

  • We... we normally think of could being slightly more formal, a bit more polite, but basically the same.

    通常、could を少しだけフォーマルで、少しだけ丁寧なものと考えていますが、基本的には同じです。

  • Great point, Tom.


  • Also, I've noticed that my American friends, like, when they order, they often say just, "Hi, I want blah, blah, blah."


  • - Right. - Like to us...

    - 確かに。- でも私達にとっては、

  • - Super direct. - That... that sounds so rude!

    - 直接的すぎる。- それは...とても失礼な言い方だよね。

  • - But that's what they say, so... - Yeah.

    - でも、アメリカの言い方だから、まあ...。- うん。

  • I think you can ⏤ I think it's perfectly fine, though; I think you can say that here.


  • Really ⏤ I mean, you could, but, like, if I was a barista, I'd be like, "You want?"


  • - Yeah. - At least say "please".

    - そう。- せめて「お願いします」とか言って。

  • Yes. Oh, yeah, well, that's... that's... that's definitely a... a rule, say "please" and "thank you".

    あ、そうだ。「please」と「thank you」を言うというルールがあります。

  • - Oh, definitely. - All the time.

    - ああ、そう。-常に。

  • - Can I have a small mocha, please? - For here or take away?

    - モカのスモールサイズをお願いします。- ここでお召し上がりですか、お持ち帰りですか?

  • - Uh, it's to go, yeah, yeah. - Would you like cream on top?

    - 持ち帰りです。 - 上にクリームをかけますか?

  • Um... no, thank you.

    - いや、要らないです。ありがとうございます。

  • And can I get an iced Americano, please? - Size?

    アイスアメリカーノをお願いします。- サイズはどちらになさいますか?

  • Um... medium.


  • - Can I have it with soya milk, please? - Sure.

    - 豆乳でお願いします。- かしこまりました。

  • Thank you.


  • Oh, and also, can I have... can I have a thing of carrot cake?


  • - Sure. - ... thanks.

    - かしこまりました。 -ありがとうございます。

  • - Carrot cake... - Do you have any carrot cake?

    - キャロットケーキ... - キャロットケーキはありますか?

  • - No, we don't. - Oh, no!

    - いいえ、ありません- ああ、そうなのか!

  • Okay, in that case, can I have a slice of lemon loaf?


  • - Sure... Certainly. - Thanks.

    - かしこまりました。 -ありがとうございます。

  • Um... I've got the app; can I pay on the app thing?


  • Sure.


  • Thanks.


  • - Thank you. - Thanks so much, cheers.

    -ありがとうございます。- ありがとうございました、じゃあね。

  • Alright, dude, what just happened?


  • - So, they will assume that you want dairy milk, cow's milk. - Yeah.

    - 乳製品である牛乳を飲みたいと思われてしまいます。- そうですね。

  • But if you want something different, make sure that you say, "Can I have it with blah, blah, blah milk," like soya milk, oat milk.


  • I'm a massive fan of oat milk. Yes.


  • You know what's really good? Coconut milk. Have you ever tried that?


  • - Haven't tried it, no. - Really, really good.

    - ない。 - 本当に美味しいよ。

  • Okay.

    - いいね。

  • - So, then, you ordered cake. - I did, yeah, I ordered cake.

    - で、ケーキを注文したよね。- ええ、ケーキを注文した。

  • So, erm, I said, "Can I have a thing of carrot cake?"


  • Now, with a piece of cake or whatever, you can say, can I have "a piece of" or "a slice of" cake.

    さて、ケーキでも何でも、「a piece of」や「a slice of」と言えます。

  • However I said a thing of.

    ただ、私は「a thing of」と言いました。

  • - Right, but thensorry, no, go on. - Soyeah, go on.

    -そうだけど、そのあと... -あ、すまん、あなたが先にどうぞ。

  • No, you... you go on.


  • But then I noticed that, whatand then I noticed that she said they were out of, uh, carrot cake, which, of course, means they don't have any.


  • You said, "Well, in that case..."

    そこで「あぁ、でしたら... 」と言いました。

  • In that case, can I have a slice of lemon cake? Yeah. - Ah! Okay, okay.


  • - You want some? - Uh... yeah, feed me.

    - 食べる?- いいよ、食べさせて。

  • Oh, my God.


  • And then I noticed you paid in a way that I'd not seen before; I hadn't done that before.


  • - Yeah, so I havemaybe you have it, toosome coffee shops have an app to pay with or a card, like a loyalty card for that coffee shop.

    - あなたも持っているかもしれませんが、コーヒーショップによっては、アプリで支払いができたり、そのコーヒーショップのロイヤリティカードのようなカードがあったりします。

  • So I said, um, "Can I pay by my app?" or "Can I pay with an app?"

    で、「アプリでの支払いは可能ですか?」もしくは 「アプリで支払えますか?」 と言いました。

  • Have you noticed, you know in, like, textbooks, they'll always say, like, "Oh, how would you like to pay, cash or card?"

    教科書には必ず 「現金かカードか、どちらでお支払いになりますか?」と書かれていますよね。

  • - Yeah. No one says that. - No one says that in real life.

    - そう。誰もそんなことは言わないよ。- 現実には誰もそんなことは言いません。

  • - No one says that. - No.

    - 誰も。- そう。

  • - Only in your textbooks.

    - 教科書の中でしかないです。

  • - Yeah. - So, if you wanna pay cash or card, you just show it and everyone understands.

    - そう。現金でもカードでも、それを見せればみんな分かってくれます。

  • But if you do wanna pay with your app, it's best to say, "Can I pay with my app?" or "Can I pay with my card?"

    でも、アプリで支払いたい場合は、「アプリでの支払いは可能ですか?」とか 「アプリで支払えますか?」と言ったほうがいいです。

  • - Dude, cheers for the mocha. - Yeah, cheers.

    - モカに乾杯。- ああ、乾杯。

  • - I cancan you already feel the Italians in the comments being like, "That's not coffee, that's dirty water." - Dirty water.

    - コメント欄にはイタリア人が「それはコーヒーじゃない、汚い水だ」と言っているのが感じられるね。- 汚い水。

  • -... on the left. - Yeah.

    -...左か。- うん。

  • There's the guy here.


  • You know what else I noticed?


  • She said, when I ordered my coffee, she said, "Is that for here or to take away?"


  • I said, "It's to go."


  • So you can say "to go" or "to take away"; they both mean the exact same thing.

    「to go」と言っても「to take away」と言っても、どちらも全く同じ意味です。

  • Yeah, I also say like, "to have in" or to... "to take out".

    「to have in」とか「to take out」とも言います。

  • Yeah, I want it in the nice cups.


  • Yeah, yeah, exactly, not the paper ones, the China ones.


  • Yeah.


  • We are outside Selfridges, one of London's biggest shops, because we know that you guys love shopping.


  • And any visitor that's coming to London will want to visit Selfridges, will want to come to Oxford Street.


  • Now, we're trying to think of some useful language for you guys to use inside the store.


  • - Yes. - What have we got?

    - はい。-何があった?

  • Well, shopping's an activity, right, sometimes you're not looking for anything specific.


  • - Sometimes you're just like... - Yeah.

    - 時々、ただ .... ーうん

  • - That's what I'm like most of the time. - Yeah, me too.

    - ほとんどの時間、俺はそうだね。- あぁ、俺も。

  • Right, so if an assistant comes to you, and is like, "Oh, um... can I help you with something?"


  • You might want to say, "No..." - "I'm just browsing."


  • To browse, to just look at things randomly, nothing specific.

    「To browse」とは、特定のものではなく、ただランダムに見ているだけのことです。

  • So, other than browse, what else could you say?


  • Uh... "I'm just looking, thanks," that's quite a nice phrase.


  • Commonly we often say, "I'm just having a look (a)round."

    一般的には 「ちょっと見てまわってる所なんですよ」とよく言います。

  • - I'm just having a look (a)round. - Yeah.


  • London has loads of department stores, right, Selfridges, Harrods, etc., so these are huge shops that you're gonna want to find different sections.


  • Have you been to Harrods? Can you afford to go to Harrods?


  • - No, I... No. - No one can.

    - いや。 - できるわけない。

  • I can't even afford to enter Harrods, let alone buy anything.


  • They'd kick me out.


  • Yeah. Well, they've got a dress code, right, no sandals, no flip-flops, no shorts.


  • - No pajamas, this is why I get kicked out. - This is the one.

    - パジャマもダメ、これは俺が追い出されてしまった原因だ。-その通り 。

  • So, when you're in one of these stores, you wanna find something, so you ask someone, "Sorry, could you tell me where the food hall is?"


  • Or, "Could you tell me where ⏤ I don't knowthe men's section is?"


  • Whatever you want to find.


  • - And always start your sentence with... sorry. - Sorry.

    - そして、文頭には常に「すみません」をつけておきましょう。- すみません。

  • - Remember, we're British, we're weird, we always apologize for everything.

    - 覚えておいてほしいのは、イギリス人は変です。いつもすべてのことに謝っているからです。

  • - Yeah. - Sorry, can you help me?

    - そう。- すみませんが、お手伝いいただけますか?

  • Sorry, can you tell me where the [blank] is?


  • - Sorry, where can I find the blah, blah, blah, please? - Yeah.

    - すみません、○○はどこにありますか。- そう。

  • Okay, also, let's imagine that you find the T-shirt, the jacket, the shoes that you want, but in a different size, how can you ask for that thing in a different size?


  • No, really, how can you say it?


  • You could say, "Sorry, do you have this in a different size?"


  • Or, "Do you have this in a different color?"


  • Do you have this in a large?


  • Do you have this in a 12?


  • Do you have this in blue?


  • So, also, when you want to pay, if you pay by card, they don't ask if it's credit or debit.


  • In the USA they do, but not... not here in London. - Not here. No.

    アメリカでは聞かれますが、ロンドンでは聞かれません。- ここでは聞かれない。

  • Uh, you might wanna ask for receipts, so you say, "Could I have a receipt, please?"


  • So, pronunciation, yes, there's a "p", but don't pronounce it, receipt.


  • - Receipt. - Not receipt.


  • Alright, let's jump inside and practice some of this language.


  • Let's make magic happen.


  • Can I help you there, sir?


  • I'm just having a look around, thanks.


  • Yeah, sure, no worries. If you need anything, let me know.


  • Thanks. Actually, sorry, um... where can I find the shoes?


  • Uh, so, we have some shoes over there, we've also got shoes straight down the end as well, down there.


  • - Dude, thank you so much, cheers. - No worries; you're welcome.

    - あ、どうもありがとうございます。- いいえ。

  • Okay, dude, one thing I find when I'm walking around London is that sometimes I will need the loo.


  • - And there isn't, like, a loo available, so... - Yeah.

    - それにトイレもないし、だから...。- そう。

  • But, actually, for men, sometimes there are; have you seen, like, the street urinals?


  • Uh, yeah, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with using those.


  • No, they're gross. But in an emergency, what are you gonna do?


  • - Yeah, right. But... - But!

    - うん、そうだね。でも... - でも!

  • - For everyone that can't use those... - Yes.

    - それが使えない皆さんに...。- はい。

  • ... what do we do? How do we find the toilet? Like, what's the thing?


  • - Right, so, of course some shops, some cafes will let you use theirs... - Yeah.

    - もちろんお店やカフェによっては、お店のものを使わせてくれるところもありますが......。- そう.

  • - ... but you need to ask first. - Absolutely.

    - ...でも、まずは聞いてみる必要があります。- 絶対に。

  • So, how do we ask that question?


  • "Excuse me, uh, would you mind if I used the... the toilet," or, "Would you mind if I used the loo," could be an example.

    「すみませんが、トイレを貸していただけますか ?」や「トイレを使ってもいいですか?」はいい例です。

  • Yep, the loo's a bit more of a posh way to say the toilet.


  • I like it, that's what I would use, because


  • - Do you say loo? - Yeah, I do.

    - looと言うの?- うん、言うよ。

  • We use these euphemisms to avoid saying the word toilet.


  • It seems more polite to me.


  • Yeah, but you're still saying toilet; I don't say it.


  • What would you say then, the facilities?


  • No, the toilet.


  • You say the toiokay, well, fine, whatever you wanna say.


  • Also, you could even say, "Sorry, is it all right if I used your toilet?"


  • A-ha, there's that word again, sorry.


  • - Starting a... a request with sorry. - With an apology.

    「すみません」で始める。- クッション言葉とともに

  • - Super polite. - Amazing.

    - 超丁寧。- 素晴らしい。

  • Try and act normal.


  • Okay, so then, we wanna find other things, not just the toilet but the Tube, for example.


  • Maybe you're lost.


  • Yeah, so, again, what do we use, what do we say?


  • "Sorry..."


  • "... could you tell me where the nearest Tube is?"


  • Yeah, or more directly, "Sorry, where's the Tube from here?"


  • Yeah, if you're looking for anything, you could just say, "How do I get to," and then the thing.


  • - So, how do I get to... - Blah, blah, blah.

    -どうやって -○○に行けばいいですか?

  • - Big Ben, or whatever. - Exactly.

    - ビッグベンとか。- そう。

  • But maybe you need a bus.


  • Now, you want to check that your bus is going in the right direction, so, how can you ask the driver?


  • You ask, "Sorry, um, do you stop at blah, blah, blah?"


  • Or, "Does this bus go to blah, blah, blah?"


  • - Yeah, I use that all the time, 'cause I'm... I worry that the bus is gonna go in a totally different direction, so... - Yeah.

    - よく使っている、俺は。バスが全然違う方向に行ってしまうんじゃないかと心配になるから... - そうね。

  • - ... "Sorry, does this bus go to Hyde Park?" Ooh! - Piccadilly.

    - 「すみません、このバスはハイドパークまで行きますか?」、お!- ピカデリー。

  • - Ooh. - Where do you wanna go?

    -お!- どこに行きたいの?

  • No, Hyde Park sounds better.

    いや、Hyde Park の方がいい。

  • - That's cool, it's cool. - Yeah.


  • - If you've enjoyed that, then please go watch our next video, which is all about traveling on the London Underground.

    - この動画を楽しんでいただけたなら、ロンドンの地下鉄の旅を紹介する次の動画もご覧ください。

  • Otherwise known as the Tube, or the Tube.


You're coming to Londonawesomebut you're not really sure about your level of English.


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